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Thank you for your insight on this! With the holidays and the parties it was almost impossible to keep sweets out of my house and this is what happened. My NT would ask, can I have a cookie, and my aspie (upon me getting out of the shower and noticing the entire box is gone) would simply look at me with guilty eyes and say "sorry." Or even sometimes not realize he had eaten the whole thing!!! I was so frustrated with what to do!!!! I think you are right, kids like sweets, as humans we are programmed to like fats and sweets (how many here know the feeling of wanting to say yes when offered a brownie or cookie?) But the aspies have a lack of executive decision making and mine I know has absolutely no fear of consequences (nor do I think he understands the concept). This makes me feel better about yet another aspie aspect! They are not necessarily "addicted" or trying to be obstinant or defiant. But just are unable

to make that correct decision!!! They will gravitate toward it because it is a baser nature. Thanks for twirling my brain on this one! I like this angle better than the frustration I was feeling from "stolen" sweets! Connie Vickie Boehnlein <baneline1@...> wrote: I have been thinking about this food stuff (allergies, gluten, carbs etc) and my kids and you know all my kids, both nt girls and my as boy, like the snacky foods and sweets. The major difference is that the girls have this little

thing called fear of authority (mom and dad) that keeps them from taking without asking. My son on the other hand has this little thing called no impulse control. Therefore, he takes first and then begs forgiveness if and when he gets caught. As far as cravings, its really not just about the wheat and carbs. Most of these foods like crackers, cookies, candy, soda are also very high in sugar and fats. Or in other words, they taste good. Kids like junk food. Thats why we have an epidemic of obesity in this country. Take away a kids normal filters (ie Executive disfunction) and they are going to break all the rules and sneak or steal junk food. Vickie

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