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With LBD, our LOs have difficulty in " word retrieval " so this is why

the following is beneficial for them.

Since the link changed for this site I thought I'd take the

opportunity to remind you of a communication device that was

SUCCESSFUL for my mom. I added this to the links section too.

(Remember my stories of mom & I doing the 'finish the phrase' games?

LOL They were not only successful, but provided hours of

entertainment for both of us. E.g. With the 'finish the phrase' games

I would say something like " Brush your " and mom would say " Teeth "

etc. So some funnies were: " Eat like a " and mom said " " I

said " Good and " and mom said " Not so good " LOL Just passing on info

so that you can experience some " NARANJA " moments too.)

Speech Therapy Resources

If your loved one has a communication, cognitive or memory problem,

these resources will provide you many hours of communication and

connection. Share these resources with any professional that may be

involved in the care of a loved one. (These therapy books were proven

to be successful with my mom. Go to the site and click the different

links available -- there are FREE sample pages to download, so you

can see for yourself if these will work for your loved one. )


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