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Neprinol and Fibroids

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I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on this???



Neprinol and Fibroids

by Dr. Serafini

The enzymes in Neprinol work swiftly to break apart fibroids,

improve circulation, stimulate the immune system, and reduce

inflammation. Neprinol's two foremost ingredients (Serrapeptase and

Nattokinase) help remove fibroids by dissolving the fibrous part of

the fibroid tumor. Clinical studies have shown that Serrapeptase and

Nattokinase work fast and effectively to dissolve fibrin safely with

no adverse side effects. Neprinol is extremely effective at removing

toxins from the bloodstream, and then helping to pass the emulsified

fibrous tissue. The fibroid softens over time relieving painful

menstrual cramping and allowing a more comfortable period. Many

women have noticed a smoother midsection as the fibroid begins to

soften. This process can take several months depending on the size

and density of the fibroid itself. Neprinol works equally as well

for ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease sufferers as well

as on painful fibroadenomas. Virtually all types of benign fibrous

growths can be safely dissolved using Neprinol. Neprinol is

extremely effective at removing post surgical scar tissue and even

softens the appearance of hard purple scars from C-section surgery.

Typically large amounts of waste material build up in the

bloodstream as you begin to take Neprinol and are processed through

the lymph system during the first few weeks of use. This is typical

as the fibrous material is released into the bloodstream to be

excreted through the urine and bowel movements. You may notice

softened stool and pungent urine during the first few weeks using

Neprinol as well as a thicker vaginal discharge. Waste material

including arterial plaque buildup, and impurities are also removed

during this period. You may notice symptoms such as dry mouth,

diarrhea, headache and nausea. This is typical and is usually only

temporary. Consult a physician if symptoms occur longer than 14

days. Typical dosage of Neprinol is between 3 - 4 pills 3 times a

day. Begin using 2 pills 3 times a day and gradually build to the

desired dosage. Much larger dosages can be safely used if the

patient does not experience severe detox reactions. Drink plenty of

water to dilute the toxins in the blood and make sure to drink at

least 8 ounces with each dose. Neprinol may be taken with meals,

but is much more potent on an empty stomach.

Nattokinase an important component of Neprinol

Excessive fibrin not only manifests itself in the form of tumors, it

is also responsible for increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Nattokinase has been clinically proven to enhance your body's

ability to breakdown fibrin. Excess fibrin buildup in your system

can lead to embolism, hypercoagulation, and stroke. Not long ago

researchers began to see a correlation between disease, excessive

fibrin, and inflammation. Fibrin and inflammation remain

consistent among patients that have fibroids, arthritis, heart

disease, and several other diseases. Excess fibrin, and the body's

inability to safely remove it, is associated with several health

concerns. Fibrin is commonly becoming the leading cause for many

conditions in modern medicine. It may seem hard to believe that

Neprinol can benefit people with so many health concerns. The

correlation between our most common diseases is strong. You will

almost always find fibrin and inflammation at the source. Neprinol

was formualted to break down fibrin, decrease inflammation, remove

toxins, debris, and modulate the immune system. Neprinol's

ingredients break down fibrin in three stages.

Stage 1

The first stage is what we refer to as Enzymatic Detoxification.

During this period your body is first introduced to enzymes.

Neprinol will begin by thinning the blood and removing excessive

toxicity that your body has built up. Years of buildup on the

inside of artery walls, as well as the mucosa of the colon and

gastrointestinal system are stripped away and excreted. During this

period you may experience mild headaches, pungent urine, and

softened stool or diarrhea.

Stage 2

During the second stage you will begin to increase your Neprinol

dosage and start to really breakdown the fibrin. We refer to this

stage as the Therapeutic Stage. You may still notice softer bowel

movements during the Therapeutic Stage. This is primarily due to

the amount of fibrin being excreted through the bowels. The

Therapeutic Stage can last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on

your body's reaction to enzymes and the excessiveness of the fibrin.

It is important to schedule regular doctor visits to measure your

progress through ultrasound. Your doctor will be able to tell you

accurately if you are making progress.

Stage 3

When your fibroids are under control you need to start the third

stage. This is called the Maintenance Dose and usually consists of a

1/2 or a 1/3 of the Therapeutic Dose. This stage is equally

important as the second stage because it is where your goal is to

keep your fibrin levels low and under control. Neprinol is

extremely cost effective at the maintenance stage. As little as one

capsule, twice daily, can keep excessive fibrin from returning.

Other enzymes require at least three pills, three times a day.

Fibroid Shrinkage Pictures using Neprinol

This woman has 1 Uterine fibroid that has considerably shrunk in

just 30 days. The original measurement was 10.22 cm and 30 days

later was 7.27. Her Neprinol dosage is as follows. She was taking 4

pills in the morning and 4 pills at night for 30 days.

Below are before and after pictures of her sonogram, click on image

to open a popup window.

BEFORE View Before AFTER View After

Click here to read Neprinol success stories for Fibriods

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Interesting ladies - a little late for me, but we obviously have fibrin issues in other ways than fibroids. Expensive stuff! MadeleenNuimom@... wrote: Serrapeptase and Nattokinase) http://www.vrp.com/art/1227.asp............. Lynn, did you see this too :)))L

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