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FRE>ITA Signe de la sonnette

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Dear all!

I am working on a medical translation from French into Italian and I came acrros

the following sentence:

" Douleur à la palpation de la facette L5S1 droite avec signe de la sonnette. "

Does anybody know what this sign could be in Italian or even in English?




a Bosco, Dipl. Trans., MIL, MITI, ATA

English, German>Italian

Via Luca Giordano 69

80128 Naples, Italy

Tel.: +39 0815789834

Fax: +39 0815567419

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> Dear all!


> I am working on a medical translation from French into Italian and I came

acrros the following sentence:


> " Douleur à la palpation de la facette L5S1 droite avec signe de la sonnette. "


> Does anybody know what this sign could be in Italian or even in English?





> a

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> a Bosco, Dipl. Trans., MIL, MITI, ATA

> English, German>Italian


> Via Luca Giordano 69

> 80128 Naples, Italy


> Tel.: +39 0815789834

> Fax: +39 0815567419




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Dear a,

not being a Physician, nor knowing the first word of French (alas), I'll not

dare translate this medical term for you-FWIW I'll just just provide three

humble sites that you might perhaps find of interest.




Buona caccia!



FRE>ITA Signe de la sonnette

Dear all!

I am working on a medical translation from French into Italian and I came

acrros the following sentence:

" Douleur à la palpation de la facette L5S1 droite avec signe de la

sonnette. "

Does anybody know what this sign could be in Italian or even in English?





a Bosco, Dipl. Trans., MIL, MITI, ATA

English, German>Italian

Via Luca Giordano 69

80128 Naples, Italy

Tel.: +39 0815789834

Fax: +39 0815567419

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Dear a,

Here is some information on the " signe de la sonnette " .

Signe de la sonnette : la palpation latérorachidienne de l'émergence de la

racine réveille l'irradiation douloureuse au membre inférieur.


El signo del timbre se presenta en casos de disco lumbar herniado y

consiste en dolor irradiado al territorio de la raíz afectada cuando se

presiona la vértebra correspondiente. (http://fepafem.org/guias/8.1.html)

La presión de las apófisis espinosas es dolorosa a nivel de la hernia y

puede provocar irradiación dolorosa a la zona radicular que está

comprometida (signo del " timbre de Delitala " ).



Manovra di Delitala : Pressione digitale all'emergenza della radice dal rachide


Hope this helps!


At 18:05 25/10/00 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear all!


>I am working on a medical translation from French into Italian and I came

>acrros the following sentence:


> " Douleur à la palpation de la facette L5S1 droite avec signe de la sonnette. "


>Does anybody know what this sign could be in Italian or even in English?







>a Bosco, Dipl. Trans., MIL, MITI, ATA

>English, German>Italian


>Via Luca Giordano 69

>80128 Naples, Italy


>Tel.: +39 0815789834

>Fax: +39 0815567419




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There are, at least, three " signes de la sonnette "

1. Signe de la sonnette humérale n. m. Mouvement de reptation de l'artère

humérale rythmé par la systole, visible au niveau du pli

du coude chez certains sujets atteints d'artériolosclérose.

2. Signe radioscopique d'insuffisance aortique caractérisé, lors de chaque

systole, par une rétraction énergique de la pointe du coeur, tandis que

l'aorte (surtout l'arc supérieur gauche) subit une vigoureuse expansion.

Note: Ces deux mouvements confèrent à la masse ventriculo-aortique, un

mouvement de sonnette tout à fait caractéristique.

3. Douleur locale avec irradiation sciatique, provoquée par la pression

latérovertébrale à la hauteur de l'espace interépineux où siège la hernie

discale responsable d'une sciatique vertébrale commune.

No one has an english equivalent in this dictionary [


<http://www.granddictionnaire.com/_fs_global_01.htm> ]

Yours is the third and can be broadly defined as

Signe de la sonnette: contracture paravertébrale à la palpation des masses

paravertébrales lombaires basses.


Rocca ED, do L. [Paravertebral muscular contracture (Ramond's sign) in

disk pathology]. Rev Neuropsiquiatr 1968 Mar;31(1):17-25

make " paravertebral muscular contracture " = Ramond's sign

However, in Salvat-Masson Diccionario Terminológico de Ciencias Médicas,

Ramond's sign is also " Paravertebral muscular contracture " , but specifically

due to pleural effusion.

Into spanish I would simply say " con contractura de los músculos

paravertebrales " , because I can't understand the analogy with " la

sonnette/timbre/bell " , and maybe I can't because the analogy is not with

this sonnette, but with sonnette = machine/outil (sonnette de battage,

mouton, bélier). In this regard see the description of the movement in " 2 " .

Where's the analogy with a bell?

Who knows?

Maybe the French.


FRE>ITA Signe de la sonnette

Dear all!

I am working on a medical translation from French into Italian and I came

acrros the following sentence:

" Douleur à la palpation de la facette L5S1 droite avec signe de la

sonnette. "

Does anybody know what this sign could be in Italian or even in English?





a Bosco, Dipl. Trans., MIL, MITI, ATA

English, German>Italian

Via Luca Giordano 69

80128 Naples, Italy

Tel.: +39 0815789834

Fax: +39 0815567419

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