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Hi everyone! My name is and I am new to the group...although not new to EN. I live on Long Island, NY with my husband and two children and I am 44 yrs old.

I started to get EN over twenty yrs ago. For years I thought it was just hives, but as the time went on they would get worse and stay longer. Went to a dermotologist many yrs ago who told me it was an allergic reaction to something inside me....ha, ha. Well, in May I started with pinching, almost biting feelings in my legs and then the largest, most swollen bumps I had ever had to date. They just continued to get worse, bigger and it hurt just to stand. Finally, I went to a derm in NYC - she took a biopsy and confirmed EN. She told me to take Aleve, I did but because of digestive problems I had to stop. By the third week in July I had to be put on Prednisone and bed rest. The pain was horrible and my legs were filled with swollen bumps. I took the Prednisone exactly two days and stopped - my digestive system could not take the med and I had miserable migraines. Luckily, it started to shrink the swollen bumps and now a couple of weeks later I am much better. I am in menopause and believe that is why my EN has now spun out of control.

Sorry for the long post....I would love to learn how to deal with these things and what your experiences have been.

Thank you!

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  • 4 years later...

No it wasn't - it made me smile!! Another group I'm on has funny comments like that from people's typos qutie a bit, and we generally point htem out with a grin.

Jenn (who nearly resorted to washing her clothes in the dishwasher wehn teh washing machine broke in her rented flat!)

Tha can tek t'lass outta Yorkshire...!

Don't brand me, don't classify me, don't tell me what to wear. I'll be who I want to be, and I'm proud to be me.

From: walkinglou2002 <walkinglou2002@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: To: asthmayahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 10:55 AM

, My daughter keeps getting into the poison ivy and the last time she went to dr. for this. He told her to take a shower/bath with Dawn dish washer soap. He said that the poison ivy has some kind of oil that is hard to wash off and the Dawn will take care of it. .......Hope you are better soon.....> > > From: Terry <soccer.mom@ ...>> Subject: > To: asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 12:15 PM> > > I'd love to see you post more, your post are so educational and very> interesting! !!> > Take great care.> > Terry > I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He> didn't trust me so much. ~Mother > > Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program> Established August of 1992>

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Well their British equiv wouldn't - take heart from that! Your comment seems to fit our sense of humour!


Tha can tek t'lass outta Yorkshire...!

Don't brand me, don't classify me, don't tell me what to wear. I'll be who I want to be, and I'm proud to be me.


> ya some soccer mom is going to run over me with her car for sayin > stuff like that though


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