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Side effects

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I have certainly experienced severe side effects after taking LDN for 3

weeks.I am still unsure how much of this is an actual adverse reaction to

the drug and how much is the fact that it is " bringing up " old symptoms.I

have found it extremely tough going and had to stop eventually but am

planning on restarting next week at a smaller dose and gradually working my

way up according to my tolerance.I am still extremely positive about LDN

and cautiously optimistic it will be of benefit.

Good luck,I understand where you are at.


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From: <i> & quot;CMC & quot; & lt;ccrossley@... & gt;</i><br>Reply-To:

<i>low dose naltrexone </i><br>To:

<i> & lt;low dose naltrexone & gt;</i><br>Subject: <i>Re:

[low dose naltrexone] side effects</i><br>Date: <i>Fri, 28 Oct 2005 20:46:42




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<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2>Hi,</font></div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2></font> </div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2>I have been taking

LDN for

just over a week now and I think I may be having some side effects. I am

very sensitive to medication in general.</font></div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2></font> </div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2>I am finding I am


severe mood swings, increased muscle pain, and fatigue. I am hoping these

side effects will diminish with time.</font></div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2></font> </div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2>Is anyone else


this or been through this.</font></div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2></font> </div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 " size=2>thanks,</font></div>

<div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "



<div style= " width:500px;text-align:right;margin-bottom:1px;color:#909090 " >


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To Treveen {And ALL}

I have just recently started LDN, primarily for my cancer and have

experienced only minor side-effects.

I believe that the " secret " to minimizing any side-effects is the same as

minimizing my side-effects to my chemotherapy.

The LDN web-site {or one of its links} says that your diet has an even

greater affect than any med, any supplement, even any other treatment that

you can come up with.

If you are full of toxins - and how could we ever expect otherwise, if we

have such debilitating illnesses and are taking so many toxic meds/drugs -

and if your auto-immune system is so compromised as a result, then we must

look at the causes that brought us to this point.

Detoxification of your body is the VERY FIRST item to take care of - I won't

go into my preferences, because there are so many good ones out there - who

am I to say which one(s) you should try...??? But find a good one and JUST

DO IT, ok?

Adding a diet that will ENHANCE your auto-immune system is as of most

importance as any med, drug, vitamin, mineral, enzyme, amino acid, whatever;

as FINDING LDN. Start with eliminating ALL refined sugar(s}, ALL refined

{enriched} flour(s), and ANYTHING that you personally might be even a li'l

bit allergic to - and then go on to eliminating ANY & ALL processed ANYTHING


You are still not there: Get on the ORGANIC bandwagon - or at least start

with ALL natural - eliminate foods with artificial flavors, artificial

colorings - and anything on the label that you cannot identify as all



....and it will eliminate most of the undesirable side-effects you are

experiencing - perhaps even many of the " symptoms " that you think you need

the meds/drugs for in the first place...

Second ONLY to the foods you eat, the liquids that you drink, etc - are the

Vitamins, Minerals {trace minerals included}, Enzymes, Amino Acids that you

may need to supplement your diet - after it is " fixed " . Herbals & other

supplements may fit in here somewhere, if you are so disposed - BUT ONLY

after you " fix " your improper eating habits, ok...???

There are five other individuals in my small county of less than 10,000

folks that are experiencing the same cancers/treatments that I am. And

according to my daughter {a CNA}who assists these folks at our small

hospital, each and every one of these are less healthy than I am, even tho'

I have experienced two heart attacks, 4 angioplasties and several other

significant surgeries in my 59 years.

No, I can relate this ONLY to a diet and supplementation that my Pdoc got me

started on, way back in 1995 because I have Bipolar Disorder, in addition to

all my other maladies. I cannot be called " healthy " in the AMA's annals of

medicine - but I would expect that I am " healthier " than most folks who are

not even considered as 'sick' in all of SW Iowa. My 'improved diet' has to

be the answer here.

I honestly believe that the reason for all my maladies - is to be able to

share my successes {and my failures} with anyone who cares to listen. My 82

year-old mother agrees - she just wishes that there were another way to get

this involved, without actually experiencing all the discomforts that go

along with ' " learning these lessons " ....mas nix, it is working,

no...???{...incidentally, she just 'experienced' a venous pulmonary embolism

that only 1 in a 100 ever survive - and this is a lady that became an EMT at

68 years-old. ...wonder where I got to where I AM today - wonder no

more...} Grumpa

Re: [low dose naltrexone] side effects

> Hello, I have certainly experienced severe side effects after taking LDN

> for 3 weeks.

> I am still unsure how much of this is an actual adverse reaction to the

> drug and how much is the fact that it is " bringing up " old symptoms.

> I have found it extremely tough going and had to stop eventually but am

> planning on restarting next week at a smaller dose and gradually working

> my way up according to my tolerance.

>I am still extremely positive about LDN and cautiously optimistic it will

>be of benefit. Good luck, I understand where you are at.

> --

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My husband with PPMS is beginning his 4th month on LDN. After the

first few weeks he had a lot of leg stiffness. It took a while but it

did go away. We have reduced the dose from 4.5 to 3.0 and he seems to

be doing better. Try lowering your dosage before quitting if possible.



> Hi,


> I have been taking LDN for just over a week now and I think I may be

having some side effects. I am very sensitive to medication in general.


> I am finding I am having severe mood swings, increased muscle pain,

and fatigue. I am hoping these side effects will diminish with time.


> Is anyone else experiencing this or been through this.


> thanks,



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There are many people using 0.5mg as a treatment for

IBS. So, don't presume that doses less than 1.5

aren't helpful.

I am not aware that the mode of action of LDN is the

blocking of receptor sites (that's what naltrexone can

do in much higher doses). It seems that one

prevailing theory about LDN suggests that the presence

of the small dose, at the correct time in the

circadian cycle (3 to 5 hours after falling asleep),

causes a small burst of endorphins. This burst, then,

has a modulating effect on the immune system.

I would think that smaller doses may have a more

potent effect than the higher ones. I base this on a

long history of positive effects from low doses of

medicines (homeopathy) and the evidence we have from

doctors who are prescribin g 0.5mg for IBS.

So, I conclude that low doses may be effecgtive.

HOWEVER, if you experienced liver complications that

were directly attributable to taking LDN then by all

means follow your doctor's order. You may, however,

want to discuss using much smaller doses if you are

still interested in using LDN.

Larry J. Frieders, R.Ph. | The Compounder

URL http://www.thecompounder.com



575 W.Illinois Ave ~ Aurora, IL 60506

630-859-0333 | FAX 630-859-0114

Oct 30, 2005 5:01 pm

--- CMC <ccrossley@...> wrote:



> Thanks...I had to stop the LDN, both my pharmacist

> and a doctor told me to stop immediately. I was

> only taking 3mg for 1.5 weeks, but I was having

> severe stabbing in my liver, I could not move for

> three days and I had severe burning in my head. I

> don't know if I will be able to go back on it again

> or not. I have read there is no point taking it

> below 1.5mg because it will not block enough of the

> receptors to do any good.




> <i>Re:

> [low dose naltrexone] side effects</i><br>Date:

> <i>Fri, 28 Oct 2005 20:46:42

> -0700</i><br>

> <br>

> <html><head>

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> charset=windows-1252 " >

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> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2>Hi,</font></div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2></font> </div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2>I have been taking

> LDN for

> just over a week now and I think I may be having

> some side effects. I am

> very sensitive to medication in

> general.</font></div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2></font> </div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2>I am finding I am

> having

> severe mood swings, increased muscle pain, and

> fatigue. I am hoping these

> side effects will diminish with time.</font></div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2></font> </div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2>Is anyone else

> experiencing

> this or been through this.</font></div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2></font> </div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2>thanks,</font></div>

> <div><font face= " Comic Sans MS " color= " #000080 "

> size=2></font></div>





> <br><br>

> <div


style= " width:500px;text-align:right;margin-bottom:1px;color:#909090 " >

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Dear ,

I am so sorry to hear that you are not having a good reaction to LDN. If you haven't already gone on a diet or started supplements, let me know and I can send you some info on those items. Lately there has been some chatting about Colloidal Silver, which might be another good avenue to look into and see if your body works well with that. Also I think there is a lot to be said about the PH levels in our body and that our bodies get different ailments when are too much on the acid side.

Hang in there, I am sure there are other avenues that will present themselves.

My best


From: CMC

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:52 PM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] side effects

Thanks...I had to stop the LDN, both my pharmacist and a doctor told me to stop immediately. I was only taking 3mg for 1.5 weeks, but I was having severe stabbing in my liver, I could not move for three days and I had severe burning in my head. I don't know if I will be able to go back on it again or not. I have read there is no point taking it below 1.5mg because it will not block enough of the receptors to do any good.

<i>Re: [low dose naltrexone] side effects</i><br>Date: <i>Fri, 28 Oct 2005 20:46:42 -0700</i><br><br><html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><meta name=Generator content="Microsoft SafeHTML"><style></style></head><body bgcolor="#ffffff"><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2>Hi,</font></div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2></font> </div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2>I have been taking LDN forjust over a week now and I think I may be having some side effects. I amvery sensitive to medication in general.</font></div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2></font> </div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2>I am finding I am havingsevere mood swings, increased muscle pain, and fatigue. I am hoping theseside effects will diminish with time.</font></div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2></font> </div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2>Is anyone else experiencingthis or been through this.</font></div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2></font> </div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2>thanks,</font></div><div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" size=2></font></div> <br><br> <div style="width:500px;text-align:right;margin-bottom:1px;color:#909090"> <tt>

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the reason for the small burst of endorphins is the body is tricked into to thinking it needs more because some receptor sites are blocked by the LDN. If you take too much you will block all the receptors which does not help and if you take too little not enough of the sites will be blocked and the body will not make more, this information is in all the literature. I am not taking LDN for IBS so that does not apply to me.


> <i>Re: > [low dose naltrexone] side effects</i><br>Date: > <i>Fri, 28 Oct 2005 20:46:42 > -0700</i><br>> <br>> <html><head>> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;> charset=windows-1252">> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft SafeHTML">> > > <style>> </style>> </head>> <body bgcolor="#ffffff">> > > <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2>Hi,</font></div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2></font> </div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2>I have been taking > LDN for> just over a week now and I think I may be having> some side effects. I am> very sensitive to medication in> general.</font></div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2></font> </div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2>I am finding I am > having> severe mood swings, increased muscle pain, and> fatigue. I am hoping these> side effects will diminish with time.</font></div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2></font> </div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2>Is anyone else > experiencing> this or been through this.</font></div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2></font> </div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"> size=2>thanks,</font></div>> <div><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" > size=2></font></div>> > > > > <br><br>> <div>style="width:500px;text-align:right;margin-bottom:1px;color:#909090">> <tt>

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> There are many people using 0.5mg as a treatment for

> IBS. So, don't presume that doses less than 1.5

> aren't helpful.


> I am not aware that the mode of action of LDN is the

> blocking of receptor sites (that's what naltrexone can

> do in much higher doses). It seems that one

> prevailing theory about LDN suggests that the presence

> of the small dose, at the correct time in the

> circadian cycle (3 to 5 hours after falling asleep),

> causes a small burst of endorphins. This burst, then,

> has a modulating effect on the immune system.


> I would think that smaller doses may have a more

> potent effect than the higher ones. I base this on a

> long history of positive effects from low doses of

> medicines (homeopathy) and the evidence we have from

> doctors who are prescribin g 0.5mg for IBS.


> So, I conclude that low doses may be effecgtive.



> Larry J. Frieders, R.Ph. | The Compounder



You may need to speak to Bihari about the lower doses for MS.

Dr. Bihari and Dr. Gluck both told me that 4.5mg is the optimal dose and

that this dose produces more endorphins than 3.0mg or lower. With MS one is

trying to halt disease progression and 0.5mg LDN will not halt MS disease

progression according to Bihari and Gluck. IBS and MS are two different


Dr. Bihari prefers one take as much as 4.5mg but if one cannot tolerate 4.5mg

then back down to 3.0mg. If LDN is affecting the liver then one needs to do a

liver cleanse to see if that helps. Also you may need to start at 1.5mg for 1

month then up to 1.75mg for 1 month then up to 2.0mg for 1 month then up to

2.5mg for a month then up to 3.0mg.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm pretty sure that lower libido or inability to orgasm doesn't

effect everyone. If you don't want to tell him about it

conversationally then you could just give him a printout of the

possible side effects and ask him to read it. It's possible he has

already done some research of his own on the internet (my son does

that) and by providing him with a list you find you'll be assured

that the information is accurate.

My son will allow me to talk about sensitive topics as long as I warn

him I'm about to say 'things Mom's just have to say' and then make it

quick and concise and drop the topic.


> Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Becoming a teenager is

difficult as

> it is without the pressures of Tourettes and OCD. At least now if


> does become interested(oh my) I can assure him of some things. I


> even know how to talk about this. It is true that some side


> don't affect everyone. He only gained 11 lb on Risperdal and


> and being a preemie the weight looks good on him. And thank you


> your personal experience . When we start on Prozac, I think I


> bring it up with the dr privately to see how to handle this with my


> Thanks again Rose


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  • 1 month later...

I don't remember the sores in the mouth, but I still have what I call itchy shins. For me it is from just below my kneecaps, and stops at the foot, (my feet don't itch, but my ankles do sometimes) and its mostly the front of my legs. (shins) I treated nearly 8 years ago. This may be a side from the treatment, or from HCV, or, something else entirely. None of my doctors have ever decided what it is. Mine gets worse at night when I'm trying to go to sleep. Does this sound like what you are experiencing? Now that I am undetectable, I may ask my Chinese doctor to take a look. Until now I figured I could live with about anything, and wanted to concentrate on the Dragon first. As for the fatigue, I suggest you listen to your body and sleep if possible. Sleep is when your body heals. Others here will be able to give you the names of some more drugs you can take to help with the fatigue. Some here may even

know some foods that can help. I can only advise those things that can not hurt. ANTHING else that you do should be run by your doctor before you try it. It is very important that your doctors know ALL the medicines you are taking. Aches and pains... hot baths, massage, rest. I hope this helps! You are going to be fine! Just rermember that this is a short term tx with a good chance of a long term healing. My best, Eat well, sleep well, be well! <haydenx7@...> wrote: I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised

red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting

Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:Hepatitis C/<*>

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I have the same itchy problem and my skin has totally dried out even

though I drink 70 oz water daily.

I have found that daily application of Cetaphil. You can buy this

dermetological cream at any store. It doesn't leave a greasy feeling,

but soaks great into the skin to rehydrate it. A big jar costs about

$11 and worth it. It does last a while. You don't need to use much.

As for sores in the mouth, I had them too in the beginning. Your

hepatologist can prescribe a oral gel to use. I can't remember the

name of it at the moment, but using it for a week helped tremendously.

It is also a great idea to avoid any kind of acidic foods--tomatoes,

hot spices, any kind of citrus fruit, etc. This tends to aggrevate

the problem. But make sure you get in enough protein daily. This

helps replentish the body.

If your fatigue gets way out of control, find out if your hemoglobin

and RBC is low. Your dr can prescribe Procrit. I found this medicine

has made a world of difference in coping with the side effects of TX.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba.

side effects

I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden

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Is it Tylenol or Ibuprophen that's bad for the liver? I forget. Too many drugs have been sold for years, only to later announce they have some nasty sides. And I don't want to step on anyones toes, but I think you should ask your doctor before you take any drugs (prescription or OTC) he/she doesn't know about. Free advice... take it for what it cost. I hope you find some relief. Eat well, sleep well, be well!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local

pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba. side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into

it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting

Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Actually it is the overdose of Tylenol that is bad for the liver. Tylenol or Ibuprofen is okay as long as you don't take more than what is recommended per my doctor who I think is the best doctor in the whole world. Everything we eat,drink,breathe and so forth is metabolized through the liver. That is the livers function. Where we get into trouble with pain relievers is or other medication is that we tend to think if a little bit is okay and works then more will do the job better. I had to get on to my son because when he had a headache he was taking up to 4 extra strength tylenols 500 mg at a time. I was like "Boy you are going to mess up your liver if you continue to do that." that is 2000 mg and he was doing this sometimes as much as 3 x a day. Thank God I caught him before he did too much damage. But I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't

caught him taking so much. love Janet Hunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Is it Tylenol or Ibuprophen that's bad for the liver? I forget. Too many drugs have been sold for years, only to later announce they have some nasty sides. And I don't want to step on anyones toes, but I think you should ask your doctor before you take any drugs (prescription or OTC) he/she doesn't know about. Free advice... take it for what it cost. I hope you find some relief. Eat well, sleep well, be well!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba. side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem

familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Use Photomail to share photos without

annoying attachments. There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber

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Right you are Janet. Too much can be very bad. When I couldn't remember if it was Tylenol or what, I went back to Janice and Friends website. That's where I read it before, and here are the tips posted there. The following tips can help prevent acetaminophen-related liver toxicity:• Do not take more than the recommended dose of 4 grams within a 24-hour period (for example, 12 regular strength or 8 extra strength Tylenol tablets)• Do not take the full day’s dose at one time; space it out over the course of the day• Do not take acetaminophen for more than 10 days in a row• Avoid drinking alcohol; this is important for people with hepatitis whether or not they use acetaminophen• People who do consume 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day should not take more than half the usual recommended dose of acetaminophen (2 grams within 24 hours)• People with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis should avoid

acetaminophen• Write down how much acetaminophen you take, and when, if you have trouble remembering• Check the labels of all medications; small doses of acetaminophen in combination remedies can add up to big trouble. I still prefer a massage. ;) Eat well, sleep well, be well!Janet <doc_jade@...> wrote: Actually it is the overdose of Tylenol that is bad for the liver. Tylenol or Ibuprofen is okay as long as you don't take more than what is recommended per my doctor who I think is the best doctor in the whole world. Everything we eat,drink,breathe and so forth is metabolized through the liver. That is the livers function. Where we get into trouble with pain relievers is or other medication is that we tend to think if a little bit

is okay and works then more will do the job better. I had to get on to my son because when he had a headache he was taking up to 4 extra strength tylenols 500 mg at a time. I was like "Boy you are going to mess up your liver if you continue to do that." that is 2000 mg and he was doing this sometimes as much as 3 x a day. Thank God I caught him before he did too much damage. But I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't caught him taking so much. love Janet Hunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Is it Tylenol or Ibuprophen that's bad for the liver? I forget. Too many drugs have been sold for years, only to later announce they

have some nasty sides. And I don't want to step on anyones toes, but I think you should ask your doctor before you take any drugs (prescription or OTC) he/she doesn't know about. Free advice... take it for what it cost. I hope you find some relief. Eat well, sleep well, be well!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems

you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba. side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm

drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you

are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting

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Thanks Chris. 8 years! Wow!

I know I can get through this. My mantra is " it's only side effects

and I can handle them " .

> I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my


> that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do

> to for them?

> I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas

on my

> knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4 " raised red areas that itch like

> heck. Again, any advice?

> I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm

> extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't


> awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I


> it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.

> does this seem familiar?

> Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty


> I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another


> this week to see if it's working.

> Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've


> any solutions.


> Thanks. Hayden







> It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you

have found the support you need with us.


> If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our

group, just click the link--

Hepatitis C/


> Happy Posting


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, 4 GRAMS of tylenol is double the dose that anyone with hep c should EVER take in a 24 hour period,, a hepper should only take up to 2 grams or 2000mg of tylenol in any 24 hour period and no more than 1600 mg of advil or ibuprofen in any 24 hour period,, YOU can take both of them but dont exceed the max doses.. Ill write you more later,, Im just trying to get up, hugs jaxHunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Right you are Janet. Too much can be very bad. When I couldn't remember if it was Tylenol or what, I went back to Janice and Friends website. That's where I read it before, and here are the tips posted there. The following tips can help prevent acetaminophen-related liver toxicity:• Do not take

more than the recommended dose of 4 grams within a 24-hour period (for example, 12 regular strength or 8 extra strength Tylenol tablets)• Do not take the full day’s dose at one time; space it out over the course of the day• Do not take acetaminophen for more than 10 days in a row• Avoid drinking alcohol; this is important for people with hepatitis whether or not they use acetaminophen• People who do consume 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day should not take more than half the usual recommended dose of acetaminophen (2 grams within 24 hours)• People with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis should avoid acetaminophen• Write down how much acetaminophen you take, and when, if you have trouble remembering• Check the labels of all medications; small doses of acetaminophen in combination remedies can add up to big trouble. I still prefer a massage. ;) Eat well, sleep well, be well!Janet

<doc_jade@...> wrote: Actually it is the overdose of Tylenol that is bad for the liver. Tylenol or Ibuprofen is okay as long as you don't take more than what is recommended per my doctor who I think is the best doctor in the whole world. Everything we eat,drink,breathe and so forth is metabolized through the liver. That is the livers function. Where we get into trouble with pain relievers is or other medication is that we tend to think if a little bit is okay and works then more will do the job better. I had to get on to my son because when he had a headache he was taking up to 4 extra strength tylenols 500 mg at a time. I was like "Boy you are going to mess up your liver if you continue to do that." that is 2000 mg and he was doing

this sometimes as much as 3 x a day. Thank God I caught him before he did too much damage. But I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't caught him taking so much. love Janet Hunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Is it Tylenol or Ibuprophen that's bad for the liver? I forget. Too many drugs have been sold for years, only to later announce they have some nasty sides. And I don't want to step on anyones toes, but I think you should ask your doctor before you take any drugs (prescription or OTC) he/she doesn't know about. Free advice... take it for what it cost. I hope you find some relief. Eat well, sleep well, be

well!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba. side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay

awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting What are the most popular cars? Find out at Autos Jackie

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Thanks Gav. It really is the mouth sores that cause me the most

problem, because it makes it hurt to eat or drink anything and I'm

not real motivated to do that right now anyway. It's good to know

that others experienced it too. I'll talk to my doc about it when I

go in on Friday.

I'll pick up some Cetaphil too - I've been using Suave Extra Dry or

something and it doesn't do much at all.

Thanks again.



> I have the same itchy problem and my skin has totally dried out


> though I drink 70 oz water daily.


> I have found that daily application of Cetaphil. You can buy this

> dermetological cream at any store. It doesn't leave a greasy


> but soaks great into the skin to rehydrate it. A big jar costs


> $11 and worth it. It does last a while. You don't need to use much.


> As for sores in the mouth, I had them too in the beginning. Your

> hepatologist can prescribe a oral gel to use. I can't remember the

> name of it at the moment, but using it for a week helped



> It is also a great idea to avoid any kind of acidic foods--


> hot spices, any kind of citrus fruit, etc. This tends to aggrevate

> the problem. But make sure you get in enough protein daily. This

> helps replentish the body.


> If your fatigue gets way out of control, find out if your


> and RBC is low. Your dr can prescribe Procrit. I found this


> has made a world of difference in coping with the side effects of



> Good luck and keep us posted.


> Gav


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its chelosis,, get some bioten (spelling?) mouth wash, it will help,, <haydenx7@...> wrote: Thanks Gav. It really is the mouth sores that cause me the most problem, because it makes it hurt to eat or drink anything and I'm not real motivated to do that right now anyway. It's good to know that others experienced it too. I'll talk to my doc about it when I go in on Friday. I'll pick up some Cetaphil too - I've been using Suave Extra Dry or something and it doesn't do much at all.Thanks again.Hayden>> I have the same itchy problem and my skin has totally dried out even > though I drink 70 oz water daily.> > I have found that daily application of

Cetaphil. You can buy this > dermetological cream at any store. It doesn't leave a greasy feeling, > but soaks great into the skin to rehydrate it. A big jar costs about > $11 and worth it. It does last a while. You don't need to use much.> > As for sores in the mouth, I had them too in the beginning. Your > hepatologist can prescribe a oral gel to use. I can't remember the > name of it at the moment, but using it for a week helped tremendously.> > It is also a great idea to avoid any kind of acidic foods--tomatoes, > hot spices, any kind of citrus fruit, etc. This tends to aggrevate > the problem. But make sure you get in enough protein daily. This > helps replentish the body.> > If your fatigue gets way out of control, find out if your hemoglobin > and RBC is low. Your dr can prescribe Procrit. I found this medicine > has made a world of

difference in coping with the side effects of TX.> > Good luck and keep us posted.> > Gav>Jackie

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Actually both can harm the liver but most doctors will give it anyway . As long as taken as directed it is safe . But its always good advice to check with your doc before taking anything .

side effects

I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting

Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Yes Haden, you can handle them! "8 years! Wow!" Sorry, I may have given you the wrong impression. I just became undetectable. I relapsed shortly after teatment. I completed the full 48 weeks, was undetectable the first time I tested durring treatment, but soon after stopping it was back. This time I'm only taking Chinese medicines, and noticed no sides. Good luck buddy! Eat well, sleep well, be well! <haydenx7@...> wrote: Thanks Chris. 8 years! Wow!I know I can get through this. My mantra is "it's only side effects and I can handle them". > I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth > that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do > to for them?> I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my > knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like > heck. Again, any advice?> I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm > extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay > awake. Then other

days I can get out and do things as long as I take > it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.> does this seem familiar?> Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. > I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one > this week to see if it's working. > Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found > any solutions.> > Thanks. Hayden > > > > > > > It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. > > If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/> > Happy Posting >

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Yep, its safe but only up to 2 grams of tylenol and 1600 mg of advil PER day..elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Actually both can harm the liver but most doctors will give it anyway . As long as taken as directed it is safe . But its always good advice to check with your doc before taking anything . side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor

side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Jackie

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Im guilty of that myself. I take 4 ibuprofen at at time for any kind of ache i have. i guess its about being impatient myself. i never knew that it was that bad till this email. thanks for informing me.Janet <doc_jade@...> wrote: Actually it is the overdose of Tylenol that is bad for the liver. Tylenol or Ibuprofen is okay as long as you don't take more than what is recommended per my doctor who I think is the best doctor in the whole world. Everything we eat,drink,breathe and so forth is metabolized through the liver. That is the livers function. Where we get into trouble with pain relievers is or other medication is that we tend to think if a little bit is okay and works then more will do the job better. I had to get on to my son because when he had a

headache he was taking up to 4 extra strength tylenols 500 mg at a time. I was like "Boy you are going to mess up your liver if you continue to do that." that is 2000 mg and he was doing this sometimes as much as 3 x a day. Thank God I caught him before he did too much damage. But I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't caught him taking so much. love Janet Hunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Is it Tylenol or Ibuprophen that's bad for the liver? I forget. Too many drugs have been sold for years, only to later announce they have some nasty sides. And I don't want to step on anyones toes, but I think you should ask your doctor before you take any

drugs (prescription or OTC) he/she doesn't know about. Free advice... take it for what it cost. I hope you find some relief. Eat well, sleep well, be well!elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: Your side effects sound like the usual stuff . The mouth sores and dry skin all of it . You should take some tylenol or advil for the headaches and use lots of lotion on your skin . You can ask your local pharmasist what to use on the mouth sores , and if the muscle pain gets worse ask for a mild muscle relaxer to help . I am having all the same problems you are and I am into week 14 of daily infergen shots and riba. side effects I'm on tx for hcv - 5 weeks into it. I've developed sores in my mouth that hurt and look raw. Anyone else see these? Anybody know what do to for them?I'm drinking plenty of water but have painful dry-rash like areas on my knees and legs, sprinkled with 1/4" raised red areas that itch

like heck. Again, any advice?I know my red cell count is lowering, but don't know the value. I'm extrodinarily tired several days a week to the point where I can't stay awake. Then other days I can get out and do things as long as I take it easy. Lots more headaches and muscle pain.does this seem familiar?Other than these relatively minor side effects it's going pretty well. I started with a viral count of 9.4 million, we should do another one this week to see if it's working. Please let me know if any of this sounds familiar and if you've found any solutions.Thanks. Hayden It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber Thanks,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Cognitive effects are prominent among we survivors. I had a truck

load of those. Sometimes when I am tired or eat something I should

not be eating, they return.


At 09:21 AM 3/5/2006, you wrote:

>Hi Ladies

>I was just wondering about something. Mostly we talk about the

>physical adverse effects of implants. Am I the only one who has

>cognitive adverse effects? Surely I can't be. Aside of t

>e fatigue and malaise, I'm totally unmotivated to do daily living

>tasks. I'm highly unorganized, have no concept of time or time

>mgmt., attention span is zero. I can't stay focused on anything

>long enough to complete it, easily distracted, memory is toast, etc.

>etc. Anybody else deal with this? Does anybody know what will help

>until I can scrounge up the thousands needed for explant (which is

>so far away it scares me).

>I'm a type A chronic overachieving perfectionist gone awry. I want

>to be me again!

>And this infrared sauna thing...where can I find one?










>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

>by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

>licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

>mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

>decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

>better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

>Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


>See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:





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