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Mercury Poisoning

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On Sun, 23 Apr 2000 06:52:35 -0700 ltldab1@... writes:

> I was born 2-14-53, and am 47 now. When I was born I had

> ichthyosis (extremly dry fish skin). According Taber's Medical

> Dictionary the condition is hereditary. I always wondered how 3

> million years of ancestors would put up with this condition. As I

> got sicker I was still able to work for 30 years as a fireman, 12

> of them at the 3rd busiest firehouse in America, until I finally

> collapsed. My 75 year old mother has had to take care of me for

> the last 2 years. I was finally put on morphine (Duragesic patch)

> and codeine, my pain levels were that great!. I have tried every

> cure under the sun. Fungus infection; all herbals, diflucan,

> spornex. Food allergy. Vitamins and supplements. I have been

> seen by Stanford, and UOP Dental College, and UCSF School of

> Medicine. In all about 75 professor teaching doctors at the three

> universities, and these are the doctors that teach your doctor how

> to be a doctor. They did nothing for me, so do not expect your

> mercury poisoned and ignorant doctor to help you much. I can not

> tell you ALL of the crazy diagnoses that I have had, but a short

> list; NICO nurologic induced cavitational osytonecrousis (intense

> jaw pain), I have lost 11 teeth, bi-polar disorder, OCD, trigeminal

> nerve pain, oral facial pain, chewing tobacco is the cause,

> personality disorder, addictive personality, ect. ect., I am brush

> my teeth to hard, jaw setting improperly, bruxing (grinding the jaws

> in sleep), stress migraines, coagalation blood disorder, gentic

> abnormalities, AUTO- IMMUNE disorder, FMS, arthritis, neurologic

> problems (what ever that is), ect. ect. For all of these

> istogenic (DOCTOR MADE) dieases, caused by mercury, I could not

> believe the NUTTY " treatments " that were thought of. Oxygen

> therapy, tooth removal, cut up the jaw, bacterial infection, sever

> nevers, virus, fungus, mouth guards, anti-biotics, tegeratol, high

> blood pressure medications, vioxx, neurontin, cipro, AND so MANY

> MORE that I can not remember. Now you may wonder how do you

> get mercury? From the moment of conception the fetus draws mercury

> from the mother. Your doctor injects mercury in shots and mercury

> vaccines. Your dentist places mercury in your tooth fillings.

> If that is not enough mercury is used in 200 OTC medications, from

> eye drops to nose sprays, ect. If that is not enough of an

> exposure to

> mercury, the 2nd most HAZARDOUS and TOXIC substance on earth,

> (mercury is 2nd only to plutonium), mercury is placed in eye

> make-up, in wall paint ( this way mercury is gassed off at you all

> the time), and so many other products. What can mercury do to a

> human? It can run the gamete from dead infant to the President of

> the United States. In my case it brought me to my knees in

> painful bone disintergrating agony. Someone else may only have

> allergies, or die from mercury, or lower your IQ a few points, or

> give you autism, or thyroid problems, or migraines, or over active

> bladder. Any combination or multiples of conditions are possible

> which are caused by your bodies gentic make up, OR the GENTIC

> DAMAGE caused to your body by the mercury, and the GENTIC DAMAGE

> caused to the microbes in our

> bodies, such as acidophislus bacteria, which we need. Now the

> question of what to do other than live with your illnesses, and

> submit to treatments from your QUACK (definition of QUACK is; anyone

> that places mercury as a medical treatment) The best thing to do

> is be born from a non toxic mother, and avoid mercury, I did not

> have that chance, neither have you. THIS is what I did. A QUACK

> tried to chelate me with DMSA (chemet succimer) before I had my

> metal dental work removed, of course I got sicker. After getting

> morphine I was able to get on the computer and get information, a

> lot of which I have posted at

> archives/autism treatment , you will notice

> that most of what I post are URL's to government information. I

> use government information because my opinion or your quackie's

> opinion mean nothing. It is hard for anyone to dispute the facts.

> You do not need a test for mercury, as I said above how could you

> avoid mercury if you have been injected with it? Have a dental

> materials test done. (I had two) http://www.peakenergy.com and

> http://www.ccrlab.com . Each time I had mercury removed from my

> body I took 100mg of chemet, and three beers through the day.

> After all mercury was removed I started very slow chelation,

> > 100mg of chemet a day spread out through the day. I opened the

> capsules and rationed the drug out. I also used chemet as a direct

> application to my jaw NICO bone death areas to draw out the mercury,

> and then I would spit out the drug. I would do this for three days

> and then halt for four days. Some selenium, vitamin C, during

> chelation. When off chemet very light vitamin use, to replace

> needed minerals in your body. IN MY OPINION you must do this very

> slow, because the target organs for your body are NOT high blood

> flow organs which contain mercury (brain liver kidneys), but slow

> fluid movers such as inside the eyes, and bones including the jaw.

> In seven days after removal of ALL metals from my mouth, I am

> walking two miles or more, and jogging at least one mile. Quite a

> change from morphine and codeine!

> > LTLDAB1@...

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On Sun, 23 Apr 2000 06:52:35 -0700 ltldab1@... writes:

> I was born 2-14-53, and am 47 now. When I was born I had

> ichthyosis (extremly dry fish skin). According Taber's Medical

> Dictionary the condition is hereditary. I always wondered how 3

> million years of ancestors would put up with this condition. As I

> got sicker I was still able to work for 30 years as a fireman, 12

> of them at the 3rd busiest firehouse in America, until I finally

> collapsed. My 75 year old mother has had to take care of me for

> the last 2 years. I was finally put on morphine (Duragesic patch)

> and codeine, my pain levels were that great!. I have tried every

> cure under the sun. Fungus infection; all herbals, diflucan,

> spornex. Food allergy. Vitamins and supplements. I have been

> seen by Stanford, and UOP Dental College, and UCSF School of

> Medicine. In all about 75 professor teaching doctors at the three

> universities, and these are the doctors that teach your doctor how

> to be a doctor. They did nothing for me, so do not expect your

> mercury poisoned and ignorant doctor to help you much. I can not

> tell you ALL of the crazy diagnoses that I have had, but a short

> list; NICO nurologic induced cavitational osytonecrousis (intense

> jaw pain), I have lost 11 teeth, bi-polar disorder, OCD, trigeminal

> nerve pain, oral facial pain, chewing tobacco is the cause,

> personality disorder, addictive personality, ect. ect., I am brush

> my teeth to hard, jaw setting improperly, bruxing (grinding the jaws

> in sleep), stress migraines, coagalation blood disorder, gentic

> abnormalities, AUTO- IMMUNE disorder, FMS, arthritis, neurologic

> problems (what ever that is), ect. ect. For all of these

> istogenic (DOCTOR MADE) dieases, caused by mercury, I could not

> believe the NUTTY " treatments " that were thought of. Oxygen

> therapy, tooth removal, cut up the jaw, bacterial infection, sever

>> nevers, virus, fungus, mouth guards, anti-biotics, tegeratol, high

> blood pressure medications, vioxx, neurontin, cipro, AND so MANY

> MORE that I can not remember. Now you may wonder how do you

> get mercury? From the moment of conception the fetus draws mercury

> from the mother. Your doctor injects mercury in shots and mercury

> vaccines. Your dentist places mercury in your tooth fillings.

> If that is not enough mercury is used in 200 OTC medications, from

> eye drops to nose sprays, ect. If that is not enough of an

> exposure to

> mercury, the 2nd most HAZARDOUS and TOXIC substance on earth,

> (mercury is 2nd only to plutonium), mercury is placed in eye

> make-up, in wall paint ( this way mercury is gassed off at you all

> the time), and so many other products. What can mercury do to a

> human? It can run the gamete from dead infant to the President of

> the United States. In my case it brought me to my knees in

> painful bone disintergrating agony. Someone else may only have

> allergies, or die from mercury, or lower your IQ a few points, or

> give you autism, or thyroid problems, or migraines, or over active

> bladder. Any combination or multiples of conditions are possible

> which are caused by your bodies gentic make up, OR the GENTIC

> DAMAGE caused to your body by the mercury, and the GENTIC DAMAGE

> caused to the microbes in our

> bodies, such as acidophislus bacteria, which we need. Now the

> question of what to do other than live with your illnesses, and

> submit to treatments from your QUACK (definition of QUACK is; anyone

> that places mercury as a medical treatment) The best thing to do

> is be born from a non toxic mother, and avoid mercury, I did not

> have that chance, neither have you. THIS is what I did. A QUACK

> tried to chelate me with DMSA (chemet succimer) before I had my

> metal dental work removed, of course I got sicker. After getting

> morphine I was able to get on the computer and get information, a

> lot of which I have posted at

> archives/autism treatment , you will notice

> that most of what I post are URL's to government information. I

> use government information because my opinion or your quackie's

> opinion mean nothing. It is hard for anyone to dispute the facts.

> You do not need a test for mercury, as I said above how could you

> avoid mercury if you have been injected with it? Have a dental

> materials test done. (I had two) http://www.peakenergy.com and

> http://www.ccrlab.com . Each time I had mercury removed from my

> body I took 100mg of chemet, and three beers through the day.

> After all mercury was removed I started very slow chelation,

> > 100mg of chemet a day spread out through the day. I opened the

> capsules and rationed the drug out. I also used chemet as a direct

> application to my jaw NICO bone death areas to draw out the mercury,

> and then I would spit out the drug. I would do this for three days

> and then halt for four days. Some selenium, vitamin C, during

>> chelation. When off chemet very light vitamin use, to replace

> needed minerals in your body. IN MY OPINION you must do this very

> slow, because the target organs for your body are NOT high blood

> flow organs which contain mercury (brain liver kidneys), but slow

> fluid movers such as inside the eyes, and bones including the jaw.

> In seven days after removal of ALL metals from my mouth, I am

> walking two miles or more, and jogging at least one mile. Quite a

> change from morphine and codeine!

> > LTLDAB1@...



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Thanks so much for your testimony. I have mercury poisoning also. All the

metal is removed from my mouth and I am doing well. I am still chelating with

supplements. I have never heard of chermet. Can you tell us more? I am

sitting on the magnet that Hulda tells about in her new book on page 170.

This has taken the pain out of my jaw. THANK GOD, it was really terrible.

Thanks, I am anxious to hear more about chermet.


<< I also used chemet as a direct

> application to my jaw NICO bone death areas to draw out the mercury,

> and then I would spit out the drug. I would do this for three days

> and then halt for four days. Some selenium, vitamin C, during

>> chelation. When off chemet very light vitamin use, to replace

> needed minerals in your body. >>

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

*This has helped my son greatly, please read. If you want to contact the author please email

willissl@... . He is a good friend of mine. I will add additionaly, check for the presence

of mercury, copper, cadmium or lead in the body, could have triggered the problem in the first



Hello List Mates:In view of the interest in seizures, here is Chapter 18 from my electronic book, " Self-help to Good Health " ($19.95). Epilepsy? Self–help Method #18Willis S. LangfordEpilepsy is a central nervous system disorder resulting from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Usually its cause is unknown, but in some cases a physical cause can be found. An injury to the brain at birth, a blow to the head, a brain tumor, or an endocrine disorder can result in epilepsy. Less commonly, seizures may be from some 20 to 80 metabolic disorders that prevent assimilation of certain nutrients. A failure to assimilate and utilize vitamin B1, B6 and folic acid is a frequent cause. If not a cause, then a contributing factor which the drugs being administered will make worse. This condition will usually show up in childhood. Epilepsy is usually classified as Grand Mal (major seizures) or Petit Mal (minor seizures) though there are other localized variations.Those with this disorder must deal with the nutrient deficiencies causing or contributing to the disorder, and that the prescribed drugs exacerbate. Among the offending drugs are birth control pills and estrogen. These deficiencies will manifest in mental confusion, memory loss, lack of concentration, depression, mouth and gum problems, and other " side effects " . A deficiency of vitamin B6, and B12, and folic acid created by these drugs causes a build up of homocysteine, and can cause birth defects, heart disease or stroke, and is now being related to Alzheimer's Disease. Dilantin™ also interferes with assimilation of potassium, and depletes biotin, calcium, folic acid, and vitamins B1, B12, D and K. Do not take this warning lightly, you must supplement these nutrients! Nevertheless, supplementing folic acid may cause breakthrough seizures by altering drug serum concentrations, so check with your doctor on this.Side Effects of Dilantin™: Constipation, dizziness and drowsiness may occur. If these effects continue or worsen, inform your doctor. It may cause soft, spongy, bleeding gums, or enlargement of the gums, and nails will become thin and weak. (Gum problems can be minimized by maintaining good oral hygiene with regular brushing, flossing, and massaging of the gums.) Less likely are blurred vision, unsteadiness, nausea, mood changes or confusion, slurred speech, rash, insomnia or headache. Very unlikely are vomiting, stomach pain, uncoordinated movements, tingling in hands or feet, fever, yellowing of the eyes or skin, trouble breathing, swollen glands, sore throat or unusual bleeding or bruising. If these very unlikely things occur, call your doctor and tell him you are discontinuing the drug.Overdose symptoms can include: low blood pressure, slurred speech, hand tremor, jerky eye movement, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, shallow breathing, stupor, and coma. If these occur call your doctor immediately, and call your area poison control center too. If you have several of these symptoms, do not let your doctor lull you into continuing medication by saying your blood levels are within range. You are being poisoned! Other drugs will have similar horrors that you must protect yourself against. I wish to emphasize that " side effects " are most usually actual nutrient deficiencies induced or exacerbated by the drug. You can indeed protect yourself against them. Several things are basic to helping the epileptic: 1. Eliminate all possible allergens from diet and environment. To do this effectively, obtain The Pulse Test—Dr. Arthur F. Coca, M.D. This is a simple self–help test for allergy; 2. Place the person on a diet proven successful for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar); as this condition often mimics epilepsy. Obtain Nutrition Guide for the Prevention and Cure of Common Ailments and Diseases—Carlton Fredericks, Ph. D. Dr. Fredericks includes a self–test to determine if you are troubled by this malady; 3. Do not eat large meals near bedtime; 4. Use two tablespoons of flax seed oil daily added to sour milk or low fat cottage cheese (see Cancer? Chemotheraphy? Radiation? Self–help Method #14), and two tablespoons of olive oil—perhaps as salad dressing; 5. Use 1 or 2-1300 mg capsules of Evening Primrose oil for six weeks then reduce it to one 500 mg capsule, and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cod-liver oil (adults). Children can use 2 to 4 teaspoons. Gamma linolenic acid has been reported to aggravate temporal lobe epilepsy, and probably should be avoided in this case. Supplement with the antioxidants of vitamins E, and C, and selenium to neutralize fatty acid induced free radicals; 6. Use two or three raw egg yolks, preferably from fertile eggs, each week—perhaps in soy milk drinks; 7. Avoid all refined foods, no sugar, only a little raw honey for sweetener. Sugar dramatically raises blood levels of calcium, depressing phosphorus and magnesium. (Calcium is an excitor and contractor of muscles. Calcium overload of cells will put muscles in spasm. Magnesium is the natural balancer here for it regulates calcium in the cells.) Other mischief is done by sugar as well; 8. Ensure the diet is especially high in foods providing magnesium. This mineral is extremely effective in controlling all types of seizures. Supplement that diet with additional magnesium of 1000 mg for adults (500 mg for children). More than 500 mg may cause a loose bowel. When supplementing calcium, ensure that an equal amount of magnesium is used. Use only the " mineral transporter " chelated forms such as Nature's Plus Brand Dynomins® Magnesium. This brand provides vitamin C as a chelator giving two–for–one value. 9. Be aware that epileptics often assimilate minerals poorly. You must work at enhancing assimilation, and in supplying an overabundance of minerals in the diet. Nature's Plus Bioperine® is an effective nutrient enhancer. Study carefully Digestion and Utilization: Self–help Method #1 especially as it applies to the need of hydrochloric acid. 10. Eliminate most all animal proteins from the diet, except sour milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and butter, because animal proteins rob the body of magnesium and vitamin B6 stores, both of which are needed in large amounts by epileptics. Buy only non–sweetened yogurt that guarantees live cultures. Many brands have been pasteurized, killing the beneficial bacteria; 11. Seventy years after its introduction, a high fat diet has been proved effective in controlling hard to treat epilepsy. Forty percent of the children showed a 50% improvement while upwards of 10% were free of seizures after one year. This diet contains up to 80% fat. Such a diet should be undertaken only under supervision of a health professional, and must be supplemented with several antioxidants, particularly vitamin E, to counter the free radicals such a diet generates. A high fat meal also causes clumping of red blood cells reducing oxygen flow to the brain and other tissues. To offset this, one must supplement the lipotropic vitamins (B-Complex) and vitamins C and E which prevent the clumping. These must be taken with or just before each meal. See Blood Sludge? Self–help Method #12. 12. The amino acid taurine seems to inhibit and modulate various neurotransmitters and depress the central nervous system. This action is thought to benefit epileptics, and is recommended by naturopathic healers. Its apparent role is normalizing the balance of other amino acids, which in epilepsy are thoroughly disordered. In epilepsy, serum levels of over half the amino acids are lowered, while the serum level of taurine is high and the cerebro–spinal fluid level of taurine is low. Taurine is produced from methionine and cysteine if the body is metabolizing these normally. (See Healthy Healing— G. Rector–Page, Naturopath. Dr. C. Atkins, MD, of New York, states that he has been able to get at least 40% of patients with seizures off medication by using taurine. Taurine is available at the health food store. Supplement 500 mg daily, reducing to 100 mg for taurine accumulates rapidly since it metabolizes slowly. Serum taurine excess may be seen when Vitamin B6 or zinc is deficient, in Rheumatoid Arthritis, and liver disease. Taurine levels, whether high or low, indicate further lab work is needed. For example, if Taurine levels are low, and the clinical picture is suggestive of candidiasis, one should test for candida through comprehensive stool analysis and/or anti-candida antibodies. If taurine levels are high, zinc and vitamin B6 levels are probably low, and should be tested. P5P, an important form of vitamin B6 is necessary for many amino acid reactions to take place. Taurine's function and effectiveness are controlled by vitamin B6 and zinc. Zinc and vitamin B6 are almost universally deficient, and they are reduced still further by diarrhea; 13. Avoid all severe mental or physical excitation, especially those provoking anger, fear, or hate; 14. Avoid constipation, even if an enema is necessary to regular movement. It is better to use prunes, rough raw foods, bran, or psyllium seeds. Mannatech™ Manna• Cleanse™ will supply needed probiotics, fatty acids, fiber, and other aids to establish a balanced population of beneficial bacteria in the gut and restore intestinal health; 15. Use a broad based, natural food concentrate of vitamins and minerals such as Nutrilite Double X™ Food Supplement, Amway® Corporation, or better, use one formulated to your own metabolic type such as Profile by Mannatech™, Inc. Add to that base these additional supplements—children should take one–half or less: a. Magnesium orotate, 1000 mg; (One may increase magnesium by bathing in an Epsom salts bath twice weekly.); b. Calcium 500 mg; Most epileptics have trouble with calcium metabolism. Get in the sun for adequate vitamin D to assimilate the calcium; c. Potassium, 1600 mg; These are available only in 99 mg capsules or tablets. Nutrilite's vegetable base is high in potassium as is Mannatech's Phyt•Aloe®. You may wish to ask your doctor for a prescription of potassium so you need fewer pills; d. Folic Acid, 2–3 mg; Use 5 mg if taking the anti–convulsants Dilantin™, Phenobarbitol™, or primidone for they destroy folic acid. Inform your doctor before undertaking this for it may require adjustments of medications. When using this amount of folate, supplement vitamin B12, and check for an induced vitamin B12 deficiency; e. Vitamin E, start with 400 I.U., and gradually increase to 1200 mg. or until control of seizures is satisfactory. Ten of twelve children improved more than 60%. Six of these had a 90–100% improvement. Ensure adequate folic acid (2–3 mg) and selenium (200 mcg) to aid the vitamin E. Selenium has proven helpful in controlling seizures for it is a necessary ingredient in glutathione perioxidase, a powerful antioxidant. Country Life or Solaray Brand combines vitamin E and selenium in a formula. Do not take vitamin C and inorganic selenium together. They are antagonistic. Benefits of these supplements will be apparent after three months; f. Vitamin B6, 300 mg for a few weeks, then reduce to 150 mg, divided in three doses per day; g. Vitamin B12, 1000 mcg, sublingually; Epileptics do not assimilate minerals, proteins, B–vitamins, or vitamin C readily for want of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Sublingual use will ensure the necessary B12 is absorbed. A new product, Source Naturals' Coenzymate™ B–Complex (from Swanson Health Products, 800-437-4148), is a coenzyme form of the B–complex in a sublingual tablet. It bypasses the faulty digestive system, being absorbed directly into the blood from the mouth. Country Life® offers Coenzyme B–complex capsules; h. Niacin, in total of 50 mg daily, in divided doses to avoid flushing; i. Vitamin C (Ester C™), 2000 mg divided in four doses; j. Zinc, in total of 15–30 mg; daily. Zinc must be balanced with manganese (30 mg), iron (30 mg), and copper (1–3 mg). Manganese is needed to normalize permeability of cell membranes in the brain. Serum zinc has been found low in epileptics which may result in losses of the amino acid taurine in the urine. Dilantin™ tends to cause the body to retain zinc and copper, so have your doctor check your blood levels; k. Lecithin, six 21 grain capsules daily, or a tablespoon of lecithin granules added to foods. I prefer the granules; l. Raw thyroid tablets, 3 per day to strengthen the thyroid. Supplement iodine also. m. Chromium picolinate (400–600 mcg) and vanadyl sulfate 5000 mcg (Country Life Brand Biochem™ vanadyl sulfate). These aid in handling sugar levels being specific to the pancreas; n. Cystine, an amino acid; Vitamin B6 may not be utilized adequately because of a certain enzyme deficiency. Cystine aids in producing that enzyme, which will then allow adequate amounts of B6 to be absorbed. If cystine is not available, use cysteine—some of which is converted to cystine; o. Octocosanol, if the epilepsy was caused by trauma to the head, this will enable the repair of damaged neurons; p. DMG (n, n-dimethylglycine), available at the health food store. Take 125 mg twice daily, early morning and at bedtime. Drs. E. Steve Roach and Lane Carlin of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina, observed that though they had failed to control three seizures daily, when the mother gave her son DMG, the seizures reduced to three weekly. DMG also depletes folic acid, so supplement Folic acid; q. Betaine Hydrochloride (HCl); Use three 600 mg tablets (Country Life or Solaray Brand) after each meal to ensure digestion of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. (See Digestion and Utilization: Self–help Method #1, and make the HCl test. You may need more.); 16. Do drink one–half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Coffee, tea, colas, liquor, and other fluids don't count. These dehydrate the body. For every cup or glass of these, you must drink one additional glass of water! Milk and soup are foods. Please, just drink water. Elderly, sedentary persons, especially, should note their water intake and drink adequate water. Drink a glass of water 20–30 minutes before eating, but do not drink during, or for two to three hours after, eating. Do not drown your digestive juices in water. If you must take water to satisfy thirst, or to swallow pills, put a tablespoon of lemon juice in it to avoid dilution of the stomach acids.If you have a kidney problem, or tend to retain water, increase your water intake gradually and observe that the extra water is being passed through. If it is accumulating in the legs or showing as puffiness of the eyes, back off until the kidneys reduce these symptoms, and then slowly increase the intake. After increasing your water intake for a few days, increase your salt intake (1/2 teaspoon), especially if it is hot, or you are exercising and losing salt, or if you have been on a salt–restricted diet. A salt deficiency is serious. If water begins to accumulate in the legs or arms, reduce the salt intake for a few days, but increase your water intake until the edema disappears. 17. Have a good chiropractor or cranial therapist evaluate the patient. A skilled chiropractor or therapist can often alleviate pressure on sensitive nerves that might be producing epileptic symptoms; 18. Use Mannatech™'s Man• Aloe® and Plus which, in combination, have been very effective in restoring normal body functions even where drugs failed. These supply natural plant substances not found in the other recommended foods; 19. Avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet™, Equal™); These have been fre- quently reported to cause seizures; 20. Avoid coffee, tea, and alcohol; These deplete nutrients and cause dehydration. 21 Supplement vitamin K which is depleted by Dilantin™ leading to unusual bleeding or bruising. Other nutrients depleted include: biotin, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B1, B12, and D. You must supplement these to prevent dire consequencies of deficiency. .I urge upon you five books: 1. How to Get Well—Paavo Airola, Ph. D.; 2. The Pulse Test—Dr. Arthur F. Cocoa, M.D.; 3. Nutrition Guide for the Prevention & Cure of Common Ailments & Diseases—Carlton Fredericks, Ph. D.; 4. Food in Your Best Medicine—Dr. Henry G. Bieler, M.D. 5. The Liver Cleansing Diet, Love Your Liver and Live Longer, by Dr. Cabot, M.D.The best sources of magnesium are: nuts, soybeans, raw and waterless–cooked green vegetables (kale, endive, chard, celery, beet tops, alfalfa), figs, apples, lemons, peaches, almonds, whole grains, sunflower seeds, brown rice, and sesame seeds.The best sources of potassium are: almonds, apricots, artichokes (globe or French), beans, avocados, bananas, beets, beet greens, Brazil nuts, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, buckwheat, carrots, cashew nuts, chard, coconut meat (dried), collards, dates, figs (dried), garlic, molasses (very high), mushrooms, oatmeal, mustard greens, parsley, parsnips, peanuts, pecans, potatoes (baked, eat the skin), raisins, rice bran (very high), rye, sesame seeds, soybeans, spinach, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat bran (very high), wheat germ, yams, brewer's yeast (or tortula), zucchini, avocados, and watermelon.Dr. Bieler states that the " common type " epilepsy arises from toxemia of the blood causing the swelling of and pressure on the pituitary gland. He describes epilepsy as " acid intoxication " whose natural antidote comes from the vegetable kingdom. Our endocrine glands determine how we assimilate our foods, where we store our weight gain, our disposition, our body build, and many other things about how we respond to our environment. Medical men soon became disenchanted with the idea of manipulating the hormones as an aid to healing because it didn't work too well. That was because they overlooked the largest gland, the liver. Many disturbances of the endocrine system will clear up spontaneously when the liver is restored to proper function. (Food is Your Best Medicine)The herb, milk thistle, is the most documented specific for liver health. Other herbs are powerful " blood cleansers " freeing the body of toxins and restoring liver health. Overlong use may enhance activity of Phase 1 liver detoxification enzymes, and deplete of fatty acids, Prostaglandins, steroids, estrogen, body alcohols, and make drugs less effective, so consult with your doctor before using. Flax seed oil taken with a protein does much the same work. This combats many ailments, including cancer. (See Cancer? Chemotheraphy? Radiation? Self–help Method #14)Sir Winters used three herbs to cleanse his system and heal a throat cancer which chemotherapy and laetrile had fail to cure. He has lived in vigorous health, cancer free, for nearly twenty years. He has made a name for himself marketing his tea worldwide. Obtain it from Swanson Health Products, 1-800-437-4148. Winters Tea (#TS004, bulk, use one rounded teaspoon per cup), or (#TS003, 16 bags), or Tribalene (#TS008, 100 capsules, the herbs with added capsicum). For healing, six cups daily is recommended.Taking these herbs causes the body to throw off toxins into the blood. This may make you feel worse at first. If this is too severe for you, stop for a day or two, then begin at a lower intake. This should pass shortly, allowing larger amounts with no negative feelings. Increase the amounts once the toxin level is reduced, and the negative feelings are bearable.One or more of these three approaches to liver cleansing should be helpful.Finally, walk vigorously each day, breathing deeply, to oxygenate all tissues and the brain. One may find an oxygen supplement such as Cell Food™ and Electrox™ useful. Call (760) 439-7884 four sources.The above recommendations are just that, and are not meant to be a cure for these conditions. Each person must take personal responsibility to research these ideas, and make his own decisions of what he will use. 6–8–00

[ ] thimerosal timelineListmates, I just re-read the part of Lyn Redwood's website titled " To find out how this issue surfaced at FDA " http://tlredwood.home.mindspring.com/hepatitis_control_report.htm. I also re-read the Joint Statement of AAFP, AAP, ACIP and the USPHS on Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/AAFP-AAP-ACIP-thimerosal.htm. Now I am left wondering what prompted SKB to develop their new DTaP vaccine (Infanrix) as thimerosal free vaccine? In January 1997, SKB received their license to manufacture Infanrix for distribution in the US. This was after clinical trials in Europe spanning from 1992-1995. According to the timeline of events, they didn't develop it in response to any FDA or CDC directive to reduce thimerosal content in vaccines. Could they have known that too much thimerosal was dangerous? TIMELINE 1991 Hepatitis B added as a routine childhood immunization. These HepB vaccines contain 12.5 mcg of mercury and were recommend to be given at birth, 2 months, and 6 months. 1992-1995 Clinical trials in Europe for Infanrix (SKB's new thimerosal free acellular DPT) Jan. 31, 1997. Kline Beecham (SB) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted a license to Kline Beecham Biologicals to manufacture INFANRIX (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine) for distribution in the US. November 21, 1997. FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA) and was signed into law Pallone, a Democratic congressman from New Jersey, attached an amendment to an FDA reauthorization bill that gave the FDA two years to " compile a list of drugs and foods that contain intentionally introduced mercury compounds and … [to] provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the mercury compounds in the list…. " The bill later evolved into the landmark FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA). August 31, 1998 RotaShield was approved as a vaccine against the rotavirus. Rotaviurs is the most common diarrheal pathogen in children worldwide, and it causes approximately one third of diarrhea-associated hospitalizations. December 14, 1998 Just 11 months before the congressional deadline, the FDA published a notice in the Federal Register requesting vaccine manufacturers to provide data on mercury content in vaccines. April 29, 1999 The FDA published a second, more specific request on April 29, 1999. The FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research (CBER) analyzed the vaccines to determine mercury content. May 1999 Congress had held a contentious hearing on the dangers of vaccination. It was feared that the tide was turning against childhood vaccination. June 1999 CBER released the total amount of mercury given to children through vaccines in the U.S. immunization schedule. Although it may seem surprising that CBER had not done this before, CBER’s mission, to ensure the purity, potency, safety, and efficacy of individual products, would never have required such an analysis. A six month old who got all vaccine doses on schedule would receive 75 micrograms of mercury from three doses of DTaP, 75 micrograms from three doses of Hib, and 37.5 micrograms from three doses of hepatitis B vaccine – a total of 187.5 micrograms of mercury. They compared this figure calculated for mercury intake from vaccines in children six months old, 187.5 micrograms, to the suggested safe limits. They found that the mercury intake from vaccines in the first six months of life exceeded the EPA limit. July 1999 After a flurry of meetings with the CDC, FDA, AAP, and ***vaccine manufacturers*** ******I guess that some present at the meeting did not want to inform pediatricians that the current vaccine schedule was subjecting infants to more than the EPA limit for mercury*************** CDC officials argued that there was no need for precipitous action. They pointed out that no child was known to be harmed from thimerosal, and they were loath to undermine confidence in existing vaccines by labeling some vaccines " bad " (thimerosal-containing) and some " good " (thimerosal-free). AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) believed that immediate action was needed. They feared that pediatricians who continued to administer thimerosal-containing vaccines could face a flurry of lawsuits, perhaps claiming that children had acquired learning disabilities from mercury exposure. Finally they agreed that physicians should be told – soon – about the amount of mercury in vaccines and the conflict with a federal guideline. It was agreed to delay the HepB vaccination series, usually started at birth, for children born to HBsAg-seronegative mothers. FDA had already promised to review applications for thimerosal-free hepatitis B vaccine rapidly – within 30 days. July 7, 1999 An AAP-USPHS joint statement was issued http://www.Hepatitis Controlreport.com/vol/www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/jointvacc.htm July 14, 1999 CDC issued its own supplemental guidance http://www.cdc.gov/nip/news/thimerosal-guidance.htm July 1999 CDC Recommends Postponement of Rotavirus Vaccination after 15 more cases of intussusception reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). October 1999 CDC Panel Withdraws Recommendation For Rotavirus Vaccination because there was an increased risk of intussusception. The Wyeth Lederle Vaccines voluntarily withdrew its RotaShield rotavirus vaccine from the market and requested an immediate return of all vaccine doses. I plan to bring the rest of the timeline up to date, but I thought I would post this first part and finish the rest when I came find the time. Have a great day :o), 1. Joint Statement of AAFP, AAP, ACIP, and the USPHS on Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/AAFP-AAP-ACIP-thimerosal.htm 2. Lyn Redwood's website titled " To find out how this issue surfaced at FDA " http://tlredwood.home.mindspring.com/hepatitis_control_report.htm 3. INFANRIX Acellular DTP Vaccine Licenced by FDA http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/205CE.htm

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  • 1 month later...

All that I can ask is that you click on the below address and look at the

site. From this site you can access just about ALL of the medical

information available in the world today. Post #76 will get you into

the National Instuite of Health,

messages/govinfo/76 from this site you can either

treat your symptoms better, or go for a cure as I did.


> Sept. 11, 2000 I have now upped the amount of Chemet that I use

> to 100 capsules of 100mg of Chemet a week, and I am getting evident

> results. The metal taste in my jaws is rapidly going down!!!!


> THE GOVINFO SITE messages/govinfo/1




> SPOTS ON GUMS ARE GONE ( amalgam tattoo ) feel GREAT.








> I was born 2-14-53, and am 47 now. When I was born I had

> ichthyosis (extremly dry fish skin). According Taber's Medical

> Dictionary the condition is hereditary. I always wondered how 3

> million years of ancestors

> would put up with this condition, and if it is a hereditary

> condition, why has mine gone away with mercury removal? As I got

> sicker I was still able to work for 30 years as a fireman, 12 of

> them at the 3rd busiest firehouse in America, until I finally

> collapsed. My 75 year old mother has had to take care of me for

> the last 2 years. I was finally put on morphine (Duragesic patch)

> and codeine, my pain levels were that great!. I have tried every

> cure under the sun. Fungus infection; all herbals, diflucan,

> spornex. Food allergy, Vitamins and supplements. I have been

> seen by Stanford, and UOP Dental College, and UCSF School of

> Medicine. In all about 75 professor teaching doctors at the three

> universities, and these are the doctors that teach your doctor how

> to be a doctor. They did nothing for me, so do not expect your

> mercury poisoned and ignorant doctor to help you much. I can not

> tell you ALL of the crazy diagnoses that I have had, but a short

> list; NICO nurologic induced cavitational osytonecrousis intense

> jaw pain), I have lost 11 teeth, bi-polar disorder, OCD, trigeminal

> nerve pain, oral facial pain, chewing tobacco is the cause,

> personality disorder, addictive personality, ect. ect., I am

> brushing my teeth to hard, jaw setting improperly, bruxing (grinding

> the jaws in sleep), stress migraines, coagalation blood disorder,

> gentic abnormalities, AUTO- IMMUNE disorder, FMS, arthritis,

> > > neurologic problems (what ever that is), ect. ect. For all of

> these istogenic (DOCTOR MADE) dieases, caused by mercury, I could

> not believe the NUTTY " treatments " that were thought of. Oxygen

> therapy, tooth removal, cut up the jaw, bacterial infection, sever

> nerves, virus, fungus, mouth guards, anti-biotics, tegeratol, high

> blood pressure medications, vioxx, neurontin, cipro, AND so MANY

> MORE that I can not remember. Now you may wonder how do YOU

> get mercury? From the moment of conception the fetus draws mercury

> from the mother. Your doctor injects mercury in shots and

> mercury vaccines. Your dentist places mercury in your tooth

> fillings. If that is not enough mercury is used in 200 OTC

> medications, from eye drops to nose sprays, ect. If that is not

> enough of an exposure to mercury, the 2nd most HAZARDOUS and TOXIC

> substance on earth, (mercury is 2nd only to plutonium), mercury is

> placed in eye make-up, in wall paint ( this way mercury is gassed

> off at you all the time), and so many other products. What can

> mercury do to a human? It can run the gamete from dead infant to

> the President of the United States. In my case it brought me to

> my knees in painful bone disintergrating agony. Someone else may

> only have allergies, or die from mercury, or lower your IQ a few

> points, or give you autism, or thyroid problems, or migraines, or

> over active bladder. Any combination or multiples of conditions

> are possible which are caused by your bodies gentic make up, OR the

> GENTIC DAMAGE caused to your body by the mercury, and the GENTIC

> DAMAGE caused to the microbes in our bodies, such as acidophislus

> bacteria, which we need. Now the question of what to do other

> than live with your llnesses, and submit to treatments from your

> QUACK (definition of QUACK is; anyone that places mercury as a

> medical treatment) The best thing to do is be born from a non

> toxic mother, and avoid mercury, I did not have that chance,

> neither have you. THIS is what I did. A QUACK tried to chelate

> me with DMSA (chemet succimer) before I had my metal dental work

> removed, of course I got sicker. After getting morphine I was able

> to get on the computer and get information, a lot of which I have

> posted at messages/govinfo , if this address

> will not work try , type in govinfo at the

> search function, then go down and click on govinfo, then messages.

> You will notice that most of what I post are URL's to government

> information. I use government information because my opinion or

> your quackie's opinion mean nothing. It is hard for anyone to

> dispute the facts. ALSO

> archives/autism treatment is a good site too.

> You do NOT need a test for mercury, as I said above how could you

> avoid mercury if you have been injected with it? Have a dental

> materials test done. (I had two) http://www.peakenergy.com and

> http://www.ccrlab.com . Each time I had mercury removed from my

> mouth I took 100mg of chemet, and three beers through the day,

> removal was completed on April 10,2000. After all mercury was

> > > removed I started very slow chelation, 100mg of chemet a day

> spread out through the day. I opened the capsules and rationed the

> drug out. I also used chemet as a direct application to my jaw

> NICO bone death areas to draw out

> > the mercury. I would do this for three days and then halt for

> four days. Some selenium, vitamin C, during chelation. When off

> chemet very light vitamin use, to replace needed minerals in your

> body. IN MY OPINION you must do this very slow, because the target

> organs for your body are NOT high blood flow organs which contain

> mercury (brain liver kidneys), but slow fluid movers such as inside

> the eyes, and bones including the jaw. I HAVE NOW CHANGED TO SIX

> DAYS ON AND ONE OFF. In seven days after removal of ALL metals

> from my mouth, I am walking two miles or more, and jogging at least

> one mile. Quite a change from morphine and codeine!


> > > > > > LTLDAB1@...

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  • 1 month later...

Cilantro also can be used to elim mercury buildup in tissue.

<< No mercury poisoning is not permanent. Lead, mercury, arsenic, and other

heavy metals can be removed from your body by Chelation therapy with a

chemical called EDTA. It is FDA approved for this purpose. Problem is it

also very effectively removes the plaque from your veins and arteries, so

you won't find many MD's who will tell you about it, cuz heaven forbid, then

you wouldn't need that triple bypass! There are more and more MD's out

there who are doing it though, because they have seen it work, time after


Jan Y >>

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Actually EDTA is NOT for mercury. DMSA has been used for mercury. I'm

unclear from a technical perspective about the characteristics that make one

more suitable than another. C.Bond

Re: Mercury poisoning

> Cilantro also can be used to elim mercury buildup in tissue.




> << No mercury poisoning is not permanent. Lead, mercury, arsenic, and


> heavy metals can be removed from your body by Chelation therapy with a

> chemical called EDTA. It is FDA approved for this purpose. Problem is


> also very effectively removes the plaque from your veins and arteries, so

> you won't find many MD's who will tell you about it, cuz heaven forbid,


> you wouldn't need that triple bypass! There are more and more MD's out

> there who are doing it though, because they have seen it work, time after

> time.

> Jan Y >>



> Learn more from:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> http://home.online.no/~huldakli/

> http://www..net/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/gallstones/



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Shouldn't that read, EDTA?



> Actually EDTA is NOT for mercury. DMSA has been used for mercury.


> unclear from a technical perspective about the characteristics that

make one

> more suitable than another. C.Bond


> Re: Mercury poisoning



> > Cilantro also can be used to elim mercury buildup in tissue.

> >

> >

> >

> > << No mercury poisoning is not permanent. Lead, mercury,



> other

> > heavy metals can be removed from your body by Chelation therapy

with a

> > chemical called EDTA. It is FDA approved for this purpose.

Problem is

> it

> > also very effectively removes the plaque from your veins and

arteries, so

> > you won't find many MD's who will tell you about it, cuz heaven


> then

> > you wouldn't need that triple bypass! There are more and more

MD's out

> > there who are doing it though, because they have seen it work,

time after

> > time.

> > Jan Y >>

> >

> >

> > Learn more from:

> > http://home.online.no/~dusan/

> > http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> > http://home.online.no/~huldakli/

> > http://www..net/

> > http://home.online.no/~dusan/gallstones/

> >

> >

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Mercury Poisoning

>I would like to know what the symptoms are for mercury piosoning.

>Could some one tell me what they are . I had mine removed and the Dr.

>didn't seem too worried about it

How do you get a mercury-ectomy?--or was it a symptom-ectomy?

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>I would like to know what the symptoms are for mercury piosoning. >Could some one tell me what they are . I had mine removed and the Dr. >didn't seem too worried about it

If you have to ask, you don't have it. They have a wide range. I also have peripheral neuropathy. Mercury attacks the central nervous system. It can wipe out the immune system and you are fair game for anything. I also had parasites, bowels nearly shut down, ache all over, digestive problems, headaches, terrible aching jaws, feeling of pressure like a bowling ball in your mouth, just plain and simple I want to die feeling. It is hard to know which part of the body hurts the worse, but for me it was the jaws.


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Thank you. You are right, I must not have it cause I mostly feel fine, just weak and tired. My head was swimming for awhile but that seems to be clearing up now. Thank you very much. You took a lot off my mind.

Re: Mercury Poisoning

>I would like to know what the symptoms are for mercury piosoning. >Could some one tell me what they are . I had mine removed and the Dr. >didn't seem too worried about itIf you have to ask, you don't have it. They have a wide range. I also have peripheral neuropathy. Mercury attacks the central nervous system. It can wipe out the immune system and you are fair game for anything. I also had parasites, bowels nearly shut down, ache all over, digestive problems, headaches, terrible aching jaws, feeling of pressure like a bowling ball in your mouth, just plain and simple I want to die feeling. It is hard to know which part of the body hurts the worse, but for me it was the jaws. Jan

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You are very welcome, and I forgot to mention brain fog. Sounds like you just had a reaction to the dental work and that's all. LUCKY you!

Thank you. You are right, I must not have it cause I mostly feel fine, just weak and tired. My head was swimming for awhile but that seems to be clearing up now. Thank you very much. You took a lot off my mind.

Re: Mercury Poisoning

>I would like to know what the symptoms are for mercury piosoning. >Could some one tell me what they are . I had mine removed and the Dr. >didn't seem too worried about it

If you have to ask, you don't have it. They have a wide range. I also have peripheral neuropathy. Mercury attacks the central nervous system. It can wipe out the immune system and you are fair game for anything. I also had parasites, bowels nearly shut down, ache all over, digestive problems, headaches, terrible aching jaws, feeling of pressure like a bowling ball in your mouth, just plain and simple I want to die feeling. It is hard to know which part of the body hurts the worse, but for me it was the jaws.


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My experience after I had all my amalgams out surprised me. I was

being tested on a homeopathic computer system which kept picking up on

mercury for almost ten years after they were removed. We just kept

going in with a mercury detox to push theis toxin out of my system until

it didn't come up anymore, then we moved on to other stuff. If you

had mercury in your mouth my guess is you have it in your system (how could

you not?) and should be getting it out ASAP! Was this Dr. holistic?

I can't imagine a holistic Dr. not being concerned, but this would be the

norm for an allopathic/traditional Dr.

JDrew63929@... wrote:


would like to know what the symptoms are for mercury piosoning.

>Could some one tell me

what they are . I had mine removed and the Dr.

>didn't seem too worried

about it

If you have to

ask, you don't have it. They have a wide range. I also have

peripheral neuropathy.

Mercury attacks the central nervous system. It can

wipe out the

immune system and you are fair game for anything. I also had

parasites, bowels

nearly shut down, ache all over, digestive problems,

headaches, terrible

aching jaws, feeling of pressure like a bowling ball in

your mouth,

just plain and simple I want to die feeling. It is hard to know

which part of

the body hurts the worse, but for me it was the jaws.


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  • 8 months later...

Can someone tell me if mercury poisoning can produce temporary numbness in

the face and tongue, plus chest oppression, inflammation in the upper

respiratory mucosa (e.g. inside the nostrils and soft palate), and transient

difficulty to breathe and oxygenate blood?

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Can someone tell me if mercury poisoning can produce temporary numbness in

the face and tongue, plus chest oppression, inflammation in the upper

respiratory mucosa (e.g. inside the nostrils and soft palate), and transient

difficulty to breathe and oxygenate blood?

Sorry, I forgot to say I'm having these symptoms on and off, which give me a

hard time. I also have muscle pains and/or numbness in hands, legs and feet.

These symptoms come and go.

I have had oral thrush for quite some time, and after following a severe

diet and some herbal treatment I've been able to eliminate most if not all.

But I still suffer from stomach bloating and occasional diarrhea.

I'll be grateful for any ideas.

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franruiz@... writes:

> I have had oral thrush for quite some time, and after following a severe

> diet and some herbal treatment I've been able to eliminate most if not all.


May I ask what oral thrush is??


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Can someone tell me if mercury poisoning can produce temporary numbness in

the face and tongue, plus chest oppression, inflammation in the upper

respiratory mucosa (e.g. inside the nostrils and soft palate), and transient

difficulty to breathe and oxygenate blood?

Sorry, I forgot to say I'm having these symptoms on and off, which give me a

hard time. I also have muscle pains and/or numbness in hands, legs and feet.

These symptoms come and go.

I have had oral thrush for quite some time, and after following a severe

diet and some herbal treatment I've been able to eliminate most if not all.

But I still suffer from stomach bloating and occasional diarrhea.

I'll be grateful for any ideas.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Have not checked this out myself, but there is a link and info. at the bottom

to do just that. I have to agree, there are many story's out there, this one

is frightening!

This is not really off-topic when we consider the use of aborted foetal

tissue cell culture in the production of vaccines. As an indigenous person,

I am concerned at my sacred genealogy, life force and spirit is being placed

at risk by the used of vaccines made on aborted baby cells.

I am also aware of what has gone on with the Alaskan peoples, in particular

the Denai'na and Inuit who sued the USA govt for using their peoples as an

unsolicted laboratory. The Alaskans became ill with various autoimmune

illnesses, cancers, AIDs, blood borne conditions as well as MS, Diabetes,

Arthritis, s s and Guilliane Barre Syndromes, demyelinating

diseases and more, following the imposition of hepatitis B vaccination.

When the peoples found out about the experiment they stopped but then the

Native Health service tricked them by arranging the Hep A vaccination. What

they didn't say was that the Hep A was merely a trial vaccine against which

they they contined to use the the Hep B vaccine for measure. The people

didn't find out about this govt sanctioned fraud until 300 children had been

done. When the Sioux and Canadian Nations found out, the 9 districts of

Sioux banned all testing in their nation.

Now this is where I come in. That vaccine - which was trialled on the

Dena'ina and Inuit - was manufactured on the blood of practising San

Francisco homosexuals and was used on Alaskans long after the gay bath

houses had closed due to AIDs. Yet the United Snakes govt in cahoots with

the drug company, vaccine manufacturers continued with the mass vaccine

campaigns upon indigenous peoples, fully aware that the serum derived Hep

vaccines had been sourced from the SF bloods.

Yes, that very same blood based vaccine was used again on aboriginal

populations in Aotearoa. Thus the much touted 'Kawerau Project' in New

Zealand was 'successfull' - and internationally promoted for it's target

reaching volume - but used the very same SanFrans gay blood.

If you want to know more I suggest you visit the Eagle Foundation site.

They have the contact numbers for Ann Mills of Inuit and Bernadine

Aicheson in Stirling as well as contacts for the journalist who covered the

story. http://www.eaglefoundation.net/

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My comments to the post below are this...it has been done to whole

populations...the most recent post on this was about an entire area in Canada

getting sprayed with something....I know someone on this list posted that

article...perhaps a repost would do...I'll see if I can find it in my files.

The government kept close watch on who showed up at what clinics and with

what symptoms! Scary, but more than true.

>>>>I couldn't help but respond to this. Despite my innate distrust of


and my horror at the cases you mentioned I feel no government would be so

stupid as to experiment on the entire population. They might be so offensive


to think an oppressed minority is expendable and experimental material, much

like f Mengle did in Auschwitz, but the entire population goes beyond any

rational explanation. Also, mercury poisoning has been going on since at


the 1800's before the industries concerned (dental etc) were regulated by

governments, and not only the US government would have to be involved but

nearly every government on the planet, as they give mercury to the population

in all sorts of forms here in Australia too. Our governments are merely

ill-informed or bribed into ignorance, rather than so omnipotently stupid as


a plan would suggest.

We don't need conspiracy theories to discredit governments, they do <<<<

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I couldn't help but respond to this. Despite my innate distrust of governments,

and my horror at the cases you mentioned I feel no government would be so

stupid as to experiment on the entire population. They might be so offensive as

to think an oppressed minority is expendable and experimental material, much

like f Mengle did in Auschwitz, but the entire population goes beyond any

rational explanation. Also, mercury poisoning has been going on since at least

the 1800's before the industries concerned (dental etc) were regulated by

governments, and not only the US government would have to be involved but

nearly every government on the planet, as they give mercury to the population

in all sorts of forms here in Australia too. Our governments are merely

ill-informed or bribed into ignorance, rather than so omnipotently stupid as


a plan would suggest.

We don't need conspiracy theories to discredit governments, they do a good

enough job discrediting themselves as it is.

Hope I haven't offended anyone. Sorry in advance.


> Have any of you done any research into the possibility that the United States

government has deliberately given us mercury poisoning to use us as test

subjects to test the effects of mercury on us? This question isn`t as strange


it may seem, since the government has in the past hasgiven syhillis to black

people in the Tuskeegee Experiment and to the latins in the Cotulla, Texas

Experiment. A religious group was used as test subjects on the effects of

radiation possioning. There hace been other similar experiments also. albert


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The " government " has been documented as using the people of this country as test

subjects just like rats in a cage on numerous occasions. Some of these have been

documented as causing death to some. Our troops are prime test subjects as seen

in the Desert Storm debacle.

The fluoride in our drinking water was put there not for concern for teeth but

as a way to sell industrial waste instead of paying someone to haul it off.

Alcoa Aluminum co. a subsidiary of Rockefeller Industries had a shrewd business

manager that thought that if dentist put fluoride on kids teeth (stannous

fluoride) then maybe we could sell our poisonous sodium fluoride to cities to

" protect their children's teeth " and make a quick and handsome profit.

With the soiled history of this countries' governmental/corporate elitist, why

should we expect any change in that behavior, if we trust in them we may be

acting foolish with that trust that has been broken so many times.

The thirmerosol is added the vaccines as a preservative so the poisonous

vaccines would have a longer self life and not degrade back to what it came


Herd of salt pork?, you salt a meat with enough salt and the bugs wont grow on

or in the meat which is also dried (dehydrated) in the process. Now days we have

canned foods, vacuum packed food and frozen food and refrigerated food storage.

If I say more I will become to sound as a conspiracy nut, but to sum this u,p


C. W.

--- Original Message -----

From: d701

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 5:14 AM

Subject: [ ] mercury poisoning

Have any of you done any research into the possibility that the United States

government has deliberately given us mercury poisoning to use us as test

subjects to test the effects of mercury on us? This question isn`t as strange

as it may seem, since the government has in the past hasgiven syhillis to black

people in the Tuskeegee Experiment and to the latins in the Cotulla, Texas

Experiment. A religious group was used as test subjects on the effects of

radiation possioning. There hace been other similar experiments also. albert


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> If I say more I will become to sound as a conspiracy nut, but to sum this u,p


Ok, just to make this sound worse :) I want to add that I always had this weird

idea that the world is actually controlled by a single power. I think the fact

that we are divided in different countries with different governments means


I too believe in a conspiracy regarding the vaccines, but... LOL I don't want to

sound too weird, so I guess I'll stop here.

No. I will add one more thing... I can't forget one of the " X Files " episodes,

when Mulder discovers that every person has a file with... stuff :) I was really

impressed with that idea. I think it sounds very realistic. That reminds me....

It just started here these days that... I don't know how is called this in

English... when the government is counting the population.... and somebody comes

from house to house just to see how many, what conditions, if the vaccinations

are updated....

Yep, just like animals.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

> I have recently been researching chelating and supplements. As I

> have these facts constantly running through my head - I started

> putting some things together. When I was 19 I had all of the

> silver/mercury fillings removed from my teeth. During this procedure

> I swallowed some. The Dentist told me as long as I didn't eat tuna

> for a while I'd be fine. About 3-6 months after that I started

> having chronic sinus problems, yeast problems and fatigue (still

> do).

that does sound distressing and also suspicious.

> Things got worse after her vaccinations, but things weren't

> good before - colicky crying for hours together, etc. I am wondering

> if it is possible that I have mercury poisoning and passed it on to

> my child.

yes. mercury is passed from moms to babies in both gestation

and breatfeeding. so, if you were mercury toxic, that could

be a source of exposure for her.

> How can I test for this if it won't show up in my blood or

> hair since it was so long ago.

please read the rather long/detailed explanation about that, here:


You should consider a hair test for BOTH her and you.

> Is it reasonable to start chelating

> without testing and see if things improve?

That is also an option. The hair test can be useful though.

Also, if she has any amalgam fillings, you must get them

replaced before chelating.

> Is it hard on the body?

yes, it can be somewhat so. but so is being metal toxic.

using low dose and chelating SLOWLY helps. nutritional

support helps. I guess reactions vary also. But I think

there is always SOME stress involved in metal detox.



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About 3-6 months after that I started

> having chronic sinus problems, yeast problems and fatigue (still

> do).

Yeast can cause the fatigue, so can phenol intolerance



For my son, both his yeast issues and his phenol issues did disappear

with ALA chelation.

Things got worse after her vaccinations, but things weren't

> good before - colicky crying for hours together, etc. I am wondering

> if it is possible that I have mercury poisoning and passed it on to

> my child. How can I test for this if it won't show up in my blood


> hair since it was so long ago.

Here is my general info page, which includes info on testing


>> Is it reasonable to start chelating

> without testing and see if things improve?

That is what I did for my kids.

>> Is it hard on the body?

I started slowly, with low dose, and I did not observe any issues

except in the beginning it did tend to aggravate yeast, which I kept

under control with GSE. Now, we don't usually have yeast problems

here, even during rounds.


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Get a doctor's data hair element profile for yourself and your kid.


Andy . . . . . . . . . . .

> I have recently been researching chelating and supplements. As I

> have these facts constantly running through my head - I started

> putting some things together. When I was 19 I had all of the

> silver/mercury fillings removed from my teeth. During this


> I swallowed some. The Dentist told me as long as I didn't eat tuna

> for a while I'd be fine. About 3-6 months after that I started

> having chronic sinus problems, yeast problems and fatigue (still

> do). Things got worse after her vaccinations, but things weren't

> good before - colicky crying for hours together, etc. I am wondering

> if it is possible that I have mercury poisoning and passed it on to

> my child. How can I test for this if it won't show up in my blood


> hair since it was so long ago. Is it reasonable to start chelating

> without testing and see if things improve? Is it hard on the body?


> Thanks,


> Er

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