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/ today's workout: cardio, abs, yoga

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I'm listening, ! EXCELLENT JOB finishing Ab Ripper 200! It's is tough, which is why I often do it for the abs section in Turbo Kick and it's always one of the 3 segments I teach for my Amp'd Abs class when I sub it.It's amazing how quickly the body adapts when you do the same routine. AR200 used to really fatigue my abs and I'd always be sore the next day, but now my body is used to it. However, I tried Debbie Siebers 6 Minute Abs not too long ago, and OW! it was a different routine and I totally felt it! Transverse and obliquely,>>>After I pulled out Tony Horton's Ab Ripper 200... yes, I now admit I have been ignoring my abs and really need to work on them. That's how committed I am, I pulled out Ab Ripper 200. I haven't done this since I finished P90 in April! I am happy to say (are you listening ?) I did all 200 and had pretty decent form for most of them too! I was dying at the end but better than I was when I was doing P90 so that's definitely improvement. I think I'll have to start doing Tamilee Webb's I Want Those Abs. That one totally kills me and will

really help. I was going to try it today (workout 1, I am not anywhere near doing workout 2 yet) but was running short on time.

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