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Re: Question

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Hi Judy--

> Please give me some feed back I would be ever so grateful

I'm so sorry you are having a bad time. I've never had the

tremors in my legs, I had it in my hands and arms but it eventually

passed. In my case it was due to muscle damage due to a reaction to

the drug Lipitor. It has taken three months to start getting the

strength back in my arms but I'm happy to say, it's much better now.

Hopefully your neurologist can figure things out or at least

comfort you that he's not found it to be serious. Keep us posted and

I'm sure others here will have some ideas.


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Judy -- I get tremors but nowhere near as bad as you're describing. Mine seem to be related to the fatigue -- when I'm having a medium pain/high fatigue day, I've noticed my hands and legs get "the shakes". I do also have peripheral neuropathy so that contributes -- I only have partial feeling in my toes. I have more feeling in my fingers but I sometimes have trouble grasping things.

I saw a neuro several years ago and she did umpteen tests -- the worst one was the one with needles and wet velcro and electric pulses... I looked bee-stung for a few days after. Yuck!


-----Original Message-----From: jj4six Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 11:11 AMTo: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group Subject: QuestionHello to all of you.I was diagnosed wigh FMS about 9 years ago. The first few years were Hell to say the least I have four chrildren and at that time my oldest was 7 and my youngest was only 1. Over the years my symtons had gotten alot better never really gone but at least I could funtion as a wife and mother. Over the last few months not only is my pain level way up and of course the fatigue but I have been having leg tremors so bad I can not walk it is ok as long as I am resting but as soon as I start walking my legs shake so bad I walk like a cripple person.( not being disrespectfull) Can anybody tell me if they have had the same problems or no someone that has had this problem I am now seeing the Nuro again. He has been running different test but they all come out normal.Please give me some feed back I would be ever so grateful Thanks Judy

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Hi Judy,

That is one of the reason's I joined this group. I was in a car accident in 1995. I have had pain since. However, I noticed my back started hurting really bad about a month ago. I went to my dr and we thought I just pulled a muscle. Well my legs started going out from under me. I have test after test. I just talked to his office and the newest test showed NOTHING (big suprise). So I see him next monday to find out the next step. Until then I just take it easy and use the wheelchair or cane as needed.

Best of luck to you!


Laurijj4six wrote:

Hello to all of you.I was diagnosed wigh FMS about 9 years ago. The first few years were Hell to say the least I have four chrildren and at that time my oldest was 7 and my youngest was only 1. Over the years my symtons had gotten alot better never really gone but at least I could funtion as a wife and mother. Over the last few months not only is my pain level way up and of course the fatigue but I have been having leg tremors so bad I can not walk it is ok as long as I am resting but as soon as I start walking my legs shake so bad I walk like a cripple person.( not being disrespectfull) Can anybody tell me if they have had the same problems or no someone that has had this problem I am now seeing the Nuro again. He has been running different test but they all come out normal.Please give me some feed back I would be ever so

grateful Thanks Judy

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LOL it's called an EEG and YEP IT'S NO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love & God Bless! /Wolf~President I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Now as I always say this at the end of my e-mails: IF GOD BRINGS YOU TO IT. HE WILL BRING YOU THROUGH IT. This has became my philosophy.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

COLD TURKEY not a good idea in the long run it will take u more time to heal if u come off cold turkey then weaning ur saving grace is ur body has only been

on it for 2 months plus everybody is different ur body will tell u good luck

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