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Re: Dad Won His Battle

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He was up walking the halls the

night before he died, very coherent, used the restroom (of which he had

not done for about 4 wks)...and what a statement:

" I am fine and healthy, my mind and body are functioning, all faculties

are well...now I will lay down and go to sleep " ...

Wow Sandie,

I didn't realize that he did all this, what a dignified passing for someone

who was doing so poorly. I hope you take that as a final gift from your Dad

for all your love and devotion...Shirley


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I appreciate your response. Yes dad gave me a gift his last few days,

yet more importantly gained the respect and dignity he and I fought so

hard for. He truly was a courageous man...and MY dad to boot!


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I am so sorry to hear about your father. He is at peace now with God. I

think if he could tell you one thing it would be thank you for giving him

his dignity. That kind of strength only comes from true love, care,

respect, spirit, and devotion. I don't think an Angel from heaven could

have done a better job caring for your father. You are simply an amazing


I never had the privilege of meeting your Dad, but if I would have, I would

have thanked him for raising such a great daughter. You have been an

inspiration to us all. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

as you begin to heal. Your father is in a far better place now. I hope

that, along with your memories of your father's better days bring you peace

& comfort.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We will be right here

if you need us.

God bless you.

RE: Dad Won His Battle


So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away this

morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support and



For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02

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Oh, Sandie, I have just now read your message. I am so sorry. Your dad and

you together put up a valiant effort. May you both rest in peace, knowing

that you fought a wonderful battle on his behalf. Much love, Cheryl

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Thank you for such kind and warm words. I am so thankful that after 2

1/2 yrs my dad was able to regain choices, dignity, good health, and

honor. It almost seemed as though Lewy moved out for 3 days. Hoping

this gives others hope in knowing the struggle can end with dignity that

we all fight so hard to keep for our Loved Ones.

Just found out, neighbor, that I may be coming your way in November, the

weekend of the 10th. It would be a blessing to finally meet you.

You have been so generous with your compliments...thank you just doesn't

seem enough to all in this group who have reached beyond the facts of

LBD, and into their hearts.

For this I am grateful.

God Bless you all and know your works on earth will not go unnoticed.


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Wow, that would be great if you do get over here then! I would meet you

anywhere! will be coming home around Thanksgiving or so. Not sure

of the exact date, but if she is here on (or around) the 10th, I am certain

she would want to come too! I copied her on this so she knows the date you

will be here. Please do let me know where you will be and I will make sure

not to miss such a great opportunity!

Take care my friend, you will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.

RE: RE: Dad Won His Battle

Thank you for such kind and warm words. I am so thankful that after 2

1/2 yrs my dad was able to regain choices, dignity, good health, and

honor. It almost seemed as though Lewy moved out for 3 days. Hoping

this gives others hope in knowing the struggle can end with dignity that

we all fight so hard to keep for our Loved Ones.

Just found out, neighbor, that I may be coming your way in November, the

weekend of the 10th. It would be a blessing to finally meet you.

You have been so generous with your compliments...thank you just doesn't

seem enough to all in this group who have reached beyond the facts of

LBD, and into their hearts.

For this I am grateful.

God Bless you all and know your works on earth will not go unnoticed.


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Thank you for the reply and your kind words. It all just seems so

weird, yet comforting and honorable knowing my dad was healthier in his

last 3 days than in the last 2 1/2 yrs.

So VERY glad Bob is doing well. I am sure the knowledge and

perseverance of you in his life is helping him tremendously.

Keep us posted!


Des Moines, IA

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> Group

> So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away

this morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern,

support and encouragement.


> Sandie


> For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02


I was so sorry to hear about your dad...not for him but, for you and

the family he has left behind. I think when death finally comes for

some people, for them it is a relief...for those of us left

behind...we deal with the pain of the loss. I know your dad is in a

better place free from pain and able to do everything he hasn't been

able to do for so long. I wanted to share something with you that

recently helped me with the loss of my friend.


Death is nothing at all...I have only slipped away into the next

room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other,

that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in

the easy way which you always used. Put no diffrence in your tone,

wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always

laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think

of me-let my name be ever the household word that it always was, let

it be spoken without effect, without the trace of shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was,

there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I

am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere

very near, just around the corner. All is well.

I hope you can find some comfort in this. My prayers are with you

and your family as you begin healing.

With love

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Where ya been girl? I even asked your mom about you recently. I have

missed your posts.

Thank you so dearly for your kind words and for the special writing you

included. It gave me a different dimension to consider. I will print

it off and read it often.

Best wishes to you! Hope you are doing fine and that life is treating

you well. :-)


Des Moines, IA

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Where ya been girl? I even asked your mom about you recently. I have

missed your posts.

Thank you so dearly for your kind words and for the special writing you

included. It gave me a different dimension to consider. I will print

it off and read it often.

Best wishes to you! Hope you are doing fine and that life is treating

you well. :-)


Des Moines, IA

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> Thank you so dearly for your kind words and for the special

writing you included. It gave me a different dimension to

consider. I will print it off and read it often.


> Best wishes to you! Hope you are doing fine and that life is


> you well. :-)

> Sandie

> Des Moines, IA

Hey Sandie

I wish I could offer more than words right now.

I come and read as often as I can but somehow I always seem to be 2-

3 days behind no matter how many posts I get to read. this is sure

a talkative group ;)

I am glad that you are able though to find comfort with us even with

your dad gone. You are truly an inspiration. I sometimes feel out

of the loop because unlike all of you I still do not deal with this

disease on a daily basis. the technical jargon sometimes throws me

for a loop and I have to just shake my head and move

on...however...I do understand the human side. I know the power of

internet friends and even though we may not have a face to put with

our words...we can still feel the presence of each other through our

words of caring and hope and frustration, anger and tears and love.

tomorrow will be a difficult day but I have to say I can imagine

your dad...with his big blue eyes...his spirit sitting on top of

that casket...filled with love and understanding for everything you

have done for him that in his bodied life he could not know or was

not able to express...now he knows. keep the faith girl it will

continue to provide you with the strength you need to move forward.

thanks for staying with us...thanks for letting us provide you with

a small sampeling of the care and concern you have shown all of us

over time.



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I know this has nothing to do with LBD but


I finally got to the end...there are no more e-mails. I am

officially " caught up " hehe.

hugs to you all


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With tears, I thank you. Yes tomorrow seems to scare me right now. I

hope to hold my head high and help my brother and the other pallbearers

carry dad to his final resting place.


Des Moines, IA

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