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I asked for more info but forgot to congratulate you. Sorry ...

congratulations! It must be wonderful and is also very encouraging to hear.

All the best,


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that's terrific---now we want details:

How long have you had RA?

What did you take--minocin? oral Clindymycin? Doxy?

Did you go daily or MWF

Did you try any support herbs or suppliments?

Again Congradulations

cadlard@... wrote:


> From: cadlard@...


> -

> >From: A Colella <ecolella@...>

> >

> >Hi Everyone!

> >

> >I am not sure if you remember me or not. I have been on the AP protocol

> >since March of '98, and I have asked many questions from time to time.

> >Most have been regarding yeast overgrowth. I just thought I would let you

> >guys know that I officially heard from my doctor that I am in

> >REMISSION!!!! I thought I would let you guys know because you really

> >understand this disease first hand. Nobody I know seems genuinely happy

> >for me, but I understand because they haven't experienced such a terrible

> >illness firsthand.

> >

> >Thanks again for all of your support through the months!!

> >

> >Take care.

> >

> >-

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Campaign 2000 is here!


> Discuss your thoughts; get informed at ONElist. See our homepage.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Thank you Lynn,

We always appreciate knowing how a member is doing. Let's

hope that the research proves to benefit all with Stills, and once

and for all " put that darned dragon to rest! "

How is this day going for you Lynn? It is quite warm over here.

We just turned the air on...but then, I chose to bake banana

bread and heat up the place. It needed to be done, I know

bananas can be frozen for later use when they are getting

to the point where they make good bread, but seems when

I do that..I forget them. lol.





-- Message from

Hi all.. I received a call from the Dr again, from the University of

Colorado up in Denver.. What they are trying to do is to develop a research

study program, so that I will not have to pay for anymore tests to be done..

Him self and another Dr are writing up their protocols and they have another

meeting on Thursday to turn it in for approval.. He will call me again next

week to let me know what happens..

What the plan is: They will want me to drive to Denver possible 2 or 3 times

One time when I am in a flare, or not feeling well, one time when I am

doing fine. Possibly the third time whenever.. lol.. They want to check some

genes to identify mutations, check the steps of the fatty cells in the blood

and other immunologic things.. The hope is that since I have Still's disease

this will be a whole new way to test and hopefully find treatment for Stills

for everyone.. He asked me if I had a problem with doing the research, and

of course I said " NO WAY " .. I know what we all go through, so if I can help

in any kind of research to help find a cure for the dragon then I will do it


I really hope that I haven't left anything out, I am kinda spacey today with

worries about my dad.. and trying not to stress to much about it ... will

write again when I get home,, lol if I can remember.. lol LOVE YOU ALL,....

Hope everyone is having a good day.. Hugs and Kisses Kel

Kelley Knight

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

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Thank you Lynn,

We always appreciate knowing how a member is doing. Let's

hope that the research proves to benefit all with Stills, and once

and for all " put that darned dragon to rest! "

How is this day going for you Lynn? It is quite warm over here.

We just turned the air on...but then, I chose to bake banana

bread and heat up the place. It needed to be done, I know

bananas can be frozen for later use when they are getting

to the point where they make good bread, but seems when

I do that..I forget them. lol.





-- Message from

Hi all.. I received a call from the Dr again, from the University of

Colorado up in Denver.. What they are trying to do is to develop a research

study program, so that I will not have to pay for anymore tests to be done..

Him self and another Dr are writing up their protocols and they have another

meeting on Thursday to turn it in for approval.. He will call me again next

week to let me know what happens..

What the plan is: They will want me to drive to Denver possible 2 or 3 times

One time when I am in a flare, or not feeling well, one time when I am

doing fine. Possibly the third time whenever.. lol.. They want to check some

genes to identify mutations, check the steps of the fatty cells in the blood

and other immunologic things.. The hope is that since I have Still's disease

this will be a whole new way to test and hopefully find treatment for Stills

for everyone.. He asked me if I had a problem with doing the research, and

of course I said " NO WAY " .. I know what we all go through, so if I can help

in any kind of research to help find a cure for the dragon then I will do it


I really hope that I haven't left anything out, I am kinda spacey today with

worries about my dad.. and trying not to stress to much about it ... will

write again when I get home,, lol if I can remember.. lol LOVE YOU ALL,....

Hope everyone is having a good day.. Hugs and Kisses Kel

Kelley Knight

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

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Hey Caroline,

said she had 16 different ailments before she moved. Poor girl

must have picked up 5 more since then.

I'm thinking if we all tallied everything some of us could come up with

much more than " Stills. " But, that's okay, you & can be the winners!

Sorry to hear about your DNA problems. Couldn't that cause even more

trouble for you as the years go by?




-- Re: Message from


I just found out I have damaged DNA. I forget the terminology and the

numbers but it seems to be there were 4 or 5 of them damaged. Maybe 3, 16,

19, 21 and 23? Don't quote me on that. I wrote them down so I could do

research but I can't seem to find my paper. I can't find me today either so

I am not too worried about it right now.

I am having lots of right arm problems so I am not typing a lot lately. Hope

all are in less pain today than usual. Find a sunny spot in your life to

smile about today and have a good laugh about anything at all. You will feel


says she now has 21 illnesses, ailments, syndromes and diseases for

those who were wondering. I sent my list, you guys can be the judge of who

wins the contest for collecting the most ailments. I am more than happy to

send her the trophy. I all want is a tee shirt that says " I'm collecting

ailments so you don't have to... with a huge smiley face.

Smiles, Caroline

Lynn Dudenhoefer <lynndude@...> wrote:

Hi all.. I received a call from the Dr again, from the University of

Colorado up in Denver.. What they are trying to do is to develop a research

study program, so that I will not have to pay for anymore tests to be done..

Him self and another Dr are writing up their protocols and they have another

meeting on Thursday to turn it in for approval.. He will call me again next

week to let me know what happens..

What the plan is: They will want me to drive to Denver possible 2 or 3 times

One time when I am in a flare, or not feeling well, one time when I am

doing fine. Possibly the third time whenever.. lol.. They want to check some

genes to identify mutations, check the steps of the fatty cells in the blood

and other immunologic things.. The hope is that since I have Still's disease

this will be a whole new way to test and hopefully find treatment for Stills

for everyone.. He asked me if I had a problem with doing the research, and

of course I said " NO WAY " .. I know what we all go through, so if I can help

in any kind of research to help find a cure for the dragon then I will do it


I really hope that I haven't left anything out, I am kinda spacey today with

worries about my dad.. and trying not to stress to much about it ... will

write again when I get home,, lol if I can remember.. lol LOVE YOU ALL,....

Hope everyone is having a good day.. Hugs and Kisses Kel

Kelley Knight

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

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  • 2 years later...

Hey everyone,

Spoke with this morning. They have a CT at 2:00 and a meeting with Dr. at SLC at 3:45. Please join me in praying that gets all of her questions answered. That they can form a clear plan for Olivia's care. has helped so many of us in so many ways, and I know we just all want to see the best done for Olivia as well.


PS her e-mail is still down. th77381 <pthahn@...> wrote:

Hey all! I spoke with this morning and she said she was having computer problems. While she can read emails and such, she is unable to reply.She asked me to pass this message along so noone thought their messages were being ignored. She and Olivia were also leaving today for Salt Lake City to consult with a doctor there about the Titanium Rib for Olivia. I don't know much detail other than it was a consultation. She will be gone until Thursday or Friday she mentioned and then hopefully will be able to get her computer issue resolved.Hope all are well!Tracey

Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

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Of course and Liv are in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying that the drs will come up with a course forward for Liv.



Re: Message from

Hey everyone,

Spoke with this morning. They have a CT at 2:00 and a meeting with Dr. at SLC at 3:45. Please join me in praying that gets all of her questions answered. That they can form a clear plan for Olivia's care. has helped so many of us in so many ways, and I know we just all want to see the best done for Olivia as well.


PS her e-mail is still down. th77381 <pthahn@...> wrote:

Hey all! I spoke with this morning and she said she was having computer problems. While she can read emails and such, she is unable to reply.She asked me to pass this message along so noone thought their messages were being ignored. She and Olivia were also leaving today for Salt Lake City to consult with a doctor there about the Titanium Rib for Olivia. I don't know much detail other than it was a consultation. She will be gone until Thursday or Friday she mentioned and then hopefully will be able to get her computer issue resolved.Hope all are well!Tracey

Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

the reading.

Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!

I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking


My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

room until 11pm.

Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

room as they do not look after you here, they expect

family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

have to laugh when she tells me.

We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

disconnected the drip and told her to release the

bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

would have been caught.

The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

having a bath and a shower each day since and have

removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

without the burning sensation. I am still getting

pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

stitched internally and they could probably be

dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

but I know my limitations.

I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

sure its the supplements which I am still taking

religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

Something interesting about that product, I have at

home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

only just.

Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

(very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.


Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

number for them??? I would like to ring them.

Well, I had better go now.

Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

that message,

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That is great! I am so excited for you. You must feel so good

about the positive things that are happening in your body. Make

sure to rest up from your surgery and then continue to do all the

good things for your body that you can. Please keep us posted on

your progress.



> I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> the reading.


> Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!


> I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> experience.

> My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> room until 11pm.

> Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> have to laugh when she tells me.

> We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> would have been caught.

> The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> stitched internally and they could probably be

> dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> but I know my limitations.

> I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> Something interesting about that product, I have at

> home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> only just.

> Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> Interesting.

> Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> Well, I had better go now.

> Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> that message,



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Guest guest

--- Thank you SOOOO much for forwarding this, Rogene. It has given

me so much more hope and turned my anxiety and impatience into hope

and much more peace and contentment.

Love you All, and tell I am so very happy for her!

Love 'n Peace,

Sunny xxoo

In , Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:


> I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> the reading.


> Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!


> I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> experience.

> My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> room until 11pm.

> Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> have to laugh when she tells me.

> We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> would have been caught.

> The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> stitched internally and they could probably be

> dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> but I know my limitations.

> I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> Something interesting about that product, I have at

> home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> only just.

> Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> Interesting.

> Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> Well, I had better go now.

> Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> that message,



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Guest guest

Please keep in mind that is in the Canary

Islands . . . Sometimes we forget how luxurious our

medical care is here! . . . I was horrified at her

treatment. . . But I think she found a good surgeon!

I'm thrilled that she's responding so well!



--- Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote:

> --- Thank you SOOOO much for forwarding this,

> Rogene. It has given

> me so much more hope and turned my anxiety and

> impatience into hope

> and much more peace and contentment.


> Love you All, and tell I am so very happy for

> her!


> Love 'n Peace,


> Sunny xxoo



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Guest guest


I'm so glad to hear from you, I've been wondering about you!! It

sounds like things are progressing, and that is just great!!

I had some bloodwork and a urine test done by a naturopath and we're

getting together next week to discuss the results. Since I wasn't

working and in the past year spent over $14K on having implants

followed by explants, I was waiting to have some of the tests done.

I have done nothing to detox because my body is very sensitive, and

some things have such a negative impact on my body that it takes me

months to return to normal. The naturopath said the results of the

tests are very interesting, and she's happy to see that they're not

normal, because we have something to work with that is measurable

and she knows how to deal with it. She said that my liver is not

detoxing my body as it should. It's amazing that the MD's check

things and the test results all come back normal, but the

naturopath's test much more specific issues and in my case, they are

not normal. I told the naturopath that I am also happy that the

test results are not normal, because at least it gives us an action

plan. She said that my results all point to the symptoms I'm

having. I think I've been stuck in a holding pattern because my

liver isn't flushing out the toxins, and I've been paralyzed by fear

so I haven't done anything extraordinary to help the process along.


> >

> > I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> > Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> > the reading.

> >

> > Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!

> >

> > I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> > experience.

> > My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> > room until 11pm.

> > Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> > room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> > family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> > the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> > they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> > a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> > so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> > shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> > have to laugh when she tells me.

> > We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> > afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> > bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> > disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> > bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> > helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> > relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> > up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> > would have been caught.

> > The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> > the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> > removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> > He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> > having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> > removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> > pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> > still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> > longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> > what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> > dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> > without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> > pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> > stitched internally and they could probably be

> > dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> > went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> > bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> > I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> > than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> > underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> > silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> > up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> > but I know my limitations.

> > I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> > sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> > religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> > I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> > Something interesting about that product, I have at

> > home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> > When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> > 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> > only just.

> > Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> > (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> > 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> > turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> > Interesting.

> > Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> > knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> > better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> > look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> > I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> > worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> > I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> > number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> > Well, I had better go now.

> > Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> > that message,

> >

> >


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Sis, That is such great news that your naturopath has a plan of action to help you get things back on track. Isn't it amazing how MD's can find nothing wrong with us, yet naturopaths can dig a little deeper and find more specific things to address? That's just what we've come to experience here. It takes being able to look beyond what appears to be right, and look outside the box of traditional thinking. The alternative/naturopathic doctors seem much more in tune to what our needs are. Please let us all know what steps your naturopath wants to take to help you get your liver detoxing better. I've said often I think alot of our problems stem from a liver not working up to snuff. There are several websites that offer information on liver support, so I am interested what she/he will offer for treatment for you. Hopefully you will be able to see

noticeable improvement fairly soon. Thanks for the update! Pattyauntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: ,I'm so glad to hear from you, I've been wondering about you!! It sounds like things are progressing, and that is just great!!I had some bloodwork and a urine test done by a naturopath and we're getting together next week to discuss the results. Since I wasn't working and in the past year spent over $14K on having implants followed by explants, I was waiting to have some of the tests done. I have done nothing to detox because my body is very sensitive, and some things have such a negative impact on my body that it takes me months to return to normal. The naturopath said the results of the tests are very

interesting, and she's happy to see that they're not normal, because we have something to work with that is measurable and she knows how to deal with it. She said that my liver is not detoxing my body as it should. It's amazing that the MD's check things and the test results all come back normal, but the naturopath's test much more specific issues and in my case, they are not normal. I told the naturopath that I am also happy that the test results are not normal, because at least it gives us an action plan. She said that my results all point to the symptoms I'm having. I think I've been stuck in a holding pattern because my liver isn't flushing out the toxins, and I've been paralyzed by fear so I haven't done anything extraordinary to help the process along. Sis

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Hi Kathy,

Thank you. Yes, I am feeling great. Still going to continue fighting against implants.

çThere is still so much to do and sort out. I have not returned to work yet, I am seeing my surgeon tomorrow and he should tell me when I can return though I am enjoying the break. My Sister has been an Angel, God bless her. As my partner is still in the UK, she has stayed at my house and looked after my children, done the housework and the school runs as I am still not driving, and we do the cooking together (its not one of her best assets!! Lol ) She was wonderful in the hospital and even lent me the money for the operation when the insurance company did not come good. I don't know what I would have done if she was not here beside me. Unfortunately, my partner has Chron's Disease and there is only he who can be ill. He does not work and has his treatment in the UK so has spent a great deal of time there this last year. Its funny, I think God works in mysterious ways because I would not have got through this if he had been here as he is no support, both physically and financially so when he isn't here, my Sister jumps in. She can't help out when he is here too much as he resents it. His hospital appointment came through almost the same time as my operation was scheduled which meant he wouldn't be here and thank goodness he wasn't or the operation would not have gone ahead!!

Now I am healing nicely, he is due home, Wednesday. Like I say, I think someone is looking out for me and has sent me my Sister to watch over me too.

Please let me know what the Naturopath tell you. I am so interested.

Take Care meanwhile,



-- Re: Message from

That is great! I am so excited for you. You must feel so good

about the positive things that are happening in your body. Make

sure to rest up from your surgery and then continue to do all the

good things for your body that you can. Please keep us posted on

your progress.



> I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> the reading.


> Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!


> I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> experience.

> My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> room until 11pm.

> Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> have to laugh when she tells me.

> We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> would have been caught.

> The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> stitched internally and they could probably be

> dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> but I know my limitations.

> I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> Something interesting about that product, I have at

> home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> only just.

> Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> Interesting.

> Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> Well, I had better go now.

> Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> that message,



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Hi ,

Dr. Rubin has a lot to say about Crohn's disease . . .

he nearly died from it. Instead it became his lead

into the program he developed. . . The Maker's Diet,

Patient Heal Thyself, Restoring Your Digestive Health,

and another book reputed to be even better are the

result. All of the books are available online . . .

www.appleadayandbeyond.com is one source. His problem

may be why he can't be supportive of you right now!

Please give your wonderful sister a hug for us!

It's wonderful to see you're on the road to recovery!

Hugs and prayers,


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Sis, Last year when I started seein a kinesiologist, he asked for all my MD's tests results. He stated that what the MD's consider "normal" may not be good at all. He found in my results the same thing. That my liver wasn't filtering as it should, as well as my kidney's and adrenals were not functioning right. Again, these are tests that my MD's considered "normal". He also explained it as this...It is a percentage issue. In order to keep up with the higher numbers of people with certain diseases, the "normal range" keeps getting larger on the measuring scales. He used diabetics as the example. With our SAD diets (Standard American Diet) increasingly becoming less and less healthy we have more and more people with non-systematic diabetes. Their insulin levels 20 years ago would have told the MD's they had diabetes. Now those same levels are considered "normal". He was the first Dr. that I went to that confirmed what I was trying to tell the doctors all along...It was NOT in my head! However, this particular Dr. never did link my illness with my implants. He thought it was Aspartame poisoning, even thought I had cut down my diet coke consuption greatly a year before I got ill. auntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: ,I'm so glad to hear from you, I've been wondering about you!! It sounds like things are progressing, and that is just great!!I had some bloodwork and a urine test done by a naturopath and we're getting together next week to discuss the results. Since I wasn't working and in the past year spent over $14K on having implants followed

by explants, I was waiting to have some of the tests done. I have done nothing to detox because my body is very sensitive, and some things have such a negative impact on my body that it takes me months to return to normal. The naturopath said the results of the tests are very interesting, and she's happy to see that they're not normal, because we have something to work with that is measurable and she knows how to deal with it. She said that my liver is not detoxing my body as it should. It's amazing that the MD's check things and the test results all come back normal, but the naturopath's test much more specific issues and in my case, they are not normal. I told the naturopath that I am also happy that the test results are not normal, because at least it gives us an action plan. She said that my results all point to the symptoms I'm having. I think I've been stuck in a holding

pattern because my liver isn't flushing out the toxins, and I've been paralyzed by fear so I haven't done anything extraordinary to help the process along. Sis> >> > I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my> > Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with> > the reading.> >

> > Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!> > > > I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking> > experience. > > My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the> > room until 11pm.> > Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the> > room as they do not look after you here, they expect> > family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on> > the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when> > they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me> > a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,> > so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the> > shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I> > have to laugh when she tells me.> > We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the> > afternoon I told her I was not going on

anymore> > bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I> > disconnected the drip and told her to release the> > bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She> > helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a> > relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked> > up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we> > would have been caught. > > The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed> > the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they> > removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra. > > He told me I could go home and shower. I have been> > having a bath and a shower each day since and have> > removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a> > pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but> > still, I have to tell you, I

feel better. My body no> > longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess> > what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have> > dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and> > without the burning sensation. I am still getting> > pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be> > stitched internally and they could probably be> > dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I> > went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water> > bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so> > I actually look normal. They are more comfortable> > than those silly sports bras which really hurt my> > underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being> > silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms> > up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far> > but I

know my limitations. > > I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am> > sure its the supplements which I am still taking> > religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which> > I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.> > Something interesting about that product, I have at> > home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat. > > When I first got them my body fat was quite high at> > 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was> > only just.> > Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos> > (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to> > 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has> > turned to muscles which is heavier than fat. > > Interesting.> > Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my> > knuckles is now softening and my hands look much> >

better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I> > look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.> > I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is> > worse than the other. They both have blood inside.> > I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone> > number for them??? I would like to ring them.> > Well, I had better go now. > > Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on> > that message,> > > >>

New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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Congratulations ! So glad to hear the good news. Sounds like the glutamin is helping. I'll have to look into that! I just started taking Inulin. I had not realized how beneficial it was. Check it out! http://medherb.com/92INULIN.HTM I am interested in the enhanced calcium absorption, as well as the beneficial colon organisms. Take care, PattyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on mySisters computer so have been keeping up to date withthe reading.Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve rackingexperience. My operation was 4 hours

and I didn't get back to theroom until 11pm.Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in theroom as they do not look after you here, they expectfamily to do it. My poor sister even had to put me onthe bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock whenthey fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give mea blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop theshaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but Ihave to laugh when she tells me.We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through theafternoon I told her I was not going on anymorebedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so Idisconnected the drip and told her to release thebottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. Shehelped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What arelief lol . We only just got things back and hookedup when a nurse came in. A few

minutes earlier and wewould have been caught. The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changedthe bandages. I went back 3 days later and theyremoved the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra. He told me I could go home and shower. I have beenhaving a bath and a shower each day since and haveremoved the strips which held the stiches. I am not apretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup butstill, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body nolonger feels sick if you know what I mean and guesswhat, all the skin eruptions on my arms havedissapeared. I only have occasional itching andwithout the burning sensation. I am still gettingpains through my breasts but I suppose I could bestitched internally and they could probably bedissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. Iwent shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous waterbras

and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage soI actually look normal. They are more comfortablethan those silly sports bras which really hurt myunderneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or beingsilly but can do many things now. I can lift my armsup but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too farbut I know my limitations. I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I amsure its the supplements which I am still takingreligiously and I have no arthritic pain at all whichI am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.Something interesting about that product, I have athome a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat. When I first got them my body fat was quite high at29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, wasonly just.Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos(very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat

hasturned to muscles which is heavier than fat. Interesting.Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on myknuckles is now softening and my hands look muchbetter. My face is filling out and my daughter says Ilook younger. My eyes sparkle again too.I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One isworse than the other. They both have blood inside.I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phonenumber for them??? I would like to ring them.Well, I had better go now. Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass onthat message,

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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I am glad that your tests are pointing out problems! Hopefully that

will lead to some answers for you in getting over this hump so that

you can feel better! I am sure my liver does't detox either.

Please let us know what you find out and what treatment she


Hugs, Kathy

> > >

> > > I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> > > Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> > > the reading.

> > >

> > > Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!

> > >

> > > I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> > > experience.

> > > My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> > > room until 11pm.

> > > Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> > > room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> > > family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> > > the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> > > they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> > > a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> > > so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> > > shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> > > have to laugh when she tells me.

> > > We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> > > afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> > > bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> > > disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> > > bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> > > helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> > > relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> > > up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> > > would have been caught.

> > > The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> > > the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> > > removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> > > He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> > > having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> > > removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> > > pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> > > still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> > > longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> > > what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> > > dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> > > without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> > > pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> > > stitched internally and they could probably be

> > > dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> > > went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> > > bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> > > I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> > > than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> > > underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> > > silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> > > up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> > > but I know my limitations.

> > > I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> > > sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> > > religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> > > I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> > > Something interesting about that product, I have at

> > > home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> > > When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> > > 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> > > only just.

> > > Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> > > (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> > > 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> > > turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> > > Interesting.

> > > Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> > > knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> > > better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> > > look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> > > I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> > > worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> > > I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> > > number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> > > Well, I had better go now.

> > > Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> > > that message,

> > >

> > >

> >


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Speaking of NDs where is Kenda? She hasn't posted in a long time.

Did she say something about taking a break and I missed it? I miss


Hugs, Kathy

> ,


> I'm so glad to hear from you, I've been wondering about you!! It

> sounds like things are progressing, and that is just great!!


> I had some bloodwork and a urine test done by a naturopath and


> getting together next week to discuss the results. Since I wasn't

> working and in the past year spent over $14K on having implants

> followed by explants, I was waiting to have some of the tests


> I have done nothing to detox because my body is very sensitive,


> some things have such a negative impact on my body that it takes


> months to return to normal. The naturopath said the results of


> tests are very interesting, and she's happy to see that they're


> normal, because we have something to work with that is measurable

> and she knows how to deal with it. She said that my liver is not

> detoxing my body as it should. It's amazing that the MD's check

> things and the test results all come back normal, but the

> naturopath's test much more specific issues and in my case, they


> not normal. I told the naturopath that I am also happy that the

> test results are not normal, because at least it gives us an


> plan. She said that my results all point to the symptoms I'm

> having. I think I've been stuck in a holding pattern because my

> liver isn't flushing out the toxins, and I've been paralyzed by


> so I haven't done anything extraordinary to help the process



> Sis




> ---------------------------------

> New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC

and save big.


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If you haven't read " The Maker's Diet " you really should, because

the author once suffered with Crohn's Disease and now I believe he's

also the owner of Garden of Life products - and I think some of the

products he developed are what he used to get well.


> >

> > I am still not on-line but receiving the e mails on my

> > Sisters computer so have been keeping up to date with

> > the reading.

> >

> > Its 2 weeks today since my explant!!!!

> >

> > I am so pleased it is over. What a nerve racking

> > experience.

> > My operation was 4 hours and I didn't get back to the

> > room until 11pm.

> > Thank goodness my Sister paid to have a bed in the

> > room as they do not look after you here, they expect

> > family to do it. My poor sister even had to put me on

> > the bedpan!! She said that I had gone into shock when

> > they fetched me back to the room and wouldn't give me

> > a blanket and that I was naked apart from my bandages,

> > so she wrapped my up and laid on my legs to stop the

> > shaking!! I cannot remember too much about it but I

> > have to laugh when she tells me.

> > We had a bit of a laugh though, halfway through the

> > afternoon I told her I was not going on anymore

> > bedpans as I felt like I was wetting the bed so I

> > disconnected the drip and told her to release the

> > bottles collecting the fluid from my tubes. She

> > helped me off the bed and I went to the loo. What a

> > relief lol . We only just got things back and hooked

> > up when a nurse came in. A few minutes earlier and we

> > would have been caught.

> > The released me at 6pm, removed the drains and changed

> > the bandages. I went back 3 days later and they

> > removed the bandages and I had to wear a sports bra.

> > He told me I could go home and shower. I have been

> > having a bath and a shower each day since and have

> > removed the strips which held the stiches. I am not a

> > pretty sight. I must now be about an AA cup but

> > still, I have to tell you, I feel better. My body no

> > longer feels sick if you know what I mean and guess

> > what, all the skin eruptions on my arms have

> > dissapeared. I only have occasional itching and

> > without the burning sensation. I am still getting

> > pains through my breasts but I suppose I could be

> > stitched internally and they could probably be

> > dissolving. I have to go and see him on Wednesday. I

> > went shopping on Saturday and bought 3 gorgeous water

> > bras and they give me a bosom and a slight cleavage so

> > I actually look normal. They are more comfortable

> > than those silly sports bras which really hurt my

> > underneath. I am not lifting anything heavy or being

> > silly but can do many things now. I can lift my arms

> > up but hit hurts under my arms if I stretch too far

> > but I know my limitations.

> > I think the surgeon was surprised at my healing. I am

> > sure its the supplements which I am still taking

> > religiously and I have no arthritic pain at all which

> > I am sure is thanks to the L_Glutamin.

> > Something interesting about that product, I have at

> > home a set of weigh scales which weigh your body fat.

> > When I first got them my body fat was quite high at

> > 29.5% which although still in the healthy bracket, was

> > only just.

> > Since taking the Glutamin, I have put on 1.5 kilos

> > (very much needed) but my body fat has reduced to

> > 21.8%! Which obviously means that my body fat has

> > turned to muscles which is heavier than fat.

> > Interesting.

> > Another thing, since explant, the hard skin on my

> > knuckles is now softening and my hands look much

> > better. My face is filling out and my daughter says I

> > look younger. My eyes sparkle again too.

> > I have the implants in my sisters fridge. One is

> > worse than the other. They both have blood inside.

> > I need to get them off to Canada, do you have a phone

> > number for them??? I would like to ring them.

> > Well, I had better go now.

> > Love to yourself and all the girls if you can pass on

> > that message,

> >

> >









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Wasn't she moving due to some mold issues, and going to be gone for a period of time? Can't remember the dates, but I thought it was early May. Kenda, we miss you! Pattymikat828 <mikat828@...> wrote: PattySpeaking of NDs where is Kenda? She hasn't posted in a long time. Did she say something about taking a break and I missed it? I miss her. Hugs, Kathy

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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I think Kenda and her family had to be out of their

house for a month (at least) while they finished

sealing all the surfaces!

I hope she's using it to advantage! . . . However,

with kids in school, she's probably ready to go home!


--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> Wasn't she moving due to some mold issues, and going

> to be gone for a period of time? Can't remember the

> dates, but I thought it was early May. Kenda, we

> miss you!

> Patty


> mikat828 <mikat828@...> wrote:




> Patty

> Speaking of NDs where is Kenda? She hasn't posted

> in a long time.

> Did she say something about taking a break and I

> missed it? I miss

> her.

> Hugs, Kathy



> ---------------------------------

> Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+

> countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with


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I wrote Dr. Kolb about all my test coming back negative, she said this is normal. However, if I get a VCS and a MSH TEST that this might show toxins in the body??? I thought this was interesting I just don't were to get these test? I wonder if anyone on the support sight has had these test done?????


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