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I know how hard it is for you to be alone. And I know how hard it is for

you to be sociable. But, I think you made a lot of progress from the sounds of

your email. Even though it is hard, it is better to " try " . I feel that I

understand your feelings here and what you are saying. And you have my

sympathy. But, it is very good to make the effort, and to get out of the house,

and be with other people. And I know that G-d knows how you feel. He knows

everything you've been through, where you are now, and where you are going. He

cares for you and loves you more than you can imagine. Just keep on " keeping

on " . Don't give up. Each day just do what you can, and then forgive yourself for

your shortcomings. I will continue to pray for you. I think it is terrific

that you went to the BBQ Social and it doesn't matter if you couldn't cut the

cake. I think that you were making an effort, and that other people were making

an effort to include you -- both of those are good things.

Just keep trying!! Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:

Well, went to a barbacue outing tonight with the Mormon sisters. They were all

very nice. Then I came home to my home alone. I couldn't deal with it. I don't

know what is better-to be with the normal world and see what I am missing out

on. People with homes, families, normal jobs or do stay home feeling lonely and

frustrated but hidden. Somehow when I come home I feel like disappearing. The

pain is worse than when I left. I sit quietly at the function. Someone asked

me to cut a cake and I said I'm no good at it and just felt frozen. Just

think-so insecure I can't even raise my hand to cut a cake. Being out there

brings me in touch with so much I am missing out on. And it is so painful. Then

I think, well pray for what you want. But then I think, could I handle it if I

got it. Then I think I didn't ask for panic attacks, bipolar. This is an

illness. G-d I just want to cry. Whatever way I turn It is painful. An empty

useless life. I am still going to the Mormon Church on Sun. I'm

52. I just don't want this to be it. How awful.....................ine

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  • 3 weeks later...

If he loves me why does he let me suffer so much! ine

PJ wrote:ine,

Another thing you can do is to give yourself a big bear hug. Also, imagine your

God giving you a big bear hug. God loves you, and is always there with you. When

you are hurting the most, He is carrying you.

And, love the little child - ine that is inside of you. Give her comfort and

hugs as she will be okay. Sending you hugs through the email also!!! PJ

ine Tague wrote:

Well, I'm angry, depressed, feel usless, empty, lonely..........I finally

decided that perhaps maybe if I found a class to take somewhere I could go by

bus and meet people and find more things to do that I could enjoy. All classes

are in the evening when I can't go-no car or are scrapbooking which I extremely

detest. Or I can't get to the places. I feel so hopeless. I can't stand my life

anymore. How much loneliness can you handle? I have my aggriphobia again so it

is hard to get out. I feel like I am in a jail................I feel so

inadequate that I can't even crochet by myself. I need people around

me--mommies. pauline

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  • 3 weeks later...

ine, just keep hanging in there. And, keep your doctor's phone number

handy in case you need it later on. Maybe even program it into speed dial or

something. Crying is fine. Sometimes we just have to accept things as they

are. And remember, things get better. " This too shall pass. " Give yourself a

hug, also! Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:Well, I saw my therapist and everyone.

I need to let the change of meds go through their cycle. One of the new meds

had a bad effect and has made me hyper. The crying if fine. I've been afraid so

that makes it worse. The cutting was a way of controling my emotions because I

feel so out of control. But I'm to not change anything now and let my body go

through what it is. I am cutting down on meds I've been on for about 3 or more

years. Today, still hyper and just trying to handle it. Know is OK to cry. That

frightened me. Never cry(past) . Know it is temporary. ine

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ine, just keep hanging in there. And, keep your doctor's phone number

handy in case you need it later on. Maybe even program it into speed dial or

something. Crying is fine. Sometimes we just have to accept things as they

are. And remember, things get better. " This too shall pass. " Give yourself a

hug, also! Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:Well, I saw my therapist and everyone.

I need to let the change of meds go through their cycle. One of the new meds

had a bad effect and has made me hyper. The crying if fine. I've been afraid so

that makes it worse. The cutting was a way of controling my emotions because I

feel so out of control. But I'm to not change anything now and let my body go

through what it is. I am cutting down on meds I've been on for about 3 or more

years. Today, still hyper and just trying to handle it. Know is OK to cry. That

frightened me. Never cry(past) . Know it is temporary. ine

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Hi ine,

I hope your psy gives you the Ambien - that stuff works! When my mom

was dying I couldn't sleep, too stressed and jumped at every noise.

The drs gave her Ambien months before and I eneded up taking half a

pill and *boom* instant coma! One of the best night's of sleep I

think I've ever got.

Anywho, with the " dirty old man " here's something you can try. Be

honest. Don't call him names, don't get mad at him. In his mind he's

a hot stud out on the town with a younger woman, and having a grand

ole time. Come on, he's 86 and still feeling frisky, gotta give him

points for that! :-) LOL Reminds me of the joke of the guy going into

a Catholic confessional:

" Father I'm 86 years old, married, have four children and eleven

grandchildren. Last night I hooked up with two 18 year old, hot

blonde girls, we drank and made love all night. "

" Well my son, when was the last time you've been to confession? "

" Father I've never been. I'm Jewish! "

" Then why are you telling me? "

" Because I'm going around and telling everyone! "


No I'm not making light of your situation, just thought I'd share a

funny joke. But back to your predicament...

Tell him you enjoy his company, you apprecaite him for giving you a

lift around town, but because of certain happenings in your life you

don't like to be touched unless you say it's okay. Tell him that his

bawdy talk upsets you and would he please respect your feelings.

Because of his kindness to you (giving you a lift) he does deserve to

be appreciated, and you'll continue to bake for him. Compliment him

that at his age he still feels young enough to want to " court " you,

but you're just not ready and need to heal from past hurts. Nothing

you do is meant to tease or being mean, and you're not sending him

any " signals. "

Honesty is always the best policy, especially with men, and doubly-so

in a potential sexual situation. Men can't read minds, they can't

take hints, or they take the wrong hints. Be blunt, yet kind. You

might have to explain it a time or two, some men can be slow at

grasping the concept. The best tactic with men is give them the " Do

this... " and the " Don't do this... " list. They say the biggest

problem between men and women is communication. Well yeah. Women (for

the most part) speak in subtle tones, hint and are not direct. Then

women get mad because the men don't do what we want them to. The men

on the other hand, don't hear or get the hints or the subtle talk so

they don't know what we want them to do. Men don't seem to understand

that " The car made a weird noise, " actually means " The car won't get

out of it's own way when I stomp on the gas and the belt whines when

it finally does. Get off the couch and look at it now before I have a

heart attack the next time I have to drive the stupid thing! " Since

men won't ever understand " woman speak " the women have to learn to

speak " man " so they can understand us. Try telling him what you want

and need in his language and see what happens.

I do wish you the best of luck. These situations are never very fun,

especially when you can't just ignore the guy. And remember you're

never alone.

(( hugs ))

~ Kassandra

> Hi, well I thought I would let you know what is going on. After a

day of arguiing and begging my psy gave me some Ambien to help me

sleep. I was ready to call him supervisor. Well, been praying,

crying, reading all the affirmations. I do have a problem with

someone in the building. He is 86 and is dating someone and likes to

take me on errands but doesn't see it as just friends. Last time I

was crying and he was to put his arm around me and hold me and love

me. I said no. He got mad and said I was being mean. We didn't talk

for a week, I wrote him a mean note that he didin't respect my

feelings and that he was a dirty old man. Then for the week I was

taking buses everyone. My body is so stressed doing it. I feel so

along doing it. Couldn't handle it. So today I asked if he would

take me to the store. He said yes, that he just wanted to be

appreciated for it. I bake for him. Am very gratious. Then we were in

the car and he said he was'nt dressed properly for his lady. And

> put his hand on my leg-a tap. I didn't say anything. I went home

and cried, felt like I selling my soul to him. I can't stand being

alone. I don't know what to do. Been crying since. Don't feel safe

with him. He wouldn't rape me or anything I just can't stand to be

touched by a man unless I have given permission and I

don't.......................I'm seeing my psy tomarrow.......ine




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Hi ine,

I hope your psy gives you the Ambien - that stuff works! When my mom

was dying I couldn't sleep, too stressed and jumped at every noise.

The drs gave her Ambien months before and I eneded up taking half a

pill and *boom* instant coma! One of the best night's of sleep I

think I've ever got.

Anywho, with the " dirty old man " here's something you can try. Be

honest. Don't call him names, don't get mad at him. In his mind he's

a hot stud out on the town with a younger woman, and having a grand

ole time. Come on, he's 86 and still feeling frisky, gotta give him

points for that! :-) LOL Reminds me of the joke of the guy going into

a Catholic confessional:

" Father I'm 86 years old, married, have four children and eleven

grandchildren. Last night I hooked up with two 18 year old, hot

blonde girls, we drank and made love all night. "

" Well my son, when was the last time you've been to confession? "

" Father I've never been. I'm Jewish! "

" Then why are you telling me? "

" Because I'm going around and telling everyone! "


No I'm not making light of your situation, just thought I'd share a

funny joke. But back to your predicament...

Tell him you enjoy his company, you apprecaite him for giving you a

lift around town, but because of certain happenings in your life you

don't like to be touched unless you say it's okay. Tell him that his

bawdy talk upsets you and would he please respect your feelings.

Because of his kindness to you (giving you a lift) he does deserve to

be appreciated, and you'll continue to bake for him. Compliment him

that at his age he still feels young enough to want to " court " you,

but you're just not ready and need to heal from past hurts. Nothing

you do is meant to tease or being mean, and you're not sending him

any " signals. "

Honesty is always the best policy, especially with men, and doubly-so

in a potential sexual situation. Men can't read minds, they can't

take hints, or they take the wrong hints. Be blunt, yet kind. You

might have to explain it a time or two, some men can be slow at

grasping the concept. The best tactic with men is give them the " Do

this... " and the " Don't do this... " list. They say the biggest

problem between men and women is communication. Well yeah. Women (for

the most part) speak in subtle tones, hint and are not direct. Then

women get mad because the men don't do what we want them to. The men

on the other hand, don't hear or get the hints or the subtle talk so

they don't know what we want them to do. Men don't seem to understand

that " The car made a weird noise, " actually means " The car won't get

out of it's own way when I stomp on the gas and the belt whines when

it finally does. Get off the couch and look at it now before I have a

heart attack the next time I have to drive the stupid thing! " Since

men won't ever understand " woman speak " the women have to learn to

speak " man " so they can understand us. Try telling him what you want

and need in his language and see what happens.

I do wish you the best of luck. These situations are never very fun,

especially when you can't just ignore the guy. And remember you're

never alone.

(( hugs ))

~ Kassandra

> Hi, well I thought I would let you know what is going on. After a

day of arguiing and begging my psy gave me some Ambien to help me

sleep. I was ready to call him supervisor. Well, been praying,

crying, reading all the affirmations. I do have a problem with

someone in the building. He is 86 and is dating someone and likes to

take me on errands but doesn't see it as just friends. Last time I

was crying and he was to put his arm around me and hold me and love

me. I said no. He got mad and said I was being mean. We didn't talk

for a week, I wrote him a mean note that he didin't respect my

feelings and that he was a dirty old man. Then for the week I was

taking buses everyone. My body is so stressed doing it. I feel so

along doing it. Couldn't handle it. So today I asked if he would

take me to the store. He said yes, that he just wanted to be

appreciated for it. I bake for him. Am very gratious. Then we were in

the car and he said he was'nt dressed properly for his lady. And

> put his hand on my leg-a tap. I didn't say anything. I went home

and cried, felt like I selling my soul to him. I can't stand being

alone. I don't know what to do. Been crying since. Don't feel safe

with him. He wouldn't rape me or anything I just can't stand to be

touched by a man unless I have given permission and I

don't.......................I'm seeing my psy tomarrow.......ine




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Hi ine,

I hope your psy gives you the Ambien - that stuff works! When my mom

was dying I couldn't sleep, too stressed and jumped at every noise.

The drs gave her Ambien months before and I eneded up taking half a

pill and *boom* instant coma! One of the best night's of sleep I

think I've ever got.

Anywho, with the " dirty old man " here's something you can try. Be

honest. Don't call him names, don't get mad at him. In his mind he's

a hot stud out on the town with a younger woman, and having a grand

ole time. Come on, he's 86 and still feeling frisky, gotta give him

points for that! :-) LOL Reminds me of the joke of the guy going into

a Catholic confessional:

" Father I'm 86 years old, married, have four children and eleven

grandchildren. Last night I hooked up with two 18 year old, hot

blonde girls, we drank and made love all night. "

" Well my son, when was the last time you've been to confession? "

" Father I've never been. I'm Jewish! "

" Then why are you telling me? "

" Because I'm going around and telling everyone! "


No I'm not making light of your situation, just thought I'd share a

funny joke. But back to your predicament...

Tell him you enjoy his company, you apprecaite him for giving you a

lift around town, but because of certain happenings in your life you

don't like to be touched unless you say it's okay. Tell him that his

bawdy talk upsets you and would he please respect your feelings.

Because of his kindness to you (giving you a lift) he does deserve to

be appreciated, and you'll continue to bake for him. Compliment him

that at his age he still feels young enough to want to " court " you,

but you're just not ready and need to heal from past hurts. Nothing

you do is meant to tease or being mean, and you're not sending him

any " signals. "

Honesty is always the best policy, especially with men, and doubly-so

in a potential sexual situation. Men can't read minds, they can't

take hints, or they take the wrong hints. Be blunt, yet kind. You

might have to explain it a time or two, some men can be slow at

grasping the concept. The best tactic with men is give them the " Do

this... " and the " Don't do this... " list. They say the biggest

problem between men and women is communication. Well yeah. Women (for

the most part) speak in subtle tones, hint and are not direct. Then

women get mad because the men don't do what we want them to. The men

on the other hand, don't hear or get the hints or the subtle talk so

they don't know what we want them to do. Men don't seem to understand

that " The car made a weird noise, " actually means " The car won't get

out of it's own way when I stomp on the gas and the belt whines when

it finally does. Get off the couch and look at it now before I have a

heart attack the next time I have to drive the stupid thing! " Since

men won't ever understand " woman speak " the women have to learn to

speak " man " so they can understand us. Try telling him what you want

and need in his language and see what happens.

I do wish you the best of luck. These situations are never very fun,

especially when you can't just ignore the guy. And remember you're

never alone.

(( hugs ))

~ Kassandra

> Hi, well I thought I would let you know what is going on. After a

day of arguiing and begging my psy gave me some Ambien to help me

sleep. I was ready to call him supervisor. Well, been praying,

crying, reading all the affirmations. I do have a problem with

someone in the building. He is 86 and is dating someone and likes to

take me on errands but doesn't see it as just friends. Last time I

was crying and he was to put his arm around me and hold me and love

me. I said no. He got mad and said I was being mean. We didn't talk

for a week, I wrote him a mean note that he didin't respect my

feelings and that he was a dirty old man. Then for the week I was

taking buses everyone. My body is so stressed doing it. I feel so

along doing it. Couldn't handle it. So today I asked if he would

take me to the store. He said yes, that he just wanted to be

appreciated for it. I bake for him. Am very gratious. Then we were in

the car and he said he was'nt dressed properly for his lady. And

> put his hand on my leg-a tap. I didn't say anything. I went home

and cried, felt like I selling my soul to him. I can't stand being

alone. I don't know what to do. Been crying since. Don't feel safe

with him. He wouldn't rape me or anything I just can't stand to be

touched by a man unless I have given permission and I

don't.......................I'm seeing my psy tomarrow.......ine




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ine asked me to send this message out to the group, seems she is having

some trouble posting, which I will certainly look into. Hugs...Nola

-- ine

Well, I can't get a message to the group. Yahoo is messed up so tell them

and you I appriciate your insight and suggestions. When I am emotional I

stay with the old habits without realizing it. I will make some notes on

cards and put them on my wall. I did that years ago and it really helped.

Again thanks to you and Kassandra for your help. ine

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You have really come a long way since we first met, as well as myself. We

have grown together here and watching the trials and tribulations of each of

us and the emotional roller coaster we battle is hard I know. Keep yourself

focused on positive things, keep yourself busy. I found doing crafts really

helped me out also. Like Feng Shui, I love it now and it really keeps me

thinking about new and exciting ways to make things better in my life. I

find it really works for me and maybe you should think about doing something

of the same since you are alone as I am, we both need to keep ourselves and

our minds going on good things for us.

The notes on cards is a really good idea! Decorate them as well! Place

them in different places in your home that will make you think all the time

of positive and rewarding experiences. Affirmations too! I have this

little card file on my computer that I play with sometimes also that is a

real cute program. You literally make up cards LOL and you can print them,

or just save them on the computer. They also have tons of things to

download from their site that kept me busy for sometime when I was so

depressed and lonely. Just little things like that we need to keep our

minds going in the right direction. Volunteering is what I really see you

in though, you would be so helpful to others. Good luck ine and really,

keep up all the good work, its working!!! Hugs...Nola

-- ine

Well, I can't get a message to the group. Yahoo is messed up so tell them

and you I appriciate your insight and suggestions. When I am emotional I

stay with the old habits without realizing it. I will make some notes on

cards and put them on my wall. I did that years ago and it really helped.

Again thanks to you and Kassandra for your help. ine

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You have really come a long way since we first met, as well as myself. We

have grown together here and watching the trials and tribulations of each of

us and the emotional roller coaster we battle is hard I know. Keep yourself

focused on positive things, keep yourself busy. I found doing crafts really

helped me out also. Like Feng Shui, I love it now and it really keeps me

thinking about new and exciting ways to make things better in my life. I

find it really works for me and maybe you should think about doing something

of the same since you are alone as I am, we both need to keep ourselves and

our minds going on good things for us.

The notes on cards is a really good idea! Decorate them as well! Place

them in different places in your home that will make you think all the time

of positive and rewarding experiences. Affirmations too! I have this

little card file on my computer that I play with sometimes also that is a

real cute program. You literally make up cards LOL and you can print them,

or just save them on the computer. They also have tons of things to

download from their site that kept me busy for sometime when I was so

depressed and lonely. Just little things like that we need to keep our

minds going in the right direction. Volunteering is what I really see you

in though, you would be so helpful to others. Good luck ine and really,

keep up all the good work, its working!!! Hugs...Nola

-- ine

Well, I can't get a message to the group. Yahoo is messed up so tell them

and you I appriciate your insight and suggestions. When I am emotional I

stay with the old habits without realizing it. I will make some notes on

cards and put them on my wall. I did that years ago and it really helped.

Again thanks to you and Kassandra for your help. ine

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You have really come a long way since we first met, as well as myself. We

have grown together here and watching the trials and tribulations of each of

us and the emotional roller coaster we battle is hard I know. Keep yourself

focused on positive things, keep yourself busy. I found doing crafts really

helped me out also. Like Feng Shui, I love it now and it really keeps me

thinking about new and exciting ways to make things better in my life. I

find it really works for me and maybe you should think about doing something

of the same since you are alone as I am, we both need to keep ourselves and

our minds going on good things for us.

The notes on cards is a really good idea! Decorate them as well! Place

them in different places in your home that will make you think all the time

of positive and rewarding experiences. Affirmations too! I have this

little card file on my computer that I play with sometimes also that is a

real cute program. You literally make up cards LOL and you can print them,

or just save them on the computer. They also have tons of things to

download from their site that kept me busy for sometime when I was so

depressed and lonely. Just little things like that we need to keep our

minds going in the right direction. Volunteering is what I really see you

in though, you would be so helpful to others. Good luck ine and really,

keep up all the good work, its working!!! Hugs...Nola

-- ine

Well, I can't get a message to the group. Yahoo is messed up so tell them

and you I appriciate your insight and suggestions. When I am emotional I

stay with the old habits without realizing it. I will make some notes on

cards and put them on my wall. I did that years ago and it really helped.

Again thanks to you and Kassandra for your help. ine

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Are you drinking your water girl? I am not LOL LOL Make me drink that will

ya? LOL Nola

-- ine

I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase something

on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine

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Are you drinking your water girl? I am not LOL LOL Make me drink that will

ya? LOL Nola

-- ine

I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase something

on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine

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ine, well keep hanging in there. You can do it! We have faith in

you! Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:I thought I would let you know I am

the same. They may increase something on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging

in there. ine

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ine, that is terrific!! I hate to admit it, but you are now drinking

more water than I do each day. That is one of my weaknesses - as I'm so used to

coca-colas, lemon slushes, etc. that are sweet and flavored. So the water seems

so bla to me. But, I'm trying to increase my drinking of water also. I hear you

will feel much better if you drink 8 eight ounce glasses each day. And for those

of us who are overweight (like me)! need to drink more than 8 glasses of water a

day. I'm not sure if I'll ever get there! Congrats, ine! I'm proud of

you. Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:I am trying-4 glasses a day. ine

N wrote:ine,

Are you drinking your water girl? I am not LOL LOL Make me drink that will

ya? LOL Nola

-- ine

I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase something

on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine

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I will, thanks for the advice. I have lemons in my house today. Bless you!


jennelle wrote:The sugar free will kill you. It is made

sugar free by using aspartame

which is the stuff in diet cola. There is one diet cola that does not have

this in it and it is diet rite. Do a search on aspartame and find out what

it does to your body. If you need something in your water put a little lemon

in it. Lemon helps you to move the toxins out of your body. If you use

sugar free things, then get some stevia at your health food store. It is a

natural sweetener and is healthier for you. Health foods stores have all

kinds of information on aspartame and it affects on ones body.



> I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase something

> on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine




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Keep in mind, it is who you are inside and how health you feel. ine

PJ wrote:Well, I can top all of you as I need to lose 80

pounds. That's terrible, worst that I've ever been! One of these days I'll get

it together and get healthy! Maybe by the time I'm 50!! LOL I'm 47 1/2 now. Hee,

hee, hee!! Hugs, PJ

N wrote:ine,

That is not too bad, it could be worse, it could be more like 60# over

weight like myself. YUK! That even sounds real bad LOL You are doing very

well, I wish I could say that I drank four glasses a day of water. Got a

50th Birthday coming up here real soon and I really would have loved to be

more in shape for it, kind of like Cher was for hers LOL LOL Dream on huh?

Keep up the good work! Nola

-- Re: ine

I am about 30 lbs overweight. I drink sugar free Koolaide in my water.


PJ wrote:ine, that is terrific!! I hate to admit

it, but you are now drinking more water than I do each day. That is one of

my weaknesses - as I'm so used to coca-colas, lemon slushes, etc. that are

sweet and flavored. So the water seems so bla to me. But, I'm trying to

increase my drinking of water also. I hear you will feel much better if you

drink 8 eight ounce glasses each day. And for those of us who are overweight

(like me)! need to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day. I'm not sure if

I'll ever get there! Congrats, ine! I'm proud of you. Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:I am trying-4 glasses a day. ine

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How about Splenda. A diabetic I know uses it. I just realized that everything

I eat sweet has aspertime including my immediate sweetener. I have some changes

to make. pauline

N wrote:ine, I can remember saying those

words continuously for the last three

years so I really know how you feel. Take care...Nola

-- Re: ine

Well, I'm 52 and don't care. My age is the least of my problems. I just

want a life back! ine

N wrote:ine,

That is not too bad, it could be worse, it could be more like 60# over

weight like myself. YUK! That even sounds real bad LOL You are doing very

well, I wish I could say that I drank four glasses a day of water. Got a

50th Birthday coming up here real soon and I really would have loved to be

more in shape for it, kind of like Cher was for hers LOL LOL Dream on huh?

Keep up the good work! Nola

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What is wrong with decaf iced tea? ine

RareBreeeze@... wrote:Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say that drinking water will improve your complexion

tremenously. I REALLY need to drink water, I drink wayyyyy too much iced tea!!

Smiles from Alabama,

In a message dated 9/30/03 7:15:37 PM Central Daylight Time,

mollyann365@... writes:




> ine, that is terrific!! I hate to admit it, but you are now drinking

> more water than I do each day. That is one of my weaknesses - as I'm so used

> to coca-colas, lemon slushes, etc. that are sweet and flavored. So the

> water seems so bla to me. But, I'm trying to increase my drinking of water


> I hear you will feel much better if you drink 8 eight ounce glasses each day.

> And for those of us who are overweight (like me)! need to drink more than 8

> glasses of water a day. I'm not sure if I'll ever get there! Congrats,

> ine! I'm proud of you. Hugs, PJ



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What about Splenda? ine

N wrote:stevia?? I have never heard of that,

sounds good though. Great tip Thanks


-- Re: ine

The sugar free will kill you. It is made sugar free by using aspartame

which is the stuff in diet cola. There is one diet cola that does not have

this in it and it is diet rite. Do a search on aspartame and find out what

it does to your body. If you need something in your water put a little lemon

in it. Lemon helps you to move the toxins out of your body. If you use

sugar free things, then get some stevia at your health food store. It is a

natural sweetener and is healthier for you. Health foods stores have all

kinds of information on aspartame and it affects on ones body.



> I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase something

> on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine




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ine, I don't know about that one, I think we should look that one up.


-- Re: ine

What about Splenda? ine

N wrote:stevia?? I have never heard of

that, sounds good though. Great tip Thanks


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Stevia is a natural herb. Go to Google.com and do a search on it. I use the

kind that has a natural fiber in it. Any health food store will have info

on it. www.nowfoods.com sells it as well as any other on line victim/herb

dealer. It comes in little packets and also in larger containers.



> >

> > I thought I would let you know I am the same. They may increase


> > on Tomarrow. It's tough. Just hanging in there. ine

> >

> >

> >

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ine, I'm thrilled to hear that you are feeling better, and that the

doctors adjusted your medication. And my compliments to you on getting that

much water down today. Try doing it for about a week, and let me know if you

really feel better or notice a change! I'd love to hear about it. Many Hugs, PJ

ine Tague wrote:Chuged 5 glasses of water through the

day with lemon. Yech! But I did it. I feel so blown up in my stomack. Am

trying to take a parsley suppliment to get rid of the water. I am feeling

better. They doubled my dosages of Neurotin. Luckily. Talk later. ine

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