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Hi ,I hope your DH is doing better on the steroids and such and the messed up results were just from dehydration. I know what you mean about husbands in denial. In my DH's family heart disease, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes is there - yet it took him FOREVER to see a doctor and have a physical. It wasn't until he was sick and went to one of those immediate care places that he got on track w/ seeing a doctor and managing everything. He doesn't have the diabetes or heart disease, but the doc at the immediate care place made him sign a statement/waiver saying he was informed of his BP and would follow up. He finally did and everything is all well and good now that it is controlled. But his mom and dad and extended family of aunts and

uncles all had/have high blood pressure and heart disease - so, gotta stay on top of it~Glad to know I'm "normal" afterall - what you say makes sense - Take care!DonnaTo: exercisevideos Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 10:12:34 PMSubject: Re: Walk & Kick

Hi Donna,

They want to run more tests. His kidney functioning deteriorated and they think it is because he's had severe diaherria for months due to his ulcerative colitis and he was probably dehydrated without realizing. His doc thinks, now that he's on prednisone, and it is working to control his symptoms, that he should recover but they're retesting next week and again in another week or so to be sure he does. I kept bugging him to call his IBD doc and when he finally did they said it didn't sound serious enough to warrant steroids, then it got worse and it took forever for him to call again. I am SO sick of this denial crap when it comes to his health ("I'm fine..." yeah, wrong). He is the best husband in the world, he just needs to get real about his own health. Okay, rant over.

I have heard a lot of people say they lose weight better when they do moderate workouts than when they continually go all out. I'm not sure why that is but I suspect it is because of the body retaining water to rebuild muscle fibers which would be more torn and under more continual stress when you keep working out hard. When you at least intersperse some moderate workouts with the really intense ones your body would have more time to recover and, release some of the water weight. That's my theory anyway, I haven't read anything to confirm or deny it. I don't know much about when your body is "burning fat" versus burning glycogen and aerobic/anaerobic and how that effects fat burning either but I'm pretty sure that plays in as well. Anyway, you're not weird, you're actually pretty typical from what I've read.

Walk & Kick

My back is still bugging me a little, my energy is low (lack of sleep, fighting a bug) and I was worried (DH had some not so positive but hopefully not really terrible test results come back, he's seeing the doc for a physical & to discuss them this afternoon) so I wanted to workout (stress relief) but didn't want anything intense. Sansone's Walk & Kick to the rescue! Very light but very silly & fun. Just good for a relaxing time with an old friend but still getting some exercise in I guess. Next on the list is Christmas shopping!

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