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Hi Maureen,

My son currently takes 24 pills or capsules a day and I think I will soon

be adding at least 2 more. We too will soon be starting chelation

(finally!) We are doing a challenge test on Friday and hope to start

chelating regularly soon after. It is my hope that as my son's bodily

functions normalize (when the mercury is chelated) he will be able to stop

taking at least some of these supplements but in the meantime they sure

seem to be helping so I'll keep giving them. I also worry that one of

these days he is going to get fed up and refuse to take so many pills. Has

anybody been able to cut back on some of the supplements and nutritional

support after chelating? Pat


>My son has become a capsule taking machine. I am finding that I am

>giving him usually 4 or 5 capsules of something to take with every meal,

>then a gamut of liquids to boot. I currently give him :

> 3 capsules of Nu-thera

> 1 vitamin C

>1 Zinc

>1 selenium

>1 CoQ10

>1 milk thistle

>1 pycnogenol

>1 taurine

>4 gelcaps of CLO

>1 pro bio gold


>and then:

>1/2 tsp flax oil

>liquid calcium

>1/8 tsp nystatin

> 1 tsp colostrom gold


>and then:

>betime meds of trazadone, clonidine and paxil


>and I am soon going to be adding DMSA for chelation.

>Does anyone else give their child all this stuff? Is there a point where

>there are just too many supplements to be safe? He is progressing,

>however I feel like I am sometimes pushing the envelope and one day he

>is just going to shut down and refuse to take anything.



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Nu-Thera has selenium in it already (well the bottled one has anyway), are

you giving extra for a reason? You could be giving more of it than you think.


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  • 2 years later...

As far as I know, and I've given this to my son for ADHD, this is a great &

effective natural remedy.



I'm starting to panic because I've read what you are saying about

natural remedies. I just started giving my daughter ultra omega-3

fish oil which is supposed to improve her brain functions. She

takes 1 teaspoon a day. Should I stop giving it to her?



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  • 6 months later...
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excuse me, but 16!!! How do you even have time to read your email, let

alone practice NT and homeschool.

> From: Amy Maus <mausketeers@...>

> Reply-

> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:53:01 -0700


> Subject: Supplements


> I take supplements from Garden of Life which have gone through a process

> that ferments the foods they are made of so they are readily used by the

> body.


> You might want to check them out at www.gardenoflifeusa.com




> Amy, wife to my dear husband Steve, home schooling Mom to 16 wonderful

> blessings from God (2 homegrown, 14 adopted)and praying for more!!





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I read my emails in little spurts throughout the day... we have adopted

quite a few behavioral special needs kids and practicing excellent nutrition

has really helped them...

Amy, wife to my dear husband Steve, home schooling Mom to 16 wonderful

blessings from God (2 homegrown, 14 adopted)and praying for more!!

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With 16 children, and some of them with special needs, how can she afford

NOT to learn all she can about NT?

Blessings to you, Amy! I admire you greatly. You're giving some special

children a chance they otherwise wouldn't have had!

~ Fern

Re: Supplements

> excuse me, but 16!!! How do you even have time to read your email, let

> alone practice NT and homeschool.

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  • 10 months later...

hello there neighbor!

Good to have another family in the area.

IMHO supplements bandaid the problem as well as possibly causing

a life threatening illness when given in large doses.

We used a local DAN Dr (not the one you use) who prescribed very large

doses of supplements for (who was 4 at the time).

Everything from vit A to zinc ..

We ground them with a mortor than later with a coffee grinder

(because of the amount). We couldn't use SNT because it sent him thru

the ceiling. So our only other alternative was to mix them by hand.

We did this for over a year until we found an apothecary in Bethesda.

Then, just about the time we started seeing Dr G, an article appeared in

the health section of the Wash Post detailing supplements - the pros/cons.

Parents are worried what medicines will do to their kids, they should see

what large doses of supplements will do! When I showed this article to the

DAN practioner, he just said, " That won't happen to your son. "

(hmmmm isn't that what the Drs said when my husband had GBS ??)

We removed from the supplements because:

1) there was no real proof that needed these supplements. Blood sucks just

showed 'shortages' in areas. These shortages were due to an overactive

immune system. Once the immune system became regulated, the shortages

(except for anemia) disappeared.

2) the supplements weren't doing any good. We saw no changes that were


Cheryl, , Kathy probably have ooodles of articles on the overuse

of supplements. I just know from my own personal experiences (to include

homeopaths and acupuncturists) that supplements/herbs are being overused

in this country (think: echinacea, Golden seal, gingkobiloba, ginseng...)


sville, MD

Message: 13

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:23:46 -0500

From: and Daron Freedberg <mdfreedberg@...>

Subject: Re: re: Dr Goldstein


I'm going to show my ignorance, but what is wrong with supplements? We

have an appt scheduled with Dr G for the end of March, but we've been

seeing a DAN dr who started us on a GFCF diet with supplements.


(your neighbor in MD)

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi -

While your child could have been benefiting in some

ways from the SNT, there is also a very strong

possibility that megadosing the vitamins is literally

feeding a viral issue, as it is known that the body

will change it's metabolism to stop absorbing certain

nutrients during chronic immune activation - sortof

like cutting off supplies. The fact that our children

are deficient in numerous vitamins and minerals is

there.... however, adding these back - especially in

high doses - to try to 'fix' this without knowing the

underlying reason it is occuring has been very common

yet potentially harmful.

Vitamin A is one of these, I believe, and will have to

look back to find what I read on this. But also, the

high levels of vitamin A can and does cause peripheral

nerve damage. Also, things like cod liver oil can be

very allergenic - as with my son, I definitely saw

improvement on cod liver oil - BUT a few weeks later

he became reactive and slowly developed eczema. I

wouldn't have suspected the cod liver oil until I ran

out and it cleared up. Reducing things to trigger

reactions are very important.

SNT can be highly reactive too. Minimizing all

'input' and giving the antivirals & other meds the

opportunity to begin their work could mean a slide

back initially, but the goal is based on a great deal

of experience with the primary science of the

over-reactive system & inflammation backing it very

strongly. It's a long-term goal, and by following Dr

G's recommendations very closely, you will have a more

significant response. He would not pull a child off

of something he is doing well on for no reason -

everything he does is based on years of experience

with this, and he has seen this time and time again.

Where any of these changes after starting Valtrex? If

so, it's likely related to die-off. You may very

likely see her really slide back at first - but hang

in there! It is very worth it, but you won't always

see it the first few weeks.

Congratulations on getting started on the protocol.

Hang in there - this is the very best option available

to our kids right now.

Hope that helps-

--- mdfreedberg <mdfreedberg@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience following Dr.

> Goldberg's treatment regiment

> but still continuing supplements? We saw Dr. G

> about 5 weeks ago and he

> recommended getting our girl off all supplements

> (she was on super nu thera

> vitamin, zinc, cod liver oil and a probiotic). We

> decided to take her off

> one supp. at a time to see if there was any change

> and we started with

> SNT. Unfortunately she began scripting again. I

> was so sad to see this

> come back! She also was more fidgety, more

> emotional, less

> interactive. We got her blood work back from Dr. G

> and he recommends

> polyvisol vitamin, iron supplement and Valtrex. I

> don't want to stop any

> more supplements (she is still on everything but the

> SNT) because I think

> she needs them. Her vitamin A is in the lowest

> range of normal and I've

> been reading articles from Penland who does

> research on zinc and the

> benefits of it, even for people who are not zinc

> deficient (he's a

> mainstream researcher who's published in well

> respected, peer reviewed

> journals). So, I want to add the iron and vitamin

> and valtrex to her

> already existing supplements. Have any of you done

> this? Pros and

> cons? I really appreciate any advice or insight you

> can share.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone visited Autismcoach.com. I have been reading a lot about their

supplements and would love some insight.

I am really interested in omega 3, Carn aware. Really all of them.

Any thoughts

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Flax seed (which is is used in some foods...there's a flax cereal

at Trader Joes and I've seen other flax products) has a lot of

Omega 3. Be careful of cod fish oil. It has a lot of vitamin A

and when used in excess can be toxic to the liver. Also,

most of our fish are polluted with mercury (which is the last

thing you'd want to give your child!)

On Aug 19, 2005, at 6:22 PM, dazseaton@... wrote:

> Has anyone visited Autismcoach.com. I have been reading a lot about

> their

> supplements and would love some insight.


> I am really interested in omega 3, Carn aware. Really all of them.


> Any thoughts






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  • 3 weeks later...


Did you catch Patty's message on detoxing the other

day? It was an excellent discription on the different

phases of detoxing. I'll copy it back to the group

just in case. . .

It's never to soon to start detoxing. Getting rid of

your joint and muscle pain will probably be a slow

process, at least until you have your implants out.

Stretching, moderate exercise, theraputic massage,

Espom salts baths, etc. can all help. Whatever you do,

don't stop moving because it hurts to move. That will

only make things worse!

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi Lesley,

I'm waiting for an explant as well, but meanwhile, what has helped me with "damage control:"

For joints and muscle aches: fish oil, 5 grams/day, and boswellia and guggul(ayurvedic herbs). I also take rodiola rosea, ashwaganda and eleuthero, as well as Green Vibrance(a chlorophyl-rich powder). These all help strengthen the immune system and help rebuild a body that has been under lot of stress. I'd second the suggestions by Rogene--I do notice an improvement after I take my daily half-hour walk and do yoga--it seems to help to get the circulation going and calm things down. I also notice that I have to lay pretty low, and do only the lightest of activities, or my body just crashes. Last night I went to the book signing of one of my writer pals, an hour-and-a-half drive from here, and got home at 11:00 pm. Today I have that "run down by an 18 wheeler" feeling. I notice that if I am really careful and keep activities to a minimum, that I can hobble along, but if I push it, BAM! I crash.

Brain disfunction is really hard, and for me it's the worst part of this whole syndrome, being that I use my intellectual faculties to make a living! Just baby yourself as much as you can, get plenty of sleep, eat well, exercise, etc. and get those dang things out asap.

I feel alot better than I did a few months ago, but nowhere near normal. I think it's possible to lessen your symptoms by focusing on taking care of your body, but what you are mostly doing is damage control, trying to help your poor body from sinking down even further.

Are you scheduled to get the implants out? Mine is October 10, and honey, I can't wait.

Hope this helps.


Re: supplements

Lesley,Did you catch Patty's message on detoxing the otherday? It was an excellent discription on the differentphases of detoxing. I'll copy it back to the groupjust in case. . . It's never to soon to start detoxing. Getting rid ofyour joint and muscle pain will probably be a slowprocess, at least until you have your implants out.Stretching, moderate exercise, theraputic massage,Espom salts baths, etc. can all help. Whatever you do,don't stop moving because it hurts to move. That willonly make things worse!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Hi Lesley,

I have no symptoms to date, thank God. My operation date is Oct 14 or if a cancellation goes through. I have silicone since 1986. My sister just replaced her silicone implants wit another pair even knowing how long I have fought this for tests, and get high powered MRI's. I have excellent insurance so why all the crap. One MRI I called hung up on me. My husband was on the road and I told him to bitch them out. I have enough to worry about. But I too called and talked to his supervisor. He will be the one to do a more thorough reading. Hope he does not keep me in forever and I get sick inside. Threw up on the last tech that left the booth to talk to a cute secretary. I was afraid that I was going to drown in my vomit. I did all of this for my Mom that passed away with breast cancer 5 yrs ago. She was my best friend. I fought her many battles with insurance money or anyone that got in my way. Mine have been leaking for 4 years and the doctor did not inform me. I went to get some records for another surgery and all this info hit me like a brick. He said (dr) that it was not leaking enough. I have 75% already leaked out of my implant, but my scar tissue is still holding it up. After my surgery I am going after 2 primary care doctors and 1 GYN that also did not tell me. The little note I got yearly about my results ALL said I was fine. Hell to pay.


Re: supplements

Lesley,Did you catch Patty's message on detoxing the otherday? It was an excellent discription on the differentphases of detoxing. I'll copy it back to the groupjust in case. . . It's never to soon to start detoxing. Getting rid ofyour joint and muscle pain will probably be a slowprocess, at least until you have your implants out.Stretching, moderate exercise, theraputic massage,Espom salts baths, etc. can all help. Whatever you do,don't stop moving because it hurts to move. That willonly make things worse!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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I'm happy to hear you are listening to your body . . .

It's key to getting better! When you get the feeling

" That's enough " , LISTEN!

You're going to get there . . .but it's one step at a


Hugs and prayers,


--- Melinda <bindi@...> wrote:

> Hi Lesley,


> I'm waiting for an explant as well, but meanwhile,

> what has helped me with " damage control: "


> For joints and muscle aches: fish oil, 5 grams/day,

> and boswellia and guggul(ayurvedic herbs). I also

> take rodiola rosea, ashwaganda and eleuthero, as

> well as Green Vibrance(a chlorophyl-rich powder).

> These all help strengthen the immune system and help

> rebuild a body that has been under lot of stress.

> I'd second the suggestions by Rogene--I do notice an

> improvement after I take my daily half-hour walk and

> do yoga--it seems to help to get the circulation

> going and calm things down. I also notice that I

> have to lay pretty low, and do only the lightest of

> activities, or my body just crashes. Last night I

> went to the book signing of one of my writer pals,

> an hour-and-a-half drive from here, and got home at

> 11:00 pm. Today I have that " run down by an 18

> wheeler " feeling. I notice that if I am really

> careful and keep activities to a minimum, that I can

> hobble along, but if I push it, BAM! I crash.


> Brain disfunction is really hard, and for me it's

> the worst part of this whole syndrome, being that I

> use my intellectual faculties to make a living! Just

> baby yourself as much as you can, get plenty of

> sleep, eat well, exercise, etc. and get those dang

> things out asap.


> I feel alot better than I did a few months ago, but

> nowhere near normal. I think it's possible to lessen

> your symptoms by focusing on taking care of your

> body, but what you are mostly doing is damage

> control, trying to help your poor body from sinking

> down even further.


> Are you scheduled to get the implants out? Mine is

> October 10, and honey, I can't wait.


> Hope this helps.


> Melinda





> Re: supplements



> Lesley,


> Did you catch Patty's message on detoxing the

> other

> day? It was an excellent discription on the

> different

> phases of detoxing. I'll copy it back to the group

> just in case. . .


> It's never to soon to start detoxing. Getting rid

> of

> your joint and muscle pain will probably be a slow

> process, at least until you have your implants

> out.

> Stretching, moderate exercise, theraputic massage,

> Espom salts baths, etc. can all help. Whatever you

> do,

> don't stop moving because it hurts to move. That

> will

> only make things worse!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene





> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place

> of advice given by licensed health care

> professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

> health care professional before commencing any

> medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the

> politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts

> are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " -

> Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

> Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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Thanks for the kind and supportive words, the best "supplement!"


Re: supplements> > > Lesley,> > Did you catch Patty's message on detoxing the> other> day? It was an excellent discription on the> different> phases of detoxing. I'll copy it back to the group> just in case. . . > > It's never to soon to start detoxing. Getting rid> of> your joint and muscle pain will probably be a slow> process, at least until you have your implants> out.> Stretching, moderate exercise, theraputic massage,> Espom salts baths, etc. can all help. Whatever you> do,> don't stop moving because it hurts to move. That> will> only make things worse!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> > > > > Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place> of advice given by licensed health care> professionals. Consult your physician or licensed> health care professional before commencing any> medical treatment. > > "Do not let either the medical authorities or the> politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts> are, and make your own decisions about how to live a> happy life and how to work for a better world." -> Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,> Chemistry; 1963, Peace)> >

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  • 8 months later...
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I'd love to answer your question Christene, but I am not sure what you are talking about.... I am taking the chromium picolinate. I really can't tell a difference, but I know it is helpful in maintaing blood sugar. I'm still working on losing about 10 lbs. I am not sure what kind of information to point you to regarding reducing the immune response. Here is my take on the products we use to help strengthen the immune system...things like olive leaf extract, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract and others. From what I understand, these products help to kill off the bacteria, virus, fungus and other pathogens that our immune system has to fight. By taking a load off of the immune system, these products are like bringing in reinforcements in a biological war, thereby bringing relief to an overworking immune system. Does that make sense? Pattyusmcprincess3002 <usmcprincess3002@...> wrote: Rogene? I was just curious about the extra discount at check out...how much of a discount and why? And for any/everyone who took the Chromium Picolinate. I'm curious how it turned out for you... One more thing...without me having to go through all of the posts and files, is there any information about how these things can decrease immune response? I know there's plenty of autoimmune info. If there is, could somebody point me right to it? Thanks Christene

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I really didn't understand their discount . . . The

final bill showed discounts on each product - the

percentage didn't make sense . . Garden of Life

products had more discount than others. I suspect it's

their way of competing. However, it has to be costing

them because customers don't know the true price until

after they commit to pay. On a $156 dollar bill, I got

a $28 discount.

I had compared item to item on another website and

found they were the same, or very close - but this

website had some products that the other one didn't

have, so I ordered through them. Looking for the book

on thyroid is what took me to their site. Their price

was the best.

What I'm looking for in supplements is something that

will help maintain a healthy digestive system, will

provide anti-oxidants, remove toxins, help build

healthy tissue, and provide the nutrients I need in a

manner my body can use. Garden of Life products are

outstanding in that they are formulated for your body

to recognize them as food, rather than a chemical

dump. . . So, when it comes to vitamins, I use them.



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Hi Patty...Sorry about that...I get so wrapped up in other things

that I forget that I have posted a question....which question is


> Rogene? I was just curious about the extra discount at check

out...how much of a discount and why?

> And for any/everyone who took the Chromium Picolinate. I'm

curious how it turned out for you...

> One more thing...without me having to go through all of the

posts and files, is there any information about how these things can

decrease immune response? I know there's plenty of autoimmune

info. If there is, could somebody point me right to it?

> Thanks

> Christene



> ---------------------------------

> Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically

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The one about the discount? What site does that refer to?usmcprincess3002 <usmcprincess3002@...> wrote: Hi Patty...Sorry about that...I get so wrapped up in other things that I forget that I have posted a question....which question is unclear?> Rogene? I was just curious about the extra discount at check out...how much of a discount and why?> And for any/everyone who took the Chromium Picolinate. I'm curious how it turned out for you...> One more thing...without me having to go through

all of the posts and files, is there any information about how these things can decrease immune response? I know there's plenty of autoimmune info. If there is, could somebody point me right to it?> Thanks > Christene>

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--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> The one about the discount? What site does that

> refer to?


> usmcprincess3002 <usmcprincess3002@...> wrote:

> Hi Patty...Sorry about that...I get so wrapped up

> in other things

> that I forget that I have posted a question....which

> question is

> unclear?




> > Rogene? I was just curious about the extra

> discount at check

> out...how much of a discount and why?

> > And for any/everyone who took the Chromium

> Picolinate. I'm

> curious how it turned out for you...

> > One more thing...without me having to go through

> all of the

> posts and files, is there any information about how

> these things can

> decrease immune response? I know there's plenty of

> autoimmune

> info. If there is, could somebody point me right to

> it?

> > Thanks

> > Christene

> >


> ---------------------------------

> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls

> to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Thank you! Great site...I've ordered from them several times and they have great service. PattyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: www.iherb.com

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  • 1 year later...
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I would suggest taking her off the supplements before seeing Dr. G.

If you have the time, I'd even try taking away one thing (or group) a week so

you can see if there is any loss of skills or any improvements and then you can

bring that information with you to your first appointment.

Dr. Goldberg is usually fine with a basic multivitamin and an iron supplement as


- in Mobile, AL


Reality lies beyond the horizon... Wonderwegian

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This is what I did before our first appointment in January 08. I took my son off

of everything and there was no regression --he was a definite non responder to

supplements. The only thing I continued to give him was a multivitamin and omega

fatty acids. Dr. G was fine with both of those.



" C. - Wonderwegian " <carriecox@...> wrote:

I would suggest taking her off the supplements before seeing Dr. G.

If you have the time, I'd even try taking away one thing (or group) a week so

you can see if there is any loss of skills or any improvements and then you can

bring that information with you to your first appointment.

Dr. Goldberg is usually fine with a basic multivitamin and an iron supplement as


- in Mobile, AL


Reality lies beyond the horizon... Wonderwegian

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When we started with Dr. G we were on all those supplements too, my first

response was He isn't taking my kid off any of these...I debated on walking out.

we were all organic too and I didn't want to resort to medication...it has been

the best for us. The gains are sticking and he is doing really well....I highly

advise taking him off the supplements and giving Dr. G a chance...hope this

helps, Noel

Caroline <carrieps@...> wrote: We are doing supplements

through Pfeiffer treatment center including

DMG, megadoses of some B vitamins, Omega 3s, Zinc among others. We are

aware of the need to take her off of these supplements to work with Dr.

Goldberg, however my husband and I are debating about how to do it. We

are wondering whether we should just wait to see Dr. Goldberg or we

should wait and see what he says. My reasoning for taking her off

before we go there is I would not want to take her off at the same time

as starting something he prescribes and make it difficult to evaluate

what is contributing to any changes (positive or negative). Any

thoughts on how we should handle this? Are there any supplements that

he is fine with?

Sincerely Noel

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I would take him off. You're right to know that you want to see

everything for what it is so if you do have regression, you want to

know - you don't want to confuse anything.


On May 14, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Caroline wrote:

> We are doing supplements through Pfeiffer treatment center including

> DMG, megadoses of some B vitamins, Omega 3s, Zinc among others. We are

> aware of the need to take her off of these supplements to work with

> Dr.

> Goldberg, however my husband and I are debating about how to do it. We

> are wondering whether we should just wait to see Dr. Goldberg or we

> should wait and see what he says. My reasoning for taking her off

> before we go there is I would not want to take her off at the same

> time

> as starting something he prescribes and make it difficult to evaluate

> what is contributing to any changes (positive or negative). Any

> thoughts on how we should handle this? Are there any supplements that

> he is fine with?





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