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The latest update from 's mom, please continue to pray for him!Chelle, please share this with Jim and get his take on what he may need naturally. I shared with Mrs. B. what Jim's top 3 recommendations were but don't think she has followed through. I called Biotics for myself for the Optimal EFAs and they were back ordered. These were Jim's top recos for helping 's heart besides Carson E Gems Elite and a good whole vitamin C supplement. Max, perhaps you can update Mrs. B with what (if) Jim has some recommendations. blessings

nancy j

I know that my Redeemer lives, and in the end He will stand upon the earth! Job 19:25

Your health is your responsibility, not the government's! Be responsible and eat real food!From: Elaine BadnariSubject: To: Undisclosed-Recipient@...Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 10:52 PM

Hi Everyone:

, Chuck and I are headed out to LaCrosse, WI to visit . The hospital called to tell me he had a bad night yesterday when they took the ventilator tube out of his throat. They had nose and throat specialists check him out today. His heart, lungs and kidneys are functioning fine but they discovered that his throat is almost swollen shut and he can't get enough oxygen in without the tube. That tube must have been giving him quite a bit of pain because he has been trying to rip it out since 12/21. He finally succeeded but damaged his throat. It will heal and they are giving him medication for that. They put the tube back in and he is sedated so he would could rest and relax to let his heart heal.

They have a physical therapist come each day to move his arms and legs because he has been bedridden since 12/21.

He was cardioverted again today where they hit him with the electric paddles trying to get his heart to beat more normally. Every fifth beat was coming much too soon. All five of us are in atrial fib and were cardioverted. Steve and I are in AF constantly. Steve is the champ with 18 cardioversions. Atria fib is where the two top (atrial) chambers of the heart don't beat strongly but quiver instead. That doesn't push the blood into the bottom two (ventrical) chambers. That is a set up for having a stroke so we have to be careful. The heart isn't getting the blood it needs to perform the way it should and we feel tired all the time.

Today my cardiologist gave me permission to visit . I had an appointment with him on 12/22 so he knows the entire story. He was upset.

On Monday they are planning to do a tracheotomy but say it will only be a temporary one. That will put a crimp in 's Constitution Classes, lectures, interviews and his hours on the phone every day.

Today I bought a sharp looking sweat suit for to be warm and cozy coming to our house to recuperate. The saleslady at the checkout counter was black and wished me a Happy New Year. Then she told me it wasn't that happy for her because her 32 yr. old son was in the hospital and they just did a tracheotomy on him. We promised to pray for each other's sons! Small world!

Lynne is so exhausted she is ready to drop. She has not left 's side and it is starting to wear on her. She lost her dad less than a year ago as well as three of her mom's sisters and a few friends. She and Chuck both are due back at work on 1/4/10. That means when is finally released from the hospital and I will drive back to bring him to our house.

's best friend from college, Alan Teeple, is there now and will stay as long as necessary. He came to relieve Lynne at least for a few hours each day and has taken her to dinner and lunch. She never stopped to get a decent meal since she got there.

Lynne's mom called me and was worried that Lynne might be there alone if things got worse with . Lynne has been telling everyone not to come while is sedated because he won't know we are there anyway and it might be more stress for her trying to entertain or carry on a conversation with others. He is still in CCU so there isn't a lot of room and the nurses are very busy. They finally brought in a comfortable lounge chair for Lynne instead of the straight back hard chair she had for days. and I can't thank her enough. Lynne also didn't know how we would react to seeing with all the tubes in his body.

We are packing and want to leave early tomorrow. I can't call each of you individually but will keep you posted. Soon as I get back home you will get the updates. I may have my son Steve do a little of that for me.

It amazes me how many people are praying for across this country. Maybe this will be a religious revolution and we can pray America back to the republic it was meant to be. Prayers are better than guns. Thanks for all your prayers and your concern. It is helping us all cope.

My call to Silent Unity, part of my "Daily Word" inspirational prayers, resulted in them sending me a letter telling me to continually thank God for healing . That helps keep my mind from going to more negative thoughts. It really helps.

I will keep in touch. Thanks for caring!



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