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/ Proprioception

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Hi ! I was trying to appear ejumakated by using a big word. Actually, proprioception is something master trainers bring up at our workshops now and again. Wiki says, "It is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other".For gym and fitness purposes, proprioception equipment is that which challenges balance and as a result, how you know where you are in space and time relative to your starting point and how to get stable again. Hope I'm making sense? I'm sure Tonya can explain it better than me! Such equipment are dyna disks, stability balls, the bosu, etc. Some people have a better sense of body awareness than others. It's what makes one person naturally stealthy like a ninja as opposed to someone who's klutzy. I've never had a super sense of balance and I tip over cups of coffee and

such all the time. I am in complete admiration of my cat when he jumps from the nightstand to the narrowish windowsill and effortlessly makes a perfect landing and calmly sits his tush down. Of course there are peeps with true proprioception challenges - I was referring to the context of the gym. Cheers,

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