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SweetBee10 sorry to hear you have Asthma. I have had it all my life,and

that is a long time,48 years.I have had to deal with a lot of different

situations and Asthma. I will help with what ever I can.

What are your symptoms?

Kathy L

From Milwaukee Wisconsin

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i just got on this ASTMA LIST yesterday i'm glad Sandie posted on here

i have asthma i have allways been short winded the doctors ran test on

me 6 years ago & they said i have asthma & toldme to use VENTOLIN

INHALATOR 2times a day & they told me to lose weight when i get short

winded i use the inhalator i'm 44 i have been married 25 years we have 3

kids PAUL 24 & 22 & 15 PAUL & SCOTT have been married &

moved off for years now as been driving our car with me in front

seat i thought astma was a scarey thing !!!



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In a message dated 98-06-12 01:15:00 EDT, you write:

<< Though I am

still questioning it, my doctor tells me test don't lie. >>

What kind of test did you take? Just wondering. Never knew they had test to

show if a person has asthma or not.

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Last year I was taking the diet pills fen-phen. After they were recalled I

went in for a checkup just to be safe (Yeah right, another long story). I

began having trouble breathing while on the meds. However, my doctor at the

time dismissed it.

I am always short of breath. I use to work and attend college full time but I

had to take a year off (I hope to return in the fall). I could not even walk

to classes without feeling like I ran a marathon.

My doctor did a breathing test and found that I had a 60% restriction in

airflow which was improved somewhat by use of inhaler. Therefore it was

concluded that I have asthma probably brought on by my using fen-phen.

I still have trouble believing it because I do not have any wheezing which I

have always heard is a major symptom. My doctor tells me that I can still

have asthma without the wheezing.

So yesterday I have started taking 2 inhalers three times daily. It really

didn't seem to work very well yesterday...But I will continue trying, maybe it

takes awhile to go into effect.

I am married with four kids, my oldest son just graduated as class sal. (2nd

in class). So I can relate to the teaching of driving...I have two to teach

this summer..if I make it through that then this asthma stuff ought to be

easy. I am 38yrs old and up until last year I was healthy.

The hardest part is not being able to do all that I use to do.


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It was a pulmonary function test (breathing test), where you breath into a

machine which is hooked up to a computer. The lung capacity and breathing is

evaluated by the computer, then you do the same but using pure oxygen, then

another time after using an inhaler. All of this is analyzed and can tell if

a person has asthma or not...or so I am told.

My lungs are clear, shown by x-rays and listening to them. However, the test

show that the bron. tubes are restricting the airflow. That is about all I

know. I am new to this stuff so I don't know much. Hopefully I will know

more next month when I return to the doctor...Sandie

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In a message dated 98-06-12 08:03:18 EDT, you write:

<< My lungs are clear, shown by x-rays and listening to them. However, the


show that the bron. tubes are restricting the airflow. >>

The breath test shows that you have restricting. If you had a chest cold it

would show restriction also.

My son who is 11 has had asthma since he was 2. He is on different meds

trying to get his asthma under control. Flovent 220,

Serevent,Flonase,Singluiar use Albuterol we need...........His allergies plays

apart in with his asthma. My hubby also have exercise induce asthma, and

Serious food allergies that are life threaten. So we carry epinephrine

everywhere we go for my son and hubby.

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No, I did not have a cold or anything when I took the breathing test that

might explain it. I am told that in some people with a sensitivity to certain

medication that it can trigger an onset of asthma. Which my doctor seems to

believe happened in my case. Even though I haven't taken the medicines since

Sept. Of last year the damage is already done and cannot be reversed. Though

I am told that some medications may help control the asthma, I will never be

free of it.

I am still in the asking stages with my doctor so I am sure it will be awhile

before I get all the answers to my many questions. Now all I can do is hope

the medications (inhalers) work...so far it doesn't seem to be helping much...

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In a message dated 98-06-12 09:26:13 EDT, you write:

<< Now all I can do is hope

the medications (inhalers) work...so far it doesn't seem to be helping

much... >>

What meds are you using? I was saying that you didn't have asthma I was just

asking question. Hopefully your doc will find the inhalers or pill to control

your asthma.

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Hi Mike my name is Kathy. I joined this list a week ago and I have not seen

much activity on it .Where is every one?

I have had Asthma a long time. I take 3 inhalers and a pill called Accolate.I

have been hospitalized several times for my asthma.I would like to hear from

others about their

stories, helps and hindrances.

Kathy L

Milwaukee Wisconsin

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Hi all;

I have been on this list for a couple of weeks, I went on vacation and

discovered when I got back that there is actually other people on it!

I am 39 years old and was diagnosed with asthma 7 years ago. I am on two

inhalers, Ventalin and Beclaforte. I live in Canada and the price of the

steroid puffer is so expensive that some months I simply cannot afford

to buy it.

My Question is for Kathy, who mentioned a pill called Accolate.

Is this considered a replacement for the steroid? Is it expensive?

I am interested in finding out info on this subject.

I have been hospitilized only once for my asthma, but been to E.R.

many times. I now use a mask when the puffer won't help, because I live

almost an hour from closest hospital. Glad to meet you all and look

forward to talking to you soon.


**I'm not having hot flashes-

I'm having power surges!! **



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Dear :

Hi. I can't speak for everyone but my asthma is so bad that I must use

the accolate with the steroid inhaler. I am very thankful I have insurance,

but I know what you mean

about not being able to buy the steroid inhaler. I have been in that

situation many times, even now there are times I must wait to get it. You

must remember though that it is the steroids that will keep you out of the

hospital.You must keep the inflammation down.

Beg, borrow or steal, as they say, or do without something. That inhaler is

very important, some times we forget because we don't see the results right

away. Stop taking it and it won't be long and we are visiting the ER.


Kathy L

Milwaukee Wisconsin

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i'm getting anotheR test tomorrow PULMONANY FUNCTION TEST it took me

3 months to get apointment for this test i'm on DSS & no ins. the same

county hospital i told you about they only give the test on everyother

tuesday 1230pm-330pm i called them on the phone today they told me to

be there 730am to put my name on the paper which it took me 3months to

get a apointment & i have to pay $10 i got the same test last year i

had to blow my air in a computer they had told me last your they were

going to give me a oxgen mach to carry around but they said sorry gov

cut backs no money for the hospital to give me a oxgen mach they said

if i was in jail i would get one i have never been in jail it sound

like they were telling me to go do something to get in jail so i would

get a oxgen mach



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i use 2 inhalers ALBUTEROL 17GM

& BECOMETHASRE INHALE when i need them it says 2times aday if i run out

before the 3rd of each month well i allso have sleep apnea i use a

c-cap oxgen mach at night & when i get short winded after i come in

from the store 0r doctor i have no ac in my car & Texas is 100 allthe

time a c-cap mach plugs in to ele plug & it is for your nose mask i'm

i talking to much? as you can see i do not sleep at night to much

coughing it is 2am here now



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I think the conditions you described about your health coverage are so

unfair. Somewhere in these united states there must be a program to help you.

Keep searching the web.

I have been between insurances and had to neglect my meds but it only

landed me in the hospital....I am still paying for that,so I kind of know

where you are coming from.


Kathy L.

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hey Mike

We are in TX also, and it is very hot. Today it will feel like 110.

I don't have asthma but my 11 yr son does. The doctors class him as severe

steroid dependant asthmatic. He is take Flovent (7 puffs a day),

Severent,Singulair,flonase Nasal steriod,zrytec,Atatax, proventil and neb


If we didn't have insurance I don't think we would be able to cope with his

asthma. We are always at the hospital. He is allegic to so many differents

things. He has hives when he has an attack.Sometimes I am just to stress..: )

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