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Broken ribs

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Hi everyone. My mother (70yrs. old) just took a bad fall and broke a

rib. She has about 30 cats and one ran through her legs and tripped

her and she fell onto a large rock. Before it was even diagnosed as

broken she agreed to use the DMSO that I gave her a long, long time

ago for her arthitis but she never used. This was 4 days ago and she

told me today that she is using the roll-on DMSO everytime she rolls

over in bed at night. I am upset that she got hurt so badly but I am

so excited that she is finally using the DMSO. I tried to explain to

her that it not only will help with the the pain (which is severe

right now), but that it will also carry stuff into the body that may

help healing. Can anyone suggest what to add to the DMSO to help speed




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The herb Boneset in herbal or homeopathic dilution. Will have to look up

the latin name or check an online herb dealer like www.blessedherbs.com

so you can find the homeopathic. I would use both. You can make a DMSO

tincture and apply topically. Comfrey and Calendula are great healers,

calendula for bruising. I like Herbal Ed's Salve from Herb Pharm.

Tea made from Nettles, Comfrey, Oat Straw and Horsetail with a bit of

Pepppermint or Lemon Grass for flavor. Red Clover for a blood cleanse.

The first set of herbs are high in minerals, especially silicon which

will increase assimilation of Magnesium and Calcium.

Eat mineral rich foods like broccoli, leafy greens, cashews, almonds

fermented soy like Miso and Tempeh, not so much non-fermented soy as it

has too much phyto-estrogen and is unbalancing.

High protien particularly if she is Type O Blood. Organic eggs for the

zinc and protien content. Plenty of Vit C -- peppers if she likes them,

sweet or hot. Onions also have a lot of silicon, particularly raw or

lightly cooked. Bone broths where you cook the meat and bones down with

a bit of vinegar to extract the minerals. Lots of leafy green herbs,

basil in marinara sauce, parsley in everything, that sort of diet. Grow

the herbs in pots and fertilize with seameal and fish emulsion to load

with minerals.

I love cilantro so chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers with cilantro

and lime juice, garlic too if she likes it -- that is something I can

eat three times a day, on eggs, with chips, wrapped in a tortilla etc.

I am sure others have some great ideas, just keep in mind that anything

you can get in your food and not in a pill is going to absorb much

better and come with co-factors and if it is organic you are one step

ahead knowing the purity since most supplements do not reveal sources

and many are tainted.

Hope she heals well and fast. Oh and be sure to have her moisturize the

area with Emu Oil (very healing in itself, high in Omega 3s which are

antinflammatory, Emu Oil is used as food supplement now) or Aloe Vera so

that it does not dry out the skin since DMSO removes the fats. The roll

ons are usually pretty concentrated too. She could dilute to 50% and

still be getting a good amount if her skin starts to dry out and itch.



> Hi everyone. My mother (70yrs. old) just took a bad fall and broke a

> rib. She has about 30 cats and one ran through her legs and tripped

> her and she fell onto a large rock. Before it was even diagnosed as

> broken she agreed to use the DMSO that I gave her a long, long time

> ago for her arthitis but she never used. This was 4 days ago and she

> told me today that she is using the roll-on DMSO everytime she rolls

> over in bed at night. I am upset that she got hurt so badly but I am

> so excited that she is finally using the DMSO. I tried to explain to

> her that it not only will help with the the pain (which is severe

> right now), but that it will also carry stuff into the body that may

> help healing. Can anyone suggest what to add to the DMSO to help speed

> healing?

> Thank-you,

> Diane









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