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Re: Cross-posting all over the place - THRUSH info needed

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Probiotics, high quality Probiotics are the easiest, most effective, natural way

that strengthens the body to eliminate the yeast. Vinegar washing of everything

and everyone one (and fruit) helps but I find Probiotics are one thing that

helps everyone.

Topical Coconut Oil also does wonders. It has natural antifungals, can be put on

the breast, butt, mouth


> I always suggest moms rinse anything that comes in contact with mom's breasts,

baby's mouth or butt in white vinegar to kill the yeast. I know I read is

somewhere before I started recommending it. Maybe the last edition of BAB. I

know the reasoning was that sterilizing doesn't completely kill yeast, but

vinegar does.


> I started having issues with yeast infections a few years ago and my daughter

started to have them as well. I was washing our clothes together so I wondered

if that was spreading the yeast. I just started pouring about a half cup of

vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser and put it on an extra rinse. That

cleared us both up finally.


> I take inhaled steroids and was starting to have issues with oral thrush,

which I get from time to time with the meds. I started eating pickles and it

cleared it up. I would not do that with a baby, though.


> In talking with one of my doctors about yeast infections of the skin he

mentioned sometimes inflammation can fuel yeast, making it harder to clear up.

He said using a topical steroid on the area, waiting 30 minutes then hitting it

with an antifungal would wipe it out. I guess using the steroid first left the

yeast vulnerable. Not that that is something I would suggest directly to a mom,

but maybe you could ask her HCP and see what he/she thinks.





> Heinz, BA IBCLC

> Beach Babies Lactation Support, LLC



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I am a chronic thrush sufferer- while BF only. Trauma started it all. My summer

baby was the WORST. I had flares of yeast for 2 years with him.

My last baby, the only one with a great mouth (others hat TT which were clipped

but that doesn't fix the high palate)

All summer and fall of my summer baby I wanted to bathe in 1 T white Vineger: 1

c water. It is a refreshing band aid.

I think diet is key for chronic yeast. You can kill it off with GV or any other

topical may work for a while but then it flares again. However if you can fix

the mom's diet and add probiotics to EVERYONE else in the house (look at pets

too- they can take garlic tabs) you might get relief.

Laundry do it with grapefruit seed extract or a c of white vineger until releif.

Bras and breast pads washed daily and white vineger added to wash. Does she

pump? pacifiers? nipple sheilds- these are probably obvious...

For the Mom: really cutting back or eliminate things like sugar, carbs esp

bread, beer, mushrooms there are lots of diets out there but to a yeasty person

these diet sound insane and extreme because the body CRAVES the sugar. For me,

my body was so " addicted " to the foods that feed yeast I had to use some

phychology and allow myself to add dark chocolate and I ate something each day

with a chemical sweetener like splend or equal or a bunch of a dark chocolate.

Berries were okay for me too, granny smith apples- these fruits dipped in the


I hope this helps...I really feel for the family. It makes me itchy just

thinking about it.


> Thrush Queens - I need input please. I have a young family with systemic

> yeast. Toddler has yeasty diaper area, baby has thrush and mom has thrushy

> nipples. Toddler has had systemic thrush since a newborn, mom has battled

> thrush as well. Treatments have been probitocs (in yogurt for toddler and

> capsule for mom), nystatin, GV, coconut oil, bleaching diapers, sanitizing

> toys and sippy cups for toddler. THrush goes away for a few weeks then

> returns with a vengeance.


> I need solid info that I can send mom to address the whole family. Thank you

> !


> Warmly,


> Jaye




> Jaye Simpson, CLC, IBCLC, CIIM, MoM


> Breastfeeding Network


> www.breastfeedingnetwork.net


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The difference between oj you squeeze and oj you buy?


" When the juice is stripped of oxygen it is also stripped of flavor providing

chemicals. Juice companies therefore hire flavor and fragrance companies, the

same ones that formulate perfumes for Dior and Calvin Klein, to engineer flavor

packs to add back to the juice to make it taste fresh. Flavor packs aren't

listed as an ingredient on the label because technically they are derived from

orange essence and oil. Yet those in the industry will tell you that the flavor

packs, whether made for reconstituted or pasteurized orange juice, resemble

nothing found in nature. The packs added to juice earmarked for the North

American market tend to contain high amounts of ethyl butyrate, a chemical in

the fragrance of fresh squeezed orange juice that, juice companies have

discovered, Americans favor. Mexicans and Brazilians have a different palate.

Flavor packs fabricated for juice geared to these markets therefore highlight

different chemicals, the decanals say, or terpene compounds such as valencine.

The formulas vary to give a brand's trademark taste. If you're discerning you

may have noticed Minute Maid has a candy like orange flavor. That's largely due

to the flavor pack Coca-Cola has chosen for it. Some companies have even been

known to request a flavor pack that mimics the taste of a popular competitor,

creating a " hall of mirrors " of flavor packs. Despite the multiple

interpretations of a freshly squeezed orange on the market, most flavor packs

have a shared source of inspiration: a Florida Valencia orange in spring.

(source) "

Not that fruit juice is more than sugar--but at least it's not a flavor pack.

Tow, IBCLC, France & CT, USA


> I am in total agreement that too much processed food is a bad thing. I

> don't know that it is helpful to clients, however, to tell them to make

> everything-because they simply won't! Most people don't regularly cook even

> one meal per day. I personally see no need for juice in the diet at all,

> but if someone wants it, is it really that much different for them to make

> orange juice over buying 100% orange juice? I'm not talking about juice

> drinks with added ingredients. I think we really have to consider making

> this as easy as possible for mothers because they are likely already

> overwhelmed with the yeast and a young baby.




> The difference in opinion in the last few posts: meat/no meat, grains/no

> grains, demonstrates why I am so hesitant to start laying all this on a

> mother. How can we say you need to eat this or you need to eat that when

> there seems to be little agreement as to what the " correct " diet is? I

> discovered this when researching an anti-inflammatory diet for myself. No

> two sources could agree on what an anti-inflammatory diet is exactly. The

> only thing everyone can agree on is the need to limit processed foods and

> sugar, so that is where I start with mothers, while I continue to try to

> learn more about how our diets affect us.




> Becky , IBCLC


> Milky Way


> La Plata, MD


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