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Sep 14, 2007 7:57 AM


RE: Soul Mates & Twin Flames...TY

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Date: Sep 13, 2007 7:21 PM~Thanks ~RE: Soul Mates & Twin FlamesFrom: Date: 14 Sep 2007, 02:44Love to♥RaK ♥Soul Mates & Twin Flames In gratitude ♥Tina Marie ♥Date: Sep 13, 2007 6:13 PMBlessings and Thanks to: MangoAngel LoveSoul Mates are souls we have met and lived with in many life times.They have been our lovers, spouses, mothers, fathers,sisters, brothers, teachers, students, friends, and family,or even our enemies, victims, or tormenters.We contract with these souls to return to earth togetherfor greater learning and growth. We

have many soul mates, the first larger splitting of souls. These souls

resonate with us and there is a comfort in that recognition. We evolve

and reincarnate with these souls through many lifetimes, learning

lessons in our many unions and partings, you can say on some level we

are all soul mates one with another, learning and growing together. Not

all these lessons are loving or comforting as lessons in forgiveness

and unconditional love are challenging. Sometimes we are the "victim",

and sometimes we are the "darkness" that shows another soul their

light. This is where freewill and choice comes into the "game", how we

react or perceive our relationships. Someone can come into your life

and cause you much pain and suffering, this is a soul contract between

you to grow and evolve in love and forgiveness. This is one perception

of karma, and one that will free you from the karmic cycle of "I kill

you, now you kill me" type of karmic dance some souls are involved in

for many lifetimes. You break the cycle by acting rather than reacting,

by freeing the ego from the soul and learning to love and forgive even

in suffering.Our greatest joy and our greatest pain are both

conceived in these soul mate relationships, our feelings intensified by

our soul connections, whether for good or bad. You can often spot a

soul mate or karmic relationship by "love at first site" or "revulsion

at first site", depending upon the lessons you've contracted to learn

from this soul.Becoming "Whole" Before "Two" Becomes "One"It

is said that one does not meet their Twin Soul or Twin Flame until they

have learned many lessons of love, loss and forgiveness through close

Soul Mate relationships, that the heart is made resilient and strong

through pain and loss, and must be so to face the intensity of being

with the other half of their soul.Twin souls, also called Twin

Flames or Twin Rays, are the other half of your soul. This is based on

the belief that we are all parts of the Divine Being, God, All That Is,

Source, Spirit, Creator. The Divine Being, in order to experience Its

Self, divided into many souls, each in turn divided into many others

and many others. The final splitting of the many neutrally gendered

souls created male and female halves of a whole, the Twin Soul.Many

people who have met their Twin Soul had experienced a "Dark Night of

the Soul", or a major spiritual transformation just prior to meeting,

or upon meeting this soul. It's almost as if you need to be "emptied

out" emotionally, spiritually and mentally as a test of your spirit.

Meeting your "other half" can be a magical, maddening experience that

opens your perceptions. Some experience an opening of their psychic

awareness as their heart expands in this unbounded and unconditional

love. The fact is, your life will not be the same, and whether you

perceive this as a gift or a curse is the challenge of your soul's

evolution. The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the

Divine Spirit/All That Is, two people connected by soul, connected to

God.Before one can physically unite with their Twin Soul, one

must do the conscious work of healing and becoming whole within their

self. Twin Soul love cannot exist in a codependent, ego-based

relationship, or from a perceived "need" that the other person will

make you whole. Both must often face separations while they strengthen

their own connection to Spirit and find their strength and purpose on

their own.Each half will find balance in their male/female,

yin/yang before union. When both halves of the Soul become strong

pillars on their own, have healed and resolved karmic ties in the

present life, then they can unite to fulfill their Divine purpose, but

the challenges do not end. There is an intensity that can be

frightening when dealing with your mirror, your weaknesses and

strengths magnified, unresolved issues and wounds painfully open to

push you to further healing, or cause ego to run from the relationship

in fear. It's important for Twin Souls to find their greater purpose,

whether it's a task they will accomplish together, or alone, there will

be work to be done.Some Twin Souls do not unite physically here

on Earth, and the relationship may last a lifetime on the spiritual

level alone, while one or both may be living physically with another

soul in karmic agreement. Some Twin Souls other halves are not even on

the Earth plane at the same time and will offer guidance and comfort

from beyond as a "guardian angel".Psychic Connections and SynchronicityPsychic

and spiritual connection with your twin soul is intense and profound.

Many experience a feeling of connection in a matrix of golden white

threads of light, whether consciously or in a dream state. Some have

strong psychic connection with their twin, feeling their thoughts

embrace them mutually in an ecstatic place of comfort and bliss. You

may feel your twin's pain and suffering in heart-wrenching anguish.

Often physical symptoms are shared between twins, simultaneous

nosebleeds, headaches, body aches are confirmed by both twins.synchronicity:

the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as

similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an

unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not

explained by conventional mechanisms of causality; used especially in

the psychology of C. G. JungSynchronicity plays an important part

in twin soul meetings... I like to say that synchronicity is God's way

of getting your attention. You may find similar experiences in the same

time frames before you even met, marriages, births, divorces,

illnesses. You may find that you had lived as neighbors in totally

different towns at some point in your lifes or vacationed in the same

country at the same time.11:11 and Twin SoulsOne

of the most intriguing messages of synchronicity has to do with the

numbers 11:11, you may find those numbers jumping out at you from

digital clocks, restaurant receipts, license plates, phone numbers and

such."The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of

Divine Intervention. It tells you that it is time to take a good look

around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It's time to

pierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world.

You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater

Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a

Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness. The 11:11 is the

bridge between duality and Oneness. It is our pathway into the Unknown.

" from Solara & the 11:11In numerology, the numbers 11 and 22

are master numbers, numbers that have their own unique meanings before

being broken down into 2 and 4 respectively. In numerology the number

11 is often considered the number of the "spiritual messenger", a

number of spiritual illumination signifying a channel for the

information between the "higher" and "lower", a connection between

conscious and unconscious, heaven and earth, yin and yang, male and

female. Two "ones" joined, that make the pillars to the heavenly gate.

The vibration and message of "two into one" and "ones' into two", the

power of "one" twice amplified ... this is a perfect symbol of the twin

soul.Many twin flames have experienced this phenomena of 11's

in birthdates, numerology, dates of meeting and such, and constantly

receive the same 11:11 messages. I believe it can only be a symbol of

the greater work that twin souls have been united on this earth to do.How Do You Know if You've Met Your Twin?Meeting

the "other half of your soul" is generally so life changing and

profound that this question is unnecessary.... you just know. Twin

souls will both recognize this extraordinary bond, whether they are

evolved and whole enough to acknowledge and act upon it is another

thing. Meeting with your twin soul brings about an internal spiritual

revolution, a deeper connection and understanding of the Divine and the

Universal Oneness, this is the greatest gift of knowing your twin. Twin

soul love is not to be confused with an obsessive/compulsive disorder,

it's not a desire to "possess" another, but truly a challenge to love

unconditionally and without expectation, to be whole and complete

within yourself before joining with the other whole and complete side

of your soul. The longing and desire to be with your twin soul is

intense, but through growth and perception can be seen as the greater

longing to join with the Divine, and that is the true lesson, you are

two halves of a much greater whole.When you meet your twin,

there will be no "game-playing" or manipulation, you will have the need

to be transparently honest in your relationship and communication with

one another. If there is karma from past lives to work out between you,

it will be apparent and consciously worked out. If you or your twin is

committed to another relationship, you will respect and honor that bond

and realize the tests of unconditional love. Meeting your twin soul

challenges you to grow spiritually, heal mentally, emotionally,

physically, and to see beyond time, ego, and physical limitations. You

will be driven with the desire to be the best manifestation of your

soul on earth. This is not a relationship of hearts and flowers, but

one that will be tested in fire and will endure beyond time and space.I

need to caution that all of these signs are not "proof" of meeting the

other half of your soul, very often we are challenged by the meeting of

a "near twin" or karmic soul mate that can mirror all these signs. In

my own experience, the man I believed with my entire being of being my

twin flame, turned out to be a karmic soul mate, and one of the most

painful lessons of my life. Thus, this article has been rewritten

eliminating some of the original text. After these few years of

reflection, I've come to see that there are no guarantees in life, in

all our lessons we are called to learn unconditional love, compassion

and forgiveness, a meeting with a karmic soul mate can be the ultimate

test of your spiritual evolution. Many people have written me, asking

me to somehow confirm their belief that they have met their twin soul.

There is no confirmation until the ultimate reunion with Divine Source,

until then the greatest message I have received is, "Do not fear being

"wrong."In other words, if we are so determined to believe that

this or that certain person is our twin, we tend to become blinded to

the rest of the lessons in life. Life is about love in all forms, how

can we truly grow without trusting in the wisdom of the Universe to

bring to us those which will teach us best? Love is not about

expectation, love is without condition, but relationships on this Earth

are all about conditions. I would advise anyone who believes they have

met their twin, yet is in such pain from that meeting, that perhaps the

time for union is not right, or that they are enmeshed in a karmic soul

mate or "near twin" relationship. Only in "letting go" can we be

prepared to receive what is truly ours. There are some that believe the

"reunion" with our twinflame is truly within, that we carry the essence

of our beloved within our soul, and we are challenged to manifest that

love in all we do, without attachment, without expectation, we become

ONE.Peace, love, and unity, Mango

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