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Good News

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Well done .

I written privately to you. However, get in touch with Lister Hospital ASAP.

Kind regards,

On 1 Jun 2006 at 7:08, paul wey wrote:

> this i ecieved in last few mins from someone who i founf on the net who

speicialses in this area



> i gave basic details about my undescended testicles till age 22 ,the operation

and my

aspergers/add etc plus some basci sex perfomance issues and of course 10..5 test

2 years

ago,4.7 now


> and in under 12 hours this man has so kindly replied in the following way,i am

in tears

again but not sadness just my ususal over emotional way


> thanks for help all,i also emailed the guy nick in uk ,that pete asked me

too,it still may all

be a long way off,i cant see how my gp or the one i want to change to can refuse

to do this

for me,its just i have worries that they will,i send this to my phycologist as

she prints things

off for me,then i can take to doctor and i see no reasons or excuses this time



> >

> At your age and as treatment may need to be lifelong you need to see an

> Endocrinologist in the first instance. There is an endocrinology service at

> the Lister. Ask GP to contact/write to Dr F Kaplan asking for an appointment

> for you. Best to discuss it with your new GP when you have your 1st

> consultation with new GP.

> I cannot discuss this further by e-mail but if DR K or your GP think it

> appropriate then they will write to me.

> --

> Professor T A Mc FRCS, FEBU

> Consultant Urological Surgeon

> NHS Office Lister Hospital (44)(0)1438-781095. Fax 01438-781270

> Private office (44) (0)1462-683814. Fax 01462-683815






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Hey - that is good news - keep us posted


paul wey <promachief@...> wrote:

this i ecieved in last few mins from someone who i founf on the net who

speicialses in this area

i gave basic details about my undescended testicles till age 22 ,the operation

and my aspergers/add etc plus some basci sex perfomance issues and of course

10..5 test 2 years ago,4.7 now

and in under 12 hours this man has so kindly replied in the following way,i am

in tears again but not sadness just my ususal over emotional way

thanks for help all,i also emailed the guy nick in uk ,that pete asked me too,it

still may all be a long way off,i cant see how my gp or the one i want to change

to can refuse to do this for me,its just i have worries that they will,i send

this to my phycologist as she prints things off for me,then i can take to doctor

and i see no reasons or excuses this time


At your age and as treatment may need to be lifelong you need to see an

Endocrinologist in the first instance. There is an endocrinology service at

the Lister. Ask GP to contact/write to Dr F Kaplan asking for an appointment

for you. Best to discuss it with your new GP when you have your 1st

consultation with new GP.

I cannot discuss this further by e-mail but if DR K or your GP think it

appropriate then they will write to me.


Professor T A Mc FRCS, FEBU

Consultant Urological Surgeon

NHS Office Lister Hospital (44)(0)1438-781095. Fax 01438-781270

Private office (44) (0)1462-683814. Fax 01462-683815

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  • 1 month later...
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That's wonderful Penni! . . . Both your feeling better, and the chance to model! . . . Maybe you'll get a chance to express your opinion of breast implants! It just occured to me . . . are you drinking a lot of water to flush the Prevacid from your system? Love, Rogene Penni Pitre <penniquilts@...> wrote: Ladies, I'm so excited. The Prevacid seems to be finally leaving my system. I'm not shaking as much and I'm feeling more like myself instead of anxious, fearful and like I was losing my mind. Anyway the rep from Amoena the company that made my prosthesis called. I volunteered to be a model in September for their fitting class. She told me that as a thank you gift I will get a free pair of prosthesis. . She said I will get to see and be fitted for all of their different breast forms. After the last 5 days of hell I've been in from the Prevacid reaction this is a BIG blessing to me. Funny how things like this can

get you all excited after what we have all been through not to mention a stupid medication reaction. Time to go lay down for a while. Blessings, Penni Do It Afraid --Joyce Meyer

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Slush, slush slush. Yep I've been drinking lots of water. God I realize that stuff turned into like a psychotic drug for me. Yikes. Scary!!!!

Yes, I do plan on expressing my opinion. Interesting but the rep had implants at one time and she had some problems and was feeling sick and had her's taken out. Sounds like their will be about 30 people there in all. It's going to be fun. Oh and guess what. The fitters that come are required NOT to wear any perfume or smelly lotions etc. Makes me happy. :>) That was my one concern.



Re: Good News

That's wonderful Penni! . . . Both your feeling better, and the chance to model! . . . Maybe you'll get a chance to express your opinion of breast implants!

It just occured to me . . . are you drinking a lot of water to flush the Prevacid from your system?



Penni Pitre <penniquilts> wrote:


I'm so excited. The Prevacid seems to be finally leaving my system. I'm not shaking as much and I'm feeling more like myself instead of anxious, fearful and like I was losing my mind.

Anyway the rep from Amoena the company that made my prosthesis called. I volunteered to be a model in September for their fitting class. She told me that as a thank you gift I will get a free pair of prosthesis. . She said I will get to see and be fitted for all of their different breast forms.

After the last 5 days of hell I've been in from the Prevacid reaction this is a BIG blessing to me.

Funny how things like this can get you all excited after what we have all been through not to mention a stupid medication reaction.

Time to go lay down for a while.



Do It Afraid --Joyce Meyer

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Penni . . . I know what you mean about perfume! . . . At one time, I could smell someone walk through the door thirty feet away. Thankfully, that problem has gradually gone away. Only really large exposures get to me . . . I actually spent 45 minutes in the cosmetic section of a department store last week without ill effects! . . . Was there any warning on the Prevacid info sheet about this reaction? . . . Maybe you should file a MedWatch report on it! . . . Horrible things can happen if someone is completely caught off guard. Hugs, Rogene

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Penni did you get my email about how you are feeling ..I forgot all it said...but I think I was asking about pains in joints muscle etc...and asking how you are doing now after explant ?

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Yep, warning were there. Listed as rare side effects. Great just great.


Re: Good News

Penni . . . I know what you mean about perfume! . . . At one time, I could smell someone walk through the door thirty feet away. Thankfully, that problem has gradually gone away. Only really large exposures get to me . . . I actually spent 45 minutes in the cosmetic section of a department store last week without ill effects! . . .

Was there any warning on the Prevacid info sheet about this reaction? . . . Maybe you should file a MedWatch report on it! . . . Horrible things can happen if someone is completely caught off guard.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Les,

I think everyone is different. And I suspect that most of the

people who do really well, quickly, with single drug therapy don't

end up on this BB, or at least don't stay for long. :-(

For me, Mtx by itself doesn't do the trick. We've tried a bunch of

different drug cocktails since I was dx'd last Jan., and haven't hit

the " perfect " mix yet. I'm on Mtx, Enbrel, prednisone and Voltaren

(NSAID) at the moment, and that helps me to be in pretty good shape

for about 4 days out of 7. But still, my worse days are _MUCH_

better than before I was dx'd and started taking various meds last

Jan. At that point, I was in unbelievable pain, horribly fatigued,

and often felt ill as well.

At this point I still need Ultram most nights, because the minute I

stop moving around, I start to stiffen up. I sleep with " pillow

piles " , as my husband calls them, between my knees and under my arms

to keep my shoulders and hips in comfortable positions. On really

bad nights I take Percocet. I do wake up stiff in the morning. On

good days, I'm moving pretty freely within an hour or so. On bad

days, I'm often stiff until after lunch time; sometime all day. I

have noticed that even when I feel " OK " by current standards, my

lenth of stride has dropped dramatically. I used to get irritated

that my husand couldn't keep up with me when we were walking at what

I considered a " normal " walking pace. Now we toddle along

together. ;-)

That said, I can get through most of what I NEED to do each day as

long as I pace myself, and realize that I _do_ get fatigued much

easier than I used to. It's really hard to adjust to picking and

choosing what I can do in a day... I used to be one of those people

who was the energizer bunny from 6AM to 11PM. Now, it's rare that

I'm not in bed by 8:00. The result is that I often have to forego

at lot of things I would LIKE to do.

I'm sure other people will tell you lots of different stories about

their first few months with RA, but that's how it is for me so far.

I got really frustrated in the beginning, and really anxious about

figuring out how to re-order my life. I still have days I feel like

that. I've found that working with a therapist for a while has been

very helpful in deciding what I can do, what are the priorities in

my life, and what I just have to learn to let go, at least for now.

Gee, it sounds like I really have it together, doesn't it?<g> I

must be having a good day. ;-)

--- In , " " <leslielick777@...>



> Hi everyone,


> I'm the one who was concerned about having a fusion on one wrist


> surgery on the other, and the concern my Rheumy had about getting


> on Methotrexate right away. Well, I am happy to tell you that my

> orthopedist said that I can put off the fusion until I'm ready and

> that she has no literature that suggests that it's bad to have


> while on MTX. So, I will have my first dose Thursday.


> I'm a bit nervious about it. I don't know how my body will respond


> it and after reading all the possible side effects, it does concern

> me. But, above all that, I'm looking forward to better days



> So, tell me, will I be pain free from my RA symptoms once the MTX


> fully going thru my system regularly? What should my expectations


> Will I still have stiffness when I move after sitting or laying


> for long periods of time? Any info is greatly appreciated on what


> should expect.


> Hope you all are having a great weekend, and thanks for listening


> replying.


> Les


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I'm glad that single drug therapy does work for me. Mtx lowers my WBC

count too much, so I am on Enbrel alone. Well, I also take Tylenol,

since my insurance company took Celebrex off of their formulary. I have

some Tramadol to take when I need it, but fortunately I don't need it

very often. Friday night I was in pain and could really tell it was

time for my Enbrel injection on Saturday morning. I do realize how

lucky I am that my regimen works for me.

Relief of pain was certainly not quick. I had terrible pain for a while

before I was diagnosed, and then the mtx did not help enough. I did get

relief quickly after I started Enbrel.

It's strange how we all respond differently to medications. I read of

all the various side effects that some people have with mtx, but I had

none of those side effects: no added fatigue, nausea, hair loss, just a

low WBC count.


On Sunday, September 3, 2006, at 05:33 PM, Randall wrote:


> I think everyone is different. And I suspect that most of the

> people who do really well, quickly, with single drug therapy don't

> end up on this BB, or at least don't stay for long. :-(


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> while on MTX. So, I will have my first dose Thursday.


> I'm a bit nervious about it. I don't know how my body will respond to

> it and after reading all the possible side effects, it does concern

> me. But, above all that, I'm looking forward to better days ahead.


> So, tell me, will I be pain free from my RA symptoms once the MTX is

> fully going thru my system regularly? What should my expectations be?

> Will I still have stiffness when I move after sitting or laying down

> for long periods of time? Any info is greatly appreciated on what I

> should expect.



As others have posted--everyone reacts differently to MTX.

I'm one of the lucky ones--I don't seem to have any side effects from

it. I take 15mg/week + 10mg/week of Lecovourin (folinic acid).

MTX has helped me immensely. I'm not 100%...but MUCH better than I

was a year ago! I don't have much pain to speak of. Just some

lingering soreness in ankles and hands if I use them extensively. I

do still have some swelling and slight stiffness after periods of


My rheumy has convinced me to add Enbrel to control the swelling.

I'll be doing that as soon as I get insurance approval.

All in all though--I'm very happy with MTX. I hope your experiences

are as good as (or better) than mine!

Good luck!

dordale :)

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  • 1 month later...


> Hello Everyone,


> After months of trying

to find a doctor to

listen to me and write me

a prescription for LDN, I

> was successful! I had a

telephone consult with

Dr. Ayre (I heard

about him from this

> message board)

yesterday. He was very

kind and very thorough in

taking my health history.

> He practices wholistic

medicine and believes

very strongly in the

mind/body connection as

> well as the Swank diet.

After our conversation he

agreed to prescribe for

me. He called in the

> prescription to the

Pharmacy of my choice

(there just happens to be

a compounding

> pharmacy near to where

I live) and they happened

to have some capsules

already made up. I

> picked up the

prescription on my way

home from work last night

and took my first dose at

> 9:30 pm! I can't say

that I notice any

differences today in my

symptoms but I know that


> happen for everyone. I

am just happy to be doing

something positive for

myself rather than

> shooting up with



> I didn't sleep well

last night; was up quite

a bit with my mind racing

but I'm not worried about

> that! I feel pretty

good today despite the

lack of sleep.


> Just wanted to share

some good news.



I've heard he is good and

his phone consults are

cheaper at $200.00. I

plan to invite him to the

LDN conference next

year. I've been in

contact with him via


Glad you got your LDN


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Hi, I remember my first night and next day. I didn't feel much except I did

have more

energy. I was greatly fatigued before that. BUT I have been also going to a

holistic MD/ND

got on the Swank diet and supplements to help balance out my system and improve


and two years later I must say the MS has disappeared except for the damage that


already done in my brain. That I don't yet know how to turn around but the


seems to have stopped.

It is tricky because damage done is most likely yours for life but the

progression seems to

be stopped by the LDN, for me anyway.

Good luck and yes, it feels very good to be doing something positive instead of


up with those darn MS drugs.

Best of luck...



> Hello Everyone,


> After months of trying to find a doctor to listen to me and write me a

prescription for


> was successful! I had a telephone consult with Dr. Ayre (I heard about

him from


> message board) yesterday. He was very kind and very thorough in taking my



> He practices wholistic medicine and believes very strongly in the mind/body



> well as the Swank diet. After our conversation he agreed to prescribe for me.

He called

in the

> prescription to the Pharmacy of my choice (there just happens to be a


> pharmacy near to where I live) and they happened to have some capsules already


up. I

> picked up the prescription on my way home from work last night and took my

first dose


> 9:30 pm! I can't say that I notice any differences today in my symptoms but I

know that


> happen for everyone. I am just happy to be doing something positive for myself



> shooting up with Avonex...


> I didn't sleep well last night; was up quite a bit with my mind racing but I'm

not worried


> that! I feel pretty good today despite the lack of sleep.


> Just wanted to share some good news.


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Oh forgot to mention about the not sleeping thing.

I have heard some people have trouble with that and therefore trouble taking the


Others have reported that lasting for a week or two and then it goes away.

In my case it is occasional. Sometimes it wires me up a bit for a while and

sometimes not.

I am on a sleeping pill which always works despite what the LDN does. So the

sleep thing

is a problem but not necessarily a lasting one. You just have to see how it



> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > After months of trying to find a doctor to listen to me and write me a

prescription for

> LDN, I

> > was successful! I had a telephone consult with Dr. Ayre (I heard

about him


> this

> > message board) yesterday. He was very kind and very thorough in taking my


> history.

> > He practices wholistic medicine and believes very strongly in the mind/body


> as

> > well as the Swank diet. After our conversation he agreed to prescribe for

me. He called

> in the

> > prescription to the Pharmacy of my choice (there just happens to be a


> > pharmacy near to where I live) and they happened to have some capsules



> up. I

> > picked up the prescription on my way home from work last night and took my



> at

> > 9:30 pm! I can't say that I notice any differences today in my symptoms but

I know


> won't

> > happen for everyone. I am just happy to be doing something positive for

myself rather

> than

> > shooting up with Avonex...

> >

> > I didn't sleep well last night; was up quite a bit with my mind racing but

I'm not


> about

> > that! I feel pretty good today despite the lack of sleep.

> >

> > Just wanted to share some good news.

> >


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Thanks Alice,

It is very encouraging to hear of your success with LDN. I have taken

4 doses now and the sleeping is much better. I felt fantastic the day

after my 2nd dose, not so good after my third and I'll wait to see

what today brings. I realize that there are ups and downs; I'm keeping

a journal and am very hopeful for good thing!



> Hi, I remember my first night and next day. I didn't feel much

except I did have more

> energy. I was greatly fatigued before that. BUT I have been also

going to a holistic MD/ND

> got on the Swank diet and supplements to help balance out my system

and improve things

> and two years later I must say the MS has disappeared except for the

damage that was

> already done in my brain. That I don't yet know how to turn around

but the progression

> seems to have stopped.


> It is tricky because damage done is most likely yours for life but

the progression seems to

> be stopped by the LDN, for me anyway.


> Good luck and yes, it feels very good to be doing something positive

instead of shooting

> up with those darn MS drugs.


> Best of luck...


> Alice




> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > After months of trying to find a doctor to listen to me and write

me a prescription for

> LDN, I

> > was successful! I had a telephone consult with Dr. Ayre (I

heard about him from

> this

> > message board) yesterday. He was very kind and very thorough in

taking my health

> history.

> > He practices wholistic medicine and believes very strongly in the

mind/body connection

> as

> > well as the Swank diet. After our conversation he agreed to

prescribe for me. He called

> in the

> > prescription to the Pharmacy of my choice (there just happens to

be a compounding

> > pharmacy near to where I live) and they happened to have some

capsules already made

> up. I

> > picked up the prescription on my way home from work last night and

took my first dose

> at

> > 9:30 pm! I can't say that I notice any differences today in my

symptoms but I know that

> won't

> > happen for everyone. I am just happy to be doing something

positive for myself rather

> than

> > shooting up with Avonex...

> >

> > I didn't sleep well last night; was up quite a bit with my mind

racing but I'm not worried

> about

> > that! I feel pretty good today despite the lack of sleep.

> >

> > Just wanted to share some good news.

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...

That *is* good news!!!

Now, just have to get through *this* year, LOL. Really, getting a FT

aide is great!


> I just wanted to share some good news. We found out today that our

son will qualify for funding for school next year. And he is eligible

for more funding than first thought so he will now have an aide full

time next year. Needless to say we are really really >


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That *is* good news!!!

Now, just have to get through *this* year, LOL. Really, getting a FT

aide is great!


> I just wanted to share some good news. We found out today that our

son will qualify for funding for school next year. And he is eligible

for more funding than first thought so he will now have an aide full

time next year. Needless to say we are really really >


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Nice to hear some good news. Wonderful, Beck!!!


( ) good news

I just wanted to share some good news. We found out today that our son will

qualify for funding for school next year. And he is eligible for more funding

than first thought so he will now have an aide full time next year. Needless to

say we are really really happy. Now we just have to have our first meeting to

set IEP goals for next year.


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Congrats on the good news!!


( ) good news

I just wanted to share some good news. We found out today that our son will

qualify for funding for school next year. And he is eligible for more funding

than first thought so he will now have an aide full time next year. Needless to

say we are really really happy. Now we just have to have our first meeting to

set IEP goals for next year.


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  • 1 month later...


That is great news! Way to go !!

Hi Everyone,

Took for her 6 month cancer check-up which included an Echo of her heart, and everything looks good. So we are good to go for another 6 months, which will then mark our 5 years in remission mark.

I always stress out and worry right before we go to these appointments, so now I can have a great Christmas!!!!!

Blessings to all


DolezanSurvivor and Mommy of Prince 's Web Site- www.caringbridge.org/visit/lindadolezan Please sign his guest book!

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Great news . Merry Christmas !

The Talbot's

[ ] Good News

Hi Everyone,

Took for her 6 month cancer check-up which included an Echo of her heart, and everything looks good. So we are good to go for another 6 months, which will then mark our 5 years in remission mark.

I always stress out and worry right before we go to these appointments, so now I can have a great Christmas!!! !!

Blessings to all



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Acceptance is the first step, then it is

time to get down to work. Enjoy and celebrate who she is.



( ) Good news

Hello all,

I just want to take a moment to apologize for my so depressive

outlook lately. I have good news these days!!

Things are looking much better these days. Our kids started daycare

last week and the daycare is so great. Our son is getting the

interaction with other kids his age and they understand and accept

our daughter.

The weekend after our first day there, this woman went home and read

a book on Aspergers, looked at websites and did some visual plans,

etc. for our daughter. It was great.

Also, I got off work early and went to pick the kids up. My wife

normally picks them up and they were so happy (happy to see me), but

happy in addition to the normal happiness of daddy showing up.

We were really worried about this daycare accepting her, treating her

well, etc. We screened it thoroughly and we made sure we were

comfortable with the daycare before she was enrolled.

So far, the woman has been great with her and our daughter loves her

and they do very well together. I am very hopeful for the future.

Our daughter will continue speech therapy for the rest of the year

and we are deciding whether or not to put her in a program for the


Well, take care everyone.

Have a nice weekend.



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NO apology necessary... Its good to vent Hon.. And its also good to

celebrate our lives as well.

Yet.. If you don't vent.. You would explode. Trust me .. People here really

do understand.

Glad you and your wife are so supportive of eachother too.. That's very


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and don't forget Ribbons of hope! Show your support

and show your ribbon.


-- ( ) Good news

Hello all,

I just want to take a moment to apologize for my so depressive

outlook lately. I have good news these days!!

Things are looking much better these days. Our kids started daycare

last week and the daycare is so great. Our son is getting the

interaction with other kids his age and they understand and accept

our daughter.

The weekend after our first day there, this woman went home and read

a book on Aspergers, looked at websites and did some visual plans,

etc. for our daughter. It was great.

Also, I got off work early and went to pick the kids up. My wife

normally picks them up and they were so happy (happy to see me), but

happy in addition to the normal happiness of daddy showing up.

We were really worried about this daycare accepting her, treating her

well, etc. We screened it thoroughly and we made sure we were

comfortable with the daycare before she was enrolled.

So far, the woman has been great with her and our daughter loves her

and they do very well together. I am very hopeful for the future.

Our daughter will continue speech therapy for the rest of the year

and we are deciding whether or not to put her in a program for the


Well, take care everyone.

Have a nice weekend.


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that is so great! I'm so glad this woman is learning and so open to working

with your daughter!


( ) Good news

Hello all,

I just want to take a moment to apologize for my so depressive

outlook lately. I have good news these days!!

Things are looking much better these days. Our kids started daycare

last week and the daycare is so great. Our son is getting the

interaction with other kids his age and they understand and accept

our daughter.

The weekend after our first day there, this woman went home and read

a book on Aspergers, looked at websites and did some visual plans,

etc. for our daughter. It was great.

Also, I got off work early and went to pick the kids up. My wife

normally picks them up and they were so happy (happy to see me), but

happy in addition to the normal happiness of daddy showing up.

We were really worried about this daycare accepting her, treating her

well, etc. We screened it thoroughly and we made sure we were

comfortable with the daycare before she was enrolled.

So far, the woman has been great with her and our daughter loves her

and they do very well together. I am very hopeful for the future.

Our daughter will continue speech therapy for the rest of the year

and we are deciding whether or not to put her in a program for the


Well, take care everyone.

Have a nice weekend.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Wonderful Lynn! . . . Positive news that your body has begun healing! . . . . It is a struggle - but the rewards are well worth it! It does get easier as you discover foods that you like - and the sugar cravings stop! BTW, artificial sweeteners are out too! . .. Stevia seems to be OK. Hugs and prayers, Rogene spinkscl <spinkscl@...> wrote: Hello all,After nearly 6 months without, I finally got my period last night - Hallelujah! I had horrible horrible cramps that kept me up nearly all last night (due to my endometriosis) but I am not going to complaining. I have been praying nightly to get my period back for months on end. I am feeling good today! I have you all to thank. I have been eating so much better than I have in my entire life! I cut soda and most sugars out of my diet. Most meaning, I haven't got the diet down to a science and still have much to learn about foods with or without sugar. When I grocery shop, I now read labels!! But it seems there is always a smidge of sugar in almost everything I pick up. Anyhow, still need to learn the diet. But I have been taking Acidophilus (500 million), using Lamisil, drinking lots of water, green and white teas and the list goes on. Thank you all for everything you have

put into this board!! It does make a huge difference and I feel I am proof. I feel I will only get better after implant on 4/13!God Bless,Lynn XXOO

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It's wonderful news that your son doesn't fit the " autism " criteria, per se. But

I would encourage you not to treat his label as much as his underlying medical


I worry that so many parents are not investigating said issues because they

don't officially fit into a diagnostic box that leads them to proper treatment.

I imagine there are millions of children who have moderate versions of toxicity,

viral overload, etc. that aren't being recognized because their parents don't

know to look, or stop looking because " phew " ...that's " not them " .

Instead, while of course it's great your son isn't autistic, try not to seek out

another " speech delay/chelating " group to fit a certain mold. You know something

is right with your son, which is why you had him evaluated. Stay here...do a

hair test...do a porphyrin test...get his titers checked...look at his

nutritional status...ask questions...

My point is, if he's toxic, he's toxic. Doesn't matter if he's got the name of

autism or not.

This is a great list to help guide you towards helping him. Be thankful he's

not as bad off as some of the kids, and thankful you are in a great spot for

guidance if you need it.

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " viv_june_61 " <Viv_June_61@...>

Well today and I had the appointment with the Dev. Pediatrican.

did really great! And I am so happy, the doctor said that he is

NOT autistic. I want to say thanks to all of you who were so kind. I

did appreciate all the e-mails and answers I got. I am so happy

tonight!! Not so upset like before. I know that and I need to do

a lot of work to get him talking properly. The doctor arranged for us

to have a course. It is called It takes two to talk. Does anyone know

about this?

I asked about mercury and vaccines. Can you believe that the doctor

actually laughed? Then he showed me some stuff that said that there

was no mercury in the shots in Canada since way before was born.

I'm not sure about that. Can someone tell me if that is true? I am not

sure if I should still do chelation. Some one sent me to Generation

rescue. They said that speech delays are all mercury poisoning too

just like autism. So maybe I should still consider this. But not right

now. Because I as soooo relieved. Does anyone know if there is a group

for kids with speech delay and doing chelation?


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