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The Angels & The New Children of Light

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The Angels & The New Children of Lightby Dr. Doreen VirtueThere is a new "breed" of humans among us, according to the angels. They are highly psychic, strong-willed, extremely imaginative, and they are here to usher in the new age of peace. These powerful and intuitive people have little tolerance for dishonesty, and they don't know how to cope with pointless discussions or meaningless tasks. After all, their souls elected to incarnate on Earth at this time so that they could teach others about the importance of speaking truthfully and living in harmony.Who are all these mystery people? They are frequently referred to as "Children of the Light," "Millennium Children," and "Indigo Children." They are people who were born in the 1980Õs and 90Õs, so that they could reach adulthood by 2012, the predicted time of the new age of peace. An entire book, to which I am a contributing author, is available through Hay House. It is called, Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober.The trouble is, these children are growing up in the tail-end of the old energy in which people still lie to each other, still compete because of a belief in limited resources, and engage in meaningless activities. Without coping skills to deal with these residues of our soon-to-be-former civilization, these children feel raw and vulnerable.For example, let's say Bobbie is a nine-year-old Child of the Light. As a youngster, he saw angels and communicated clearly with them. He often sees visions of the future, and makes "psychic predictions to friends and family which prove accurate. Bobbie is outspoken, and doesn't mind sharing his opinion when he feels an injustice has occurred.At school, Bobbie has difficulty coping with what he perceives to be meaningless activities. He knows, deep in his soul, that the current educational system will be replaced with one more applicable to everyday living. Yet, he is living in the age of the current educational system, and must find a way to cope. Fortunately, many of Bobbie's peers feel exactly the same way, since they too, are Children of the Light. So at least, Bobbie doesn't feel all alone.Bobbie intuitively knows that he has a big purpose to accomplish in this lifetime. He senses that he is going to help many people, yet he's not quite sure how that will happen. All he knows is that, whenever he wakes up, he feels like his soul has traveled to a faraway school where he's taught things that truly interest him and that seem highly meaningful. Things like the geometric basis of matter, the universal laws of cause and effect, and studies on the probably futures of Earth and mankind.In contrast, learning about Columbus and grammar seems inconsequential to Bobbie. He feels bored and restless, and his attention wanders. Finally, his teacher sends Bobbie to the school psychologist who refers him to a medical doctor for evaluation. The diagnosis is quick and swift: attention deficit disorder. His mother fills Bobbie's Ritalin prescription on the way home.Bobbie does feel better while taking the drug. Things don't quite seem to matter to him as much, as long as he's taking his Ritalin. The drug makes Bobbie less irritated at the fact his homework assignments are irrelevant to his life's purpose. In fact, Ritalin makes Bobbie not care about a lot of things, like talking to angels and engaging in soul traveling at night. Thanks to his diagnosis and prescription, Bobbie is now just like a normal person who cant remember his mission in life.It's About IntegrityThe angels say the years preceding and immediately following the millennium are centered around us learning about integrity. In other words, our collective current life's mission is to be true to ourselves. It also means being true to others, and that includes our children.A decade or so ago, we psychologists warned parents not to confuse friendship with parenting. We lectured parents against having heart-to-heart discussions with their children, lest they "parentify" their youngsters (meaning giving the children information which they were too young to handle).Yet, the new millennium children require emotional and conversational intimacy with others. They thrive on honesty! If a Child of the Light feels that something is wrong, for example, in her parent's marriage, it's destructive for the parents to cover up this fact. It is so much healthier for parents to openly discuss (using terms and phrases that are age-appropriate to the child) the situation, than to have the child believe she is crazy for having feelings that run counter to what her parents are saying.The angels have very strong opinions about these children, partly because the angels feel protective of them. Angels guard Children of the Light to ensure that their mission is completed. They say, "Listen well, parents of the nineties. You, too, have an exceedingly important mission to fulfill. You must ensure your children stay intuitive and they stay very close to nature. Don't push them to succeed at the expense of losing their soul purpose. For our purpose is our guiding force, and without direction, your children will feel lost, alone, and afraid."So much better for parents to focus their children on spiritual studies, as this is their true nourishment that will ensure their growth and survival. We angels are here to help you parent, and we won't interfere or get in the way. Simply allow us to cast a new light on difficult situations, a task we complete with joy in our hearts, simply by your open invitation for us to heal. Do not ever feel that God doesn't hear your prayers, for He sends us to your side the instant that you call."I believe angels are extra-concerned with our children. In a way, after all, our children are God's Earth angels who are here for an important mission. Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. is a contributing author to the book, Indigo Children, as well as the new audio tape, "Karma Releasing" and the angel cards, "Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards." For information on her Las Vegas workshop April, 2001 call 1-888-705-1212 toll free and for schedules or products, visit www.AngelTherapy.com In Light Times... A Metaphysical, Spiritual, Holistic Publication PO Box 12063 Las Vegas NV 89112 (702) 259-6843

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