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Another thing you should know about statins and this can be found it the

Physicians desk reference....statins will decrease the natural coenzyme q10 in

the body and therefore can contribute to future heart deficiencies. It is

recommended that a supplementation be taken at the same time as statins. For

your information, coenzyme Q10 is a prescription drug in Japan for heart

problems and high cholesterol and high blood pressure.


DrSc, MSc, Bsc

rheumatic statins

Rabdomyolysis which is a severe breakdown of muscle tissue that may be toxic

to the kidneys, resulting in kidney failure and possibly death. Shortness of

breath can be an indicator of muscle problems.

Other adverse reactions are decrease in cognitive function, gastrointestinal

(GI) problems, neurological, immune system(lupus-like syndrome), rash, sleep

problems etc...

Contraindicated during pregnancy.


Pray the ry



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  • 1 year later...

Dear friends,

My doctor has recommended that I take a statin drug to reduce my cholesterol. I

notice that one of the possible side effects is leg pain (and I already have

plenty of that!). Have any of you taken statins, and what has your experience

been, either positive or negative.


Be kind. Everyone you meet is struggling with something.

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Hello Ruth,

My doctor tried to get me to take it. I didn't because my mother (who has CMT)

had taken the statin drug which caused her much muscle damage.

I gave my doctor information why I shouldn't take it. I also told him what

happened to my mother, and other members here on this site.

This made my doctor so mad he refused to be my doctor any longer. So, I now

have a new doctor...;-)

I suggest a change in diet, and exercise.

Kay~Oregon Coast

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Thank you Gretchen, , Kay, , all who answered my question about

statins. I'll pass the information on to my doctor and tell her that I'll find

other ways to reduce my cholesterol if necessary. (I had blood drawn for a test

today, don't have the results yet). Isn't it frustrating - our doctors should

be telling us what is & isn't safe for us, instead of us having to tell them!


Be kind. Everyone you meet is struggling with something.

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I went to my doctor (GP) who prescribed Vytorin and showed him articles showing

that statins can cause muscle weakness. Since he had no idea what CMT was he

said to continue taking it and talk to my nuerologist. I have an apt.with my

nuerologist tomorrow and plan to give her the same information. I'll see what

she says to do. I have tried red rice yeast with no results.


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Hi and friends,

I am having symptoms of CMT and will be tested on Friday but seeing

this thread, I must tell you what I know as a Pharmacist. It is true

that all statins may cause muscle weakness. Some patients of mine in

the past have, some patients have not had this. Physiologically,

statins, ie. Lipitor,Zocor,Crestor,Mevacor,Vytorin(combo drug of statin plus

Zetia), Pravachol, etc. reduce levels of Co-enzyme Q-10 which is a key component

in mitochondrial energy production in the cell, hence the fatigue and muscle

weakness some people feel.

Co-enzyme Q-10 has other beneficial effects as an anti-oxidant as well. For some

people, it may be a legitamate additional therapy. Red Yeast Rice(contains

natural lovastatin) and for this reason drug companies don't want Pharmacies and

Health Food stores to carry it. Red Yeast Rice works best with polisocanol and

obviously diet. Take these at bedtime as your body produces the most of your

cholesterol around 1 to 2 a.m. Some people make more than others, so it may be

bad genes. my mother and best friend have been taking these two for years with

very good results.

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Thank you, , for this information. I have an appointment with my doc on

Nov. 2, and I'll add your comments to the hefty packet of info that I've copied

from this site to give her.


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, thanks for the information. I have been doing some research since I used

to take Lipitor and do not any more. My levels are still up and I try and watch

my diet as much as possible now. I also have Diabeties so my food choices are

becoming smaller and smaller. The research I have done so far points to the

fact that Red Yeast Rice (RYR) contains Lovastain, just like you state in your


I am trying to figure out what the difference is between taking the drug and the

RYR. Some articles also go on to say that the FDA has banned RYR from

containing Lovastatin since it is considered a drug. The article below states

that RYR that is made today does not contain Lovastatin. I am not trying to

rebut what you are saying. Just trying to figure out if this is a valid choice

for myself.




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If I may butt in here ...I have posted before on my the trouble with the meds.

that I was on. I was a mess I was also on Lipitor, Acadia and other meds too.I'm

now going to another doctor that practices complementary meds along with

traditional. Had a problem at first..things that " I " had to watch out for..Like

to much Vit.B!

The doc. is more receptive now and while it had taken some time I feel like a

new person. The supplements I take are working for me. Blood sugars 135..weight

loss 20+ lbs.As I said reg. meds were killing me(from my old doc)I was also on

ACE Inhibiters.Statins, seven different pills in all...all caused weight gain

but one and that was a water pill that was giving my kidneys problems.

My legs looked like logs and I only went to the bathroom a few time with in a

twenty-four hour period..instead of getting rid of water I was retaining it, my

heart just pounded all the time.One of the pills caused me to be cold...not just

cold hands and feet as the warning said but I was bone cold everywhere, I could

not get warm.Another pill caused breathing problems..I thought it was my CMT..IT


I had to sleep sitting up.The pills were making my body TOXIC...I can't stress

or warn [people enough to be very watchful, and look out for your own health.

I felt I was the only person that cared about me and I was getting very sick and

depressed...I decided I not anyone else had to take control of me and my

health!My small 5 " frame blossomed to 170lbs.+..no matter how little I ate.Even

the (old)doctor told me it would be next to impossible..unless I really

exercised..Ya right I'm in a w.chair/CMT!

My new doctor also recommend and web sight for diabetics...I hope this helps and

that you like the site..Here is hoping and praying my health is now on the right

track.......Blessings to ya...


www.mendosa.com PS...he has a list of free foods for diabedics and other info.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

I am not certain * exactly * why statin use is not good for people

with CMT (meaning the mechanism that makes it so,) but according to

the most recent medical alert, statins like (Lovastatin, Prevastatin,

Simvastatin) may aggravate or exacerbate CMT and HNPP, causing muscle

fatigue and weakness; also muscle damage, upper motor neuron lesions,

and rhabdomyolysis (an acute, fulminant, potentially fatal disease

that destroys skeletal muscle and is often accompanied by the

excretion of myoglobin in the urine.)

Have you tried Oatmeal or vitamin therapy? Somewhere in the back of my brain I

seem to recall something about Vitamin B3 (Niacin) for lowering cholesterol. You

might want to peruse our archived posts on this too.


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Thank you, Gretchen, for the information. I did look at the information posted

and found it consistent with Elinor and 's post.

As for Niacin, it doesn't help my cholesterol, but it does help the

triglycerides. I take it and my triglycerides are well within the normal range.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


All I can say is " Buyer Beware " . He's trying to SELL. As for statins

wrecking muscles, it has been known in the CMT community for some time

and statins can cause muscle problems, and therefore, should be avoided.

Why make CMT muscles worse when there are other ways of lowering



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Hi Elinor,

The data initially quoted appears to be accurate. Here's the study he is



As for increased cancer risk, a study released in January 2008 suggests

different results:


And, as Gretchen mentioned, he is trying to sell something, so it's wise to be


As for statins, there are published benefits and risks associated with using

them. Statins do not reduce mortality rates by simply lowering cholesterol.

There is more involved and much more yet to be learned.



For those of us with CMT, the risk of muscle-wasting is a very serious concern.

It's a risk that must weighed against other risk factors in one's personal

health history. In some cases, the risk associated with taking a statin may be

less than the risks associated with not taking it. The information published on

the Internet is confusing. In my opinion, since this site is not in the

business of giving medical advice, it's best that a person weigh the risks with

the help of a trusted physician.

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I think there's a bit of hyperbole going on here.

I looked at the Mercola article, and didn't find him hawking anything, per se.

The link was to a referenced article, followed by his professional comments as a


He sells things on his web site, but that's irrelevant.

But, yes, always consider carefully everything you read, and hear. ;-)

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  • 5 months later...
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Interesting that you should ask. I was taking Mevacor for 6 months - 1

year, during the time I started having numbness and burning on my left

face. It was that that finally got neurologists looking for something

and diagnosed the CMT. I went off the Mevacor when I had elective

surgery for gastric reflux and never got around to getting it

restarted. After reading up on CMT I decided not to get back on it and

wonder if it didn't accelerate things a bit for me. Why do you ask?


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Look into statins ..I think there is some info on this site in fact..I can't

take them as well as many others I have talked to...was just a big write up in

my mothers paper..Not a good thing...I reached a point where I couldn't even

comb my hair...my dad could hardly feed himself...We could hardly breath.

It can cause muscle damage I understand.....and I truly believe it does...I

can't use my shoulders now...but it took time to get out of my system and I

became toxic.


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  • 1 year later...
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I agree with the view on statins, having just read the book " Trick and Treat " by

Barry Groves (No, I don't make money from advertising it, I was just so

impressed by the information about the food and drug industries and the false

tests and smudged results, that I want to mention it.) Statins are a goldmine

for the pharmaceutical industry and often a killer for the average person. And

the way the accepted cholesterol level was set had a heck of a lot to do with

profits and not with concerns for our health.



> From: MoonwingDonna@... <MoonwingDonna@...>

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Statins

> low dose naltrexone

> Date: Saturday, June 26, 2010, 9:57 AM





























> Can you take LDN with a low dose statin for elevated cholesterol?  I

> have been trying a variety of supplements plus I eat healthy, but the numbers

> still keep creeping up.  Iam beginning to think that it might be

> genetic.


> I am taking LDN for MS with good results.


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dr. murphree, may i ask what you think a "safe" level is? mine is huge, genetic on my dad's side--he was a marathon runner but his cholesterol was high even though he ate a nonfat diet!--but i've refused to take a statin... having been in pain for 14 years w/ fibro, i'm scared to death of more pain. and brain atrophy. thanks ~LT


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Dr murphree did not place it.i did,from his e-mails that i

get.not eating fat is the biggest mistake you can make.you should eat the good

fats like extra virgins coconut oil ,extra virgin olive oil ,fish oil and

real butter.

Cholesterol is usually a problem of thyroid and if you have

fibro,it is almost sure that you thyroid problems and adrenal problems.

Watch these videos of dr murphree about fibro

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPGdqpMxU24 & translated=1

he also has this book


and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Step-by-step Program Proven

to Help You Get Well! (Cgronic Fatigue Syndrome)

I am using the Free version of SPAMfighter.SPAMfighter has removed 220 of my spam emails to date.Do you have a slow PC? Try free scan!

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