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Re: spring 2004 wise traditions mag - disappointed with a few comments

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what i meant, was, that prostitution is an (inappropriate) OUTLET for

(unmarried) people. I'm not saying a good outlet!!! I'm not condoning

prostitution!!! prostitution will always be around. as long as there are

women willing to sell their bodies, there will be men willing to buy.

I'm just acknowledging the reality of life.

it's a place where people 'go' to have sex (as a fact, as a reality) if

they can't or won't have it at home. I'm not saying it's right or even

that it's okay!!!

hey, i know i might be sounding really liberal at this point and I'm a

right wing Christian.

I'm just saying it's better to have extra marital sex relegated and

'contained' within the realm of prostitution rather than seeing it all

over TV and the movies. if given a choice!!!! you can never eradicate

immoral sex!!!

but i am not saying i am right!!!! i 'm just expressing an opinion

and i might be wrong!!!

maybe i should just keep quiet.




all I'm saying, is I'd rather see a return to the n era where sex

was mum. prostitution DID exist.

now, sex is all over the place, and prostitution still exists. i would

rather have the former!!!!!!!!!

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 17:12:12 -0000 " chrismasterjohn "

<ChrisMasterjohn@...> writes:

> ,


> but don't you think prostitution kept sex somewhat CONTAINED

Uh... contained within WHAT?


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--- In , " Anja " <schnittie01734@y...>


> Well, *I* wasn't looking into something to " prevent " my

> children from being gay, I was just thinking this and that

> might cause this and that. The next point would be a gay

> person saying they (or their parents) had never eaten

> margarine in their whole life.

My family has always been firmly in the butter camp. However, I was

adopted, and I have no idea what kind of formula I was fed back in

1961. I happen to be masculine enough that I can easily pass for

straight, and I sometimes wonder if masculine gay guys and flamingly

queeny gay guys are two completely different phenomena.

> But it's interesting. I know a gay guy and he always hung

> around with girls (without sexual interest in them, just

> like any of those girls) and every guy said he was gay. Then,

> at like 18 or something he had a girlfriend. After they broke

> up, he had a boyfriend, started dressing gay and such.

Dressing gay? In my case, that's 501's and a t-shirt. Cool! I can now

assume any guy in jeans and a t-shirt is gay!

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> the same with sex. what the heck is sexual incompatibility

anyway? did

> you ever fall in love with someone you were sexually incompatable


> if you LOVE someone, the sex falls into place. i think people who


> basically sexually 'normal', who fall in love, don't have major


> and if you DO have a problem, you try to solve it.

ITA laura and besides, even if you could somehow miraculously find

someone who was *completely* sexually compatible with you today,

there is no guarantee that it will always be that way. as humans we

change, evolve, grow, etc etc. if you demand complete compatibility,

then what? divorce and find someone new?

> i hope that doesn't sound too simplistic. my husband and i have

had our

> share of problems, difficulties and incompatibilities. the word


> has come up more than once in the last 17 years. things have been


> between us at various times. but i guess we both wanted to work


> out, and thank God we did. things are better than they ever have


> i shudder to think what we might be missing out on if we had

succumbed to

> our major dissatisfactions and divorced.


> but that's just my opinion and i might be wrong. :-)

laura i don't think it's simplistic at all. and it sounds remarkably

like my own marriage, which now i wouldn't trade for the world.

good luck with the realtor!


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anja are you saying those women prostitues because they didn't have

access to birth control? if so, it seems that's more of argument

*for* what laura is saying: ie, they wouldn't find themselves in that

situation if they had been abstinent.

anyways, i can't control anybody (and don't want to). the truth is

that there will always be people who make poor choices in life, and

they and their children and possibly even their children's children

will suffer for it. you can't legislate morality *or* common sense.

birth control was supposed to cure a lot of ills, but did it? if

birth control (and the women who use it) are all it's cracked up to

be, why are approx 1.5 million abortions performed in the USA alone

every year? there's something really really wrong there (and i'm not

talking about a moral judgement on abortion, either).

but maybe i missed the point of your post?

vera, who should join laura and clean some house <bg>

--- In , " Anja " <schnittie01734@y...>


> Yeah and with no real birthcontrol, there were a lot of children


> mother was working as a prostitute and didn't know who the father of

> each of her children was, plus she probably had VD.

> Which means, some husband had it as well and his wife shared it.

> Come visit this part of the city and you get a taste of it, there


> SO many mothers who have 4 different children from 6 different guys,

> who are all drunks or something. Those kids have such an unstable

> home, a new " dad " every few weeks and living off welfare. I don't

> think that leads to being faithful...

> CU Anja


> > >at least in the n era, people had a CHANCE to grow up

> chaste and

> > >remain faithful during marriage.

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> what i meant, was, that prostitution is an (inappropriate) OUTLET


> (unmarried) people. I'm not saying a good outlet!!! [...]


> it's a place where people 'go' to have sex (as a fact, as a

reality) if

> they can't or won't have it at home. [...]


> I'm just saying it's better to have extra marital sex relegated and

> 'contained' within the realm of prostitution rather than seeing it


> over TV and the movies. if given a choice!!!! you can never


> immoral sex!!!


I interpret you to be saying, basically, that it is better to have

(implicitly equivalently) immoral sex " swept under the rug, " than to

have it out in the open.

I disagree from a few different angles. First, I don't accept that

the two forms of pre/extra-marital sex are morally equivalent. You

seem to be implying that since the only truly moral sex is between

married partners, that all other sex is equally immoral. But

traditionally Christianity has had a hierarchy of sexual sins (let's

speak of the Eastern and pre-Anselm Western hierarchies, rather than

the ridiculous 12th century toppling of the hierarchy). Masturbation

is at the bottom, and pre-marital sex is right after that. Adultery

is at the top, second I think to rape. The idea is that pre-marital

sex, while wrong, is relatively benign because it doesn't disturb the

social order. While casual sex may take sex out of the holiest

realm, at least it doesn't relegate it to blind business like

prostitution, where each party does not even know each other.

Further, if the prostitution patrons were married, they are

committing adultery, which is among the worst sexual sins, far worse

than two teenagers having sex, neither of whom are married, neither

of whom have children and families that need stability, etc.

So, while it might be detrimental to be so open about sex as we are

(I'm not so sure of that anyway; I kind of like it), even from a

conservative moral point of view, it seems to me that contained

prostitution is significantly more immoral than open and accepted pre-

marital sex.

Besides, pre-marital sex has always been the norm.


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I think 's point is that she (nor myself) share every dirty

detail of our sex lives, and we'd prefer to know as much about

everyone else as we share. ;)

> >

> >

> > what i meant, was, that prostitution is an (inappropriate)


> for

> > (unmarried) people. I'm not saying a good outlet!!! [...]


> >

> > it's a place where people 'go' to have sex (as a fact, as a

> reality) if

> > they can't or won't have it at home. [...]

> >

> > I'm just saying it's better to have extra marital sex relegated


> > 'contained' within the realm of prostitution rather than seeing


> all

> > over TV and the movies. if given a choice!!!! you can never

> eradicate

> > immoral sex!!!


> ,


> I interpret you to be saying, basically, that it is better to have

> (implicitly equivalently) immoral sex " swept under the rug, " than


> have it out in the open.


> I disagree from a few different angles. First, I don't accept


> the two forms of pre/extra-marital sex are morally equivalent.


> seem to be implying that since the only truly moral sex is between

> married partners, that all other sex is equally immoral. But

> traditionally Christianity has had a hierarchy of sexual sins


> speak of the Eastern and pre-Anselm Western hierarchies, rather


> the ridiculous 12th century toppling of the hierarchy).


> is at the bottom, and pre-marital sex is right after that.


> is at the top, second I think to rape. The idea is that pre-


> sex, while wrong, is relatively benign because it doesn't disturb


> social order. While casual sex may take sex out of the holiest

> realm, at least it doesn't relegate it to blind business like

> prostitution, where each party does not even know each other.

> Further, if the prostitution patrons were married, they are

> committing adultery, which is among the worst sexual sins, far


> than two teenagers having sex, neither of whom are married,


> of whom have children and families that need stability, etc.


> So, while it might be detrimental to be so open about sex as we


> (I'm not so sure of that anyway; I kind of like it), even from a

> conservative moral point of view, it seems to me that contained

> prostitution is significantly more immoral than open and accepted


> marital sex.


> Besides, pre-marital sex has always been the norm.


> Chris

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Hi Vera! it's nice to meet someone who has had the similar or same



laura i don't think it's simplistic at all. and it sounds remarkably

like my own marriage, which now i wouldn't trade for the world.

good luck with the realtor!


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i respect you for your beliefs, but i don't necessarily agree that

sex is something that needs to be 100% private. i mean, i'd never

have sex in public (or would i? hmmm) but do feel completely ok

about kissing and i certainly feel GREAT about taking my breast out

and nursing my little one no matter if i'm by myself in a park or in

front of hundreds of people. is that just as offensive to you?

i have major problems with some of the clothing that is marketed to

children/young adults these days, but still feel strongly that we'd

be a happier and more relaxed society if we'd follow the lead of the

europeans (and other cultures) who view sex and nakedness and

completely normal and beautiful.

erica z

> reminds me of the book Kosher Sex, a book i have been meaning to

read for

> a long time.


> supposedly, the more 'chaste' you are before marriage, and the more

> faithful you are during marriage, the better sex you have.


> my husband and i probably come off as prudes to most people. we


> sex belongs in the bedroom, not on TV, not in the movies, and

while we

> are very private about our sex life outwardly, when we are

together we

> have the greatest, wild sex. it's the best. i never had sex this


> before i was married and i now regret all the sex i DID have.


> we try to explain it to our 13 year old this way.


> in the old days, sex was never spoken of. going to the bathroom


> either. they are both PRIVATE activities.


> nowadays, everyone talks about sex, it is so out in the open, and

it is

> sickening because sex was meant to be a PRIVATE activity like

going to

> the bathroom.


> that's why they call them PRIVATE parts!!! you don't go to the


> on TV or even talk about it on TV. sex should be the same way.

and we

> have lost A LOT in our culture as a result. I'm embarrassed to be

> raising my son in this culture. i wish he had been born in the

50's and

> saw things on TV like Lucy, which was squeaky clean, and not

things like

> Friends where sex is the main topic. i think Friends is hilarious


> it's not for anyone under 18. that's just my opinion. call me a



> laura


> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:26:49 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

> <heidis@t...> writes:

> :

> >too bad there don't seem to be boundaries anymore. i would love

to see

> a

> >return to appropriate boundaries. not n (although they


> >chaperones; i would love to see a return to chaperones. teens


> >always be teens...i know i was) , and not the way things are

now. just

> >appropriate boundaries. and i guess, there are probably as many

> >different definitions of boundaries as there are people.


> It may depend on who you hang out with. In my circle anyway,

> people may TALK permissive but their lives are pretty boring

> and monagomous. But during the n times, people would

> not TALK about sex but they had it a lot ... siphilous was endemic

> (with no cure!) and whorehouses were common. Women were

> expected to be " pure " but men " had their needs " .


> Personally I'd rather people talked openly and lived their lives

> more wisely. Discussing a thing openly can keep a person from

> making bad mistakes.


> -- Heidi Jean











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are we still thinking of confronting WAPF and asking that changes be

made in how it chooses to address this topic??

erica z

> > I think Christie's objection (and mine, although unaired) had to


> with

> > talking about homosexuality as though it were a birth defect or

> disease that

> > could be prevented via the mother's diet.



> " Defect " is a value judgment. " Variable dependent on diet " is


> I don't think WAPF should be exercising value judgments upon

> homosexuality, but we should be clear that issues of causality or

> mechanisms of occurrence have nothing whatsoever to do with value

> judgments.


> Chris

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everyone is different and thinks differently.

your views are interesting...

we differ, of course.


p.s. actually, i don't think i should really say anything about this.

I'm not God so i don't really know! all i know is He has compassion on

us, in our sins, yet He doesn't condone them.


i guess i was raised when sex wasn't talked about. and i like it that

way. I'm 49.

had i been raised later, when it was out in the open, i might think


i may sound like an idiot here, but i wish people only had sex within

marriage (that would eliminate a lot of societal ills). guess i just

want to live in some kind of la la paradise fantasy land. well, i guess

that's what heaven is for!

p.s. i guess i don't get what you say about pre-m. sex always having been

the norm. how can we know that? and anyway, i might be naive, but i

don't agree with that statement. i think it's a justification to have

pre-mar. sex. pre-m. sex causes too many problems. i could write a book

about the subject. it hurts women. and probably men, too. it doesn't

hurt ALL women. but it can devastate the woman if the marriage doesn't

take place. i know i sound extremely old fashioned and some of you are

undoubtly rolling your eyes. but i can't help how i FEEL.

in a perfect world, people would marry soon after sexual maturity. but

people mature sexually earlier than they used to, and marry later than

they used to. so what do people do? i would say pre-m. sex is the norm

NOW. but i can't say it has always been the norm.

by the way, i don't judge those who have sex outside of marriage. i did

that plenty before i got married so i understand. the sex drive is

extremely powerful.

So, while it might be detrimental to be so open about sex as we are

(I'm not so sure of that anyway; I kind of like it), even from a

conservative moral point of view, it seems to me that contained

prostitution is significantly more immoral than open and accepted pre-

marital sex.

Besides, pre-marital sex has always been the norm.


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nursing in public is GREAT! why would i or anyone be offended? breasts

are breasts...i nursed in public too. as discreetly as possible.

i would never make out with my husband in public. is that what you mean

by kissing? but we will give each other a peck on the lips to greet or

say good bye in public. that's not making out.

nakedness is not sex. brief kissing (not making out) is not sex. making

out, for me, is akin to foreplay.

I'm talking about sex between 2 people. not naked bodies. a naked body

is a naked body. a nursing baby is a nursing baby.

i suppose everyone has different sensibilities and definitions of things.

and i don't even know if I'm OFFENDED. i just don't want to SEE it.

sex, i mean. i could care less about bodies. (tho i prefer them covered

up. maybe it's just how i was RAISED.)

and i don't want anyone watching me going to the bathroom either!!!


p.s. i guess modesty is a lost art. some men say the more covered up a

woman is, the sexier she is.

like I've said, I'm VERY old fashioned.

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:43:44 -0000 " hlthgrl5275 " <hlthgrl5275@...>


i respect you for your beliefs, but i don't necessarily agree that

sex is something that needs to be 100% private. i mean, i'd never

have sex in public (or would i? hmmm) but do feel completely ok

about kissing and i certainly feel GREAT about taking my breast out

and nursing my little one no matter if i'm by myself in a park or in

front of hundreds of people. is that just as offensive to you?

i have major problems with some of the clothing that is marketed to

children/young adults these days, but still feel strongly that we'd

be a happier and more relaxed society if we'd follow the lead of the

europeans (and other cultures) who view sex and nakedness and

completely normal and beautiful.

erica z

> reminds me of the book Kosher Sex, a book i have been meaning to

read for

> a long time.


> supposedly, the more 'chaste' you are before marriage, and the more

> faithful you are during marriage, the better sex you have.


> my husband and i probably come off as prudes to most people. we


> sex belongs in the bedroom, not on TV, not in the movies, and

while we

> are very private about our sex life outwardly, when we are

together we

> have the greatest, wild sex. it's the best. i never had sex this


> before i was married and i now regret all the sex i DID have.


> we try to explain it to our 13 year old this way.


> in the old days, sex was never spoken of. going to the bathroom


> either. they are both PRIVATE activities.


> nowadays, everyone talks about sex, it is so out in the open, and

it is

> sickening because sex was meant to be a PRIVATE activity like

going to

> the bathroom.


> that's why they call them PRIVATE parts!!! you don't go to the


> on TV or even talk about it on TV. sex should be the same way.

and we

> have lost A LOT in our culture as a result. I'm embarrassed to be

> raising my son in this culture. i wish he had been born in the

50's and

> saw things on TV like Lucy, which was squeaky clean, and not

things like

> Friends where sex is the main topic. i think Friends is hilarious


> it's not for anyone under 18. that's just my opinion. call me a



> laura


> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:26:49 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

> <heidis@t...> writes:

> :

> >too bad there don't seem to be boundaries anymore. i would love

to see

> a

> >return to appropriate boundaries. not n (although they


> >chaperones; i would love to see a return to chaperones. teens


> >always be teens...i know i was) , and not the way things are

now. just

> >appropriate boundaries. and i guess, there are probably as many

> >different definitions of boundaries as there are people.


> It may depend on who you hang out with. In my circle anyway,

> people may TALK permissive but their lives are pretty boring

> and monagomous. But during the n times, people would

> not TALK about sex but they had it a lot ... siphilous was endemic

> (with no cure!) and whorehouses were common. Women were

> expected to be " pure " but men " had their needs " .


> Personally I'd rather people talked openly and lived their lives

> more wisely. Discussing a thing openly can keep a person from

> making bad mistakes.


> -- Heidi Jean











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i pointed out nursing in public (NIP) because so many (dare i say

it) americans sexualize breasts. i mean, before i had a baby i also

thought my breasts were simply there for a lover to caress or to

attractively fill out a shirt;) now i know they're there primarily

for my baby's nourishment.

it's interesting that you made it clear that while you did NIP you

always were discreet - i assume you covered your baby's head with a


to me, that screams " nursing in public should be hidden and breasts

are shameful. " of course many people would say that breasts should

always be covered. maybe it is a generational thing (my mom would

NEVER have shown a breast in public had she chosen to breastfeed my

brother or me, which she unfortunately did not).

i just don't get it. i mean, how many people eat with a towel over

their head? why should you cover a baby's head when he/she's doing

the most natural thing known to man?

erica z

> > reminds me of the book Kosher Sex, a book i have been meaning to

> read for

> > a long time.

> >

> > supposedly, the more 'chaste' you are before marriage, and the


> > faithful you are during marriage, the better sex you have.

> >

> > my husband and i probably come off as prudes to most people. we

> believe

> > sex belongs in the bedroom, not on TV, not in the movies, and

> while we

> > are very private about our sex life outwardly, when we are

> together we

> > have the greatest, wild sex. it's the best. i never had sex


> good

> > before i was married and i now regret all the sex i DID have.

> >

> > we try to explain it to our 13 year old this way.

> >

> > in the old days, sex was never spoken of. going to the bathroom

> wasn't

> > either. they are both PRIVATE activities.

> >

> > nowadays, everyone talks about sex, it is so out in the open,


> it is

> > sickening because sex was meant to be a PRIVATE activity like

> going to

> > the bathroom.

> >

> > that's why they call them PRIVATE parts!!! you don't go to the

> bathroom

> > on TV or even talk about it on TV. sex should be the same way.

> and we

> > have lost A LOT in our culture as a result. I'm embarrassed to


> > raising my son in this culture. i wish he had been born in the

> 50's and

> > saw things on TV like Lucy, which was squeaky clean, and not

> things like

> > Friends where sex is the main topic. i think Friends is


> but

> > it's not for anyone under 18. that's just my opinion. call me


> prude.

> >

> > laura

> >

> > On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:26:49 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

> > <heidis@t...> writes:

> > :

> > >too bad there don't seem to be boundaries anymore. i would


> to see

> > a

> > >return to appropriate boundaries. not n (although they

> had

> > >chaperones; i would love to see a return to chaperones. teens

> will

> > >always be teens...i know i was) , and not the way things are

> now. just

> > >appropriate boundaries. and i guess, there are probably as many

> > >different definitions of boundaries as there are people.

> >

> > It may depend on who you hang out with. In my circle anyway,

> > people may TALK permissive but their lives are pretty boring

> > and monagomous. But during the n times, people would

> > not TALK about sex but they had it a lot ... siphilous was


> > (with no cure!) and whorehouses were common. Women were

> > expected to be " pure " but men " had their needs " .

> >

> > Personally I'd rather people talked openly and lived their lives

> > more wisely. Discussing a thing openly can keep a person from

> > making bad mistakes.

> >

> > -- Heidi Jean

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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breasts are twofold; sex and nursing. i don't think either can be

denied. there is a culture that calls sex: " pulling on the breasts " .

now THAT's kinda graphic! :-)

i remember when i was nursing feeling like my breast is another

appendage. well, it WAS, to me and my baby.

but men will almost always see a breast as sexual, and if a mom is NIP,

they STILL will.

so i think we have to act accordingly. ya know what i mean?

there are cultures where the women are topless all the time.

but we're not. i agree, breasts are oversexualized and it's a crying

shame; TEENS getting breast implants for crying out loud. that to me is


so, out of consideration for the men who might get turned on, i think

it's better to err on the side of caution and cover up.

like i said, i guess modesty has somehow become a lost art. :-) and i

mean no disrespect!


On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 21:15:24 -0000 " hlthgrl5275 " <hlthgrl5275@...>


i pointed out nursing in public (NIP) because so many (dare i say

it) americans sexualize breasts. i mean, before i had a baby i also

thought my breasts were simply there for a lover to caress or to

attractively fill out a shirt;) now i know they're there primarily

for my baby's nourishment.

it's interesting that you made it clear that while you did NIP you

always were discreet - i assume you covered your baby's head with a


to me, that screams " nursing in public should be hidden and breasts

are shameful. " of course many people would say that breasts should

always be covered. maybe it is a generational thing (my mom would

NEVER have shown a breast in public had she chosen to breastfeed my

brother or me, which she unfortunately did not).

i just don't get it. i mean, how many people eat with a towel over

their head? why should you cover a baby's head when he/she's doing

the most natural thing known to man?

erica z

> > reminds me of the book Kosher Sex, a book i have been meaning to

> read for

> > a long time.

> >

> > supposedly, the more 'chaste' you are before marriage, and the


> > faithful you are during marriage, the better sex you have.

> >

> > my husband and i probably come off as prudes to most people. we

> believe

> > sex belongs in the bedroom, not on TV, not in the movies, and

> while we

> > are very private about our sex life outwardly, when we are

> together we

> > have the greatest, wild sex. it's the best. i never had sex


> good

> > before i was married and i now regret all the sex i DID have.

> >

> > we try to explain it to our 13 year old this way.

> >

> > in the old days, sex was never spoken of. going to the bathroom

> wasn't

> > either. they are both PRIVATE activities.

> >

> > nowadays, everyone talks about sex, it is so out in the open,


> it is

> > sickening because sex was meant to be a PRIVATE activity like

> going to

> > the bathroom.

> >

> > that's why they call them PRIVATE parts!!! you don't go to the

> bathroom

> > on TV or even talk about it on TV. sex should be the same way.

> and we

> > have lost A LOT in our culture as a result. I'm embarrassed to


> > raising my son in this culture. i wish he had been born in the

> 50's and

> > saw things on TV like Lucy, which was squeaky clean, and not

> things like

> > Friends where sex is the main topic. i think Friends is


> but

> > it's not for anyone under 18. that's just my opinion. call me


> prude.

> >

> > laura

> >

> > On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:26:49 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

> > <heidis@t...> writes:

> > :

> > >too bad there don't seem to be boundaries anymore. i would


> to see

> > a

> > >return to appropriate boundaries. not n (although they

> had

> > >chaperones; i would love to see a return to chaperones. teens

> will

> > >always be teens...i know i was) , and not the way things are

> now. just

> > >appropriate boundaries. and i guess, there are probably as many

> > >different definitions of boundaries as there are people.

> >

> > It may depend on who you hang out with. In my circle anyway,

> > people may TALK permissive but their lives are pretty boring

> > and monagomous. But during the n times, people would

> > not TALK about sex but they had it a lot ... siphilous was


> > (with no cure!) and whorehouses were common. Women were

> > expected to be " pure " but men " had their needs " .

> >

> > Personally I'd rather people talked openly and lived their lives

> > more wisely. Discussing a thing openly can keep a person from

> > making bad mistakes.

> >

> > -- Heidi Jean

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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>birth control was supposed to cure a lot of ills, but did it? if

>birth control (and the women who use it) are all it's cracked up to

>be, why are approx 1.5 million abortions performed in the USA alone

>every year? there's something really really wrong there (and i'm not

>talking about a moral judgement on abortion, either).

So far I've known about 6 women with unplanned pregnancies.

One was really your typical " slut " ... actually she was manic-depressive

and really, really not in control. Three were married and on birth control.

Two were unmarried conservative Christians who didn't know anything

about birth control, because they figured they'd never " do it " .

The only one who wasn't monagamous was the bipolar one,

and she's also the only one who had an abortion. But given

her mental status, I don't know how she could have raised

a kid either. It would be really nice if folks who are out of control

could have guaranteed sterility for awhile.

Anyway, the point being that birth control doesn't prevent unplanned

pregnancies, though it prevents a lot of them. And being married

doesn't guarantee that you want another kid, or that the fetus

is viable. But mainly what I'm saying is that EDUCATION is really

really a good thing, and that means talking about sex. The two

Christians were the ones who took it the hardest and really had

emotional problems with their pregnancies ... if their folks had

given them a few more facts (or birth control) their lives would

have turned out a lot better. Both ended up happily married

after a lot of familial angst that could have been easily avoided.

-- Heidi Jean

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why do people think that birth control should be guaranteed?

the success rate is never 100% even if it's 99% that means that one out

of one hundred times will produce a pregnancy. for a million people,

just having sex one time each using that method, would produce ten

thousand pregnancies!

and we have how many millions of adults in this country having sex how

many times per year???

Anyway, the point being that birth control doesn't prevent unplanned

pregnancies, though it prevents a lot of them.

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>>>but with the way things are now, with children being sexualized at

younger and younger ages, with sex being so 'out there' that a market for

sex is being created right before out eyes...for people who might not

otherwise be having sex (very young people) (like junior high schoolers).<<<

It can also be said that if it's not hidden away and it's talked about freely,

it won't be seen by the child as a mystery that needs to be explored. It still

comes down to the parent/child relationship, morals, etc. My almost 16 y.o.

daughter loves programs like Friends, but she has her head screwed on really

tight, and wouldn't dream of having inappropriate sex.



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i suppose you're right. but - should i be forced to go against my

instinct to nurse my baby wherever and whenever without covering up

just because a man might walk by and get turned on by the sight of

my breast??

this leads me to another question i've been pondering - is there a

double standard between a woman who NIP and has large breasts and a

woman who NIP and has small ones? is the large breasted woman more

apt to get disapproving stares or leacherous side-glances?

erica z

> > > reminds me of the book Kosher Sex, a book i have been meaning


> > read for

> > > a long time.

> > >

> > > supposedly, the more 'chaste' you are before marriage, and the

> more

> > > faithful you are during marriage, the better sex you have.

> > >

> > > my husband and i probably come off as prudes to most people.


> > believe

> > > sex belongs in the bedroom, not on TV, not in the movies, and

> > while we

> > > are very private about our sex life outwardly, when we are

> > together we

> > > have the greatest, wild sex. it's the best. i never had sex

> this

> > good

> > > before i was married and i now regret all the sex i DID have.

> > >

> > > we try to explain it to our 13 year old this way.

> > >

> > > in the old days, sex was never spoken of. going to the


> > wasn't

> > > either. they are both PRIVATE activities.

> > >

> > > nowadays, everyone talks about sex, it is so out in the open,

> and

> > it is

> > > sickening because sex was meant to be a PRIVATE activity like

> > going to

> > > the bathroom.

> > >

> > > that's why they call them PRIVATE parts!!! you don't go to


> > bathroom

> > > on TV or even talk about it on TV. sex should be the same


> > and we

> > > have lost A LOT in our culture as a result. I'm embarrassed


> be

> > > raising my son in this culture. i wish he had been born in


> > 50's and

> > > saw things on TV like Lucy, which was squeaky clean, and not

> > things like

> > > Friends where sex is the main topic. i think Friends is

> hilarious

> > but

> > > it's not for anyone under 18. that's just my opinion. call


> a

> > prude.

> > >

> > > laura

> > >

> > > On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 23:26:49 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

> > > <heidis@t...> writes:

> > > :

> > > >too bad there don't seem to be boundaries anymore. i would

> love

> > to see

> > > a

> > > >return to appropriate boundaries. not n (although


> > had

> > > >chaperones; i would love to see a return to chaperones.


> > will

> > > >always be teens...i know i was) , and not the way things are

> > now. just

> > > >appropriate boundaries. and i guess, there are probably as


> > > >different definitions of boundaries as there are people.

> > >

> > > It may depend on who you hang out with. In my circle anyway,

> > > people may TALK permissive but their lives are pretty boring

> > > and monagomous. But during the n times, people would

> > > not TALK about sex but they had it a lot ... siphilous was

> endemic

> > > (with no cure!) and whorehouses were common. Women were

> > > expected to be " pure " but men " had their needs " .

> > >

> > > Personally I'd rather people talked openly and lived their


> > > more wisely. Discussing a thing openly can keep a person from

> > > making bad mistakes.

> > >

> > > -- Heidi Jean

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Not every society/culture sees breasts as sexual, from what I have learned about

cultural anthropology.


> but men will almost always see a breast as sexual, and if a mom is


> they STILL will.


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> I think 's point is that she (nor myself) share every dirty

> detail of our sex lives, and we'd prefer to know as much about

> everyone else as we share. ;)

I don't see how that could possibly be 's point, since she made

specific references to the ubiquity of sex on tv, radio, etc, the

promiscuity of today's youth and prevalence of premarital sex, and

advocates a return to n standards of sexuality.


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but do feel completely ok

> about kissing and i certainly feel GREAT about taking my breast out

> and nursing my little one no matter if i'm by myself in a park or


> front of hundreds of people. is that just as offensive to you?

Hi a,

I feel GREAT about you doing this too! :-) I have little toleration

for people's hangups in this area.

> i have major problems with some of the clothing that is marketed to

> children/young adults these days

Yeah, I feel moderately uncomfortable with finding 15-year-olds

sexually attractive.


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> i may sound like an idiot here, but i wish people only had sex


> marriage (that would eliminate a lot of societal ills).

I don't see how it would. ly, aside from being raised to view

it as a " sin, " were I to make an independent judgment, I don't see

what's wrong with current sexual norms. They also seem healthy,

given the late age at which people marry. There's probably a benefit

to the stability of a society if people marry for reasons other than

love, do not divorce, and marry young, but that can't be returned to

in an economically and technologicall advanced society; hence, open

sexuality is the solution to violence and tension that would result

from sexual frustration with people waiting to have sex until they

are twice the age a human normally has sex at... that or frequent


> guess i just

> want to live in some kind of la la paradise fantasy land. well, i


> that's what heaven is for!

You mean for the 72 virgins? Oh, wait... different religion...


> p.s. i guess i don't get what you say about pre-m. sex always

having been

> the norm. how can we know that?

By the historical record. It's pretty well confirmed, for example,

that in the formative years of the nation most woman were pregnant on

their wedding day. It's also known that, until the 20th century,

Christian America considered pre-marital sex to be normal, and did

not consider it immoral unless they failed to marry upon pregnancy.

(Abortion was also considered normal and accepted in the 19th

century, but they didn't talk about it as such... they talked

about " releasing the blockage " of the menstrual flow, but everybody

knew what was going on.)

> and anyway, i might be naive, but i

> don't agree with that statement.

So you believe there was a time where the typical person did not

engage in pre-marital sex? I'm quite sure this has never existed.

It is obvious that it existed because the Church would not have used

penances for people so commonly for things that they didn't do. And

since traditionally people married in their teens, that means it was

pretty normal for teens to have sex.

> i think it's a justification to have

> pre-mar. sex. pre-m. sex causes too many problems. i could write

a book

> about the subject. it hurts women. and probably men, too.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've had pre-marital sex and have

never been " hurt " by it.

it doesn't

> hurt ALL women. but it can devastate the woman if the marriage


> take place.

Huh? What if the woman has no plans to get married?

> i know i sound extremely old fashioned and some of you are

> undoubtly rolling your eyes. but i can't help how i FEEL.

If you were " hurt " by all the pre-marital sex you've said that you

have, why did you keep having it? Did you feel this way before, or

are you retrospectively coloring your experience with your present


> in a perfect world, people would marry soon after sexual maturity.


> people mature sexually earlier than they used to, and marry later


> they used to.

People definitely marry later, but from what evidence do you believe

people are sexually maturing earlier? Christians in medieval times

encouraged marriages between 12-year-old women and 15-year-old men as

the idea ages, and they still had problems with pre-marital sex. If

anything, our society is experiencing a drastic prolonging of

childhood, not a premature end to childhood. In the formative days

of our nation, there were 12 year old Generals in the military, and

teenage inventors and business owners. Most people, from my own

experience, and from talking to other people, develop premature

sexual feelings around age 4 or 5.

> so what do people do? i would say pre-m. sex is the norm

> NOW. but i can't say it has always been the norm.

It's been the norm in the periods of history that I've studied, and

it seems a reasonable assumption that it would be as much the norm in

non-Christian eras, which make up most of history.


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> and i don't want anyone watching me going to the bathroom either!!!

I wouldn't watch someone go to the bathroom for fun, and I suppose

I'd prefer to be alone, but it doesn't strike me as something that

necessarily " belongs " in private.

> p.s. i guess modesty is a lost art. some men say the more covered

up a

> woman is, the sexier she is.

Oh, absolutely... to an extent. That stops at about 2/3 of the

skin revealed, then she gets less sexy. But I do think some of the

subtlety of the art of seduction is getting lost.


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> why do people think that birth control should be guaranteed?


> the success rate is never 100% even if it's 99% that means that

one out

> of one hundred times will produce a pregnancy. for a million


> just having sex one time each using that method, would produce ten

> thousand pregnancies!

No, I don't think that's remotely possible. I think the figure

refers to the people using it, not each specific use. If that were

true, I'd have ammassed a large family by now.


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> this leads me to another question i've been pondering - is there a

> double standard between a woman who NIP and has large breasts and a

> woman who NIP and has small ones? is the large breasted woman more

> apt to get disapproving stares or leacherous side-glances?

I am ridiculously endowed (the rest of me matches--I'm a large woman

all over not just there) but no one ever bothered me at all when I

nursed in public. In fact if anyone ever said anything it was to

compliment me for taking good care of my babies.

Lynn S.


Lynn Siprelle * web developer, writer, mama, fiber junky




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