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needs your help today (Friday August 17th!)

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sent me an e-mail to tell me that his new

book " Absolution " is nearly complete.

He is wrapping up the final chapter today and needs your help. Here

is what he says:

This afternoon, I took a final look at a section in my book about our

obsession with abs (I call the chapter Absession) and as I read the

statistics on infomercial ab-training devices I nearly went into

shock. The numbers of these ab-gadget machines sold to Americans are

truly stunning.

Quite honestly, it makes me question: are these numbers I'm holding in

this report true and accurate?

That's when it occurred to me to ask for your help. You see, I'm

curious to discover how educated, active, fitness enthusiasts, like

yourself, respond to the incredible promises made by all of these ab-

training devices.

Are we more or less inclined, as a group, than the " average " American

to buy some sort of an ab-device from a television infomercial?

That's what I want to find out.

Here's how you can help:

I need about two short minutes of your valuable time. If you would

just click here http://www.bestabs.com/survey.asp, you'll go straight

to a brief survey on my site, where you can tell me about your

experience (if any) with these ab-training devices.

Even if you've never even considered responding to an infomercial, I

still need your vote! You see, your " NO " response is vitally

important to the accuracy of our count.

That's it! That's all I need. And I'll even list everything out so

that it's just a simple 'point and click' on the web site. And the

information you provide will become a part of my book. (Fair enough?)

He is sending this chapter to the final press today Friday August

17th so don't delay in completing this survey. I just received his e-

mail yesterday.



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