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It can take many many years in some cases. I have an

uncle who is extremely extremely disabled by RA. He

cannot dress himself, his hands are extremely

deformed, he has to have his legs wrapped. He had to

apply over 5 times before he was approved and he did

have an attorney. He is just now 50 years old. He

still did not get SSDI but was given SSI, yet it is

not enough to even cover his living expenses.

My rheumatoglogist handed me a Proof of Disability

slip she had completed before I came in to see her for

a follow up visit. She would not release me to go

back to work as I was simply too ill with FMS/MPS/CFS

at the time (but now have RA too). I had a myriad of

health problems, I have NAFLD (a liver disease which

can progress eventually to cirrohsis), I have cardiac

issues, neurological issues, I have memory problems, I

have asthma, chemical sensitivities, a blood clotting

disorder, as well as PCOS and endometriosis. I have

anxiety with agoraphobia as well. And also developed

RA while fighting the SSA system. It took me five

years. I got an attorney on the second attempt, but

still had to wait two years for backpay. I even

failed the exams SSA's own doctors gave me and was

still denied. I had the back up of two

rheumatologists, a family doctor, a psychologist, a

psychiatrist, a biofeedback dr, a pain management

doctor, a cardiologist, a neurologist. I think it was

due to my age, I wasn't that far out of finishing

college, yet lost a job due to all of the doctors

visits and lab visits I had to monitor my myriad of

conditions. I had even been bedbound for 2 straight

years without being able to move.

I just now got my backpay from 2002 last year! With

the help of my local congressman.

I am single and due to the amount of SSDI I get each

month I am not eligible for SSI. Also, you have to be

disabled for 2 years before your Medicare will kick

in. Currently the premium is around $99 a month for

it. I had Medicaid during that time, while waiting

for my Medicare but there were many services it would

not cover and I received bills for that I had to pay

off once the SSDI began. My Medicare kicked in awhile

back, and I am eligible for medicaid due to the fact

that I am single and fall under the income line.

However, before they will pay for one thing, I first

must spend $600 out of my OWN POCKET before they will

cover anything at all! That's basically impossible

since that would be over half of my SSDI benefits each

month. They don't seem to understand people cannot

live on that, especially if someone is not married and

has no other income, but the states say there is

nothing they can do about that.

Backpay determines the date you actually could no

longer work and stopped working, and if the court

approves that date. You cannot receive SSDI and SSI

at the same time, so if they pay you any SSI while

waiting on the SSDI, it will be subtracted for your

backpay. Plus the attorneys fees will be deducted.

In my case, the lawyer was paid $5300 I believe.

My best advice is to get an attorney from the

beginning since many take the case on the knowledge

that they will win and they are only allowed to charge

a certain percentage. They collect all of the

information and appear with you in front of a judge.

Also, it can be a very complicated process for one to

attempt on their own when they are already not feeling

well. Some have an easier experience though but having

the attorney from the beginning is probably the best

thing anyone could do for themselves. Good luck:)

--- Petry <mapetry0177@...> wrote:

> is anyone getting social security due to ra ? i was

> wondering what you did - how long it took to hear-

> how long before you got a ck- if you get ssi too-

> and how that works together- if you get one can you

> get the other- medicare- medicade- if you are

> denied then what- back pay- and how much back pay if

> any-

> just would like some feed back to understand how

> it works. are there any web sites that are about

> this?

> thanks to all



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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As long as you are applying for SSDI benefits based on YOUR work

record, your husband's income won't be a factor. I have never seen

official statistics on the % of persons with CMT who receive SSDI or SSI.

There is no point in the beginning to work with an attorney. You can

file your application electronically (just make sure you have all

your medical records with you, and a list of your jobs and tasks that

you can no longer do, due to the progression of your CMT; also

recommendations from medical professionals that you are unable to

work due to CMT progression; the last time I took someone through the

application process, we did it all in about 3 and 1/2 hours via the

internet application process.

Very Important - Remember this: Save print copies of everything you

send to Social Security, if you speak with SS employees at your local

office or on the phone at the 800 number, keep a log of their names,

the date, and topic of conversation.

About 70% of people applying for Disability Benefits are turned down

on the first round. (that is a general SSA population statistic) If

you're turned down, still, without an attorney, you can file a

Request for Reconsideration and submit new information for your case.

If that Recon is denied, then contact an attorney to help request and prepare

for an ALJ Hearing.


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  • 1 month later...
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I have: Spina Bifida, Tethered Spinal Cord, Degenerative Disc Disease,

Degenerative Joint Disease, Herinated discs, Buldging discs, scolosis, ummmm

that's all I can think of at the moment. I work for friends who realize my need

for medication or else I would be fighting with SSA to get disability. I read

somewhere that you have to basically be unemployed for a full year before they

will even consider you for disability....how the he!! is someone suppose to live

being unemployed and disabled for a full year before disability can be


shaynal2003 <shaynal2003@...> wrote: Okay, so how many of us are

on disability?

I am thinking my life may be headed in that direction.

Too much going on with my body.

Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Narcolepsy,

Hypothyroidism...I think you get the picture.

But, I have never done this before. Any suggestions?


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You are very very lucky. My work isn't supportive.

Although, lets see...I was diagnosed with the herniated discs on both

lumbar and cervical levels...I told work and asked for help with

lifting and filing. I have an office job.

For about a year, they accomodated me. Then all of a sudden, NOPE!!!

to quote my boss " There is no reason you can't do these things, from

now on you have to do them! " ...

I honestly don't think they even believed there was anything wrong

with me, until I walked in one day and said okay having surgery. See


They were shocked. I have spoken with all of two people from my

company since 04.18.08 which was my surgery date. My boss hasn't even

called to check on me. Nice huh?

OH and the FILING...did not get done! Why is it noone wants to

believe anyone when it comes to back pain?

Oh yeah, we don't have gushing head wounds or massive bandages

hanging off our bodies.

Amazes me how many people really do take for granted what they have.

I am so paranoid. I am scared to death that my boyfriend will think I

am ..What? faking? not really in pain? I don't know. I trust him, but

with everyone else in the world looking at us like there is nothing

wrong, you can't help but wonder if the people who are being

supportive, aren't just humoring you. Ya Know?

Okay, so how many of

us are on disability?

> I am thinking my life may be headed in that direction.

> Too much going on with my body.

> Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Narcolepsy,

> Hypothyroidism...I think you get the picture.

> But, I have never done this before. Any suggestions?







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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I'm very lucky to have friends to work for. I understand what you mean about

people not believeing you. If you just look at me you wouldn't know anything is


shaynal2003 <shaynal2003@...> wrote: You are very very lucky. My

work isn't supportive.

Although, lets see...I was diagnosed with the herniated discs on both

lumbar and cervical levels...I told work and asked for help with

lifting and filing. I have an office job.

For about a year, they accomodated me. Then all of a sudden, NOPE!!!

to quote my boss " There is no reason you can't do these things, from

now on you have to do them! " ...

I honestly don't think they even believed there was anything wrong

with me, until I walked in one day and said okay having surgery. See


They were shocked. I have spoken with all of two people from my

company since 04.18.08 which was my surgery date. My boss hasn't even

called to check on me. Nice huh?

OH and the FILING...did not get done! Why is it noone wants to

believe anyone when it comes to back pain?

Oh yeah, we don't have gushing head wounds or massive bandages

hanging off our bodies.

Amazes me how many people really do take for granted what they have.

I am so paranoid. I am scared to death that my boyfriend will think I

am ..What? faking? not really in pain? I don't know. I trust him, but

with everyone else in the world looking at us like there is nothing

wrong, you can't help but wonder if the people who are being

supportive, aren't just humoring you. Ya Know?

Okay, so how many of

us are on disability?

> I am thinking my life may be headed in that direction.

> Too much going on with my body.

> Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Narcolepsy,

> Hypothyroidism...I think you get the picture.

> But, I have never done this before. Any suggestions?







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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As a state employee, I've been on state disability for 1.5 years and am just

starting the SSDI process (phone interview this Fri!).  Interestingly, I have

most of the same issues as you (add in ME [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome],

degenerative disc disease and facet joints, Ehlers-Danlos, extreme cognitive

deficits and more).  There is a fantastic group here on , Disinissues

(disability insurance issues) that has been a tremendous help and support for

me.  I even found a social security attorney through the site here in my own

city (not one of the national practices).  Check them out.  Doctor support is

key, obviously, but you'd be surprised how many members' physicians don't agree

with them.  It is also of key importance to make sure you see your docs on a

regular basis, including specialists up to 4 times a year.  If you

need psychological testing, as I did to document that my cognitive deficits are

disease-based not medicine-based, it's

important you get the right type and so on.  Truly, the people on it have been

through the process, some are disability attorneys, some work for Social

Security so they really know the ins and outs.  Invaluable resource.  Good luck!



Okay, so how many of us are on disability?

I am thinking my life may be headed in that direction.

Too much going on with my body.

Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Narcolepsy,

Hypothyroidism. ..I think you get the picture.

But, I have never done this before. Any suggestions?



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Thank you, I will definitely check it out. I do have short and long term

disability thru work. But, I have no clue as to what I am doing. Never

been down this road. [:-/]

Any help is greatly appreciated.

We should compare notes. If we are on similar tracks, maybe we can help

each other with treatment ideas if nothing else.


> As a state employee, I've been on state disability for 1.5 years and

am just starting the SSDI process (phone interview this Fri!).

Interestingly, I have most of the same issues as you (add in ME [Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome], degenerative disc disease and facet joints,

Ehlers-Danlos, extreme cognitive deficits and more). There is a

fantastic group here on , Disinissues (disability insurance issues)

that has been a tremendous help and support for me. I even found a

social security attorney through the site here in my own city (not one

of the national practices). Check them out. Doctor support is key,

obviously, but you'd be surprised how many members' physicians don't

agree with them. It is also of key importance to make sure you see your

docs on a regular basis, including specialists up to 4 times a year. If

you need psychological testing, as I did to document that my cognitive

deficits are disease-based not medicine-based, it's

> important you get the right type and so on. Truly, the people on it

have been through the process, some are disability attorneys, some work

for Social Security so they really know the ins and outs. Invaluable

resource. Good luck!





> Disability



> Okay, so how many of us are on disability?

> I am thinking my life may be headed in that direction.

> Too much going on with my body.

> Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Narcolepsy,

> Hypothyroidism. ..I think you get the picture.

> But, I have never done this before. Any suggestions?








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

At 09:07 PM 6/6/2008, you wrote:

>my dad was injured and for 6yrs he would get a denial,reapply & when

>he would get home there would be another denial in the mailbox

Thanks Bobby,

That is a sad story and must have sucked the fight out of him. Did he

finally win? Did he have a lawyer? What age was he when he

applied? All of this is good information for our list members.


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At 09:07 PM 6/6/2008, you wrote:

>my dad was injured and for 6yrs he would get a denial,reapply & when

>he would get home there would be another denial in the mailbox

Thanks Bobby,

That is a sad story and must have sucked the fight out of him. Did he

finally win? Did he have a lawyer? What age was he when he

applied? All of this is good information for our list members.


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my dad was 42.he had a lawyer,and he finally got it.when it came he was so use

to being denied that he threw it in the trash.my brother found it and told him

what it was.

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my dad was 42.he had a lawyer,and he finally got it.when it came he was so use

to being denied that he threw it in the trash.my brother found it and told him

what it was.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


It's a hard descion to make to file for SSDI. I had to do it last

year and I am still struggling w/ it. Unfortunately, once you get

approved, you have a 2 year waiting peroid before you are eligable

for medicare. I filed in September 07 and I was approved March 08

(not normal). I don't have health insurance. I am part of a

discounted health program at the local general hospital in my area.

Not every state offers this. It's impossible to find private

healthcare insurance because of " pre-existing " conditions. Talk to

your rheumy. See if there is any medication modification you can try

before you file. You will know when your body has had enough. Listen

to your body and talk to your rheumy. Best of luck to you.


> Hi

> I have had RA since Sept and I am a Chef. Up until now I have been

> pushing through but now it is to hard. Either my meds need to kick


> or I will have to get some kind of disability? I am worried about


> having health insurance. Any advice.


> My boss already thinks that I am slacking off and not working hard

> enough, which is so hard because I can barley do what I am doing.


> My attitude is positive and I will make it through this patch.


> Best,

> Tabatha


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Are you under the care of a rheumatologist? Also, what meds are you

taking? It usually does take a while for them to kick in. It usually

take a long time for the doctor to find the right combination of meds

to help a particular person, since we're all so different. But keep

complaining to him/her until you get some relief.


On Monday, July 28, 2008, at 10:43 AM, thegoldencarrot wrote:


> I have had RA since Sept and I am a Chef. Up until now I have been

> pushing through but now it is to hard. Either my meds need to kick in

> or I will have to get some kind of disability? I am worried about not

> having health insurance. Any advice.

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  • 2 months later...

The first thing should be to call the local Social Security office and talk

to them about it. It should be fairly easy to do, if not, go there in

person. When we were starting the procedure for Betty, we went to the office

and sign a couple of forms. We later were told of the doctor's appointment

and soon after had her approval and the checks coming. I wish yours will go

as smoothly.

Dennis in eastexas

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Overstreet <benga19@...>wrote:

> Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should file for

> disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what steps I need

> to

> take

> O



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Thanks I hope it does too, everyone keeps telling me I need to

Get the process started, does your Ra Dr have to do anything

This is all new to me so don't have any idea of what I am doing

Lol. Thanks for the advice I will check into it


-- Re: [ ] Disability

The first thing should be to call the local Social Security office and talk

to them about it. It should be fairly easy to do, if not, go there in

person. When we were starting the procedure for Betty, we went to the office

and sign a couple of forms. We later were told of the doctor's appointment

and soon after had her approval and the checks coming. I wish yours will go

as smoothly.

Dennis in eastexas

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Overstreet <benga19@wildblue


> Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should file for

> disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what steps I need

> to

> take

> O



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No, your Rheumy doesn't have to do anything but it will be better if he/she

will stand with you. SS will request medical records from your doctors for

their people to review. A preliminary judgment will be made then. If you're

denied, you ask for a re-evaluation. If that doesn't work, it might be time

for a lawyer. I don't suggest a lawyer because they do nothing that you

can't do and take a large percentage of your initial award. Just like

learning to swim, take a big breath and dive in!

Dennis in eastexas

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Overstreet <benga19@...>wrote:

> Dennis,

> Thanks I hope it does too, everyone keeps telling me I need to

> Get the process started, does your Ra Dr have to do anything

> This is all new to me so don't have any idea of what I am doing

> Lol. Thanks for the advice I will check into it

> o


> -- Re: [ ] Disability


> The first thing should be to call the local Social Security office and talk


> to them about it. It should be fairly easy to do, if not, go there in

> person. When we were starting the procedure for Betty, we went to the

> office

> and sign a couple of forms. We later were told of the doctor's appointment

> and soon after had her approval and the checks coming. I wish yours will go


> as smoothly.


> Dennis in eastexas


> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Overstreet <benga19@wildblue

> net>wrote:


> > Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should file for

> > disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what steps I need


> > to

> > take

> > O

> >

> >

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O and group;

Remember the social security people are not for you... Tell the truth

but don't volunteer any information... Also.. The less people you have

helping you the more money you get back when you get your back pay...

You need the date of your last day at work and of course all the money

you made from that company.. SS will want a lot of information.. what

ever you do get a lawyer.. If he/she says wait till your turned down

once or twice keep calling other lawyers while your waiting for SS...

Just thought you would like to know..

gentle hugs



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Hi - I recommend you file ASAP for Social Security Disability as

it is a long process. I filed for SSD online at www.ssa.gov in early

2006. I'm still waiting for an ALJ hearing date, but have been told

that I should have a date sometime in December. Keep copies of

EVERYTHING you send to them and keep watch of the time frames for each

level. I almost had to start all over again when the local office

" forgot " to tell me that I was denied at the reconsideration level.

Thank God they realized their mistake as I was past the date for

filing an appeal, but they allowed me to file the appeal as if there

was no lapse in time and I also have a SSD Attorney working for me.

Now I should get back pay to the original date of application once my

claim is approved..........Doreen :)


> Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should file

> for disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what

> steps I need to take

> O


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Hi and Doreen,

You are completely correct Doreen, applying for Disability is an

excruciating long process. I often thought throughout the process that

they were waiting for me to die before the process was complete, but as

luck would have it, I held in and was recently granted Disability and

Medicare benefits in March of this year. I'd have to look back in my

records, but I believe it was in October of 2004 that I started the

process. I received a denial letter in early 2005, and appealed the

decision on my own. I thought I was going to do it all on my own to

save the cost of an attorney. To make a long story short, I ended up

seeking the council of an attorney because I thought my case had been

forgotten. As it turned out, I was still in the system, and I had to

wait an additional year before even appearing in front of a judge, which

was on my birthday in November, 2007. I was ordered to see a doctor

chosen by the court for an examine and x-rays. My attorney told me the

process takes right around 3 years for a final determination and I was

already 2 years into it when I contacted him. He probably spent a total

of maybe an 8 hour day on case and his compensation was $5000.00. Made

me really want to be a disability attorney. I still don't think he did

a great job only because I recently heard that my children or spouse

could receive some kind of benefits because my lost income. If anyone

here knows anything about that, I would be very interested in how to

begin that process. Something I believe my attorney should have

included in his fee.

> >

> > Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should file

> > for disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what

> > steps I need to take

> > O

> >


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Hi all. The Disability process does take a long time. I applied in

March of 05 and was awarded it in Oct of 06. Part of the reason mine

went so fast is becuase I was denied the first 2 times within 3

months because of my age. At that point I did obtain an attorney cuz

I was told that you have a much better chance of winning the case

with the attorney. He did not do much for me either but got paid

5300.00! (it is a tax write off so there is a small benifit) As for

my kids, they applied for my kids right away during the process so I

got back pay for them also. If you have been awarded and your kids

are not included (kids have to be under 18) then I would contact the

ss office by phone and give your kids info and they can apply for

them and start the money going. This is how it works in IL so I am

not sure if that is the case with all states. Hope this helps some.

> >

> > Hi - I recommend you file ASAP for Social Security

Disability as

> > it is a long process. I filed for SSD online at www.ssa.gov in


> > 2006. I'm still waiting for an ALJ hearing date, but have been


> > that I should have a date sometime in December. Keep copies of

> > EVERYTHING you send to them and keep watch of the time frames for


> > level. I almost had to start all over again when the local office

> > " forgot " to tell me that I was denied at the reconsideration


> > Thank God they realized their mistake as I was past the date for

> > filing an appeal, but they allowed me to file the appeal as if


> > was no lapse in time and I also have a SSD Attorney working for


> > Now I should get back pay to the original date of application

once my

> > claim is approved..........Doreen :)

> >

> > --- In , " Overstreet " benga19@


> > >

> > > Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should


> > > for disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what

> > > steps I need to take

> > > O

> > >

> >


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Thank you , I am going to call today.

From: newmom22003 <newmom22003@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Disability

Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:32 PM

Hi all. The Disability process does take a long time. I applied in

March of 05 and was awarded it in Oct of 06. Part of the reason mine

went so fast is becuase I was denied the first 2 times within 3

months because of my age. At that point I did obtain an attorney cuz

I was told that you have a much better chance of winning the case

with the attorney. He did not do much for me either but got paid

5300.00! (it is a tax write off so there is a small benifit) As for

my kids, they applied for my kids right away during the process so I

got back pay for them also. If you have been awarded and your kids

are not included (kids have to be under 18) then I would contact the

ss office by phone and give your kids info and they can apply for

them and start the money going. This is how it works in IL so I am

not sure if that is the case with all states. Hope this helps some.

> >

> > Hi - I recommend you file ASAP for Social Security

Disability as

> > it is a long process. I filed for SSD online at www.ssa.gov in


> > 2006. I'm still waiting for an ALJ hearing date, but have been


> > that I should have a date sometime in December. Keep copies of

> > EVERYTHING you send to them and keep watch of the time frames for


> > level. I almost had to start all over again when the local office

> > " forgot " to tell me that I was denied at the reconsideration


> > Thank God they realized their mistake as I was past the date for

> > filing an appeal, but they allowed me to file the appeal as if


> > was no lapse in time and I also have a SSD Attorney working for


> > Now I should get back pay to the original date of application

once my

> > claim is approved.... ......Doreen :)

> >

> > --- In @gro ups.com, " Overstreet " benga19@


> > >

> > > Got a couple of questions everyone is telling me that I should


> > > for disability. Need to know how to go about doing that and what

> > > steps I need to take

> > > O

> > >

> >


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  • 1 month later...


Round up all your past medical records, tests, etc and add to the new

GP's record, plus see a Neurologist BEFORE you apply. Current medical

records are * crucial * to benefits awards. Yes, throw in your records

with Mitch, but he alone cannot 'recommend' you. No one can 'recommend'

you for disability benefits. You must be found 'disabled' under Social

Security's rules. Go to post #50338 that I wrote and included lots of links

about Disability Benefits. You don't need the attorney now. Attorneys are

recommended only if you are denied benefits, request reconsideration (present

new information) and go on to an ALJ Hearing.


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