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The Listening Program

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> A few weeks ago there was a thread about the Listening Program. I

> checked out the website and it sounds very interesting. Is there any

> type of age minimum? My son is 5 and I know when I looked at

> neurofeedback, they recommended waiting until he was 6-7.

You can do it at a very young age.


> Also,I found a site in another state which offered it at a lower


> ($375.) With it, you're given 4 15 minute phone consults. Does that

> sound sufficient? If not, how many consults do you think are needed?

That is enough. Mostly they hold your hand - it is pretty predictable

what happens as you go through it.

Do be careful to ensure your sound equipment and especially your

headphones are on the " approved " list, and if not, buy proper

equipment. If you don't have adequate sound reproduction fidelity,

the program doesn't work.



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In a message dated 02/05/2002 01:11:51 GMT Daylight Time, Joan111582@...


> A few weeks ago there was a thread about the Listening Program. I

> checked out the website and it sounds very interesting. Is there any

> type of age minimum? My son is 5 and I know when I looked at

> neurofeedback, they recommended waiting until he was 6-7.


> Also,I found a site in another state which offered it at a lower price

> ($375.) With it, you're given 4 15 minute phone consults. Does that

> sound sufficient? If not, how many consults do you think are needed?


> Joan


Hi Joan

We started with Sam when he was just 4 years old, I know of other parents in

the UK who have done it with 3 year olds. It is very important to get good

quality headphones with the recommended frequencies.

I started by putting the headphones on for 3 minutes, 1 min on each of the

ABC tracks. Gradually we worked up to 4 mins per track and then moved to the

full 15 min treatment.

I was only able to do this if we sat in TV room with a video on with no

sound. I'd get him to lay on the sofa and massage his feet. We have seen good

responses with receptive langauge. My NT 6 year old with a history of chronic

OM responded very well to just 2 weeks treatment - he didn't want to do after

that, summer arrived and he wanted to be outside, but about six weeks later

is was like somebody flicked the academic switch in his head, he''s doing

great, hearing and speech improved too. Was going to repeat this winter but

forgot! Good luck

Mandi in UK

PS It seems that each supplier has thier own favourite way to use, no 2

people seem to do it the same way!

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I'd think it would work for any age child as long as they were able to

tolerate wearing the headphones for 15-20 minutes and listening. The

protocol for listening to TLP is pretty set with only some variations so you

probably don't need as much guidance and close monitoring as you do for

Samonas or AIT. But I'd look into how much experience the person you're

consulting with has and if they have good access to Lori Riggs or one of the

other folks really knowledgable with TLP in case something unusual occurs

with your child.


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In a message dated 5/3/02 7:19:06 AM Central Daylight Time, Mum231ASD@...


> PS It seems that each supplier has thier own favourite way to use, no 2

> people seem to do it the same way!


I'm curious about this since the protocols are printed in the program's book.

Are you finding some folks are changing up the pre-written protocols? What

are they doing differently?


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Hi Gaylen

I purchased my TLP through a ? neurodevelopmental therapist (whatever one of

those is) who I'd heard had good success with a child I've met a couple of

times. After 6 weeks's he was playing happily with other kids for at least an

hour (Aspergers Dx at 7) having gone from being unable to sit or concentrate

for one minute! She had no experience of kids as young as Sam (4 at the

time). I was told to do equal amounts of A, B & C trackes, ie A=warm up,

B=Treatment, C=Cool down - sounds like exercise class eh? So we started

slowly and did small portions of each of three tracks while we worked up to 5

mins of each twice a day, morning and evening.

Others have been told to avoid the B track to start with and other stuff -

I'll post them to find out. However, this may just be introducing the

programme which I didn't make clear, I think we all do the same when child is


Also I was told by a UK supplier that in her expereince the programme was

more flexible - ie I didn't have to stop at weekends. Never tried that though

Mandi in UK

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Is there a website that gives info about this program? If so could you post it?



Mum231ASD@... wrote:

> Hi Gaylen

> I purchased my TLP through a ? neurodevelopmental therapist (whatever one of

> those is) who I'd heard had good success with a child I've met a couple of

> times. After 6 weeks's he was playing happily with other kids for at least an

> hour (Aspergers Dx at 7) having gone from being unable to sit or concentrate

> for one minute! She had no experience of kids as young as Sam (4 at the

> time). I was told to do equal amounts of A, B & C trackes, ie A=warm up,

> B=Treatment, C=Cool down - sounds like exercise class eh? So we started

> slowly and did small portions of each of three tracks while we worked up to 5

> mins of each twice a day, morning and evening.


> Others have been told to avoid the B track to start with and other stuff -

> I'll post them to find out. However, this may just be introducing the

> programme which I didn't make clear, I think we all do the same when child is

> comfortable.


> Also I was told by a UK supplier that in her expereince the programme was

> more flexible - ie I didn't have to stop at weekends. Never tried that though

> Mandi in UK



> =======================================================


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We use Lori Riggs as our consultant. She's one of the people who designed

the program so hopefully very much in the know. She did recommend that

Curtis first do the program without track B because he had had some problems

with more sensative hearing after two of the CDs for Samonas. As she

explained it to me, track B has more of the high-end sounds. Perhaps they

recommend building up to it only for very sensative kids. I'm not sure. I

do know she is very insistent on not doing the program more than five days a

week and to taking at least two week breaks in between so the person doesn't

become to accustomed to the sounds/music and thus it becomes less effective.

I specifically asked about that because the days listening were so much

better for Curtis than the days off at first. You might want to ask your

consultant to double-check her ok to listen all week.


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Hi Nalini



PS About to try the specch and language extension CD

> Is there a website that gives info about this program? If so could you post

> it?

> Thanks

> Nalini


> Mum231ASD@... wrote:


> > Hi Gaylen

> > I purchased my TLP through a ? neurodevelopmental therapist (whatever one

> of

> > those is) who I'd heard had good success with a child I've met a couple

> of

> > times. After 6 weeks's he was playing happily with other kids for at

> least an

> > hour (Aspergers Dx at 7) having gone from being unable to sit or

> concentrate

> > for one minute! She had no experience of kids as young as Sam (4 at the

> > time). I was told to do equal amounts of A, B & C trackes, ie A=warm up,

> > B=Treatment, C=Cool down - sounds like exercise class eh? So we started

> > slowly and did small portions of each of three tracks while we worked up

> to 5

> > mins of each twice a day, morning and evening.

> >

> > Others have been told to avoid the B track to start with and other stuff

> -

> > I'll post them to find out. However, this may just be introducing the

> > programme which I didn't make clear, I think we all do the same when

> child is

> > comfortable.

> >

> > Also I was told by a UK supplier that in her expereince the programme was

> > more flexible - ie I didn't have to stop at weekends. Never tried that

> though

> > Mandi in UK

> >


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In a message dated 5/6/02 11:58:54 AM Central Daylight Time,

Mum231ASD@... writes:

> PS About to try the specch and language extension CD

Get ready for a flood of conversation! I LOVE that CD!!! One thing I have

noticed with it for my son is that the once a day, 2-week listening protocol

(extended) seems to bring more with that CD for him while the twice a day

listening works best for the other eight CDs. Not sure why but thought I'd

pass the observation along.


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  • 7 months later...

The CD's are all instrumental music and some nature sounds.

Unfortunately, they're in the same room as my sleeping child so I

don't dare go drag them out for more info. But the website below is

very informative. You can also get more info by searching this

group's archives(as painful as that is!) That's what ultimately

convinced me to buy it.


> Joan -- please tell us what was on the tapes. And who produced

them. And

> what is the theory behind their benefits. And what are the claimed



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Hi Deborah

I'm not Joan but you can take a look at


The CD's have classical music and nature sounds


Mandi in UK

> Joan -- please tell us what was on the tapes. And who produced them. And

> what is the theory behind their benefits. And what are the claimed

> benefits?


> Thanks :)


> Deborah


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My son has been doing TLP for a few years now and we've found that repeating

it every 3-6 weeks works really well. If we go too long between rounds the

sensativities and some of the auditory processing issues began to creep back


Also, if you haven't done the Speech & Language CD add on, it's well worth

the extra money -- huge boost to conversational skills and listening ability

each time.

He's also done one round of the Sensory Integration CD add on and it may have

helped motor issues a little bit, though was pretty subtle. It made me ill

which I understand means my vestibular system is working perfectly.


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In a message dated 22/12/2002 05:44:20 GMT Standard Time, mindyavon@...


> Where do you by the CD's for the listening program? Is it easy to do?


www.advancedbrain.com have a list of suppliers. If your child will wear

headphones its easy, if they don't it takes a while to get used to it. This

could obviously be problem with sensory and auditory defensiveness. You use

at low volume. I know of others that sit child in the middle of back seat of

car and play in car player back and forwards to school. Good luck

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Hi Gaylen,

Do you need to listen to the Speech and Language CD with headphones

or can it be played anywhere like the Sensory CD? We have the Sensory

CD and I didn't notice much improvement with it. Did you feel the S & L

helped with processing?


Joan(who's looking at her pathetic bank balance and wondering if she

should go for the BrainBuilder, Speech & Language or a Lottery ticket!)

> Joan,


> My son has been doing TLP for a few years now and we've found that


> it every 3-6 weeks works really well. If we go too long between

rounds the

> sensativities and some of the auditory processing issues began to

creep back

> in.


> Also, if you haven't done the Speech & Language CD add on, it's

well worth

> the extra money -- huge boost to conversational skills and

listening ability

> each time.


> He's also done one round of the Sensory Integration CD add on and

it may have

> helped motor issues a little bit, though was pretty subtle. It

made me ill

> which I understand means my vestibular system is working perfectly.

> Gaylen




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  • 8 months later...

Try putting in Texas and see if Lori Rigg's contact info comes up. She's one

of the developers and I'm pretty sure is still working directly with parents.

She did our consultating over the phone since we're in different cities so I

imagine she'd be willing to handle an out-of-state person or direct you to

someone who can help you. The program is so simple that you can easily do it

yourself with a tiny bit of consulting during the first round.


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In a message dated 30/08/2003 03:21:20 GMT Daylight Time, elaefe@...


> I have not been able to purchase The Listening Program because the website

> says I must buy it from an authorized dealer, then it tells me there are no

> dealers in my state. How did those of you who bought this program actually

> physically buy it? Thanks, Ashi


You can by it by post through another States dealer? The UK dealer is the

opposite end of the country to me although I got mine through a practitioner

locally, my friends purchased for the delaer.

Mandi in UK

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Just a sidenote.........You might watch Ebay for programs like this. I was

able to find the " floortime " video series for a fraction of the price and it

arrived in pristine condition.

Check under autism or " the listening program " (with the parentheses) so that

your hit list is winnowed automatically.

I checked the current listings and didn't see it, but since Ebay lists

somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 new items per DAY, it may not be a

bad idea to check back.


Re: [ ] the listening program

> In a message dated 30/08/2003 03:21:20 GMT Daylight Time, elaefe@...

> writes:


> > I have not been able to purchase The Listening Program because the


> > says I must buy it from an authorized dealer, then it tells me there are


> > dealers in my state. How did those of you who bought this program


> > physically buy it? Thanks, Ashi

> >


> You can by it by post through another States dealer? The UK dealer is the

> opposite end of the country to me although I got mine through a


> locally, my friends purchased for the delaer.

> Mandi in UK




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In a message dated 8/30/03 1:12:39 AM Central Daylight Time,

orthacoustic@... writes:

> You might watch Ebay for programs like this. I was

> able to find the " floortime " video series for a fraction of the price and it

> arrived in pristine condition.


That's a good idea but one word of warning on Ebay. Don't pay them through

paypal or use one of your credit cards and select the paypal option " for more

speedy processing " . If you do, you will have very little remedy if there is a

problem with what you order. If you use a credit card for a paypal payment,

you do not have the same protection as you usually would on your card.

Speaking from experience here as we're still trying to resolve a problem with a

purchase we made months ago through one of Ebay's preferred vendors.


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  • 1 year later...

We are currently using the Listening Program. We are in week 8 of 12-14 wks.

My daughter tolerates it well but I'm not sure I can report any progress yet. I

can let you know when we are finished.

From: [mailto: madhavi.latha@...]


Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 21:19:08 +0530

Subject: The Listening Program




Hi All,<BR>


Has any one of you used " The Listening Program " CDs for your child?  Were they

useful/not useful?<BR>

What changed did you observe after using these CDs?<BR>


Awaiting your reply.<BR>






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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


Click on multisensory therapies...and then listening therapy.

There are 3 links there about listening therapy. You might be able to

find your answer there, and learn more about the type the OT is doing

with your son.

hope this helps



> I've seen posts about this but thought it was a " later on " thing. I

> recall people liking it. Our OT gave us the first CD to play aloud


> as I understand it headphones must be used with the rest. My son is


> 2 yrs 7 months so it remains to be seen if " his royal highness " will

> wear the headphones but I imagine it will come with time. That boy


> the poor OT such a hard time! My question is, is there a " right " age


> start this?


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Liz we started with my grandson at 3 exactly. We are using Therapeutic

Listening though....he does have to wear the headphones. We do 30 minutes twice

a day. We think it is helping. Some CDs may be better for certain things.

There is some overlap but they have specific goals. I don't know whether The

Listening Program works exactly the same way. Therapeutic Listening happens to

be what our OT is certified in. Aggie

[ ] The Listening Program

I've seen posts about this but thought it was a " later on " thing. I

recall people liking it. Our OT gave us the first CD to play aloud but

as I understand it headphones must be used with the rest. My son is onlt

2 yrs 7 months so it remains to be seen if " his royal highness " will

wear the headphones but I imagine it will come with time. That boy gives

the poor OT such a hard time! My question is, is there a " right " age to

start this?

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I think the key is that your child has to be able to tolerate the headphones

for 15 minutes 2x day for at least 18 weeks. It is a HUGE commitment. You

can't watch tv or sleep. You can do quiet activities but not reading. My

son was 3 yrs 9 mo when we started it. We are going to start our next son

on it in a couple of weeks. He is 2 yrs 6 mo. right now.

Headphones are very important because the sounds are re mastered and move

from one side to another and then back again. Sometimes there are nature

sounds over classical music. The volume of the tracks also change so it is

important to have the volume set and then not change it. The ear has to

learn how to " hear " a range of sounds. It is going off of the premise that

the brain will make alternate connections to " work around " the

damaged/undeveloped area.

To me this premise makes sense, if he wasn't hearing clearly consistently

how could the neurons make the connections they needed to?

I think this has been the BEST thing we have done for our first son as far

as recovery so far. Before we started we were in the 1st percentile for

expressive speech (after being in therapy for 6 mo) now we are in the 30th

percentile for expressive speech (therapy 1 yr 4 mo) What is also very

exciting is that his vocal tones have improved so much - he sounds like a

typical little boy now - -not deaf or robotic

Granted I have done lots of other things but none have given as much " bang "

for the effort.

Good Luck



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Liz

Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 2:37 PM

Subject: [ ] The Listening Program

I've seen posts about this but thought it was a " later on " thing. I

recall people liking it. Our OT gave us the first CD to play aloud but

as I understand it headphones must be used with the rest. My son is onlt

2 yrs 7 months so it remains to be seen if " his royal highness " will

wear the headphones but I imagine it will come with time. That boy gives

the poor OT such a hard time! My question is, is there a " right " age to

start this?

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