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The Akashic Records

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The Akashic RecordsA storehouse of knowledge that exists in the astral plane.The Akashic records are a repository of information that exists in theastral realm. It is a complete and thorough record of everything that has ever occurred, including the thoughts and feelings of everyindividual,all through time.The word "Akasha" comes from Sanskrit, and means "primary substance" or"ether". These records are typically found through meditation, astral journeying, dream work or other such techniques. A spirit guide will beable to assist you. Once you are able to access your records, you maynot need any assistance to return to them, but only your own experience level can determine this.Once you have accessed the Akashic records, what you will see differsfrom person to person. It may be presented as a library of books, onesingle book, images on a television or movie screen, or perhaps even on a computer. How you interact with the records is a personal matter.The benefits of being able to access this kind of information goesbeyond the immediate thrill of seeing your past lives laid out beforeyou. One of the greatest advantages of such a history, is to help youlearn about yourself. By finding patterns of behaviour that have plaguedyou through your past lives, you can make the effort to change them,therebyimproving your future and your present. Many say that you are only ableto view the records from your own life, but others say it's possible tosee records of others if they have a direct influence on your life. If you do find yourself permitted to see records from other people, do notabuse that privilege. Be nosy, and you may find yourself unable to readyour own records any longer.If you are interested in finding your own Akashic records, I suggest starting with the basics of meditation and astral projection. TheAkashic records is an astral destination that will only be accessed bythose somewhat familiar with the astral realm.http://paganwiccan.about.com/library/weekly/aa120302akashic.htm

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