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- FIRM Rotations

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Hi -

There is one on page 260 called "Long on Fun, Short on Time" - it looks pretty good. Has a lot of the Jiggle Free and TransFIRMer workouts. It doesn't look like they picked anyting longer than 45 min. Also there are 2 rest days - so you can either do something else on those days OR if you find yourself "behind" you can use them for catch up days.

I was thinking it may be good for me - b/c I seem to do better with shorter workouts where I add on as time permits.

Another that I liked was Pump Up the Volume - also has shorter workouts and some of the "Pink" workouts. I will cut and paste that one b/c I formatted it to fit in a Word doc - so here it is:

Maybe in June or July I'll do one of these - or maybe both. I'm going on vacation in August for 2 weeks, I will be brining my CLassical Stretch and PowerFits, but I don't expect I'll be getting a lot of "formal" exercise and I also don't want to stess out too much about it either - sort of like - if it happens, it happens. But I can certainly use June and July to push things a bit to get in super shape!

Pump Up the Volume

Time to Ramp up your Workout Routine

Total Body Workout Rotation

By: Welsh

Week 1: Week 2:

Day 1: Rest Day 1: Rest

Day 2: Total Body Time Crunch Day 2: Bootcamp: Maximum Calorie Burn

Day 3: Ultimate Calorie Blaster Day 3: Cardio Inferno

Day 4: Maximum Body Shaping Day 4: Tough Tape 2

Day 5: Advanced Cardio Blast Day 5: Cardio Dance Slim Down

Day 6: Jiggle Free Buns Day 6: Complete Body Sculpting

Day 7: Fat Blaster Day 7: Cardio Party

Week 3: Week 4:

Day 1: Rest Day 1: Rest

Day 2: Burn & Shape Day 2: Time Crunch Workout

Day 3: Fat Burning Cardio Day 3: Super Cardio Sculpt

Day 4: Hi-Def Sculpt Day 4: Bootcamp: 3-in-1 Mix

Day 5: Calorie Killer Day 5: Cardio Overdrive

Day 6: Jiggle Free & Cardio

Sculpt Blaster Day 6: Hard Core Fusion

Day 7: Express Cardio Day 7: Ultimate Calorie Blaster

Week 5:

Day 1: Rest

Day 2: Fat Burning Sculpting Ball

Day 3: Fat Blaster

From: <nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: Re: Complete Aerobics & Weight TrainingDate: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 9:47 PM

I just looked earlier today and saw that tomorrow is day 15 of the 2nd month, so I have 1 1/2 months left. Halfway through! I've already started panicking about what I'll do when this rotation is done!! It has been so easy to stick to for the most part and when I've had to modify it has been easy to do that too. Not having to plan has been a big help. I get totally overwhelmed when I try to plan my own rotations and I don't stick to them as well as when I have a "professional plan" like this. I have calendars I've printed out and wrote the workouts and rest days in order on the calendars so I can always see where I'm at and where I'm going. (Maybe if I can do that again with my own rotation, that might help.) I have the workouts for each segment, in between rest days, stacked next to the TV in the order I do them. It is fun putting them back on the shelf and seeing the pile get smaller (and then making a new pile as each rest day

comes up). After each workout I get the equipment ready for the next one so I can just hit the floor fast because I'm short on time and looking forward to doing the next one. The workouts are mostly all fun, not a lot of dread (except I do have Super Cardio coming up Thursday and I do dread that). I'm not sure if I'll do another FIRM rotation (I have several I printed out from their website when I did free trial of the FIRM believers club... definitely not worth the money except for those from my perspective) or go into other things. Sigh. Guess I have 1 1/2 months to figure it out though! I (My kids will be out of school by the time I'm done too and that will make everything more challenging, having another rotation to get right into will make it easier to keep working out regularly.)

Anyway, that was more than what you asked for, it just inspired more thoughts! :-)

Re: Complete Aerobics & Weight Training

Sounds like a fun one! When the Firm are good they are good, I must say. You've stuck to this rotation for quite awhile now! How much longer do you have?

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