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Re: Dad Won His Battle

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So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away this

morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support and



For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02

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Thank you for the reply. I have greatly appreciated all prayers. There

is definate power in prayer. The nurse who was with dad said he just

turned his head, looked at her with his big blue eyes, shut his eyes,

and went to sleep. I am so thankful for this. Keeping you in my

prayers as well.


Des Moines, IA

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Awww, you are very thoughtful with your compliments. I will keep in

touch, although the next few days my posts may be less until I all

arangements are made. Thank you for all the prayers..


Des Moines, IA

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Sandie! I know you are going to miss your dad but he is now at peace. You are

in my prayers and may God bless you! Please keep in contact because you have

been an encouragement to me.


RE: Dad Won His Battle


So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away this

morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support and



For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02

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Oh Sandie,

I am so sorry but so happy that your dad will no longer suffer. You will

remain in my prayers forever. Please don't stop being the Angel you are. You

have been a tremendous support to us all. Please keep in touch and call me

whenever you want for any reason.

Love, your friend, Shirley

>From: sanclown@...

>Reply-To: LBDcaregivers

>To: LBDcaregivers

>Subject: RE: Dad Won His Battle

>Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 17:34:14 -0500 (CDT)



>So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away this

>morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support and





>For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02



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Thank you for such warm words. So sorry I don't have many words

tonight. I truly appreciate your care and concerns, and the many


Wishing your mom another good day tomorrow.


Des Moines, IA

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> Group

> So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away


> morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support


> encouragement.


> Sandie


> For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02

Dear Sandie

Please accept my deepest sympathy. I have been off the list, but I

still try to read the messages. I am truly sorry.


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Dear Sandie,

May your cherished good memories of your Dad remain bright and vivid, and may

you find solace in the knowledge that you did your very best for him. And

your best was wonderful, Sandy.


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Dear Sandie,

May God bless you and your family. I will say special prayers for you

all. I am new to this group and I cannot imagine group life without our

Sandie. Please stay with us as long as you can.


At 05:34 PM 9/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:


>So sorry this is short...dad won his battle today and passed away this

>morning at 11:30. Thank you for all of your care, concern, support and





>For Merle Lambert 7-31-37 ~ 9-20-02




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Thank you for replying. Yes, I agree, dad's last few days he was

surrounded by love, respect, dignity, and the chance to live as a grown

man making choices.

I hope you and your hubby are well and that life is treating you good.

Take Care


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Thank you for the reply. You are so right, there is a big hole, yet it

seems to be in my heart. I know that my dad's decision was the right

one to make and for that I am proud to call him my dad, father, and

mentor. It truly takes a brave person to do what he did.

Here's hoping you and your family are all well.


Des Moines, IA

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Awwwww, my dad's big blue eyes. Yesterday, during times of our visit he

would fixate on me making complete eye contact. It was as if he was

trying to tell me something and I would ask he needed to tell me

something. I told him to talk to me as I would truly love to hear his

voice. I feel now that he was trying to tell me good bye. I will

always admire him for his courage!

I really hope life is giving you happiness!


Des Moines, IA

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I am so sorry. I was so very shocked to read your posting this AM. Your loss

has effected me greatly. To close to home. There is so much I want to

express, but for now I cannot find the words.

I have great respect for your Father. To have had this horrible disease and

still have the strength and mind to go the way he wanted to go and you

respecting his wishes.

The love he gave to you with those big blue eyes the last time. He was

telling you " Thank you daughter for the time, love, and care you have given

me. "

I truly believe he is happy and at peace with your Mother now. I see them

both with arms wrapped around each other, big blue eyes looking down, very

proud and very content in knowing they raised such a wonderful strong

daughter together.

I am here for you when you need me.

Debbie Curtis

Iowa+ Iowa

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Thank you. I always look forward to seeing your posts, this time being

the same. I told my brother that I feel somewhat lost as I tried to

give so much time for dad...doing the research and fighting as his

advocate...now where do I fit in. Life may take me down some different

path now and I will go with honor knowing my dad was the strongest, most

brave person I have ever met.

Thank you for your kind words. How is your hubby doing? Hoping all is

well with you.


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Thank you for the reply. I had wanted to call you personally, just

didn't. And not even sure why. I greatly appreciate your reply and the

caring way you expressed it.

I will try to call you soon, maybe next week. Please continue to hold

your head high, be strong.


from one Iowan to another...and not too far from each other... that is a

comfortable and wonderful feeling.........

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Dear Sandie,

I have been where you are now. I know the " hole in your heart " . I also

know, from our phone conversation of some time ago, that you realize that

now the only one that can " fill " that hole is Jesus. I will always miss my

earthly Father, but my Heavenly Father promises that I will someday be

reunited with Dad as long as I place my life in the hands of Jesus. For me,

I have found consolation in this truth. Here is a verse that has given me

great comfort.....I pray that it will do likewise for you.......

Romans 8:38, 39, New International Version

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor

depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from

the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Sandie; He always keeps His promises!

with Love & prayers,

your sister in Christ,


Re: Re: Dad Won His Battle

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Thank you so much for comforting my faith and soul. As you knew with

our phone conversation, I do believe in God and the power of prayer. My

dad's passing is a testimony of that. He was up walking the halls the

night before he died, very coherent, used the restroom (of which he had

not done for about 4 wks)...and what a statement:

" I am fine and healthy, my mind and body are functioning, all faculties

are well...now I will lay down and go to sleep " ...

This is my interpretation of how my dad finished off his life...with

great dignity and honor and I know this was powered by Someone other

than myself.

Thank you Leanne, and God Bless you! Hope to talk to you soon and here

your comforting voice again!

In Christ ~ Sandie

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