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Re: weeing in the night.....

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In a message dated 05/08/2006 11:43:28 GMT Daylight Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

Have you had Aldosterone checked?

No Val. It is not something that has been plaguing me for ages. It used to

happen some years ago and has started again recently.

I don't need a huge wee when I wake up.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 05/08/2006 12:05:44 GMT Daylight Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

The symptoms of low aldosterone would not necessarily be a huge one,

just often. Are you taking sea salt? You might try increasing it a bit.

Hi again Val

Once in the night. I suppose because I drink quite a bit of water I don't

get surprised when i use the loo a lot.

It would be interesting to know how often people on this list need to go

during the day and during the night. I will have to try to remember to keep a

check on this.

I am talking seasalt yes. I take two 00 capsules full which is about 1/2 to

3/4 teaspoon I am guessing.

Would you be good enough to give me a little list of aldosterone symptoms

pse Val?

I don't seem to have water retention hugely. A bit, tight rings.

Oh and by the way, what I find interesting is that it is now 9/10 days since

I stopped the BP med. and my blood pressure is still in the normal range.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 05/08/2006 13:12:17 GMT Daylight Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

I can't find a list of symptoms for it,

Hi Val

Thanks. I found this info below in the Files:

Deficiencies of aldosterone include low to very low blood pressure and high

pulse due to lower blood volume from lack of sodium, excessive urination,

desire to eat salt, dizziness or lightheadedness on standing, and palpitations,

a pale, hollow face, a drowsy, absent-minded look, Severe cases may lead to

high potassium and low sodium in blood tests. It seems that a rise in BP

when standing is one thing.

I have been wondering why my BP has remained low (well low for me) since I

am off the BP meds. Maybe this is why.

Thjere IS a difference in BP when I stand up and the dizziness and fatigue

remain with me even though I thought they would go with stopping the meds.

I am hoping this is the missing key as to why I have not been making

progress with my energy levels etc.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 05/08/2006 13:33:06 GMT Daylight Time,

artisticgroomer@... writes:

THEY didn't even spot the low sodium levels but i did

I feel exactly as you do Val about doctors.

The recent kerfuffle just adds to my instinct that they are indeed dangerous

to our health and should carry a Govt. health warning.

That recent business with the heat exhaustion just goes to demontrate to me,

again, just how dangerous they can be.

The GP SHOULD have taken into account the heatwave when she prescribed these

diuretics as she was, in effect, setting me up for heat exhaustion which

could so very easily have turned into something much more serious if I had done

nothing about the symptoms.

MY BP remainingg low since coming off the meds is confusing me and it looks

like low aldosterone is the cause of this.

Buy why I wonder would this happen now in particular?

Any idea?


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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The symptoms of low aldosterone would not necessarily be a huge one,

just often. Are you taking sea salt? You might try increasing it a bit.


Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

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Low aldosterone causes the inability to retain sodium or fluids. But it

can be masked by low thyroid which causes the fluid retention. Sometimes

when the adrenals are very weak they not only do not make enough

cortiosl but also do not make enough aldosterone,. but the meds for this

are strong and you would need testing for aldosterone and renin before

taking them. I can't find a list of symptoms for it, maybe wait till

is back on Monday and post a post wiht his name in the subject line.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations



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It is something I have thought abuot that I might have as well, but I am

very stubborn abotu going to a doctor for this. I hate and nistrust

doctors so badly now it would take an major illness ot make me go and as

long as I take my high doses of sea salt, i do not feel too bad, so I

will probably never know unless it causes me more health problems. I do

nto have low blood pressure but i have been taking sea salt at 1/2 tsp

twice a day in winter and 1 tsp twice a day in summer for about the last

four years. I always get muscle spasms if I do not increase it enough in

the summer. So I might be right there with ya. I have tested low in

sodium beofre as well, but that was quite a few years ago when i had

doctors looking for the cause of my muscle spasms and they ran a CBC.

THEY didn't even spot the low sodium levels but i did.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

My Ebay Jewelry Store http://stores.ebay.com/valeriescrystalcreations



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I am drinking quite a bit of water, just in desperation yesterday I thought

perhaps if I drank it all in the earlier part of the day, I might get away

without a wake-up call.

No such luck.

Good to hear the the salt and Armour is helping you. Hope it does the same

for me.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I wouldn't think reducing fluids would be good for you, especially if

you have a history of high blood pressure. Your body needs the

fluids. I would think that it might relate to something else. I

drink 4 litres of water a day, right up until I go to bed. In fact I

also keep a bottle of water on my nightstand because if I happen to

wake up in the middle of the night, I'm usually thirsty. Since

starting the sea salt and thyroid I don't normally have to get up to go.


> On the off-chance that someone else has gone through this..... I

> wonder if

> there is some way I could avoid having to get up in the night to

> wee........

> Yesterday I made sure not to drink much water after late afternoon

> in the hope

> that this would help but it did not.

> What happens is I wake after a few hours needing a wee and then

> cannot get

> back to sleep.

> Any tips gratefully received as I really need my sleep and I am

> suffering as

> a consequence.


> Thanks.


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services


> .




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I just had my aldosterone and renin cheched. said to have them

both tested. My aldosterone was low normal and my renin was above

the high mark by a little. They put me on the second steriod for the

adrenals which is a mineral cortisosteriod. I hope I have that

right. The first medication is the hydrocortisone and then you get

into the sodium and postasium issues in the next layer of the

adrenals and the medication is Florinef. Anyway, it has helped me

quite a bit with the energy level and the weeing all the time.

My symptoms were all the normal ones of severe adrenal fatigue plus I

had experienced years of dehydration symtoms if I didn't get enough

salt. I remember going camping with friends over 10 years ago and

nobody brought any salt for the food. In three days I was very sick

and my husband figured it out. Classic dehydration symptoms of

headache, severe fatigue, grumpy, etc. That is how long this has

been going on with me.

I was even diagnosed with diabetes insipidus where your body doesn't

produce the hormone to keep you hydrated. It is a pituatary

hormone. That obviously wasn't the problem. The idiot endo never

even ran these other simple tests. It took me educating myself and

asking for these test to figure it out. I posted my sodium levels

for on the STTM site and he said they were some of the lowest

he had seen. However, they are still in the normal range.

I can't keep the sodium in my body. I have figure out that on the

days that I work, I take a full dose. On the days I don't work I

take a half dose. If I don't it raises my blood pressure too much.

Oh, classic symtom is actually low blood pressure. I see you have

the oposite problem.

My main symptom was everything I drank went right through me. Within

an hour it would be out and gone. Weeeing all the time and several

times a night. I would stop drinking anything in the late afternoon

but I would still have to get up once a night to go. It was very


Renin is a kidney hormone that goes hand in hand with aldosterone.

They say you should have them both tested together. Had I only

gotten the aldosterone tested I wouldn't have known the renin was

high. High renin and low aldosterone are classic symptoms of

's too.

Hope that helps,

a in Northern Idaho




> In a message dated 05/08/2006 13:33:06 GMT Daylight Time,

> artisticgroomer@... writes:


> THEY didn't even spot the low sodium levels but i did



> I feel exactly as you do Val about doctors.

> The recent kerfuffle just adds to my instinct that they are indeed


> to our health and should carry a Govt. health warning.

> That recent business with the heat exhaustion just goes to

demontrate to me,

> again, just how dangerous they can be.

> The GP SHOULD have taken into account the heatwave when she

prescribed these

> diuretics as she was, in effect, setting me up for heat exhaustion


> could so very easily have turned into something much more serious

if I had done

> nothing about the symptoms.

> MY BP remainingg low since coming off the meds is confusing me and

it looks

> like low aldosterone is the cause of this.

> Buy why I wonder would this happen now in particular?

> Any idea?


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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In a message dated 05/08/2006 19:42:57 GMT Daylight Time,

aspenhouse1@... writes:

just had my aldosterone and renin cheched. said to have them

both tested. My aldosterone was low normal and my renin was above

the high mark by a little. They put me on the second steriod for the

adrenals which is a mineral cortisosteriod. I hope I have that

right. The first medication is the hydrocortisone and then you get

into the sodium and postasium issues in the next layer of the

adrenals and the medication is Florinef. Anyway, it has helped me

quite a bit with the energy level and the weeing all the time.


I am going to do a check today just to see how often I am actually weeing.

Seems a fair bit but then I suppose I sort of expect that because I drinking a

fair bit of water also.

My symptoms were all the normal ones of severe adrenal fatigue plus I

had experienced years of dehydration symtoms if I didn't get enough

salt. I remember going camping with friends over 10 years ago and

nobody brought any salt for the food. In three days I was very sick

and my husband figured it out. Classic dehydration symptoms of

headache, severe fatigue, grumpy, etc. That is how long this has

been going on with me.

Sounds horrible. Is dehyradtion always part of this problem do you think? I

don't know if that is a problem for me but then, as I say, i have been

drinking water for a few years now and I suppose that could mask any underlying

tendency to dehyration?

I was even diagnosed with diabetes insipidus where your body doesn't

produce the hormone to keep you hydrated. It is a pituatary

hormone. That obviously wasn't the problem. The idiot endo never

even ran these other simple tests. It took me educating myself and

asking for these test to figure it out.

Same old story eh? I'm glad you got on top of it.

I posted my sodium levels

for on the STTM site

what's the STTM site?

and he said they were some of the lowest

he had seen. However, they are still in the normal range.

I can't keep the sodium in my body. I have figure out that on the

days that I work, I take a full dose. On the days I don't work I

take a half dose. If I don't it raises my blood pressure too much.

Oh, classic symtom is actually low blood pressure. I see you have

the oposite problem.

I did have the opposite problem until I took the diuretic BP meds the GP

gave me. This, in combination with the heatwave, caused sodium loss and made me

very ill. I stopped the med. and expected to see the BP climb somewhat but the

strange thing is that it has not. So mine is not really low, but low

compared to how I would expect it to be for me. down 20 points approx. on


and diastolic. Which is more than a bit of a mystery to me.

My main symptom was everything I drank went right through me. Within

an hour it would be out and gone. Weeeing all the time and several

times a night. I would stop drinking anything in the late afternoon

but I would still have to get up once a night to go. It was very


Yes I can see.

Renin is a kidney hormone that goes hand in hand with aldosterone.

They say you should have them both tested together. Had I only

gotten the aldosterone tested I wouldn't have known the renin was

high. High renin and low aldosterone are classic symptoms of

's too.

I did have an ordunary kidney function test a few months ago and this was

alright I think. Would this show up p[roblems in the area we are discussing do

you think?



NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 07/08/2006 07:36:58 GMT Daylight Time,

chrisgj@... writes:

Look into low vasopressin which can cause diabetes insidpidus.

Vasopressin and Aldosterone work together.

Thanks - I was just about to try to compose a post to you re this.

My eyesight has deteriorated in recent months but I don't have an inordinate

thirst. I drink water because I know I should kind of thing.

The BP med I was recently given, and which I have stopped, is called

Bendroflumethiazide. The GP said that it can trigger diabetes but I only took it


5 weeks.

Sweating and night-time weeing have been a constant for me some some years

now. I realised the seating was over-the-top but did not realise until

yesterday, when I took note of the weing times, that these were unusual. Also


assumed that most people needed to wee in the night but it seems it is not so.

What strikes me as odd is that my BP remained low even when I came off the

BP med. It is not real low but it is low for me. I have been taking Celtic

seasalt for a few weeks but am still experiencing severe fatigue and dizziness.

I thought these were the side effects of the med. Then I had that episode with

heat exhaustion and stopped the med but the symptoms continued.

I have been wondering why I seem to be standing still in terms of Armour

increases not doing anything for me at all and I wonder if there is some

underlying issue here that it stopping my progress.

I will make an appt. to see the GP this week.

Do you think low aldosterone is implicated. Or diabetes?

thanks Chris.


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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Look into low vasopressin which can cause diabetes insidpidus.

Vasopressin and Aldosterone work together.


-- In NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS , NOVAexeter@...



> On the off-chance that someone else has gone through this..... I

wonder if

> there is some way I could avoid having to get up in the night to


> Yesterday I made sure not to drink much water after late afternoon

in the hope

> that this would help but it did not.

> What happens is I wake after a few hours needing a wee and then

cannot get

> back to sleep.

> Any tips gratefully received as I really need my sleep and I am

suffering as

> a consequence.


> Thanks.


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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In a message dated 07/08/2006 13:07:29 GMT Daylight Time,

aferris7272@... writes:

I do get up a lot to

Hi Allyn

Have you any thoughts on why you need to get up in the night? Seems it is

not normal.


ps I do take magnesium

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 07/08/2006 13:41:49 GMT Daylight Time,

aferris7272@... writes:

Well, I hate to say it but everyone I know that is in menopause or peri

menopause has the same problem so I assume it has to do with that.

I do find I get up less than before since starting the gaba and mg.-only

about 2 times a night versus 6 times.


Oh OK. The dreaded menpause...... lol

I am past that point now so maybe I need investigations. From what I am

reading, what is considered normal is needing to wee 8 times per day and being

able to sleep through the night without needing another one, or two, or three,

or four, or five, or SIX????

Did you really have to wee SIX times per night. You poor thing! One way of

getting some exercise I suppose, lol


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I am new to this group but I have been on the iodine group for several

months and two things I learned that have helped me is taking magnesium and

Gaba. They have both helped me sleep better at night. I do get up a lot to

go to the bathroom still but I am able to go back to sleep.

I have been using a magnesium gel that I spread on my body or sometimes take

the supplements.

Just a thought.






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From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ] On Behalf Of Chris

Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 2:35 AM

To: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

Subject: Re: weeing in the night.....

Look into low vasopressin which can cause diabetes insidpidus.

Vasopressin and Aldosterone work together.


-- In NaturalThyroidHormo


nesADRENALS , NOVAexeter@...



> On the off-chance that someone else has gone through this..... I

wonder if

> there is some way I could avoid having to get up in the night to


> Yesterday I made sure not to drink much water after late afternoon

in the hope

> that this would help but it did not.

> What happens is I wake after a few hours needing a wee and then

cannot get

> back to sleep.

> Any tips gratefully received as I really need my sleep and I am

suffering as

> a consequence.


> Thanks.


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services





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Well, I hate to say it but everyone I know that is in menopause or peri

menopause has the same problem so I assume it has to do with that.

I do find I get up less than before since starting the gaba and mg.-only

about 2 times a night versus 6 times.






<http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap & addr=4548A+WEST+VILLAGE+DR. & csz=T

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TAMPA, FL 33624




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From: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

[mailto:NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 8:11 AM

To: NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS

Subject: Re: Re: weeing in the night.....

In a message dated 07/08/2006 13:07:29 GMT Daylight Time,

aferris7272@ <mailto:aferris7272%40verizon.net> verizon.net writes:

I do get up a lot to

Hi Allyn

Have you any thoughts on why you need to get up in the night? Seems it is

not normal.


ps I do take magnesium

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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In a message dated 07/08/2006 18:09:21 GMT Daylight Time,

linnmiller@... writes:

Is this something that's just recently developed for you

I'm not sure Linn. It is only when I started to take note of the times that

I realised the scale of the problem.

This morning I only had one glass of water and still needed the loo about 5

times before the second glass. So there does not seem to be a connection

between what goes in and what comes out, certainly in the short term anyway.

NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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I definitely go more than 8 times a day, but I also drink about 4

liters of water a day, so I think it really depends on how much

liquid you're consuming also. But I have always had to go more than

most people do.

Is this something that's just recently developed for you?




> In a message dated 07/08/2006 13:41:49 GMT Daylight Time,

> aferris7272@... writes:


> Well, I hate to say it but everyone I know that is in menopause or

> peri

> menopause has the same problem so I assume it has to do with that.

> I do find I get up less than before since starting the gaba and mg.-

> only

> about 2 times a night versus 6 times.

> Allyn


> Oh OK. The dreaded menpause...... lol

> I am past that point now so maybe I need investigations. From what

> I am

> reading, what is considered normal is needing to wee 8 times per

> day and being

> able to sleep through the night without needing another one, or

> two, or three,

> or four, or five, or SIX????

> Did you really have to wee SIX times per night. You poor thing! One

> way of

> getting some exercise I suppose, lol


> Mo


> NOVA Counselling & Healing Services



> .



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