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Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

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, you sound like you have been the doctor financier like I have been for years. I am tired of putting their kids through college while I am broke from it and STILL feeling like $hit! If I thought they had even a CLUE I wouldn't mind trying another doctor again, but I am going on 30 years with this unfixed problem, and I have studied thyroid. Most of my doctors should be paying ME for the education. The next one that hands me a 1200 calorie a day diet is gonna get punched... LOL Especially if it is a skinny young twit fresh out of college that has never had a pimple, much less the chronic pain I have lived with from this disease.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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, you sound like you have been the doctor financier like I have been for years. I am tired of putting their kids through college while I am broke from it and STILL feeling like $hit! If I thought they had even a CLUE I wouldn't mind trying another doctor again, but I am going on 30 years with this unfixed problem, and I have studied thyroid. Most of my doctors should be paying ME for the education. The next one that hands me a 1200 calorie a day diet is gonna get punched... LOL Especially if it is a skinny young twit fresh out of college that has never had a pimple, much less the chronic pain I have lived with from this disease.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Hey , I have a confession.. I am not in Texas either! LOL I am in West Virginia, but have lived in Texas, does that count? I was a San Angelo gal for about 9 years and actually was born there, but grew up elsewhere & have lived all over since, so I can say I am FROM any number of places. Ah you DO sound like me with the forgetfulness! I just burned my dinner. I came in here to get something, can't remember what, and forgot I had put food in the oven.. got reading email and really forgot about it till the smoke was filling the house. Yup, time to do something this is dangerous! I have gone to bed with food in the oven too. VERY dangerous! I rely heavily on my animals to wake me when things like this happen, and they do. My letters to forget are "d" & "b" ...when printing I can never remember which one is which. Got to be thyroid!

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Hey , I have a confession.. I am not in Texas either! LOL I am in West Virginia, but have lived in Texas, does that count? I was a San Angelo gal for about 9 years and actually was born there, but grew up elsewhere & have lived all over since, so I can say I am FROM any number of places. Ah you DO sound like me with the forgetfulness! I just burned my dinner. I came in here to get something, can't remember what, and forgot I had put food in the oven.. got reading email and really forgot about it till the smoke was filling the house. Yup, time to do something this is dangerous! I have gone to bed with food in the oven too. VERY dangerous! I rely heavily on my animals to wake me when things like this happen, and they do. My letters to forget are "d" & "b" ...when printing I can never remember which one is which. Got to be thyroid!

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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, we certainly don't mind you "butting" in on our Texas group. All we care about is being a support for those of us who need it.

Why are you on the lowest possible Armour dose?


Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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, we certainly don't mind you "butting" in on our Texas group. All we care about is being a support for those of us who need it.

Why are you on the lowest possible Armour dose?


Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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> The next one that hands me a 1200 calorie a day diet is gonna get

>punched... LOL>

LOL! is right! I got one of those 1200 calorie diets from the big name

thyroid specialist who I was sure would help me this time. Thing is, it's

not even a healthy diet........I can tell by looking.

I'm kinda amazed that this is the first doctor who's told me to go on a

diet......since I've seen tons of them.......

Bobbi C.

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There are a few of us that are self-medicating, you're not alone by any means. Just take it slow, take it easy and listen to your body... If your not sure of something, just ask, someone is bound to know, or can find out....

As soon as I have enoughtmoney for labs, I'll be going to www.healthcheck.com check them out..

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 20:06:51 -0500 " " writes:

As one who has no insurance and doesn't make too much money, I'm with ya sister. I've just ordered the Armour, for the FIRST time, on my own, from IAS (International Aging Systems) because I've run out of money for one doctor after the other. I'm getting my own labs done, when I find a place on the budget for it, to see how it's going, after I've started making the transition from levoxyl to it. Or possibly, after I see what the labs show, having to take both. This is a scary thing for me, as I have great respect for the power of these drugs. If I don't do it now though I never will. One thing I know is that these drugs can be bought cheaper overseas, and it's certainly MUCH cheaper to get my own labs done---and I can get the labs done that I want, not just the ones a doctor wants to order for me. If I mess up severely, then I will take the labs to a doctor, but I will find out before I make an appt, whether he/she is going to accept MY labs as gospel. If they won't then forget them.

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It's not that I want to be on the low dose of Armour. I started treatment on Synthroid, and read 's book and realized I was not feeling hunky dory on Synthroid. I got my first labs back and T-3's were low, so to make a long story short, I asked, no insisted I wanted Armour. The Dr. was accomodating, but said she wanted to start me on the lowest dose and then after 6 weeks do my labs. I'm going along w/ her only because I know dropping from 50 mcg of Synthroid to an even lower dose of Armour, my T-3/T-4's, TSH's are not gonna look that great I'm betting. So, I'll tell her when I go back in a few weeks that I am feeling 'minor' improvement (more so than Synthroid), but that I think my dosage needs to be more. I'm a slave to the insurance/Dr. racket unfortunately, so I have to play by their rules, but if I come to any conflicts in the future, I won't hesitate to switch over to an endocrinologist instead of my family Dr. I probably should be anyway.

One question I have, how does one know if they have an adrenal problem? I mentioned it to my Dr. and she quickly said, "Oh I don't think you have to worry about that. It would be more obvious if you had it. She said quickly that I would have a fatty deposit on my back. I quickly showed her what has been developing on my upper back, what looks like a 'hump' to me. It may be nothing, but I just wondered. Someone here or at the about.com site said that when you're diagnosed with hypothyroid, they should do an adrenal test automatically before beginning treatment. So, that's why I asked her. Anyhow, it's getting late, and my animals are telling me it's time for bed. :o)

Take care and hope you're doing well (everybody).

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Good, that's more we have in common then. :o) Oh you burn things too, huh? My new microwave smells awful now because I caught a bag of popcorn on fire when I forgot about it. Yes, it's embarrassing but true. I almost didn't get that smell out of the house. I have none of those 'burner covers' on my stove because my hubby won't allow it. I've burned up too many and he's afraid I'll burn the house down with them. I have to laugh at myself sometimes, or I'd cry. Well, going to get ready to settle down and get some sleep. My kitties are ready for bed and are letting me know. Take care, and be careful.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

Hey , I have a confession.. I am not in Texas either! LOL I am in West Virginia, but have lived in Texas, does that count? I was a San Angelo gal for about 9 years and actually was born there, but grew up elsewhere & have lived all over since, so I can say I am FROM any number of places. Ah you DO sound like me with the forgetfulness! I just burned my dinner. I came in here to get something, can't remember what, and forgot I had put food in the oven.. got reading email and really forgot about it till the smoke was filling the house. Yup, time to do something this is dangerous! I have gone to bed with food in the oven too. VERY dangerous! I rely heavily on my animals to wake me when things like this happen, and they do. My letters to forget are "d" & "b" ...when printing I can never remember which one is which. Got to be thyroid!

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Love having you with us, and now for the big quest-i-o-n------What are your most recent lab values with the reference ranges?

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

Okay guys, I have a confession. Please forgive me, but I'm not from Texas. I'm from Georgia, but the group I'm in is not very talkative. (I'm not blaming them, they may just be busy or something). Anyhow, a friend told me of some good posts and files here so I joined in and have been really enjoying all of your posts. THanks for your experiences.

The reason I'm butting in on you per se, is that I can so identify with you. I am going thru similar things. Like I am always at around 97.1 or lower sometimes, but yet I'm hot and sweaty. I can't figure that one out. I don't know if it may be hormones or whatever. Also my weight is skyrocketing lately. I'm 5'3 and now near 250. Just a few months back (like 2) I was 237 before starting thyroid treatment. I have had similar experiences as you too like horrible forgetfulness. My hubby gets upset sometimes because talking to me is frustrating when he never knows if I'll remember it later or not. I also will be driving somewhere and forget where I'm going, or do what I did the other day and pass up my turn (and turn around) and pass it up again (and turn around again). When I go to get something while cooking or whatever, it's like I really have to consciously think and sometimes talk out loud ("eggs, milk, butter") to help myself figure out what I need to get. It's so frustrating.

My hubby was worried I was getting alzheimers at age 33. In any case, the sleepiness has also been a problem. I must have a nap everyday for about 2 hours. Otherwise, I'm just not worth anything. I went to an all day religious convention that went from 8-4. My husband was embarrassed because my head would keep bobbing. Just things like that which make life miserable sometimes.

A few weeks ago, I actually forgot which way a J should go! This might be normal for someone else, but I homeschool my daughter and I've never had dyslexia or anything like that. It was the ultimate embarrassment to tell my daughter the J was going the wrong way, and it wasn't. I was the one who was wrong. It was just so scary. But thankfully I was diagnosed and am on Armour (although an extremely low dose, I think the lowest you can possibly be on.) But I have hope that things will get better soon. Well, just wanted to introduce myself and apologize for being a Georgian butting in on a Texas conversation. :o)

THanks for everyone's experience.

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, do you take nutrients also, like the selenium, and do you know whether or not you might have an adrenal problem? You also made me laugh on punching the doc out! I've told more than one off myself, and one I told I wasn't going to pay because he gave me no service. They followed me all the way to the door to get the money, can you believe. I said "No, because I did not get what I came for. That's how it is in a business agreement, remember?" Never was billed for that one either.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

, you sound like you have been the doctor financier like I have been for years. I am tired of putting their kids through college while I am broke from it and STILL feeling like $hit! If I thought they had even a CLUE I wouldn't mind trying another doctor again, but I am going on 30 years with this unfixed problem, and I have studied thyroid. Most of my doctors should be paying ME for the education. The next one that hands me a 1200 calorie a day diet is gonna get punched... LOL Especially if it is a skinny young twit fresh out of college that has never had a pimple, much less the chronic pain I have lived with from this disease.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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That's the lab I'm going thru at some point. It so happens that they have a Lab 1 right out here at our hospital (that's who they contracted with locally). I'm gonna scrape it up here pretty soon. My body's always telling me there's something wrong, so I don't want my immagination to get away with me because of this transition LOL! Just waiting for that time when it's telling me it feels a whole lot better! That Armour should be here in about 10 days or less.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory


There are a few of us that are self-medicating, you're not alone by any means. Just take it slow, take it easy and listen to your body... If your not sure of something, just ask, someone is bound to know, or can find out....

As soon as I have enoughtmoney for labs, I'll be going to www.healthcheck.com check them out..

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 20:06:51 -0500 " " writes:

As one who has no insurance and doesn't make too much money, I'm with ya sister. I've just ordered the Armour, for the FIRST time, on my own, from IAS (International Aging Systems) because I've run out of money for one doctor after the other. I'm getting my own labs done, when I find a place on the budget for it, to see how it's going, after I've started making the transition from levoxyl to it. Or possibly, after I see what the labs show, having to take both. This is a scary thing for me, as I have great respect for the power of these drugs. If I don't do it now though I never will. One thing I know is that these drugs can be bought cheaper overseas, and it's certainly MUCH cheaper to get my own labs done---and I can get the labs done that I want, not just the ones a doctor wants to order for me. If I mess up severely, then I will take the labs to a doctor, but I will find out before I make an appt, whether he/she is going to accept MY labs as gospel. If they won't then forget them.

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Okay, this doctor gave the patent answer that elicits the battle cry WAR from any self-respecting thyroid sufferer and probably thousands of alternative care physicians in all parts of the world. "She said quickly I would have a fatty deposit on my back". MOST doctors do NOT recognize adrenal problems until they look like this:

Cushing's(the hump)<---Inbetween-->'s

Most of us who are inbetween don't get treated because we don't sit at the opposite end of the spectrum, on each side. They only consider it disease (conventional medical paradigm) when it's gotten to this point. If your doctor absolutely refuses to do an AM Cortisol level on you, then you can get your own. Not a bad idea to get the DHEA either. HealthcheckUSA has a package deal on that. Some other labs do also. Those are listed on our site in links on the left. The nightowl syndrome, to me, is the dead giveaway, as in, "I feel lousy all day, can't wake up in the morning, fall asleep or get brain foggy miserably tired-----then, suddenly, come nightfall, all my senses come alive, and I can even think clearly". And all this followed 8-9 hours sleep! That's me, and I am going to have one of these tests run also, and go from there. Whatever it takes. Here's the link on adrenal fatigue and the workings of the adrenal glands:



---- Original Message -----


To: Texas_Thyroid_Groups

Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 9:25 PM

Subject: Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

It's not that I want to be on the low dose of Armour. I started treatment on Synthroid, and read 's book and realized I was not feeling hunky dory on Synthroid. I got my first labs back and T-3's were low, so to make a long story short, I asked, no insisted I wanted Armour. The Dr. was accomodating, but said she wanted to start me on the lowest dose and then after 6 weeks do my labs. I'm going along w/ her only because I know dropping from 50 mcg of Synthroid to an even lower dose of Armour, my T-3/T-4's, TSH's are not gonna look that great I'm betting. So, I'll tell her when I go back in a few weeks that I am feeling 'minor' improvement (more so than Synthroid), but that I think my dosage needs to be more. I'm a slave to the insurance/Dr. racket unfortunately, so I have to play by their rules, but if I come to any conflicts in the future, I won't hesitate to switch over to an endocrinologist instead of my family Dr. I probably should be anyway.

One question I have, how does one know if they have an adrenal problem? I mentioned it to my Dr. and she quickly said, "Oh I don't think you have to worry about that. It would be more obvious if you had it. She said quickly that I would have a fatty deposit on my back. I quickly showed her what has been developing on my upper back, what looks like a 'hump' to me. It may be nothing, but I just wondered. Someone here or at the about.com site said that when you're diagnosed with hypothyroid, they should do an adrenal test automatically before beginning treatment. So, that's why I asked her. Anyhow, it's getting late, and my animals are telling me it's time for bed. :o)

Take care and hope you're doing well (everybody).

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>>, do you take nutrients also, like the selenium, and do you know whether or not you might have an adrenal problem?<<

Right now I take DHEA only with my thyroid. In the past I have tried many things, selenium, Bvitamins, calcium, Adrenal supplement... The Adrenal supplement makes me feel hyper and have heart palps, the rest I never felt anything, good or bad with so when money got tight, I stopped using them. I may try selenium again now that I am making better money. I have never had my adrenals tested either. Funny, my grandmother has a hump on her shoulder that they don't have a clue what it is.. I wonder? When she was in her forties she was on thyroid, then they stopped giving it to her, now she suffers from dementia quite badly and I have wondered if her doctors really know what they are doing. Probably not, but my sister is a nurse and "knows everything" and takes care of her, and wouldn't listen to me anyway.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/12/2003

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and Bobbi,

I can certainly sympothize with you. I am feeling better after years of feeling crappy--I thought I was losing my mind.

I went to numerous doctors but they all said I was normal since my TSH level was high-normal. I couldn't go anywhere and find my way home without extreme mental anguish. I had to make a menu and cook one thing at a time, checking off as I prepared it--many times not remembering how to prepare it.

My muscles were so weak I could not pick up a gallon of milk. My legs and arms hurt so bad I could not rest nor sleep. I was extemely exhausted and wanted to sleep but could not sleep and many days could not get out of bed. Unlike many, I was always hot (and am still sensitive to heat). My fingers would cramp and I could not use my computer or my sewing machine. I was told by one doctor I had carpal tunnel and would require surgery. I was also told that I had fibromyalgia. I was also told I was depressed and needed an antidepressant--- I know this sounds familiar.

I also had cold sweats in the middle of the night with horrible indigestion and felt faint to the point of laying on the bathroom floor for an hour before I could go back to bed. I thought I was having a heart attack and went to see a cardiologist. I found I had a valve problem but he said "your thyroid is screwed up -- your cholosterol and triglycerides are much too high and go see this internist."

Well, I finally increased my own medication (Synthroid) since I could not get an appoitment for two months and went to see the internist. I told him everything, showed him the chart of temps, symptoms etc I had made, and prepared my case with info from this site and books recommended on this site and prepared for battle. He was very sympothetic and has worked with me. He said he treated patients and not labs. I just went back and will go in this week for more labs.

I do take selenium, vitamin supplements, essential oils and acids and Thyrostart recommended by my local GNC store. It has given me energy and at last I am loosing some weight. It is made up of a variety of vitamins and herbs and is thyroid specific.

Good luck --be persistent and beyond all "educated" about yourself and your health.


Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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I have the Classic buffalo hump as well as the fat pads on shoulders and I tested negative!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

It's not that I want to be on the low dose of Armour. I started treatment on Synthroid, and read 's book and realized I was not feeling hunky dory on Synthroid. I got my first labs back and T-3's were low, so to make a long story short, I asked, no insisted I wanted Armour. The Dr. was accomodating, but said she wanted to start me on the lowest dose and then after 6 weeks do my labs. I'm going along w/ her only because I know dropping from 50 mcg of Synthroid to an even lower dose of Armour, my T-3/T-4's, TSH's are not gonna look that great I'm betting. So, I'll tell her when I go back in a few weeks that I am feeling 'minor' improvement (more so than Synthroid), but that I think my dosage needs to be more. I'm a slave to the insurance/Dr. racket unfortunately, so I have to play by their rules, but if I come to any conflicts in the future, I won't hesitate to switch over to an endocrinologist instead of my family Dr. I probably should be anyway.

One question I have, how does one know if they have an adrenal problem? I mentioned it to my Dr. and she quickly said, "Oh I don't think you have to worry about that. It would be more obvious if you had it. She said quickly that I would have a fatty deposit on my back. I quickly showed her what has been developing on my upper back, what looks like a 'hump' to me. It may be nothing, but I just wondered. Someone here or at the about.com site said that when you're diagnosed with hypothyroid, they should do an adrenal test automatically before beginning treatment. So, that's why I asked her. Anyhow, it's getting late, and my animals are telling me it's time for bed. :o)

Take care and hope you're doing well (everybody).

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This IAS place, does it charge a Dr's fee or anything or do you have to have a Dr's script or do they just let you buy it without having to do anything else? Just curious in case I ever needed it and wasn't getting a Dr's help.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

He did run the fasting diabetes tests on me for the hundredth time, negative. I do not know about insulin resistance, he probably doesn't either! LOL He only tested my free T's once then went to just ordering the TSH test so there really is no point in my going back to this doctor. I may have to as I will need Armour refilled soon, but he will probably do that with a phone call if I insist. I just haven't got the money to keep trying out doctors to find one that will do the right tests. I have had these SAME tests run (about $1500 worth) at least 5 times in the past 3 years by different doctors I have tried. I am broke and broken and the doctors in the world don't care to even try to fix me. I am definitely in home mechanic mode at least till some more money presents itself which isn't likely till Springtime. I am just searching for a splice to get me through till then, and I did order Cytomel from Meds Mex but it hasn't gotten here yet.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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Good for YOU!!!!! No one should pay for a service that is not provided. Yet so many of us are so cow-towed by docs that we put up with them.. Not me.. Not any more.. Not after what they've done to me....

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 01:45:57 -0500 " " writes:

, do you take nutrients also, like the selenium, and do you know whether or not you might have an adrenal problem? You also made me laugh on punching the doc out! I've told more than one off myself, and one I told I wasn't going to pay because he gave me no service. They followed me all the way to the door to get the money, can you believe. I said "No, because I did not get what I came for. That's how it is in a business agreement, remember?" Never was billed for that one either.

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Great to hear !

I have two lab ones in my area.. both about 20 miles from here.... Just a matter of coming up with the cash.

My Nutri-Meds order is due here tomorrow... More Adrenal and DHEA (enough to last until spring) I'm good on Thyroid for a while yet so I'm saving up for another big order. More cost effective to order several bottles at a time, saves on shipping and they give a price break on orders over $20.

A suggestion... if you are going to be splitting pills it would be wise to either get a pill splitter or a package of single edge razor blades, kitchen knives don't do a good job at all... I prefer razor blades myself. I sit down once every two weeks to split all my pills and set up my dosages. With all the stuff I take it's only about an hour in front of the TV and then I'm done.

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 02:36:47 -0500 " " writes:


That's the lab I'm going thru at some point. It so happens that they have a Lab 1 right out here at our hospital (that's who they contracted with locally). I'm gonna scrape it up here pretty soon. My body's always telling me there's something wrong, so I don't want my immagination to get away with me because of this transition LOL! Just waiting for that time when it's telling me it feels a whole lot better! That Armour should be here in about 10 days or less.

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TSH 2.87 NORMAL .45 - 6.20

T-3 28% NORMAL 30-45 (She said this was "borderline low")

T-4 9.7 NORMAL 4.5-12

I asked for 'free' T-3 and free T-4 tests, and I even asked while the lab was drawing blood if it was a free T-3/T-4 test and they said yes. I was later informed by someone on the About.com site that these are not Free T's numbers. In any case, it appears to me that I'm not converting to T-3 well or it wouldn't be low, right? This was the lab values just before I started Armour. I had been only taking Synthroid 50 mcg.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

Okay guys, I have a confession. Please forgive me, but I'm not from Texas. I'm from Georgia, but the group I'm in is not very talkative. (I'm not blaming them, they may just be busy or something). Anyhow, a friend told me of some good posts and files here so I joined in and have been really enjoying all of your posts. THanks for your experiences.

The reason I'm butting in on you per se, is that I can so identify with you. I am going thru similar things. Like I am always at around 97.1 or lower sometimes, but yet I'm hot and sweaty. I can't figure that one out. I don't know if it may be hormones or whatever. Also my weight is skyrocketing lately. I'm 5'3 and now near 250. Just a few months back (like 2) I was 237 before starting thyroid treatment. I have had similar experiences as you too like horrible forgetfulness. My hubby gets upset sometimes because talking to me is frustrating when he never knows if I'll remember it later or not. I also will be driving somewhere and forget where I'm going, or do what I did the other day and pass up my turn (and turn around) and pass it up again (and turn around again). When I go to get something while cooking or whatever, it's like I really have to consciously think and sometimes talk out loud ("eggs, milk, butter") to help myself figure out what I need to get. It's so frustrating.

My hubby was worried I was getting alzheimers at age 33. In any case, the sleepiness has also been a problem. I must have a nap everyday for about 2 hours. Otherwise, I'm just not worth anything. I went to an all day religious convention that went from 8-4. My husband was embarrassed because my head would keep bobbing. Just things like that which make life miserable sometimes.

A few weeks ago, I actually forgot which way a J should go! This might be normal for someone else, but I homeschool my daughter and I've never had dyslexia or anything like that. It was the ultimate embarrassment to tell my daughter the J was going the wrong way, and it wasn't. I was the one who was wrong. It was just so scary. But thankfully I was diagnosed and am on Armour (although an extremely low dose, I think the lowest you can possibly be on.) But I have hope that things will get better soon. Well, just wanted to introduce myself and apologize for being a Georgian butting in on a Texas conversation. :o)

THanks for everyone's experience.

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>TSH 2.87 NORMAL .45 - 6.20


>T-3 28% NORMAL 30-45 (She said this was " borderline low " )


>T-4 9.7 NORMAL 4.5-12

Wait a minute! These normal ranges are NOWHERE near the ones I posted for

the lab that did my tests. What's the deal?

Bobbi C.

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Really?! What were the normal ranges your lab used? I don't even know what the T-3/4 tests really were, because they weren't 'free' tests. I suppose Total T-3 & T-4??? I should have asked for a photocopy of my results instead of getting them over the phone. Then I'd know more.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>TSH 2.87 NORMAL .45 - 6.20>>T-3 28% NORMAL 30-45 (She said this was "borderline low")>>T-4 9.7 NORMAL 4.5-12Wait a minute! These normal ranges are NOWHERE near the ones I posted forthe lab that did my tests. What's the deal?Bobbi C.

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When I started on adrenal supplement I got pretty 'up' I got to feeling so good that I over extended my physical limits and pretty much just wore me out. I had to cut out the adrenal for a couple of months to recover. But then I started up again, with a smaller amount. I'm glad I did. I'm now up to three 1/4 tab doses a day and as soon as I get my next order in (due tomorrow) I'll be increasing by another 1/4 tab. I'll stay there until I get my labs done.

Having the adrenal supplement has done a lot, I believe, to let my own adrenals rest. If something happens now that excites me or angers me I actually react to it and when the situation is over I calm down again. Before the adrenal supplement I didnt' get mad.. I just hid somewhere and cried. Unable to face anything. My adrenal glands are able to produce again when a situation requires it. I dont' have the level of "mad" that I used to get.. that is why I want to go up another 1/4 tab for a while to see what happens... but don't see a need to go any higher than that. I seem to be improving and have natural production of adrenaline again, I am not in need of replacement... just supplementation to encourage healing.

I've run across articles that explain that extended periods of hypo due to undermedication or lack of medication cause the adrenal glands to compensate. Because of all the extra load that they carry to cover for the low thyroid, they get weaker and weaker over time. Eventually wearing out and becoming non productive (that is 's disease, I believe) and then you die.

If you have weak adrenals and add thyroid it further stresses the adrenals, I dont' know why.. it almost seems the opposite of what it should do.... So some folks go on thyroid and get bad reactions and blame it on the meds when it's really the adrenals that did it.... then some folks, like me, that are on thyroid and then add an adrenal supplement get 'hyper' and over active physically, others get to feeling poorly.... and blame it on the adrenal supplement and quit. Just like I did. I'm grateful that I found that article and started up the adrenal again, on a lower dose... it's working for me.

Topper ()http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 06:52:25 -0400 " T" writes:

>>, do you take nutrients also, like the selenium, and do you know whether or not you might have an adrenal problem?<<

Right now I take DHEA only with my thyroid. In the past I have tried many things, selenium, Bvitamins, calcium, Adrenal supplement... The Adrenal supplement makes me feel hyper and have heart palps, the rest I never felt anything, good or bad with so when money got tight, I stopped using them. I may try selenium again now that I am making better money. I have never had my adrenals tested either. Funny, my grandmother has a hump on her shoulder that they don't have a clue what it is.. I wonder? When she was in her forties she was on thyroid, then they stopped giving it to her, now she suffers from dementia quite badly and I have wondered if her doctors really know what they are doing. Probably not, but my sister is a nurse and "knows everything" and takes care of her, and wouldn't listen to me anyway.


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> Really?! What were the normal ranges your lab used?>

Hi ,

I posted them earlier this morning.......didn't that message come through?

Oh well......here they are again........

T3 Total...............90-200

Free T4...........0.73-1.95


Peroxidase AB...........less than 35

Bobbi C.

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