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Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

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I can sure answer that. I just got through five weeks on it. My doctor here in Kerrville, who believes in alternative medicine, suggested I try it. The T3 was compounded and my insurance co. only paid for 1/3 of it. So--it cost about $80, which isn't too bad. You begin by taking 1 twice a day exactly to the minute 12 hours apart for several days, then two twice a day, then 3, then 4, then continue with 4, then go back to 3, then 2, then 1. The idea is to get the temperature up which speeds the metabolism up. The body is flooded with T3 only as you get up to the 3 and 4 pills a day. I do not know the specific amt. of T3, but it is what recommended in his book.

I researched it pretty thoroughly. There is quite a bit of negative on it, but the 's web site had many testimonials from people who swore it worked for them. I tried it and did precisely what I was supposed to. Only twice did I miss the time by a few minutes when I forgot.

I had to go off my other thyroid medication. My temperature still never got over 97.2 and it even got down to 96.4. Neat the end I felt pretty tired and was irritable most of the time I was on it. When I had lab work done, my thyroxin was almost non existent, TSH a tad higher (up from .02 to .153 and T4 was low, low, low. So I went back on my Armour but am still very tired. I was doing well before my doctor got concerned about my suppresed TSH and had me back down some and the try the protocol.

That was my experience. Jan told me after I'd already done it not to try it as it can mess you up. It has certainly done that. I go to an endo Mon. 18th for an evaluation.

Why are you interested? Just wondering.....


Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

While I am up so early & on a roll... Have any of you tried 's T3 therapy? How much T3 does he recommend and did it work? Even for a while?

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


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I forgot to tell you that when you do the 's protocol, you have to take your temperature twice a day six hours apart and record it. The web site, www.wilsonsyndrome.com (I think that's the right one) had a form you can print out. I did buy a thermometer on their web site that is wonderful. It's a mercury one, accurate, easy to read, has a larger base for handling ease. It was under ten dollars.


Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

While I am up so early & on a roll... Have any of you tried 's T3 therapy? How much T3 does he recommend and did it work? Even for a while?

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


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I am interested as conventional thyroid treatments have failed me for about 30 years now. I am getting desperate. I am 5'1" and now up to 220 and taking 8-10 aspirin a day just to make it through my work day. I have nosebleed all the time I am sure from all the aspirin. My BP is low, my temp never gets over 97.2 and I can't remember even really important things. My grandmother's phone number even! I call her about every 1-2 weeks, and her number has been the same for 4 years... I have no insurance and just got through trying ONE more doctor. $3000 worth of labs later he says I am fine. I am on Armour that I adjusted the dose up to 180 MG 2X a day and at that I feel some hyper symptoms, but at a little less I feel horrible & my blood pressure soars. My T4 runs high normal and my T3 way low. My TSH is suppressed to .1 so I SHOULD feel better.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


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You may be a poor T4 to T3 converter... I've found that I am.... there are two things to help with that... Selenium, to aid in the conversion itself... and Vitamin C to increase absorption rates.. I also take the thyroid sublingually (under my tongue) so that it goes directly into the blood stream and doesn't have to take a detour through the digestive tract. I've read that absorption rates when swallowing thyroid can be as low as 47% - so more than half the meds are going down the toilet!

For your weight, 6 grains seems very high.. Makes me wonder if you are having absorption and conversion problems.

Oh.. one other thing I do... I split my tabs into quarters and take my thyroid 6 times a day... that way about the time the T3 is weakening I'm taking another dose... T3 is only in the system for about 4 hours after taking it.. then it's up to our bodies to convert T4 to T3 to sustain us..... By increasing frequency of doses, adding selenium to aid in conversion, and Vitamin C to improve absorption I seem to be doing quite well.

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 08:16:48 -0400 " T" writes:

I am interested as conventional thyroid treatments have failed me for about 30 years now. I am getting desperate. I am 5'1" and now up to 220 and taking 8-10 aspirin a day just to make it through my work day. I have nosebleed all the time I am sure from all the aspirin. My BP is low, my temp never gets over 97.2 and I can't remember even really important things. My grandmother's phone number even! I call her about every 1-2 weeks, and her number has been the same for 4 years... I have no insurance and just got through trying ONE more doctor. $3000 worth of labs later he says I am fine. I am on Armour that I adjusted the dose up to 180 MG 2X a day and at that I feel some hyper symptoms, but at a little less I feel horrible & my blood pressure soars. My T4 runs high normal and my T3 way low. My TSH is suppressed to .1 so I SHOULD feel better.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Thanks , I will try your suggestions but I don't know about remembering to take it that many times a day! I have trouble with twice a day, but that break down has helped me. I do feel when the T3 quits. I could sleep standing up, in fact I HAVE fallen asleep with clippers in my hands while grooming a dog! That was a few years ago when I had a real thyroid crisis though I am better than that now, but also on double the meds I was on then. I still have problems driving home from work and even though it is only 15 miles, I sometimes have to stop & take a nap. I found that I am also very sensitive to car exhaust! I can detect a leak before a mechanic can by how tired I get in the car!

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


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I had a hard time at first too... but after a while it gets to be routine. I'm trying to think of a way to describe it..... I mean the way it makes you feel to have the dose evened out....

Well, you know how crappy it is to get to the low point and feel the need to sleep or feel too brain foggy to function..... and you might know the buzz you get from doing some coffee or pop.. you get that 'up' and the sleepy gloomies get pushed out of the way for a while... but even so, you know that you are gonna crash when the caffeine wears off... By taking the Thyroid every few hours.. there are no highs and lows.. you just feel even keel... your brain doesn't go on vacations, your body doesn't get chilled and want to curl up and sleep. If I forget to take a chip (I quarter my pills to make my doses) I often get a case of the yawns... and then I look at the clock and then go get my chip and pop it under my tongue.

I have alarms set on my computer to remind me to take my meds (with all the stuff I take I pretty much take something or other ever hour) and I have a PDA that has alarms on it that I use when I'm away from the computer... And I made my own pill boxes with all the pill chips (Thyroid, Adrenal, Selenium, various vitamins, iron, calcium, etc) set up in the order I take them.. One is just the right size to fit in my shirt pocket when I'm away from home. So once it's all set up, the daily task of taking them is pretty easy.

If you get a chance to try multiple daily doses for a while and it seems to be helping... feel free to contact me off list if you'd like help setting up a custom pill box. I have pics of mine in the file section of my me and 's group site, at least I think that's where I put them! hehehehehehe.

Topper ()http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/http://toppertwo.tripod.com

On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 09:00:29 -0400 " T" writes:

Thanks , I will try your suggestions but I don't know about remembering to take it that many times a day! I have trouble with twice a day, but that break down has helped me. I do feel when the T3 quits. I could sleep standing up, in fact I HAVE fallen asleep with clippers in my hands while grooming a dog! That was a few years ago when I had a real thyroid crisis though I am better than that now, but also on double the meds I was on then. I still have problems driving home from work and even though it is only 15 miles, I sometimes have to stop & take a nap. I found that I am also very sensitive to car exhaust! I can detect a leak before a mechanic can by how tired I get in the car!

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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When I first started with the new DR I am seeing he put me on a thyroid vitamin booster. It had a lot of seaweed/kelp and some iodine from that. The vitamin made my goiter swell even more, so I stopped. What I have found is that the low temperature has gone away from then and never came back. My last test, my TSH was almost 3, so it has to be that or else all the b12 and folic acid I am taking that corrected my low temperature. Sorry I am not sure which, but those components are the only thing different for me and I used to freeze!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

I am interested as conventional thyroid treatments have failed me for about 30 years now. I am getting desperate. I am 5'1" and now up to 220 and taking 8-10 aspirin a day just to make it through my work day. I have nosebleed all the time I am sure from all the aspirin. My BP is low, my temp never gets over 97.2 and I can't remember even really important things. My grandmother's phone number even! I call her about every 1-2 weeks, and her number has been the same for 4 years... I have no insurance and just got through trying ONE more doctor. $3000 worth of labs later he says I am fine. I am on Armour that I adjusted the dose up to 180 MG 2X a day and at that I feel some hyper symptoms, but at a little less I feel horrible & my blood pressure soars. My T4 runs high normal and my T3 way low. My TSH is suppressed to .1 so I SHOULD feel better.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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My body temperature was very low about 96 all the time. I also have Raynaulds and then when I felt a slight breeze, my hands and nose would also get cold. Then and now, I have no tolerance for heat however. You would think I would want it, but I can't stand it. Just going by temperature, not symptoms, I have always run a low fever. When I would feel lousy, I would take my temperature and it would say something like 98.5. I felt like death warmed over. It must be that for years I was running a lower than normal body temperature is all I can figure. I had a goiter and thyroid issue 30 years ago. Was put on Synthyroid and had a terrible time adjusting. I can't remember a lot about back then, but stopped seeing an endo for 29 years. When I was dxed last year, the DR said I have an old hard fibrous goiter. I'll bet it just never went away and I just learned to live with it. I have never been able to wear a choker necklace or a Turtle neck sweater no matter how loose. Anything touching my neck always made me feel that I was choking!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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>>Anything touching my neck always made me feel that I was choking! <<

HMMM now you are really ringing some bells! Only in the last 6 months or so I have really started choking easily, not just feeling like I might. I choke on my own saliva at least 3-4 times a week now, and I KNOW that is too often to be accidental. I can't even wear crew neck shirts unless they are huge on me due to the feeling of pressure on my neck. Though no obvious goiter, I have wondered lately if all this isn't a sign of one. My last doc never even felt my thyroid. UGHH.. means I might outta be looking for yet another one. I am SO sick of trying out doctor after doctor just wasting money. There are NONE listed in West Virginia that are worth a crap & everyone here I know recommended this last one as great! He only pushes Synthroid. I refused to switch so he grudgingly gave me the Armour script but told me I would never feel better on it as it isn't "regulated" dosages.. Heck I have been doing this so long, I used to have a doctor info packet I had printed several copies of from the net to educate my docs, but I ran out of copies.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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I have a large but weird shaped goiter. It has wrapped around my windpipe and a standard 18 inch necklace is tight because it has expanded my neck to both sides instead of the pictures you see pushed to a lump out front. Also, when I have a thyroid attack and it swells, it feels like something is in there, or went down the wrong pipe. I used to strain my neck up, but was taught to put my head down when I swallow. That works better!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>Anything touching my neck always made me feel that I was choking! <<

HMMM now you are really ringing some bells! Only in the last 6 months or so I have really started choking easily, not just feeling like I might. I choke on my own saliva at least 3-4 times a week now, and I KNOW that is too often to be accidental. I can't even wear crew neck shirts unless they are huge on me due to the feeling of pressure on my neck. Though no obvious goiter, I have wondered lately if all this isn't a sign of one. My last doc never even felt my thyroid. UGHH.. means I might outta be looking for yet another one. I am SO sick of trying out doctor after doctor just wasting money. There are NONE listed in West Virginia that are worth a crap & everyone here I know recommended this last one as great! He only pushes Synthroid. I refused to switch so he grudgingly gave me the Armour script but told me I would never feel better on it as it

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> >>Anything touching my neck always made me feel that I was choking! <<

> HMMM now you are really ringing some bells!>

I've had several exams, and two ultrasounds, and they *say* my thyroid is

fine, and my numbers are " normal " . However, I do have the choking and

" throat seizing up " symptoms, too. Since that's one of the signs of cancer

(difficulty swallowing), my last doctor sent me to an ear/nose/throat

specialist that I'm going to see tomorrow.

I know my neck is swollen, and I have TONS of allergies to different foods,

etc. At this point, I can't tell what's causing it, but I know that rice

always sets it off......Also, I had a bad reaction to a stomach tube I had

to have after my surgery, and I wouldn't be surprised if that caused some

damage. I had to have it in for 11 days straight, and it took over 6

months for my throat and esophagus to heal after that.

I also can't stand to wear tight clothing or necklaces that are short.........

Bobbi C.

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I have Hashi, no food allergies except a slight reaction to beef and yeast. No one has even suggested Cancer to me. Is there a blood test that would have showed something?

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

> >>Anything touching my neck always made me feel that I was choking! <<> HMMM now you are really ringing some bells!>I've had several exams, and two ultrasounds, and they *say* my thyroid isfine, and my numbers are "normal". However, I do have the choking and"throat seizing up" symptoms, too. Since that's one of the signs of cancer(difficulty swallowing), my last doctor sent me to an ear/nose/throatspecialist that I'm going to see tomorrow.I know my neck is swollen, and I have TONS of allergies to different foods,etc. At this point, I can't tell what's causing it, but I know that ricealways sets it off......Also, I had a bad reaction to a stomach tube I hadto have after my surgery, and I wouldn't be surprised if that caused somedamage. I had to have it in for 11 days straight, and it took over 6months for my throat and esophagus to heal after that.I also can't stand to wear tight clothing or necklaces that are short.........Bobbi C.

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> I have Hashi, no food allergies except a slight reaction to beef and

>yeast. No one has even suggested Cancer to me. Is there a blood test that

>would have showed something? >

I don't know......All I know is that I do not want to be subjected to any

more tests.

One doctor did a full body bone scan last year, because he couldn't

diagnose anything. I figure if there was some kind of cancer there, that

would have picked it up........At least, that's what they told me.

They didn't suggest cancer to me, especially, but since that's one of the

seven warning signs, they are taking it seriously.

If I have throat damage from the feeding tube, do you think they'll admit

it? Not a chance.

Bobbi C.

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I can't imagine that there wouldn't be a long healing time from that tube. Interesting thing, right before I was fist dxed with a goiter 30 years ago with something called non toxic goiter, I had a D and C and woke up on the table while they were putting something green, a hard tube down my throat. I wonder what that did. Hmmmm!!!!!!! I could barely swallow for weeks!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

> I have Hashi, no food allergies except a slight reaction to beef and>yeast. No one has even suggested Cancer to me. Is there a blood test that>would have showed something? >I don't know......All I know is that I do not want to be subjected to anymore tests.One doctor did a full body bone scan last year, because he couldn'tdiagnose anything. I figure if there was some kind of cancer there, thatwould have picked it up........At least, that's what they told me.They didn't suggest cancer to me, especially, but since that's one of theseven warning signs, they are taking it seriously.If I have throat damage from the feeding tube, do you think they'll admitit? Not a chance.Bobbi C.

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, has your doctor ever made any suggestions about possibly being insulin resistant? I know most of us have routine blood sugar tests, fasting or nonfasting, but this cannot be determined by that test. This has to do with huge amounts of insulin being poured out of the pancreas into the blood stream, but the body cells do not accept it or recognize it, so you've got huge amounts of insuling "going nowhere", so to speak, except to make you feel bad and gain weight. Now, mind you, I'm certainly not a master of the low-carb diet myself, as anyone here can probably testify to, but according to most, this is the one that works the best, as far as insulin resistant tissues. And it even seems that this problem goes hand-in-hand with other endocrine problems, including the thyroid. That much aspirin can't possibly be good for you, and with nosebleeds, you're in dangerous territory, as well as with your weight. Are you having the Free T4 and Free T3 run, or just Total T's? Please post some results here, with the lab ranges.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

I am interested as conventional thyroid treatments have failed me for about 30 years now. I am getting desperate. I am 5'1" and now up to 220 and taking 8-10 aspirin a day just to make it through my work day. I have nosebleed all the time I am sure from all the aspirin. My BP is low, my temp never gets over 97.2 and I can't remember even really important things. My grandmother's phone number even! I call her about every 1-2 weeks, and her number has been the same for 4 years... I have no insurance and just got through trying ONE more doctor. $3000 worth of labs later he says I am fine. I am on Armour that I adjusted the dose up to 180 MG 2X a day and at that I feel some hyper symptoms, but at a little less I feel horrible & my blood pressure soars. My T4 runs high normal and my T3 way low. My TSH is suppressed to .1 so I SHOULD feel better.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


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He did run the fasting diabetes tests on me for the hundredth time, negative. I do not know about insulin resistance, he probably doesn't either! LOL He only tested my free T's once then went to just ordering the TSH test so there really is no point in my going back to this doctor. I may have to as I will need Armour refilled soon, but he will probably do that with a phone call if I insist. I just haven't got the money to keep trying out doctors to find one that will do the right tests. I have had these SAME tests run (about $1500 worth) at least 5 times in the past 3 years by different doctors I have tried. I am broke and broken and the doctors in the world don't care to even try to fix me. I am definitely in home mechanic mode at least till some more money presents itself which isn't likely till Springtime. I am just searching for a splice to get me through till then, and I did order Cytomel from Meds Mex but it hasn't gotten here yet.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Strange thing about Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, when it decides to do it's unpredictable "sputtering" routine. I can tolerate NEITHER change in outside or inside temps. When the temp outside takes a dip, I'm freezing thru the inside of my whole body, even wearing a coat. Then, when the temps go up to only 80 or so outside, I never know whether I'm going to be burning up or freezing. This is why I think that there's damage to the hypothalamus in thyroid disease, whether we can ever actually prove it or not. It maintains the perception of temperature to the person and regulates all that. Inside temps are a real battle for me----coat on, coat off, coat on, coat off, and so-on.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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I feel like my thyroid is wrapped all around my neck, as well.

I was told the center part of my thyroid is unusally large. I

think it's the part that gives me the most problem.

I have been under some stress lately (buying selling house).

I'm not sure if I should tell the Dr. or not? Will they be able


do anything? I just had my medication adjusted up because

my labs were too low about 7 weeks ago.

It seems as though I have a noose around my neck. It even

hurts going down the front of my chest.


At 02:06 PM 8/17/2003 -0700, you wrote:


you have a goiter that is wrapped around your windpipe, you need to see

about possible surgery, the sooner the better.

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I find it uncomfortable when I wash my neck. I bought a cleanser that had little beads to wash my face with to exfoliate the dead skin on my face and neck. I have trouble doing most of my neck without gagging, so 1/4 of my neck is exfoliated, the rest isn't!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

I feel like my thyroid is wrapped all around my neck, as well.I was told the center part of my thyroid is unusally large. Ithink it's the part that gives me the most problem.I have been under some stress lately (buying selling house).I'm not sure if I should tell the Dr. or not? Will they be able todo anything? I just had my medication adjusted up because my labs were too low about 7 weeks ago.It seems as though I have a noose around my neck. It even hurts going down the front of my chest.LynnAt 02:06 PM 8/17/2003 -0700, you wrote:

If you have a goiter that is wrapped around your windpipe, you need to see about possible surgery, the sooner the better.

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I find it uncomfortable when I wash my neck. I bought a cleanser that had little beads to wash my face with to exfoliate the dead skin on my face and neck. I have trouble doing most of my neck without gagging, so 1/4 of my neck is exfoliated, the rest isn't!

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

I feel like my thyroid is wrapped all around my neck, as well.I was told the center part of my thyroid is unusally large. Ithink it's the part that gives me the most problem.I have been under some stress lately (buying selling house).I'm not sure if I should tell the Dr. or not? Will they be able todo anything? I just had my medication adjusted up because my labs were too low about 7 weeks ago.It seems as though I have a noose around my neck. It even hurts going down the front of my chest.LynnAt 02:06 PM 8/17/2003 -0700, you wrote:

If you have a goiter that is wrapped around your windpipe, you need to see about possible surgery, the sooner the better.

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As one who has no insurance and doesn't make too much money, I'm with ya sister. I've just ordered the Armour, for the FIRST time, on my own, from IAS (International Aging Systems) because I've run out of money for one doctor after the other. I'm getting my own labs done, when I find a place on the budget for it, to see how it's going, after I've started making the transition from levoxyl to it. Or possibly, after I see what the labs show, having to take both. This is a scary thing for me, as I have great respect for the power of these drugs. If I don't do it now though I never will. One thing I know is that these drugs can be bought cheaper overseas, and it's certainly MUCH cheaper to get my own labs done---and I can get the labs done that I want, not just the ones a doctor wants to order for me. If I mess up severely, then I will take the labs to a doctor, but I will find out before I make an appt, whether he/she is going to accept MY labs as gospel. If they won't then forget them.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

He did run the fasting diabetes tests on me for the hundredth time, negative. I do not know about insulin resistance, he probably doesn't either! LOL He only tested my free T's once then went to just ordering the TSH test so there really is no point in my going back to this doctor. I may have to as I will need Armour refilled soon, but he will probably do that with a phone call if I insist. I just haven't got the money to keep trying out doctors to find one that will do the right tests. I have had these SAME tests run (about $1500 worth) at least 5 times in the past 3 years by different doctors I have tried. I am broke and broken and the doctors in the world don't care to even try to fix me. I am definitely in home mechanic mode at least till some more money presents itself which isn't likely till Springtime. I am just searching for a splice to get me through till then, and I did order Cytomel from Meds Mex but it hasn't gotten here yet.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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As one who has no insurance and doesn't make too much money, I'm with ya sister. I've just ordered the Armour, for the FIRST time, on my own, from IAS (International Aging Systems) because I've run out of money for one doctor after the other. I'm getting my own labs done, when I find a place on the budget for it, to see how it's going, after I've started making the transition from levoxyl to it. Or possibly, after I see what the labs show, having to take both. This is a scary thing for me, as I have great respect for the power of these drugs. If I don't do it now though I never will. One thing I know is that these drugs can be bought cheaper overseas, and it's certainly MUCH cheaper to get my own labs done---and I can get the labs done that I want, not just the ones a doctor wants to order for me. If I mess up severely, then I will take the labs to a doctor, but I will find out before I make an appt, whether he/she is going to accept MY labs as gospel. If they won't then forget them.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

He did run the fasting diabetes tests on me for the hundredth time, negative. I do not know about insulin resistance, he probably doesn't either! LOL He only tested my free T's once then went to just ordering the TSH test so there really is no point in my going back to this doctor. I may have to as I will need Armour refilled soon, but he will probably do that with a phone call if I insist. I just haven't got the money to keep trying out doctors to find one that will do the right tests. I have had these SAME tests run (about $1500 worth) at least 5 times in the past 3 years by different doctors I have tried. I am broke and broken and the doctors in the world don't care to even try to fix me. I am definitely in home mechanic mode at least till some more money presents itself which isn't likely till Springtime. I am just searching for a splice to get me through till then, and I did order Cytomel from Meds Mex but it hasn't gotten here yet.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com

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Okay guys, I have a confession. Please forgive me, but I'm not from Texas. I'm from Georgia, but the group I'm in is not very talkative. (I'm not blaming them, they may just be busy or something). Anyhow, a friend told me of some good posts and files here so I joined in and have been really enjoying all of your posts. THanks for your experiences.

The reason I'm butting in on you per se, is that I can so identify with you. I am going thru similar things. Like I am always at around 97.1 or lower sometimes, but yet I'm hot and sweaty. I can't figure that one out. I don't know if it may be hormones or whatever. Also my weight is skyrocketing lately. I'm 5'3 and now near 250. Just a few months back (like 2) I was 237 before starting thyroid treatment. I have had similar experiences as you too like horrible forgetfulness. My hubby gets upset sometimes because talking to me is frustrating when he never knows if I'll remember it later or not. I also will be driving somewhere and forget where I'm going, or do what I did the other day and pass up my turn (and turn around) and pass it up again (and turn around again). When I go to get something while cooking or whatever, it's like I really have to consciously think and sometimes talk out loud ("eggs, milk, butter") to help myself figure out what I need to get. It's so frustrating.

My hubby was worried I was getting alzheimers at age 33. In any case, the sleepiness has also been a problem. I must have a nap everyday for about 2 hours. Otherwise, I'm just not worth anything. I went to an all day religious convention that went from 8-4. My husband was embarrassed because my head would keep bobbing. Just things like that which make life miserable sometimes.

A few weeks ago, I actually forgot which way a J should go! This might be normal for someone else, but I homeschool my daughter and I've never had dyslexia or anything like that. It was the ultimate embarrassment to tell my daughter the J was going the wrong way, and it wasn't. I was the one who was wrong. It was just so scary. But thankfully I was diagnosed and am on Armour (although an extremely low dose, I think the lowest you can possibly be on.) But I have hope that things will get better soon. Well, just wanted to introduce myself and apologize for being a Georgian butting in on a Texas conversation. :o)

THanks for everyone's experience.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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Okay guys, I have a confession. Please forgive me, but I'm not from Texas. I'm from Georgia, but the group I'm in is not very talkative. (I'm not blaming them, they may just be busy or something). Anyhow, a friend told me of some good posts and files here so I joined in and have been really enjoying all of your posts. THanks for your experiences.

The reason I'm butting in on you per se, is that I can so identify with you. I am going thru similar things. Like I am always at around 97.1 or lower sometimes, but yet I'm hot and sweaty. I can't figure that one out. I don't know if it may be hormones or whatever. Also my weight is skyrocketing lately. I'm 5'3 and now near 250. Just a few months back (like 2) I was 237 before starting thyroid treatment. I have had similar experiences as you too like horrible forgetfulness. My hubby gets upset sometimes because talking to me is frustrating when he never knows if I'll remember it later or not. I also will be driving somewhere and forget where I'm going, or do what I did the other day and pass up my turn (and turn around) and pass it up again (and turn around again). When I go to get something while cooking or whatever, it's like I really have to consciously think and sometimes talk out loud ("eggs, milk, butter") to help myself figure out what I need to get. It's so frustrating.

My hubby was worried I was getting alzheimers at age 33. In any case, the sleepiness has also been a problem. I must have a nap everyday for about 2 hours. Otherwise, I'm just not worth anything. I went to an all day religious convention that went from 8-4. My husband was embarrassed because my head would keep bobbing. Just things like that which make life miserable sometimes.

A few weeks ago, I actually forgot which way a J should go! This might be normal for someone else, but I homeschool my daughter and I've never had dyslexia or anything like that. It was the ultimate embarrassment to tell my daughter the J was going the wrong way, and it wasn't. I was the one who was wrong. It was just so scary. But thankfully I was diagnosed and am on Armour (although an extremely low dose, I think the lowest you can possibly be on.) But I have hope that things will get better soon. Well, just wanted to introduce myself and apologize for being a Georgian butting in on a Texas conversation. :o)

THanks for everyone's experience.

Re: Re: [WVThyroid] Bad memory

>>I used to freeze!<<

One question about this statement! Did you FEEL cold or was your body temp actually low? I have NO heat tolerance and feel HOT all the time, probably due to no female hormones, but at the same time my actual body temperature is low. When I feel feverish it is usually 1-3 degrees LOWER than usual. Very strange, and has been like this for a coupe years. Used to be a 99 degree fever was horrible for me as I was used to the 97 degree body temp. Now I don't get high fevers just LOW ones. I feel even worse with the low ones and get horrible headaches with even a little temp drop.

TMilton, WV Reply to valharley@...Education before vaccination www.catshots.com


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/13/2003

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