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Re: Response for LR

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thanks mona.. that was helpful..

im looking forward to your book..


-- In Loving-what-is , " Mona Grayson " wrote:


> Hi Everyone~


> I haven't been in this forum for ages and just popped in to see what

> was happening. I've read through a few of the recent posts and it's

> nice to see some familiar " faces " (names) as well as some new ones.


> I saw this question and had some thoughts to share...


> LR wrote:


> ========================

> > >> can you give feedback please?

> > >>

> > >> " only my thinking is my problem. "

> > >>

> > >> well. if i have a person next to me with which i can live in an

> > >> harmonious way, and there is another with which i am in dissonance,

> > >> doesn't if have a connection with the " other " ?

> ==========================


> Let's say that you believe:


> - I need people to listen to me.

> - People should not lie.

> - They should make me laugh.

> - They should not have bad breath.


> If someone you're with follows those rules, you experience peace.


> If someone you're with doesn't follow those rules, you experience



> But the stress doesn't come from the other person. It comes from being

> attached to the stories like those in that list.


> In both situations I'm operating with the same beliefs, I just didn't

> become aware of it until I was with someone who had bad breath and who

> told me a lie.


> When I was with *that* person it revealed to me that I was believing

> stories like the ones in that list. But I was also believing them when

> I was with the first person. You could think of them like silent

> contracts at that point. They just weren't obvious to me because

> everything was going along like I wanted it to.


> I had this kind of experience last month. It was my birthday and there

> were some friends that didn't buy me gifts. I didn't even realize how

> attached I was to them buying me a gift until they didn't buy me

> anything (didn't follow my silent contract). At that point I became

> aware that I was believing: " They should buy me a present! "


> My stress didn't have anything to do with them not buying me gifts. It

> had everything to do with my attachment to the story that they should

> buy me something for my birthday. It was the thinking that was the

> problem - not them. And when some of my other friends *did* buy me

> gifts I experienced peace because I believed, " People should buy me

> gifts for my birthday, " and they did. So they were playing by my

> unspoken rules.


> With this idea of " only my thinking is my problem, " I can only be

> stressed in someone's presence if I am attached to my thoughts. It can

> not be the other person that is the problem. They live their lives the

> way they do and I tell the story about whether I like it or not. It

> all happens in the thinking.


> Not sure when I'll pop in again but it's great to see things happening

> here and I send you all a smile. :-)


> Love,


> ~Mona

> http://www.questionthemind.com


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