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I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so many of

you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally out of

control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.

I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle on a

daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I had been

in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader responded to

my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all have

choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's compulsion to

drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of devastating to

me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop myself from

putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.

Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing with it?

If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.


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Every day, every meal is a struggle. I doubt anybody in this group would

tell you how " easy " it is for them. Even staying positive is tough. What I

try to look for is the small victories. " I ate two less bites than last

time. " Big changes rarely stick; small changes are what wins the race.

's podcast is awesome for developing small changes.

Also, the fact that you are recognizing when you are over eating is a small

victory. There are levels of progress. Most people dont recognize their

mistakes. As you become more aware, and use the techniques in the podcasts;

you will begin to recognize the mistakes sooner and sooner, until you see

them before you make them.

Many people talk about stop eating. But very few talk about what to replace

it with. talks about that in the three levels of self correcting. If

you havent got that far in the podcasts, just be patient. Follow her steps

and you will feel as positive as the rest of us.


> I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so

> many of

> you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally out of

> control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.


> I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle on a

> daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I had

> been

> in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader responded

> to

> my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all have

> choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

> compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's compulsion to

> drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of devastating to

> me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop myself

> from

> putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.


> Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing with it?

> If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

> encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.


> Pat



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Pat, are you feeling anxious about something? Often when I am eating

compulsively, I'm self-medicating. But before I could change eating

wildly, I had to sort out WHY. It's most likely not about hunger. I

wish I could reach out and give you a big hug right now. Just know

that we are all in this together, and I am so rooting for you!! We

can do this! We can change our habits, and we can wake up our true

selves and get to know why we do what we do, and how we can choose a

better way. It doesn't happen overnight, but we CAN change. So don't

give up on yourself. And every time you fall, get up and try again.

That's the most important lesson that I have learned. Don't ever give

up on yourself!!! There's hope!




> I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so

many of

> you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally out of

> control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.




> I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle

on a

> daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I

had been

> in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader

responded to

> my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all


> choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

> compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's

compulsion to

> drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of

devastating to

> me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop

myself from

> putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.




> Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing

with it?

> If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

> encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.




> Pat





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Pat, I think you're on to something with both the journaling, and

especially with the scrapbooking. Finding something to keep your

hands and mind busy during down time can really keep me from stuffing

myself mindlessly. I am working on this myself. Another thing I'm

just getting started on is Qi Gong, which is a real stress reliever.

I learned about it from Dr Oz on Oprah, and my husband and I are

working toward using a dvd every other evening. When I have used it,

I have felt so much better afterwards, and he is very stressed at work

as well. I'm excited at the prospect of another new tool. Anyway,

keep up the great work, and the willingness to try new things. This

is definitely a journey of many steps, and no quick fixes.



> >

> > I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so

> many of

> > you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally

out of

> > control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle

> on a

> > daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I

> had been

> > in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader

> responded to

> > my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all

> have

> > choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

> > compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's

> compulsion to

> > drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of

> devastating to

> > me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop

> myself from

> > putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.

> >

> >

> >

> > Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing

> with it?

> > If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

> > encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.

> >

> >

> >

> > Pat

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I listened to both self correcting podcasts today, I journalled, and I gave

a lot of thought to what triggers my compulsion to eat, as well as what I

can do to help keep that from happening, or at least to deal with it in a

more constructive and healthy way. I had my small victory (small

incremental changes, says ) tonight. I had just had supper, and a

short time later I felt like I needed to go back to the kitchen and find

myself something sweet. I did go to the kitchen, but what I ate was a

banana, and I felt great about that. Baby steps.

What is Qi Gong? I've never heard of it.




Pat, I think you're on to something with both the journaling, and

especially with the scrapbooking. Finding something to keep your

hands and mind busy during down time can really keep me from stuffing

myself mindlessly. I am working on this myself. Another thing I'm

just getting started on is Qi Gong, which is a real stress reliever.

I learned about it from Dr Oz on Oprah, and my husband and I are

working toward using a dvd every other evening. When I have used it,

I have felt so much better afterwards, and he is very stressed at work

as well. I'm excited at the prospect of another new tool. Anyway,

keep up the great work, and the willingness to try new things. This

is definitely a journey of many steps, and no quick fixes.



> >

> > I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so

> many of

> > you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally

out of

> > control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle

> on a

> > daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I

> had been

> > in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader

> responded to

> > my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all

> have

> > choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

> > compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's

> compulsion to

> > drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of

> devastating to

> > me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop

> myself from

> > putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.

> >

> >

> >

> > Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing

> with it?

> > If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

> > encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.

> >

> >

> >

> > Pat

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Qigong is a chinese system of health and exercise. The exercises are very

gentle and more about improving the internal energy flow then actually

physical workout; although it has very beneficial physical effects.

Qigong exercise are very similar in form and fashion to Tai Chi, in fact the

two are very close cousins. If you are interested, there is a wonderful

system of 18 exercises, often referred to as Tai Chi Shibashi. You can

download a free video from www.taichi18.com. The exercises are very gentle

and easy to perform. The site also offers two separate dvd you can purchase.

I really enjoy the Shibashi set and try to practice it often.

There are several books that are good for beginners on the subject: Qigong

for Health and Vitality by Tse and The Theory and Practice of Taiji

Qigong by Jarmey. Both are excellent beginners guides and discuss the

Tai Chi Shibashi set.

> ,


> I listened to both self correcting podcasts today, I journalled, and I

> gave

> a lot of thought to what triggers my compulsion to eat, as well as what I

> can do to help keep that from happening, or at least to deal with it in a

> more constructive and healthy way. I had my small victory (small

> incremental changes, says ) tonight. I had just had supper, and a

> short time later I felt like I needed to go back to the kitchen and find

> myself something sweet. I did go to the kitchen, but what I ate was a

> banana, and I felt great about that. Baby steps.


> What is Qi Gong? I've never heard of it.


> Hugs,


> Pat


> _____


> Pat, I think you're on to something with both the journaling, and

> especially with the scrapbooking. Finding something to keep your

> hands and mind busy during down time can really keep me from stuffing

> myself mindlessly. I am working on this myself. Another thing I'm

> just getting started on is Qi Gong, which is a real stress reliever.

> I learned about it from Dr Oz on Oprah, and my husband and I are

> working toward using a dvd every other evening. When I have used it,

> I have felt so much better afterwards, and he is very stressed at work

> as well. I'm excited at the prospect of another new tool. Anyway,

> keep up the great work, and the willingness to try new things. This

> is definitely a journey of many steps, and no quick fixes.


> Love,

> Michele



> > >

> > > I have been hesitant to post after my initial introduction, since so

> > many of

> > > you seemed upbeat and motivated, and on track, and I felt totally

> out of

> > > control, but I really do need some support, so here I am.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have faithfully listened to the podcasts, but continue to struggle

> > on a

> > > daily basis with what feel like overwhelming compulsions to eat. I

> > had been

> > > in Weight Watchers, but decided to leave after my group leader

> > responded to

> > > my comment that I couldn't seem to stop eating by saying that we all

> > have

> > > choices. A lot of the time lately I don't feel like I have choices. My

> > > compulsion to eat is every bit as strong as any alcoholic's

> > compulsion to

> > > drink. After having lost 85 pounds, it is nothing short of

> > devastating to

> > > me that I'm regaining that weight, and yet I can't seem to stop

> > myself from

> > > putting that next bite (and many after that) in my mouth.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Are any of you having such a struggle? If so, how are you dealing

> > with it?

> > > If any of you can reach out with some words of comfort, support,

> > > encouragement or advice, I would be eternally grateful.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Pat

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Oh Pat - I know what you mean. Some days I almost feel like my eating is a to

do list - OK - what do I eat next? One thing I know is that it seems to run in

cycles - I seem to get past it and once everything settles down I can get back

into a routine. I know a few things help me every time - when I am at home

feeling like a shark (a shark is always hungry and swims with the mouth open to

get everything it can from the sea - someone told me that ;) Anyway - when I

feel like that - a change of scene can usually work - go for a walk - not even

an aerobic one is necessary - just a stroll, go run an errand - even go the

library. I try not to go to the grocery store <grins>. Sometimes I go to a

different part of my house and try a yoga dvd. When I am in a cycle of this,

sometimes this is just a band aid but sometimes it can break the cycle. Real

exercise can really snap it if only for a few hours but I do know that sometimes

when I am in this mode, I can't convince

myself to go do that. I have a very supportive husband and if I call him that

is very helpful. Sometimes I call a friend I haven't chatted with recently.

Basically, I just try to distract myself. Most times it works, but of course

not always. One other distraction that sometimes works - I take a bath and go

to bed early.

I've had issues with Weight Watchers and it is totally my problem, not theirs.

I put the leaders up on a pedestal and when they make human mistakes I blame

them for my bad behavior. I am such a people pleas-er, I want them to approve

of me and when they say a judgmental comment I so take it personally and use it

as an excuse to make bad choices. I've stayed away from WW for some time

because somehow I just can't handle the judgment. Obviously, I need to get past

a lot of things. One thing I may try is one of 's pay for downloads about

being stuck, and what is holding you back. She also has one about appetite and

wanting to eat all the time. Here is the link

http://mindforbody.hotdoodle.com/?section=377 I am going to try one of these

sometime soon.

Take care and don't hesitate to post



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How well I know about cycles. It's the same for me. If something sets me

off (an argument with my daughter, getting grief from the boss, etc.) I go

into a tailspin, and feel like I absolutely, positively have to eat some

comfort food. Sometimes I can snap right back, and others times it just

seems to drag on and on. I'm really taking a much closer look at my

behavior in those situation than I ever have before, thanks to , and

the closer I look, the more encouraged I feel that I can make those small

changes required to add up to the big change at the end of the line.

Today I'm feeling good about 2 things. One is that I'm really enjoying

journaling, and the other is that my sister, who has been a constant source

of support for me, although we're geographically far apart, has applied for

membership on this list. What a wonderful thing it would be if we both

found what we've spent a lifetime looking for right here.



Oh Pat - I know what you mean. Some days I almost feel like my eating is a

to do list - OK - what do I eat next? One thing I know is that it seems to

run in cycles - I seem to get past it and once everything settles down I can

get back into a routine. I know a few things help me every time - when I am

at home feeling like a shark (a shark is always hungry and swims with the

mouth open to get everything it can from the sea - someone told me that ;)

Anyway - when I feel like that - a change of scene can usually work - go for

a walk - not even an aerobic one is necessary - just a stroll, go run an

errand - even go the library. I try not to go to the grocery store <grins>.

Sometimes I go to a different part of my house and try a yoga dvd. When I am

in a cycle of this, sometimes this is just a band aid but sometimes it can

break the cycle. Real exercise can really snap it if only for a few hours

but I do know that sometimes when I am in this mode, I can't convince

myself to go do that. I have a very supportive husband and if I call him

that is very helpful. Sometimes I call a friend I haven't chatted with

recently. Basically, I just try to distract myself. Most times it works, but

of course not always. One other distraction that sometimes works - I take a

bath and go to bed early.

I've had issues with Weight Watchers and it is totally my problem, not

theirs. I put the leaders up on a pedestal and when they make human mistakes

I blame them for my bad behavior. I am such a people pleas-er, I want them

to approve of me and when they say a judgmental comment I so take it

personally and use it as an excuse to make bad choices. I've stayed away

from WW for some time because somehow I just can't handle the judgment.

Obviously, I need to get past a lot of things. One thing I may try is one of

's pay for downloads about being stuck, and what is holding you back.

She also has one about appetite and wanting to eat all the time. Here is the

link http://mindforbody. <http://mindforbody.hotdoodle.com/?section=377>

hotdoodle.com/?section=377 I am going to try one of these sometime soon.

Take care and don't hesitate to post



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