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I looked under " interactions " at drugs.com, and there were none listed

when I added the Tylenol.



> Hi Sierra.....


> I take darvocet for pain and I am on prednisone and arava. I'm sure


> else can help you more than I can.


> a


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Oh no, I am so sorry Sierra. I also took Arava and had wonderful results then

for the same reason as yours, had to come off it. Itwas at that point I was

offered Enbrel which was a lifesaver for me. How are you feeling without taking




[ ] Sierra

>>Oh, my. Just got a call from my rheumatologist saying that my liver

>>enzymes are elevated and I must stop the Arava. Too soon to talk about

>>other treatments as my liver must heal first.

Ouch, sorry :( I hope your liver will heal soon and you can

go back on meds...

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I'm getting nervous because the combination I'm on now (MTX & Arava)

is the first time I've started to feel reasonably human since

January. Today the doc had me re-do my bloodwork because one of the

liver tests was only slightly elevated, but the other was 3x the

normal upper limit. She said if the one they did today was no

higher, or had started to drop, she'd leave me on both, and just

watch it closely, but if it increases at all, I'll probably have to

come off at least one of them.


> Oh no, I am so sorry Sierra. I also took Arava and had wonderful

results then for the same reason as yours, had to come off it.

Itwas at that point I was offered Enbrel which was a lifesaver for

me. How are you feeling without taking Arava?


> Hugs

> June

> [ ] Sierra



> >>Oh, my. Just got a call from my rheumatologist saying that my


> >>enzymes are elevated and I must stop the Arava. Too soon to

talk about

> >>other treatments as my liver must heal first.


> Ouch, sorry :( I hope your liver will heal soon and you can

> go back on meds...







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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Sierra, you sound a lot like me. I have all the same symptoms. And finding support is hard. People hear arthritis and think old people, and I am young. So I get the feeling that a lot of people don't believe me. It's quite annoying. I stopped the pred and MTX. I gained about 15 lbs. I am a very small person so that 15 lbs is added pressure on my joints. I had to stop my job because of my fingers and hands not functioning right, and because of my suppressed immune system. A small cold turns into bronchitis with me. I worked in a preschool.

Right now I take Humira for the RA, loratab and ultram er for pain, ambien for insomnia and cymbalta for my depression.

I feel like I am failing my children.

in NC, diagnosed with RA 2 years ago.

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In a message dated 6/16/2006 11:22:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, hamilton103@... writes:

You can be diagnosed with arthritis at any age and your born with it whether you like it or not but itt gets to you at any age so now a days its not just an old persons illness it can hit ppl from the age of 12 upwards

This I now know. I have done tons of reading about RA. But when *I* tell people I have rheumatoid arthritis, they look at me like I have 2 heads.

.._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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You can be diagnosed with arthritis at any age and your born with it whether you like it or not but itt gets to you at any age so now a days its not just an old persons illness it can hit ppl from the age of 12 upwards

Phil in the uk

----- Original Message -----

From: nic77727@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 3:12 PM

Subject: Re: Sierra

Sierra, you sound a lot like me. I have all the same symptoms. And finding support is hard. People hear arthritis and think old people, and I am young. So I get the feeling that a lot of people don't believe me. It's quite annoying. I stopped the pred and MTX. I gained about 15 lbs. I am a very small person so that 15 lbs is added pressure on my joints. I had to stop my job because of my fingers and hands not functioning right, and because of my suppressed immune system. A small cold turns into bronchitis with me. I worked in a preschool.

Right now I take Humira for the RA, loratab and ultram er for pain, ambien for insomnia and cymbalta for my depression.

I feel like I am failing my children.

in NC, diagnosed with RA 2 years ago.

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Hi , It's just others nature to allways know more than anyone else I beleive and like you say we aren't old enought to have ra or artritious so we must be crazy or playing them , but one day the shoe will be on the other foot maybe one of them will have to fight a simaler battle ( not wishing anything like this on anybody of course ) but it just takes experinceing it for some to chage a mind set , and thats not our fault dear just nature or teaching I guess . Me I don't botter to tell people anymore , sometimes they ask from filling out my labs how long i've had it but I just don't offer anymore because of said experince and artirtious wheather ra or oa most people don't even know theres other kinds just think it makes you sore anyway whats the deal ??? So you've done been judged before they know you anyway so I thinks maybe it's better to just avoid the ordeal all togearther it maybe the

years of pain just makeing me cold but yes the whole deal is upsetting to me . johnnic77727@... wrote: In a message dated 6/16/2006 11:22:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, hamilton103@... writes: You can be diagnosed with arthritis at any age and your born with it whether you like it or not but itt gets to you at any age so now a days its not just an old persons illness it can hit ppl from the age of 12 upwards This I now know. I have done tons of reading about RA. But when *I* tell people I have rheumatoid arthritis, they look at me like I have 2 heads. ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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ell ppl are'nt up to date with the facts of the illness but if you can get a print out of your arthritis and show your friends that its not just an old persons illness then maybe they will get to understand a bit more about your condition

Phil in the uk

----- Original Message -----

From: nic77727@...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 4:32 PM

Subject: Re: Sierra

In a message dated 6/16/2006 11:22:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, hamilton103@... writes:

You can be diagnosed with arthritis at any age and your born with it whether you like it or not but itt gets to you at any age so now a days its not just an old persons illness it can hit ppl from the age of 12 upwards

This I now know. I have done tons of reading about RA. But when *I* tell people I have rheumatoid arthritis, they look at me like I have 2 heads.

.._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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people do not realize that there are many different types of arthritis....trying to explain the difference between rheumatoid and osteo is boring to many people....when I say I have arthritis, most will say that I should try vitamins or some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pill....people seldom want to know more ...gentle hugs! Marcianic77727@... wrote: In a message dated 6/16/2006 11:22:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, hamilton103@... writes: You can be diagnosed with arthritis at any age and your born with it whether you like it or not but itt gets to you at any age so now a days its not just an old persons illness it can hit ppl from the age of 12 upwards This I now know. I have done tons of reading about RA. But when *I* tell people I have rheumatoid arthritis, they look at me like I have 2 heads. ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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wrote: I feel like I am failing my children.

Ardeith writes: Do you let your children know you love them? Do you apply discipline fairly and consistently? Do you listen to what your children think? Do you help them when they need help, and let them fall on their noses when they need to do that? Do you set limits and stick with them? Do you make them accept responsibility for their own actions? If you do these things for your children, you are not failing them, IMO.

As I don't know the ages of your children, I can't be specific......but.......my children had to learn to do a lot of things their peers did not have to do, and they are more competent adults as a result. My son could cook simple meals by the time he was in 7th grade.

All my children learned to help with cleaning the house, and by the time they were in their teens they took care of their own laundry. They could make as big a mess as they wanted in their play, but knew they would have to clean it up themselves. When making beds neatly every morning became impossible for me, I left it up to them. My son, and one daughter, liked their beds nice and neat....so learned to make them up. Another daughter didn't care about that, so left her bed in a tumble of sheets and pillows every day. Either way, I didn't worry about it. If I didn't want to look at a messy bed, I could always close her door.

Nowadays I wonder what's the big deal about a neatly made-up bed. I might climb back into my bed at any point during the day to rest a bit.....so what's the point of making it up in the first place?

I did what I could with, and for, them......and that had to be enough as it was all I could do. One thing they remember today.....I read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of Rings" aloud to them.......took months to get through all of them.....then we drew pictures together of the events in the books. One of my daughters still has those pictures. I'd rather they had such memories than memories of a neat as a pin house.


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Hello , So ture , I remember being able to cook when I was young just because I didn't like the things my mom fixed she grew up in real hard times and seems we where raised on soup beans and fried potatoes LOL nothing worng with that just when things was better I think she just didn't realize that we liked other things or something maybe it was just habbit ? but pigs feet and chicken and dumplings made out of biskets I just couldn't do those LOL . so I learned how to fix my own or eat at my grannys LOL

.. johnArdeith <ardeith@...> wrote: wrote: I feel like I am failing my children. Ardeith writes: Do you let your children know you love them? Do you apply discipline fairly and consistently? Do you listen to what your children think? Do you help them when they need help, and let them fall on their noses when they need to do that? Do you set limits and stick with them? Do you make them accept responsibility for their own actions? If you do these things for your children, you are not failing them, IMO. As I

don't know the ages of your children, I can't be specific......but.......my children had to learn to do a lot of things their peers did not have to do, and they are more competent adults as a result. My son could cook simple meals by the time he was in 7th grade. All my children learned to help with cleaning the house, and by the time they were in their teens they took care of their own laundry. They could make as big a mess as they wanted in their play, but knew they would have to clean it up themselves. When making beds neatly every morning became impossible for me, I left it up to them. My son, and one daughter, liked their beds nice and neat....so learned to make them up. Another daughter didn't care about that, so left her bed in a tumble of sheets and pillows every day. Either way, I didn't worry about

it. If I didn't want to look at a messy bed, I could always close her door. Nowadays I wonder what's the big deal about a neatly made-up bed. I might climb back into my bed at any point during the day to rest a bit.....so what's the point of making it up in the first place? I did what I could with, and for, them......and that had to be enough as it was all I could do. One thing they remember today.....I read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of Rings" aloud to them.......took months to get through all of them.....then we drew pictures together of the events in the books. One of my daughters still has those

pictures. I'd rather they had such memories than memories of a neat as a pin house. Ardy __________________________________________________

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This link might help explain the

differences. God bless.

Kinds of Arthritis and brief explanation of many of them


From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Marcia Stoyle

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 9:04


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: Re:


people do not realize that there are many different types of

arthritis....trying to explain the difference between rheumatoid and osteo is

boring to many people....when I say I have arthritis, most will say that I

should try vitamins or some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pill....people

seldom want to know more ...gentle hugs! Marcia

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Dear - IF all of us had a crystal ball and could look into the future, we would think twice about starting a family. The limitation with arthritis are vast and imposing when it comes to child raising. I was nannying two girls when I got sick. I wasnt even a mom. Now I want to say that none of us have a crystal ball and cannot tell when or where RA will come to us. With that in mind, let me say the following. You gave your children birth. That is about the biggest gift there is. Life, consciousness, existence. While RA may be a trial and a hardship, it is also a GREAT GIFT. It teaches us not to take anything for granted. To chip in and help our family in times of crisis and hardship. Kids today have it far too easy in my humble opinion. They will learn at an early age to adopt responsibility. Let kids help you with things. They are NOT missing out on life by helping or caring for you as society would have you believe. They are being taught an invaluable insight into caring, nurturing, moral values, self respect, unselfishness. If this is the " ME " generation for kids, then we should reverse that and start having our kids learn to milk cows, fish for dinner, clean the house, make their beds and do for their parents and elders as I was taught. You are not letting your kids DOWN, you are giving them a HAND UP. Hugs, Deborah

On 6/16/06, nic77727@... <nic77727@...> wrote:

Sierra, you sound a lot like me. I have all the same symptoms. And finding support is hard. People hear arthritis and think old people, and I am young. So I get the feeling that a lot of people don't believe me. It's quite annoying. I stopped the pred and MTX. I gained about 15 lbs. I am a very small person so that 15 lbs is added pressure on my joints. I had to stop my job because of my fingers and hands not functioning right, and because of my suppressed immune system. A small cold turns into bronchitis with me. I worked in a preschool.

Right now I take Humira for the RA, loratab and ultram er for pain, ambien for insomnia and cymbalta for my depression.

I feel like I am failing my children.

in NC, diagnosed with RA 2 years ago.

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In a message dated 6/16/2006 11:56:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, kentuckycowboy2@... writes:

So you've done been judged before they know you anyway so I thinks maybe it's better to just avoid the ordeal all togearther it maybe the years of pain just makeing me cold but yes the whole deal is upsetting to me . john

Thank you . It's so nice to have people here who understand. I just feel like people see me so young and think I am playing the pity me card by saying I am sick.

.._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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In a message dated 6/16/2006 1:21:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, ardeith@... writes:

Ardeith writes: Do you let your children know you love them? Do you apply discipline fairly and consistently? Do you listen to what your children think? Do you help them when they need help, and let them fall on their noses when they need to do that? Do you set limits and stick with them? Do you make them accept responsibility for their own actions? If you do these things for your children, you are not failing them, IMO.

Thank you so much for your comforting words Ardeith. I do as much as I can with my kids. I suck up my pain and fatigue and, when school was still in, spent 2 days a week in the school and never missed an important event. I lead a girl scout troop for 2 years. I just couldn't do it anymore.

My girls are 10, 7 and 6. I just don't want them to grow up with memories of mommy being too sick to do anything fun.

We do a lot of cuddling though. ;-)

.._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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In a message dated 6/16/2006 4:01:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, dbargad@... writes:

You are not letting your kids DOWN, you are giving them a HAND UP. Hugs, Deborah

Thank you Deborah. My husband tells me to let the kids have chores and such but I feel guilty, because I feel like it's my job in the sense.

My great grandmother had RA and I can remember her hands being all deformed and I can remember shopping at JCPenny with her one year and the next her being in a wheel chair and then the next not being able to go. It was so sad to watch. And I don't want my kids' last memories of me be that way. I know I am thinking WAY to far ahead, but I am sure you understand what I mean.

I also feel like my family is sick of hearing me saying I have been sick. I Just wish I could go into this remission that I hear people talk about. My mom has lupus and scleraderma and has been in remission for a few years. Why can't I be?

.._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_ ._.-'¯(_._.-'¯(_Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer!....¢¢¢,...¢¢¢, ..¢¢¢,....((*"*)) §*"*§.((*"*)).(¯D.C¯)(¯D.C¯)(¯D-C¯)~~~~~(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)(¯¯¯¯¯)~~~~~sesm..|-I-|..|-I-|..|¯I¯|.›‹3"‹`-"-'..`-"-'..`-"-' © © Alli_)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._._)¯'-._.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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That wasn't my post.



> So that's the plan for now. On my own, just for me. In

> > secret from my family. That's the only way I have a chance of


> > working. Thank you for listening to me and

> > understanding what I feel. At least I know I'm not alone with


> > people who share the same problems. Love and many, many

blessings to

> > all of you.


> Hi Sierra,


> I don't think I answered this yet, but I'm sorry that you have

> to hold it all in. That seems especially hard with all we have to

> deal with.


> Wishing you strength :)




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Sierra,

I was taking sulfasalazine and had an allergic reaction and developed a bad rash

all over. Not to say that'll happen to you. Just wanted to let you know to

watch out for that if you start taking them. My docs always say I have the most

" unique problems " . I am experiencing a different type of rash dx as Pleva that

they *think* that Arava may have been the culprit, but I stopped taking that 2

months ago and still am broken out and itching. I'm on 60mg/Prednisone now to

" knock it out " , tapering down 5mg every 3 days and hoping I won't gain too much

weight being on so much for so long.

Best of luck with whatever meds you start,

Joanne, IL

[ ] Sierra

Hi, all. I saw the rheumy today. She examined my hands and

said, " Beautiful. Can't even tell you have R.A. " BUT she suggested I

start taking sulfasalazine because she doesn't think this well-being

will last.

Not sure what I want to do. I'm not adverse to taking it if I need it

or if it will prevent damage, but not so sure I want to bombard my

liver and kidneys so soon after trouble with Arava if I'm in good


My instinct says to wait. Thoughts? Experience with sulfasalizine?


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> Hi, all. I saw the rheumy today. She examined my hands and

> said, " Beautiful. Can't even tell you have R.A. " BUT she suggested I

> start taking sulfasalazine because she doesn't think this well-being

> will last.


> Not sure what I want to do. I'm not adverse to taking it if I need it

> or if it will prevent damage, but not so sure I want to bombard my

> liver and kidneys so soon after trouble with Arava if I'm in good

> shape...


> My instinct says to wait. Thoughts? Experience with sulfasalizine?


> Sierra


Sierra, I take Sulfasalazine two tabs twice a day and have not now

prob. also take mtx, and Enbrel and Nabumetone . good luck hope they

work for you as well and don't damage you liver all my test have been

good. so far

Janet IN IL

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When you were diagnosed with PLEVA, was a biopsy done to prove it? If it's

believed that Arava was responsible for your rash, did you do the washout

procedure to attempt to remove the Arava from your system (it can recycle in

your body for quite a long time)?

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] Sierra

> Hi Sierra,


> I was taking sulfasalazine and had an allergic reaction and developed a

> bad rash all over. Not to say that'll happen to you. Just wanted to let

> you know to watch out for that if you start taking them. My docs always

> say I have the most " unique problems " . I am experiencing a different

> type of rash dx as Pleva that they *think* that Arava may have been the

> culprit, but I stopped taking that 2 months ago and still am broken out

> and itching. I'm on 60mg/Prednisone now to " knock it out " , tapering down

> 5mg every 3 days and hoping I won't gain too much weight being on so much

> for so long.


> Best of luck with whatever meds you start,

> Joanne, IL

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Sierra, it's possible that the Arava is still recycling and helping you.

Hard to say.

Sulfasalazine has been used to treat RA for a long, long time, has a good

effectiveness/safety ratio, and might be just enough to keep your RA in

check. In the group, many people have used it without trouble.

The danger is that, without a DMARD, you might flare badly or that damage

will be occurring silently. Then what? You'll be back to taking prednisone

to get things under control quickly, and next you will have to decide

between waiting for a slower-acting DMARD (like sulfasalazine) to take

effect or going with a biologic. Instead of being on the offensive, you'll

be on the defensive.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Sierra

> Hi, all. I saw the rheumy today. She examined my hands and

> said, " Beautiful. Can't even tell you have R.A. " BUT she suggested I

> start taking sulfasalazine because she doesn't think this well-being

> will last.


> Not sure what I want to do. I'm not adverse to taking it if I need it

> or if it will prevent damage, but not so sure I want to bombard my

> liver and kidneys so soon after trouble with Arava if I'm in good

> shape...


> My instinct says to wait. Thoughts? Experience with sulfasalizine?


> Sierra

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Hi Sierra,

Regarding Pleva, no biopsy, he offered to do one but he seemed so

sure about it that I didn't pursue it.

Now I thought I had the best RA doctor, but he NEVER mentioned a wash-

out procedure for the Arava. But he did mention that it can stay in

the system for awhile. What do you do to wash it out?

Joanne, IL

--- In , " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>



> Joanne,


> When you were diagnosed with PLEVA, was a biopsy done to prove it?

If it's

> believed that Arava was responsible for your rash, did you do the


> procedure to attempt to remove the Arava from your system (it can

recycle in

> your body for quite a long time)?




> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> Re: [ ] Sierra



> > Hi Sierra,

> >

> > I was taking sulfasalazine and had an allergic reaction and

developed a

> > bad rash all over. Not to say that'll happen to you. Just wanted

to let

> > you know to watch out for that if you start taking them. My docs


> > say I have the most " unique problems " . I am experiencing a


> > type of rash dx as Pleva that they *think* that Arava may have

been the

> > culprit, but I stopped taking that 2 months ago and still am

broken out

> > and itching. I'm on 60mg/Prednisone now to " knock it out " ,

tapering down

> > 5mg every 3 days and hoping I won't gain too much weight being on

so much

> > for so long.

> >

> > Best of luck with whatever meds you start,

> > Joanne, IL


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Sorry guys, I got the names mixed up. My last message was responding

to .

Joanne, IL

> >

> > Joanne,

> >

> > When you were diagnosed with PLEVA, was a biopsy done to prove


> If it's

> > believed that Arava was responsible for your rash, did you do the

> washout

> > procedure to attempt to remove the Arava from your system (it can

> recycle in

> > your body for quite a long time)?

> >

> >

> >

> > Not an MD

> >

> > I'll tell you where to go!

> >

> > Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> > http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester

> >

> > s Hopkins Medicine

> > http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org

> >

> >

> > Re: [ ] Sierra

> >

> >

> > > Hi Sierra,

> > >

> > > I was taking sulfasalazine and had an allergic reaction and

> developed a

> > > bad rash all over. Not to say that'll happen to you. Just


> to let

> > > you know to watch out for that if you start taking them. My


> always

> > > say I have the most " unique problems " . I am experiencing a

> different

> > > type of rash dx as Pleva that they *think* that Arava may have

> been the

> > > culprit, but I stopped taking that 2 months ago and still am

> broken out

> > > and itching. I'm on 60mg/Prednisone now to " knock it out " ,

> tapering down

> > > 5mg every 3 days and hoping I won't gain too much weight being


> so much

> > > for so long.

> > >

> > > Best of luck with whatever meds you start,

> > > Joanne, IL

> >


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There is a medication to " wash out " the Arava from the body more

quickly. I don't know the name of it, but you could google it. They say

it takes about two years for the Arava to leave of its own accord, LOL.


On Friday, July 14, 2006, at 08:40 AM, J wrote:

> I am experiencing a different type of rash dx as Pleva that they

> *think* that Arava may have been the culprit, but I stopped taking

> that 2 months ago and still am broken out and itching. I'm on

> 60mg/Prednisone now to " knock it out " , tapering down 5mg every 3 days

> and hoping I won't gain too much weight being on so much for so long.

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--- In , " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>



> Sierra, it's possible that the Arava is still recycling and helping


I was only on it for 3 weeks and have been off it 6 weeks. Knowing

that timetable, do you think it could still be helping?

> The danger is that, without a DMARD, you might flare badly

My RA is mild. I have never flared badly.

or that damage

> will be occurring silently.

This is my concern. With continuing rheumy visits and X-rays though,

that should not happen, right?

Then what? You'll be back to taking prednisone

> to get things under control quickly,

I've never needed prednisone to get things under control.

and next you will have to decide

> between waiting for a slower-acting DMARD (like sulfasalazine) to


> effect or going with a biologic. Instead of being on the offensive,


> be on the defensive.

That's what the doctor said. I still think I'll wait a bit. People

with RA can and do get well.


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