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Dear Ones,

Somehow we all brew in our independent ways, and usually get good results


But, if you have to leave your scobies out on the counter in the wilds of the

kitchen, you would be wise to cover them thoroughly, or you can get little white

fruit fly maggots crawilng out of your scobies, and have to throw them out.

I suppose a close-knit tea shirt, anchored by a rubber band, over your

non-meetal scoby-ontainer will keep them out. How do you others do it? A glass

lid over a Corningware or Visionsware pot lets in enougjh air, and is safe to

store in in the refrig, but you couldn't trsst glass lids out on the counter.

The little buggers could crawl right under.

Ten years of brewing experience have demonstrated to me that storing in the

refrig is safe, and, contrary to some informed opinons, does not slow down the

brewing process or bring mold, if kept acidic enough. Either way, is okay. I

have never had mold in the refrig. When I got mold once, I didn't belong to this

List and didn't know one had to use starter to brew. I don't b believe in adding

just tea and sugar to stored scobies. It just temps mold to come in.

If you store your finished brew outside the refrig for more than a few days, you

can get shards of glass flying all around, so you have to burp them all the

time. But they say you get a log of fizz.

Blessings on you all. LOve. MArge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MARge,

I agree, when I receive the scobies from my friend, I figured it would

be with starter.



> If you store your finished brew outside the refrig for more than a

few days, you can get shards of glass flying all around, so you have to

burp them all the time. But they say you get a log of fizz.


> Blessings on you all. LOve. MArge.


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