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Anyone heard of a connection between hypothyroidism and erythema nodosum?

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Hi everyone, Got my blood results today and it turns out I have

elevated TSH levels, meaning I may potentially have hypothyroidism. My

dermotologist is sending me to an endocrinologist and wants me to get

that sorted out before he sees me again. He thinks this hypothyroidism

could be a potential source of the bumps. Has anyone else ever heard

this? I tried looking it up online briefly but couldn't find a

connection. The only mention of both problems is taking too much of the

potassium iodide can result in hypothyroidism. So, I was wondering if

anyone else heard about this? Thanks


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Yes. I am hypothyroid. When my levels are high i immediately get lumps. Armour is great because it adresses TSH4 and TSH3. Depending on how high you are, I was in the 90's and my lumps were terrible.Things that helped immediately; Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar directly on my lumps. Within days my lumps were gone. Get your thyroid in check and your vitamin d' levels checked. Most people who have this are quite deficient.Lurker for a year without responding.ML .Sent via BlackBerry from T-MobileDate: Thu, 09 Oct 2008 21:20:52 -0000To: <erythema_nodosum_Group >Subject: Anyone heard of a connection between hypothyroidism and erythema nodosum? Hi everyone, Got my blood results today and it turns out I have elevated TSH levels, meaning I may potentially have hypothyroidism. My dermotologist is sending me to an endocrinologist and wants me to get that sorted out before he sees me again. He thinks this hypothyroidism could be a potential source of the bumps. Has anyone else ever heard this? I tried looking it up online briefly but couldn't find a connection. The only mention of both problems is taking too much of the potassium iodide can result in hypothyroidism. So, I was wondering if anyone else heard about this? Thanks Jackie

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Wow, thanks so much for the response. I am not sure how high my

levels are compared to normal, since my blood work only showed a high

TSH level 4.711. Do you have any idea what is normally considered

high? The lab who processed my blood use the normal range of 0.45-4.5,

so by their standards I am slightly high. Other sites narrow the

range to 0.3-3.0. I had my blood done at an endocrinologist in 2005

because I was having hair loss and my dermatologist at the time felt

it was a thyroid issue. The endocrinologist did a more in depth blood

test and my TSH3 and 4 were normal, 2.5 well within normal. However,

my ferritin levels were extremely high and that's when I was then sent

to a hemotologist and diagnosed with hemochromatosis (iron overload).

I am optimistic that there might be a strong connection between this

high TSH and my outbreaks. I do have other symptoms of a thyroid

issue, fatigue, trouble losing weight, irritability, depression, etc.

I am hopefully going to get an appt next week or the following with a

new endocrinologist. The dermatologist doesn't want to see me til I

get this potential thyroid issue under control, so I want to get this

under control. Thanks so much for the info and support. Finally,

maybe an answer!


> Yes. I am hypothyroid. When my levels are high i immediately get

lumps. Armour is great because it adresses TSH4 and TSH3. Depending on

how high you are, I was in the 90's and my lumps were terrible.

> Things that helped immediately; Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar directly

on my lumps. Within days my lumps were gone. Get your thyroid in check

and your vitamin d' levels checked. Most people who have this are

quite deficient.

> Lurker for a year without responding.

> ML

> .

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


> Anyone heard of a connection

between hypothyroidism and erythema nodosum?



> Hi everyone, Got my blood results today and it turns out I have

> elevated TSH levels, meaning I may potentially have hypothyroidism. My

> dermotologist is sending me to an endocrinologist and wants me to get

> that sorted out before he sees me again. He thinks this hypothyroidism

> could be a potential source of the bumps. Has anyone else ever heard

> this? I tried looking it up online briefly but couldn't find a

> connection. The only mention of both problems is taking too much of the

> potassium iodide can result in hypothyroidism. So, I was wondering if

> anyone else heard about this? Thanks

> Jackie


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I definately feel better in the .3 range. I have my blood tested again on Thursday and usually get my results the next day. So I can better answer that then.I was on Synthroid for years and that really messed me up. I sought out a more holistic method of using Westroid (sp)which didn't work at all for me. The next step was taking Armour, which my previous Endocrynologist vehemently refusedto give me, saying it was bad. So for years I stayed on Synthroid, till finally it messed me up so bad I literally thought I was going to die. Synthroid only addresses one of your TSH levels. So it is like revving on a few cylinders with no gas. Eventually, over time,your adrenals will fatigue. It took me seven years to understand this. So please do not let your doctor to convince you of Synthroid.It has taken me several months to get my levels to almost perfect. It is a process of discovery with your labs and how you feel.If you're tired, losing hair, excess weight etc. My guess would be you should hit .3 range. Even that little bit will make a world of difference.I would also get your Cortisol and hormones checked. Few doctors do this and I think you have to do some kind of fasting prior to labs.I was severely deficient and needed Cortisol which alleviated the vertigo I got from Synthroid. Cortisol is hugely helpful if you have belly fat from stress. A lot of women get this. I put on an extra 25 pounds in the last two years because of the stress of my illness and my job. Taking care of my hormone and nutritional deficiencies was huge in helping me drop that weight within a four month period of time. The four hormones to check: Thyroid, Adrenals, Cortisol, Insulin. If your thyroid high, your Adrenals are fatigued and your Cortisol is off...nothing you do will help you lose weight. You could run a marathon and still have the weight. So being really proactive with knowing this information and your options is empowering and very helpful to your wellbeing.I would also request a full panel on your nutritional deficiencies. Some doctors won't do this. I thank God for my Doctor who is very holistic in hisapproach, western and holistic medicine. My report was severely deficient in D, E, C, A, and several minerals. All which addressed the skin.He felt that when I took great care in my nutrition, thyroid and stress that I would gain control over the EN. I am a big believer in the most natural way possible. I have done all the other things because I was diagnosed when I was 15. I am 47 years old soI have seen some great years and some really dibilitating years. The years when it was bad was when I veered off my course and pursued pharmaceuticals;antibiotics, which has side effects of Candida. Candida is also very difficult to get rid of. Almost anyone who has been on antibiotics for an extended periodof time like I had with my EN, has Candida and needs to address it. It can be incredibly destructive to your health. I've done the steroids and hated the effects.I have been treated with Acupuncture, which I love, but it still takes time for the lumps to go away. Although this is great for a calming effect and stress reliever.But by far,the fastest relief I have ever received came from Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. I had a terrible outbreak several months ago. Several lumps had fused together creatingmassive lumps. Eight inches in diameter. Literally taking up my entire shin. They were so hot my skin was blistering. I would ice them and keep my compression stockings on, and still they would be there. Then one night this French woman saw me limping and asked what was wrong. I showed her and she told me to get the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and put it directly on my lumps. I laughed, as I have tried everything, spending thousands of dollars on my EN. She was very adamant so I reluctantly agreed. That night I poured it directly on my legs. Immediatly the burning sensation was cut. The next day my lumps were down 50%. I continued pouring ACV on my lumps 4-5 times a day. Sometimes just soaking some paper towels and wrapping it around my lumps. Within two days my lumps were gone. Just the bruising shadow remained. So I kept pouring it on my leg. In a week even the shadow was gone. Since that day, if I even get a hint of a lump I address it immediately with ACV. I also drink it (2 tablespoons, with honey in 8oz. water) daily. What is amazing for me is that this little bottle that costs 4bucks addressed what I had for years--in only a few days. I have never in my life received such a quick reliever for my EN. Typically it takes weeks for them to go away. My entire family was astonished as they know how dibilitating my EN has been most of my life.Sorry for the long wind. Let me know if any of this helps.best,MLEN 1975 Anyone heard of a connection

between hypothyroidism and erythema nodosum?



> Hi everyone, Got my blood results today and it turns out I have

> elevated TSH levels, meaning I may potentially have hypothyroidism. My

> dermotologist is sending me to an endocrinologist and wants me to get

> that sorted out before he sees me again. He thinks this hypothyroidism

> could be a potential source of the bumps. Has anyone else ever heard

> this? I tried looking it up online briefly but couldn't find a

> connection. The only mention of both problems is taking too much of the

> potassium iodide can result in hypothyroidism. So, I was wondering if

> anyone else heard about this? Thanks

> Jackie


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