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Re: Pity Party Revisited

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Tammy and Ann,

Same here! I beat myself up constantly over this and finally just decided

that it happened, now let's deal with it. I would ask other moms about their

child's head, hoping that they had a flat side too because then it might mean

it was just a common occurrence. Silly me. I so badly wanted to hear, " Yes,

my little one sleeps exclusively on his right side too " , but rarely did. I

think part of my problem was just plain old denial and the fact that my ped

felt it was something to watch, but not be too concerned about. Just the

other day I was at Cranial Tech having Maddie's band adjusted and I spoke

with a woman who was there with her 10 month old little boy. She said she

noticed the flatness at 4 months but was told by her doc to leave it, it'll

round out. And there they were, picking up the Doc Band. Anyway, we can't

drown ourselves in guilt - it's counter productive. Now we're on the right

track and helping our little babes as best we can.

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In a message dated 5/18/00 11:55:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

annspringborn@... writes:

<< Well, here I am again. It's been four days since we found out Ethan

has to wear the DOC band. I'm so fortunate that I found this

page...it has given me loads of encouragement and information. BUT I

can't help but feel like I'm partially to blame for Ethan's plagio.

He doesn't have tort, he wasn't a multiple...so it had to be sleeping

position which was 100% under my control. He was delivered with

forceps but I haven't heard any correlation between that and plagio.

My hubby says I'm starting to drive him nuts because I'm so obsessed

with this whole thing. But, I'm sorry, I think it's a big deal!


Ann-Abby is the same scenario as you, except not a forceps delivery. And on

top of it, she has 3 older sisters, so I felt like " hello, I should know

better. " Please don't beat yourself up over this, as time goes on, your self

doubt will diminish. The blame will go away. I drove my hubby nuts too. He

just dealt with it in a different way. It was like he was 2 weeks behind the

grief I was experiencing. Men are funny! Keep that chin up! Kimry

PS check out the polls section, have you already voted? has a poll in

there that specifically asks about pregnancy/delivery experience...forceps is

covered in one of the questions. Take a minute to vote, I'm sure we are all

interested in seeing the abundance of similarities (or lack of so we can rule

stuff out:)!

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In a message dated 5/18/00 12:34:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

tammy_duffy@... writes:

<< My son was a vaccum extraction. I'm not sure what the correlation of

vaccum/forcep extractions to plagio are, if any, but I truly believe it

played a part in the flatness. Who knows? Is this possible?


Okay Tammy, have you voted too:)? Kimry

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In a message dated 5/18/00 12:40:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

endl@... writes:

<< got his band on Monday (today is

thurs.) He doesn't even realize that he has anything on his head, I think.


Shelli-how old is ? Yay, you almost have your week under your belt! Do

you go soon for an adjustment? Have you decorated it? If yes, what theme?


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Hi Tammy,

I'm happy to hear that you are finding some peace with all of this. It takes

time and even after you are on the road to treatment, you still may have

moments of " How did this ever happen? " I wish you guys the best with your

treatment...How did the casting go? You may have already written, but I have

had so little time to read my posts lately. The casting was a little

grueling for us - she pretty much cried the whole time, but she's doing much

better. She'll sleep with it on, it's getting to sleep that seems to be the

problem lately, but we're working on that too. We had been doing some neck

exercises given to us by the good people at CT and suddenly this week she

decided she doesn't want to turn her head to the left for our exercises.

Fought me like a wildcat! I don't know where this came from and worried at

first that it might be hurting her, but then sat her up and turned her head

to the left and she was fine. Also, I called Margie at CT in Phoenix and we

both decided that this is more a display of strong will than anything else.

I already feel sorry for my husband and I in 13 years. As far as the band

goes, I don't think she even notices it anymore. It's weird to take it off

now. She looks different to me!

Take Care and keep us posted,

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In a message dated 05/18/2000 1:31:08 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

endl@... writes:

<< And I am thinking about

starting a program to inform expecting and new mothers. >>


In the CAPS group we are working on packets to send out to pediatricians to

help inform the doctors so that when a parent goes in and asks about her

child's head then he will be informed enough to do something about it instead

of saying what we are all used to hearing " it will round out on it's own " .

If you want to help let me know...you can email me at cssupportgroup@....

And this goes for anyone else to!!


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I felt the exact same way. I even felt guilty when I asked other people

about their babies and they replied " no, my baby doesn't have a flat spot

because we rotated the baby every night " . I drove my husband crazy as well

- to the point that every time I would mention - " Look at that babies nice

round head " , he would say " I bet she is a better mother than you " . He said

this because I would always say " I am such a bad mother - I knew the

possibility of my son getting a flat spot and I didn't do enough to prevent

it " . I repositioned, repositioned, repositioned,... my son even lost most

of his hair on the opposite side of his head from me turning him to that

side... but no improvement - how much more could I do? I think Grayson

would have yelled, " leave me alone " if he could.

Anyway, I didn't actually feel better until we went to the neurosurgeon and

I asked him what I could do the next time to prevent the flatness. He told

me that there was not absolute guarantee that repositioning/rotating each

night/side sleeping etc... would prevent a flat spot.

My son was a vaccum extraction. I'm not sure what the correlation of

vaccum/forcep extractions to plagio are, if any, but I truly believe it

played a part in the flatness. Who knows? Is this possible?

Don't feel bad or beat yourself up - I read that 1 out of 60 babies develop

flat spots due to the new back sleeping campaign. I am just glad that we

have an opportunity to correct our son's head.

Grayson will get his band on May 26th. I will let you know how he does. My

biggest fear now is that my sweet adorable little boy will become a

miserable little boy. I hope our adjustment period is as successful as most

of those I have read about.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: annspringborn@... [sMTP:annspringborn@...]

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 2:53 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Pity Party Revisited


> Well, here I am again. It's been four days since we found out Ethan

> has to wear the DOC band. I'm so fortunate that I found this

> page...it has given me loads of encouragement and information. BUT I

> can't help but feel like I'm partially to blame for Ethan's plagio.

> He doesn't have tort, he wasn't a multiple...so it had to be sleeping

> position which was 100% under my control. He was delivered with

> forceps but I haven't heard any correlation between that and plagio.

> My hubby says I'm starting to drive him nuts because I'm so obsessed

> with this whole thing. But, I'm sorry, I think it's a big deal!


> Just feeling sorry for myself again. Hope you all understand. I'm

> waiting for a call back from the DOC band people. We will either be

> casted next Tuesday the 23rd or the following Tuesday the 30th.


> Just curious...does anyone know what the success rate is for the

> band? I plan to ask when they call, but I was just wondering if any

> of you heard.


> That's all for now. Thanks!


> Ann in Wisconsin



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How right you are. I have finally come to the resolution myself to move on

and stop dwelling on the " what ifs " . I think the actual step forward -

getting the casting done - was a step in the right direction. It refocused

me. Now we are just waiting on the band... onto new horizons. I am

thankful that we were informed enough at this early age to do something. My

ped had the same response to my concern at 4 months and I would hate to be

in the position down the road where treatment would not be effective.

Thanks for your well wishes.

How is Maddie doing now? Wasn't she having difficulty sleeping in the band

(if I recall correctly)?


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sar617mc@... [sMTP:Sar617mc@...]

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 3:45 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited


> Tammy and Ann,

> Same here! I beat myself up constantly over this and finally just decided


> that it happened, now let's deal with it. I would ask other moms about

> their

> child's head, hoping that they had a flat side too because then it might

> mean

> it was just a common occurrence. Silly me. I so badly wanted to hear,

> " Yes,

> my little one sleeps exclusively on his right side too " , but rarely did.

> I

> think part of my problem was just plain old denial and the fact that my

> ped

> felt it was something to watch, but not be too concerned about. Just the

> other day I was at Cranial Tech having Maddie's band adjusted and I spoke

> with a woman who was there with her 10 month old little boy. She said she


> noticed the flatness at 4 months but was told by her doc to leave it,

> it'll

> round out. And there they were, picking up the Doc Band. Anyway, we

> can't

> drown ourselves in guilt - it's counter productive. Now we're on the

> right

> track and helping our little babes as best we can.



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Sure have. I am very interested in the outcome.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: AAKARA@... [sMTP:AAKARA@...]

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 3:58 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited


> In a message dated 5/18/00 12:34:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> tammy_duffy@... writes:


> << My son was a vaccum extraction. I'm not sure what the correlation of

> vaccum/forcep extractions to plagio are, if any, but I truly believe it

> played a part in the flatness. Who knows? Is this possible?


> >>

> Okay Tammy, have you voted too:)? Kimry


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Thanks Shelli. That is reassuring. I will let you know what happens. Keep

us posted on .


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Moon [sMTP:endl@...]

> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 3:37 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited


> To Tammy


> Just wanted to let you know that got his band on Monday (today is

> thurs.) He doesn't even realize that he has anything on his head, I

> think.

> I was worried about the same thing as we have the calmest little boy. He

> hardly ever cries (only when hungry or extremely tired), and just smiles

> and

> looks around all the time. He is the same little boy, and still looks " oh

> so cute " so don't worry at all. I know that a lot of babies sweat a lot

> from what the Dr. says, but hardly does at all, so not all do. It

> has

> gone better than I ever thought. I still can't wait 'til it's over, but

> it's not too bad.

> Good Luck

> Shelli

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: <annspringborn@...>

> <Plagiocephalyegroups>

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 1:53 PM

> Subject: Pity Party Revisited



> > Well, here I am again. It's been four days since we found out Ethan

> > has to wear the DOC band. I'm so fortunate that I found this

> > page...it has given me loads of encouragement and information. BUT I

> > can't help but feel like I'm partially to blame for Ethan's plagio.

> > He doesn't have tort, he wasn't a multiple...so it had to be sleeping

> > position which was 100% under my control. He was delivered with

> > forceps but I haven't heard any correlation between that and plagio.

> > My hubby says I'm starting to drive him nuts because I'm so obsessed

> > with this whole thing. But, I'm sorry, I think it's a big deal!

> >

> > Just feeling sorry for myself again. Hope you all understand. I'm

> > waiting for a call back from the DOC band people. We will either be

> > casted next Tuesday the 23rd or the following Tuesday the 30th.

> >

> > Just curious...does anyone know what the success rate is for the

> > band? I plan to ask when they call, but I was just wondering if any

> > of you heard.

> >

> > That's all for now. Thanks!

> >

> > Ann in Wisconsin

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> >

> >

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where is this poll located?also,i am having a problem downloading pictures?i

will probably have to ask my 11 year old how to do that.


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The plag is not your fault! If your story is anything like ours, your

baby just preferred sleeping on one side, period. However both our

surgeon and orthotist suggested that plag and forceps could be connected.

Although, our son was not a forceps delivery. Please don't feel guilty,

there's likely nothing you could have done differently. Ann



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Just a thought, what if we all went with the brochure from CT or

something of that nature and gave it to maternity wards to give to new

moms? That's when we need this info , not after the fact.



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Have you read from the CT site, there is info there on the band tx, etc.

also, don't feel to badly about sleeping position, that was mostly ours too

and I get real upset about it but I also feel it was the responsibility of

the hospital and our ped to tell us and we would have prevented, after all,

I could have had the baby at home but had it at a hospital because they are

supposed to know these things and fill you in, they're the experts. -Liz

-----Original Message-----

From: annspringborn@... <annspringborn@...>

Plagiocephalyegroups <Plagiocephalyegroups>

Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 11:48 AM

Subject: Pity Party Revisited

>Well, here I am again. It's been four days since we found out Ethan

>has to wear the DOC band. I'm so fortunate that I found this

>page...it has given me loads of encouragement and information. BUT I

>can't help but feel like I'm partially to blame for Ethan's plagio.

>He doesn't have tort, he wasn't a multiple...so it had to be sleeping

>position which was 100% under my control. He was delivered with

>forceps but I haven't heard any correlation between that and plagio.

>My hubby says I'm starting to drive him nuts because I'm so obsessed

>with this whole thing. But, I'm sorry, I think it's a big deal!


>Just feeling sorry for myself again. Hope you all understand. I'm

>waiting for a call back from the DOC band people. We will either be

>casted next Tuesday the 23rd or the following Tuesday the 30th.


>Just curious...does anyone know what the success rate is for the

>band? I plan to ask when they call, but I was just wondering if any

>of you heard.


>That's all for now. Thanks!


>Ann in Wisconsin




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The casting was difficult - both of them! The first casting did not come

out around the neck area - probably because Grayson was so tense. He was

flailing his arms and arching his back. Soooo.. we had to recast because

the PT thought that the cast would be rejected when sent to Phoenix to mold.

The second time was not as bad as the first. Grayson was tired and it was

nap time so he actually feel asleep during the casting of the back of the

head. He was a trooper though - he slept very well that night.

I have questions about sleeping in the band - will the band keep him from

turning to the favored side? If not, are the pressures built into the band

to keep the flat spot protected? Am I going to have to reposition him even

with the band? (Please say no) Will he be able to rollover? If so, how is

sleeping on their stomachs with the band? (I can't imagine this would be

comfortable and of course it is not recommended - but I understand once they

learn to rollover that they like sleeping on their tummies ??). I am also

wondering what it will be like nursing with the band. I'm sure I will find

all of this to be no problem but its just my mind ticking away. I will be

sure to ask these questions at our fitting but thought I could get a head


Sounds like Maddie is still adjusting. It certainly has to take time. My

husband keeps telling me that Grayson will be fine since he doesn't know any

better. He says that for all Grayson knows - its just what happens when you

turn 5 months old - you wear a band! I have been wondering how he will

begin to look after wearing the band. You said Maddie looks different to

you now - I assume you mean since her heading is changing - for the better

:). I was looking at Grayson's head last night in the bathtub and I am so

glad we are getting the band. As my husband says, he has a couple of

issues. I noticed a small ridge in the back of his head. I am not sure if

this has always been there of if I just noticed it but I started freaking

out thinking that his head had gotten worse since the casting - I am

ridiculousy insane!! : 0) My husband says the band will take care of this

too! Like Prego - " its in there " - it was in the cast and will be corrected

with the band.

Hope your little " wildcat " gets calmer. Isn't it amazing how they have such

strong wills to be so small - it is fascinating to watch. Maddie will be

fine. She's just showing her independence (thats how I think of it - its a

good thing). I will let keep you posted. I'm sure I will be posting more

questions once we have the band.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sar617mc@... [sMTP:Sar617mc@...]

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:05 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited


> Hi Tammy,

> I'm happy to hear that you are finding some peace with all of this. It

> takes

> time and even after you are on the road to treatment, you still may have

> moments of " How did this ever happen? " I wish you guys the best with your


> treatment...How did the casting go? You may have already written, but I

> have

> had so little time to read my posts lately. The casting was a little

> grueling for us - she pretty much cried the whole time, but she's doing

> much

> better. She'll sleep with it on, it's getting to sleep that seems to be

> the

> problem lately, but we're working on that too. We had been doing some

> neck

> exercises given to us by the good people at CT and suddenly this week she

> decided she doesn't want to turn her head to the left for our exercises.

> Fought me like a wildcat! I don't know where this came from and worried

> at

> first that it might be hurting her, but then sat her up and turned her

> head

> to the left and she was fine. Also, I called Margie at CT in Phoenix and

> we

> both decided that this is more a display of strong will than anything

> else.

> I already feel sorry for my husband and I in 13 years. As far as the band


> goes, I don't think she even notices it anymore. It's weird to take it

> off

> now. She looks different to me!

> Take Care and keep us posted,



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My heart goes out to you and Grayson for having to be casted twice. Sounds

like he did great the second time, though. I can just imagine him arching

his back and straightening his legs in protest. My husband and I call this

move " the Protester " whenever we see it. My niece and nephew are especially

adept at it. :-) Like Grayson, Madison was completely exhausted afterward.

She had fallen asleep even before we left the office. As far as adjusting,

your husband is so right...Grayson will adjust wonderfully and will just take

it as " something that happens when you turn 5 months old " . Madison's head

sweat a lot at first (but then I do too, we live in AZ) but that has all but

disappeared. Her body has made the proper accommodations. Nursing her took

some getting used to, but I just use a nice cushy pillow to prop her instead

of my arm. It looked uncomfortable for her, but actually, I think she was

fine. I think the band resting on my arm hurt more than anything else. Now,

as far as rolling over and favoring one side while sleeping...Madison hasn't

rolled over to her stomach yet so I can't answer on that question. In fact,

she's not a big fan of her stomach. When I put her on her tummy, she quickly

rolls right back to her back. She does like to sleep on her side, either

side, a lot and that is usually how I find her sleeping when I check on her.

I asked our tech at CT about them favoring the one side (during sleep) and

was told that it would be wise to still reposition, but that the band is

preventing that " favorite " side from further flattening while sleeping. The

pressure created by the mattress is on the band, not the head. Does that

make sense? I think part of Grayson's adjustment period will be figuring out

possibly new ways to get comfy in his crib. Maddie had to do this and I

think it may have been a little more difficult for her at first, but she's

really doing great.

I understand you having so many concerns. I still do - on a daily basis!

But, your little Grayson is going to do fabulous in the band. I wouldn't

wish this experience on anyone, but I think it's made me realize even more

how precious my little one is. (Even when she's a wildcat! Ha, ha.)

Please stay in touch,

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first of all, excuse the typing, holding alex in my left arm.

about the sleeping, I had the same question yesterday and asked my Co

about it because sleeps on his left side. She appearantly has

heard the question a lot Because she starting shaking her head before

I had even finished the question. It is okay for them to sleep on

their side, thank goodness! it would have been really hard to get

back to sleeping on his back. I don't know about the stomach,

but I think it would be the same. Cant imagine it would be comfy

though. She did say that a lot of her parents say that they take the

band off for a few minutes in the morning, and I'm doing that as

well. Just to give the left side of his little head a rest.

To answer someone elses question, was 6 mos old on the 16th of

may. He has his own website at:


it doesn't have any picture of the helmet yet, and Daddy the computer

programmer needs to update it (he's been tinkering with it for awhile-

-perfectionist and isn't happy with the first version), but you can

see him there if you would like. We think he's the cutest, but then

we are biased of course ;)

Shelli Moon

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tammy--forgot to say that can still roll over just fine--too

good! he is everywhere now and can't even crawl yet. back & forth,

back & forth! He doesn't seem to know that it is there. About

nursing, I had planned on stopping at 6 months anyway, but the helmet

was not comfy on my arm at all the few times i did nurse hin with it

on. It's possible, but I didn't like it. I had done research on

when to stop, and read both to stop at 6 mo's and 1 year. However, I

found that while nursing is still good after 6 months, it stops being

so much better than formula. The baby has gotten the nutrients it

needs from breastmilk, and it is no longer more beneficial than

formula, and is an unnecessary strain on the mother. I know some

people will disagree with that, but that is what I'm going with.

Besides, he's got 2 TEETH now, and getting more soon--ouch!! I cant

imagine how same mothers can do it for 2 years or more! No offense

if anyone here does it, bit i've heard of people doing it until 3 or

4 or longer! Ouch!

good luck with the fitting!


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Thanks Shelli. I appreciate the responses. Grayson is 5 months old today.

I guess I will have to learn to nurse with the band. I plan to nurse as

long as I can. Since I work full time, I only nurse in the mornings and

evenings. Perhaps I can use the time out of the band in the mornings as our

" cuddle " time. Grayson has his first tooth (just broke the gum last week).

I am wondering how long it will take him to realize that he can bite - ouch.

He rubs it with his tongue all the time - must feel weird.

By the way - I visited 's website. What a talented little boy to create

such a great site. I love the pictures of him especially the one of him in

the basket. That will certainly be a picture to treasure - you can always

remember how small he was. Grayson was so big at birth (8.9) with so much

hair he has never really looked like a baby. He has always been my baby

" boy " or little man.

I will keep all posted once we get the band (May 26). Questions/concerns

are always lurking...I'll be back with more. It is so nice to have all of

you out there who have " been there done that " .


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Shelli Moon [sMTP:endl@...]

> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 11:42 AM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: RE: Pity Party Revisited


> tammy--forgot to say that can still roll over just fine--too

> good! he is everywhere now and can't even crawl yet. back & forth,

> back & forth! He doesn't seem to know that it is there. About

> nursing, I had planned on stopping at 6 months anyway, but the helmet

> was not comfy on my arm at all the few times i did nurse hin with it

> on. It's possible, but I didn't like it. I had done research on

> when to stop, and read both to stop at 6 mo's and 1 year. However, I

> found that while nursing is still good after 6 months, it stops being

> so much better than formula. The baby has gotten the nutrients it

> needs from breastmilk, and it is no longer more beneficial than

> formula, and is an unnecessary strain on the mother. I know some

> people will disagree with that, but that is what I'm going with.

> Besides, he's got 2 TEETH now, and getting more soon--ouch!! I cant

> imagine how same mothers can do it for 2 years or more! No offense

> if anyone here does it, bit i've heard of people doing it until 3 or

> 4 or longer! Ouch!


> good luck with the fitting!

> Shelli




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Gosh, I didn't even think about trying to nurse while the baby was

wearing the DOC band. Has anybody had problems with that or was it okay?


On Fri, 19 May 2000 15:41:55 -0000 " Shelli Moon " <endl@...>


> tammy--forgot to say that can still roll over just fine--too

> good! he is everywhere now and can't even crawl yet. back & forth,


> back & forth! He doesn't seem to know that it is there. About

> nursing, I had planned on stopping at 6 months anyway, but the

> helmet

> was not comfy on my arm at all the few times i did nurse hin with it


> on. It's possible, but I didn't like it. I had done research on

> when to stop, and read both to stop at 6 mo's and 1 year. However,

> I

> found that while nursing is still good after 6 months, it stops

> being

> so much better than formula. The baby has gotten the nutrients it

> needs from breastmilk, and it is no longer more beneficial than

> formula, and is an unnecessary strain on the mother. I know some

> people will disagree with that, but that is what I'm going with.

> Besides, he's got 2 TEETH now, and getting more soon--ouch!! I cant

> imagine how same mothers can do it for 2 years or more! No offense

> if anyone here does it, bit i've heard of people doing it until 3 or


> 4 or longer! Ouch!


> good luck with the fitting!

> Shelli






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Just thought i'd let you know alex was big too-8.11--so i

sympathize. Still has no real has no real hair tho-just long peach


: )


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Really??? - wow - he looked so small in the pictures. Maybe it was the

overalls :)


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Shelli Moon [sMTP:endl@...]

> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:17 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: RE: RE: Pity Party Revisited


> Just thought i'd let you know alex was big too-8.11--so i

> sympathize. Still has no real has no real hair tho-just long peach

> fuzz

> : )

> Shell



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I hope you don't mind if I jump in. My daughter recently got her

band. I can't even say that she has adjusted to it, just because

she hardly even knows it's there!! Once in a while she'll reach up

to check it out, but she has never complained about it.

As far as sleeping goes, Hanna slept right thru the first night - and

every night since. The band does not effect rolling over, or maybe

it makes it easier. My little bunny has been a Tasmanian devil for

some time now!! She does, however seem to end up on her tummy in

bed more. I don't know if that has anything to do with the band or

not?? It kind of freaks me out, even tho I know she can lift and

turn her head with ease!! Just a worry wart, I suppose. I flip

her to her back before I go to bed.

In our case, Hanna's head is starting to look better (after 3 weeks

now), but mostly she looks so different out of her band because we're so

used to what she looks like IN the band!! She's just darn cute either


You'll be used to the whole situation in a couple of days after you

get your band. I cried the night before after I kissed her head for

the "last time" before bed. I don't regret for one second that that

thing is on her head!

Chin up!


"Duffy, Tammy" wrote:


The casting was difficult - both of them! The first casting

did not come

out around the neck area - probably because Grayson was so tense.

He was

flailing his arms and arching his back. Soooo.. we had to

recast because

the PT thought that the cast would be rejected when sent to Phoenix

to mold.

The second time was not as bad as the first. Grayson was

tired and it was

nap time so he actually feel asleep during the casting of the back

of the

head. He was a trooper though - he slept very well that night.

I have questions about sleeping in the band - will the band keep

him from

turning to the favored side? If not, are the pressures built

into the band

to keep the flat spot protected? Am I going to have to reposition

him even

with the band? (Please say no) Will he be able to rollover?

If so, how is

sleeping on their stomachs with the band? (I can't imagine this

would be

comfortable and of course it is not recommended - but I understand

once they

learn to rollover that they like sleeping on their tummies ??).

I am also

wondering what it will be like nursing with the band. I'm

sure I will find

all of this to be no problem but its just my mind ticking away.

I will be

sure to ask these questions at our fitting but thought I could

get a head


Sounds like Maddie is still adjusting. It certainly has to

take time. My

husband keeps telling me that Grayson will be fine since he doesn't

know any

better. He says that for all Grayson knows - its just what

happens when you

turn 5 months old - you wear a band! I have been wondering

how he will

begin to look after wearing the band. You said Maddie looks

different to

you now - I assume you mean since her heading is changing - for

the better

:). I was looking at Grayson's head last night in the bathtub

and I am so

glad we are getting the band. As my husband says, he has

a couple of

issues. I noticed a small ridge in the back of his head.

I am not sure if

this has always been there of if I just noticed it but I started


out thinking that his head had gotten worse since the casting -

I am

ridiculousy insane!! : 0) My husband says the

band will take care of this

too! Like Prego - "its in there" - it was in the cast and

will be corrected

with the band.

Hope your little "wildcat" gets calmer. Isn't it amazing how

they have such

strong wills to be so small - it is fascinating to watch.

Maddie will be

fine. She's just showing her independence (thats how I think

of it - its a

good thing). I will let keep you posted. I'm sure I

will be posting more

questions once we have the band.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sar617mc@... [sMTP:Sar617mc@...]

> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:05


> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party



> Hi Tammy,

> I'm happy to hear that you are finding some peace with all of

this. It

> takes

> time and even after you are on the road to treatment, you still

may have

> moments of "How did this ever happen?" I wish you guys

the best with your


> treatment...How did the casting go? You may have already

written, but I

> have

> had so little time to read my posts lately. The casting

was a little

> grueling for us - she pretty much cried the whole time, but she's


> much

> better. She'll sleep with it on, it's getting to sleep

that seems to be

> the

> problem lately, but we're working on that too. We had been

doing some

> neck

> exercises given to us by the good people at CT and suddenly this

week she

> decided she doesn't want to turn her head to the left for our


> Fought me like a wildcat! I don't know where this came

from and worried

> at

> first that it might be hurting her, but then sat her up and turned


> head

> to the left and she was fine. Also, I called Margie at

CT in Phoenix and

> we

> both decided that this is more a display of strong will than


> else.

> I already feel sorry for my husband and I in 13 years.

As far as the band


> goes, I don't think she even notices it anymore. It's weird

to take it

> off

> now. She looks different to me!

> Take Care and keep us posted,



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Thanks Kendra!

Now lets talk pity party - I just had the worst conversation with my ped.

Not to bore you with all the details on how we got to this conversation but

to share some comments that really set me off...

He said he would not take an assertive role in recommending the band for

Grayson (asked him to help with insurance). Why? Because the band/helmet

therapy is not a favorable practice in the medical field. They are not

needed. He has seen preemie babies with board flat heads that have

corrected themselves. I am the first parent to request the

referral/recommendation for the band in his career and the career of the

practice. If I choose to go ahead with the treatment, he will be supportive

but will not play an assertive role in assisting me with the fight for

coverage. The " hipe " is ridiculous. He does not believe that my son needs

the band - it will correct itself.


I need a smart--- response for this one. I will be taking my son to the ped

on June 15th for his 6 month well visit which will be 3 weeks in the band.


A little steamy,


> -----Original Message-----

> From: & Kendra [sMTP:kbgarv@...]

> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:45 PM

> Plagiocephalyegroups

> Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited


> Tammy:


> I hope you don't mind if I jump in. My daughter recently got her band.

> I can't even say that she has adjusted to it, just because she hardly

> even knows it's there!! Once in a while she'll reach up to check it

> out, but she has never complained about it.


> As far as sleeping goes, Hanna slept right thru the first night - and

> every night since. The band does not effect rolling over, or maybe it

> makes it easier. My little bunny has been a Tasmanian devil for some

> time now!! She does, however seem to end up on her tummy in bed more.

> I don't know if that has anything to do with the band or not?? It kind

> of freaks me out, even tho I know she can lift and turn her head with

> ease!! Just a worry wart, I suppose. I flip her to her back before I

> go to bed.


> In our case, Hanna's head is starting to look better (after 3 weeks

> now), but mostly she looks so different out of her band because we're so

> used to what she looks like IN the band!! She's just darn cute either

> way!!


> You'll be used to the whole situation in a couple of days after you get

> your band. I cried the night before after I kissed her head for the

> " last time " before bed. I don't regret for one second that that thing

> is on her head!


> Chin up!

> Kendra



> " Duffy, Tammy " wrote:


> > :

> >

> > The casting was difficult - both of them! The first casting did not

> > come

> > out around the neck area - probably because Grayson was so tense. He

> > was

> > flailing his arms and arching his back. Soooo.. we had to recast

> > because

> > the PT thought that the cast would be rejected when sent to Phoenix to

> > mold.

> > The second time was not as bad as the first. Grayson was tired and it

> > was

> > nap time so he actually feel asleep during the casting of the back of

> > the

> > head. He was a trooper though - he slept very well that night.

> >

> > I have questions about sleeping in the band - will the band keep him

> > from

> > turning to the favored side? If not, are the pressures built into the

> > band

> > to keep the flat spot protected? Am I going to have to reposition him

> > even

> > with the band? (Please say no) Will he be able to rollover? If so,

> > how is

> > sleeping on their stomachs with the band? (I can't imagine this would

> > be

> > comfortable and of course it is not recommended - but I understand

> > once they

> > learn to rollover that they like sleeping on their tummies ??). I am

> > also

> > wondering what it will be like nursing with the band. I'm sure I will

> > find

> > all of this to be no problem but its just my mind ticking away. I

> > will be

> > sure to ask these questions at our fitting but thought I could get a

> > head

> > start.

> >

> > Sounds like Maddie is still adjusting. It certainly has to take

> > time. My

> > husband keeps telling me that Grayson will be fine since he doesn't

> > know any

> > better. He says that for all Grayson knows - its just what happens

> > when you

> > turn 5 months old - you wear a band! I have been wondering how he

> > will

> > begin to look after wearing the band. You said Maddie looks different

> > to

> > you now - I assume you mean since her heading is changing - for the

> > better

> > :). I was looking at Grayson's head last night in the bathtub and I

> > am so

> > glad we are getting the band. As my husband says, he has a couple of

> > issues. I noticed a small ridge in the back of his head. I am not

> > sure if

> > this has always been there of if I just noticed it but I started

> > freaking

> > out thinking that his head had gotten worse since the casting - I am

> > ridiculousy insane!! : 0) My husband says the band will take care

> > of this

> > too! Like Prego - " its in there " - it was in the cast and will be

> > corrected

> > with the band.

> >

> > Hope your little " wildcat " gets calmer. Isn't it amazing how they

> > have such

> > strong wills to be so small - it is fascinating to watch. Maddie will

> > be

> > fine. She's just showing her independence (thats how I think of it -

> > its a

> > good thing). I will let keep you posted. I'm sure I will be posting

> > more

> > questions once we have the band.

> >

> > Tammy

> > > -----Original Message-----

> > > From: Sar617mc@... [sMTP:Sar617mc@...]

> > > Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:05 PM

> > > Plagiocephalyegroups

> > > Subject: Re: Pity Party Revisited

> > >

> > > Hi Tammy,

> > > I'm happy to hear that you are finding some peace with all of this.

> > It

> > > takes

> > > time and even after you are on the road to treatment, you still may

> > have

> > > moments of " How did this ever happen? " I wish you guys the best

> > with your

> > >

> > > treatment...How did the casting go? You may have already written,

> > but I

> > > have

> > > had so little time to read my posts lately. The casting was a

> > little

> > > grueling for us - she pretty much cried the whole time, but she's

> > doing

> > > much

> > > better. She'll sleep with it on, it's getting to sleep that seems

> > to be

> > > the

> > > problem lately, but we're working on that too. We had been doing

> > some

> > > neck

> > > exercises given to us by the good people at CT and suddenly this

> > week she

> > > decided she doesn't want to turn her head to the left for our

> > exercises.

> > > Fought me like a wildcat! I don't know where this came from and

> > worried

> > > at

> > > first that it might be hurting her, but then sat her up and turned

> > her

> > > head

> > > to the left and she was fine. Also, I called Margie at CT in

> > Phoenix and

> > > we

> > > both decided that this is more a display of strong will than

> > anything

> > > else.

> > > I already feel sorry for my husband and I in 13 years. As far as

> > the band

> > >

> > > goes, I don't think she even notices it anymore. It's weird to take

> > it

> > > off

> > > now. She looks different to me!

> > > Take Care and keep us posted,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > > Up to 60% OFF food!

> > > Buy Now and Shipping is Free.

> > > 1/4016/4/_/689409/_/958691108/

> > >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > >

> > >

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