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Hello everyone...

I have been reading some of the posts since I have joined. It's

really hard to stay positive and focused today, with all the bad

energy going on at the same time. I am frustrated and unfocused... I

guess I could just vent and let it all out. I'm listening to Anoushka

right now... which is awesome music for the soul.


So.. I guess what lead me to this mood tonight was, that my mom called

me and told me she lost a house that she was counting on getting. She

has had a rough life and was trying to make it better by getting a

home of her own, so she my brother and sister could live there in PA.

She told me that my dad filed for divorce with her, which is a

blessing in disguise, because maybe she can finally move on in her

life. I suggested that she could move down here to florida in our

area, but its hard because it takes money to do anything and that is a

resource that she doesn't have. She is an awesome interior designer,

but hasn't really had the money or resources to really get it going.

I know here in florida she could do that. I just wish somehow she

could get the money, if I had it would certainly help her, but I am

having money problems of my own. I'll do what I can, but as my

girlfriend pointed out to me that I can help and suggest all I want,

but she has to take the initiative to do it. That is totally true,

but mom has been through so much in her life that she is growing

tired. I didn't really know what to say to her tonight except offer

my support and listen to her, let her vent. It just breaks my heart

to hear how sad she is, knowing that she is smart enough to do it.

Ok... enough with that.

Also my girlfriend and I, which met in December and I have never felt

closer to anyone in my entire life. It's hard to put in words how I

feel about her. We are starting a custom framing business for art.

We'll be doing just about anything out there in the Art framing

industry... the problem is getting the funding to do it. We've never

started and ran a business before. She has all the experience and I

know how to market and get business. It's a perfect fit... We have

working on a business plan and done research on prices for all the

equipment. We wanted to do something together because we don't like

being apart. We want to be able to accomplish something together,

build something and we felt a good way to do it was... something

constructive, building something and doing something good for people.

Also money has been crap lately, I was out of work for a while, it's

been hard getting settled in here as far as that goes. I've only been

here for about 4 months with her. But, I got a job that doesn't pay

too bad and will pay the bills till we get up and going. The only

thing is that all the bills were piling up before I got it so we're

pretty behind. Anyway...

What should I do? I know thats an easy question to ask, but I thought

I would put it out there as it's easier for me to write than to talk

sometimes. Thanks for listening...

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Hello ,

I am so glad you took the time to send a message to all of us,

It is a blessing to have you here, believe me.

Well, first I want to say I am sincerely sorry about the entire situation with your Mom, I know how this could be hard on us, it happeneed to me, My Mom went through the same situation with my Dad, and she lives in Brazil and sincerely it was very little I could do for her to help during her bad time, just to lend my ears, my understanding and some times I gave her my tears...and just the fact that you are there, and could sincerely and genuinely understand her feeling and feel her pain , this is a big deal, because when we stop to hear with all our attention to somebody we love and care for, in certain way we direct our energy and even unconsciously we send them our energy(diring the interaction) and also the many Graces that are pour upon us freely from God, or Universe.

I trust that you will see the positive influence you have been,to her, even thinking that you did not do enough, or have no resource to concretely help her in the material sense.

I am soo glad to hear about your relationship, there is nothing better then to feel we are in LOVE...lol

This is a magical time and You should enjoy because your emotional energy, your heart chacra and your ability to love and care for others also expands... This is just awesome! Congratulations for this blessed conncetion... Yay..I am very very happy for you. It is just wonderful to be able to make plans with your loved one for the future and project together all the good things, dreams and possible acomplishements.

I believe that when you both settle in this relationship, you both will vibrate in the same synthony and many things that look difficult to acomplish right now will fall to place...the money situation is just a transitory .Many things have to adjust on many levels when you start a relationship and it even gets more complicated when you have a relationship that is romantic and business like also. So just be patient and enjoy the ride, things will look better and more positive in a way, have faith, keep an positive attitude, and The Universe will provide the rest,

Many blessing to you ,



>> Hello everyone... > > I have been reading some of the posts since I have joined. It's> really hard to stay positive and focused today, with all the bad> energy going on at the same time. I am frustrated and unfocused... I> guess I could just vent and let it all out. I'm listening to Anoushka> right now... which is awesome music for the soul.> http://www.myspace.com/anoushkashankar > > So.. I guess what lead me to this mood tonight was, that my mom called> me and told me she lost a house that she was counting on getting. She> has had a rough life and was trying to make it better by getting a> home of her own, so she my brother and sister could live there in PA.> She told me that my dad filed for divorce with her, which is a> blessing in disguise, because maybe she can finally move on in her> life. I suggested that she could move down here to florida in our> area, but its hard because it takes money to do anything and that is a> resource that she doesn't have. She is an awesome interior designer,> but hasn't really had the money or resources to really get it going. > I know here in florida she could do that. I just wish somehow she> could get the money, if I had it would certainly help her, but I am> having money problems of my own. I'll do what I can, but as my> girlfriend pointed out to me that I can help and suggest all I want,> but she has to take the initiative to do it. That is totally true,> but mom has been through so much in her life that she is growing> tired. I didn't really know what to say to her tonight except offer> my support and listen to her, let her vent. It just breaks my heart> to hear how sad she is, knowing that she is smart enough to do it. > Ok... enough with that.> > Also my girlfriend and I, which met in December and I have never felt> closer to anyone in my entire life. It's hard to put in words how I> feel about her. We are starting a custom framing business for art. > We'll be doing just about anything out there in the Art framing> industry... the problem is getting the funding to do it. We've never> started and ran a business before. She has all the experience and I> know how to market and get business. It's a perfect fit... We have> working on a business plan and done research on prices for all the> equipment. We wanted to do something together because we don't like> being apart. We want to be able to accomplish something together,> build something and we felt a good way to do it was... something> constructive, building something and doing something good for people. > > Also money has been crap lately, I was out of work for a while, it's> been hard getting settled in here as far as that goes. I've only been> here for about 4 months with her. But, I got a job that doesn't pay> too bad and will pay the bills till we get up and going. The only> thing is that all the bills were piling up before I got it so we're> pretty behind. Anyway... > > What should I do? I know thats an easy question to ask, but I thought> I would put it out there as it's easier for me to write than to talk> sometimes. Thanks for listening... > > >

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