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At 16:56 21.02.99 -0500, you wrote:

>From: a Chisholm <alexa@...>


>I'd like to get rid of some parasites, but can't take a combination of

>things. I can, however, take garlic. Why does garlic in pills make the

>parasites fatter? I don't quite understand the reasoning behind this.



Because it is not as potent as fresh garlic.

It is usually dried powder, and though it may kill some microscopic

parasites and bacteria, it is not all around cure.

As we do not know what we have inside, odds are some of the parasites could

like eating garlic from the pills.

Did you try Ultimate Fast.

It works .

Did you try Black Walnut tincture with wormwood and Cloves ?

If you take too much of Black Walnut tincture or wormwood, it may give you

a headache, and you may feel bad, but you have to start with a small dose,

and get use to it.

Those herbs are toxic for people and for parasites. As we are bigger, we

can support more then parasites.

But if taken every day for months , Wormwood may cause mental ilneses. It

is a nerve poison.

The best is to use it together with electric treatment. Then you do not

need as much as what you would need if using only herbs:

The best electric device is

Dr. Bob Beck's Silver Pulser.

If you can not affort Bob Becks Pulser improvise it yourself:

Mouth and body sterilizer:


All you need is :

- One battery of 3V, or 4.5V or of 9V

- Two isolated cables, each long 60 cm (24 inch)

- something made of silver or Gold, small enough to put it in your mouth

(gold or silver chain, neckless will do.)

Take for example two neckelses.

Connect each one with one cable.

Put both neckleses in your mouth, one on the left side, one in the right side.

Hold in your hands free ends of the two cables that are connected to the


Touch with your " left hand cable " " plus + " on the 4.5V battery, and in the

same time with your right hand cable touch " minus - " .

You will feel Electro shock.

If it is too uncomfortable try with 3 V battery.

What you have is simple electronic pulser. You should produce one or two

pulses every second , and in less than a 2 hour your teeth will be totally

sterile, and not only teeth but the biggest part of your body.

If you switch your hands, once left on the " plus " , once right on the " plus "

you will get something like AC with 1 Hz frequency (That is Bob Beck

pulser.) .

That is even more powerful than only DC pulser.

If you are keeping one chain in your hand and one in your mouth, you

can use 9V battery and sterilize your whole body.

You can keep both chains in your hands, but then you may need to use 18V or

27 V.

Don't do it if you are pregnant or having really bad heart !

If you do it for many hours, you can even kill the biggest worms- tapeworms.

It is tested on children. It can cure sore trout or flu in less than 3

hours of treatment.

But, when child get sick, I think it is better to let them go through this

infection, because it helps cleansing body and it helps developing antibodies.

Use it only in a special emergency.

Forget antibiotics.

It is also killing Viruses , yeasts, bacterias and protozoa.

Antibiotics kill only bacterias, and not those one inside your teeth.

Antibiotics also cause yeast infections to spread.

Dusan Stojkovic


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At 20:22 18.02.99 PST, you wrote:



>I truly enjoy your posts and look forward to them. I have Schistosoma

>Japonicum along with a few smaller ones. Presently I cannot afford to

>purchase any of the pulsers, although I could possible buy a zapper. My

>concern is that a zapper will not kill a multicelled parasite.

The device in the bottom of this page is much stronger then Zapper.


>I was trying to make sense of your previous post, because I am very

>untechnical. My husband won't help because he is not a " believer " .

>So, please bear with me for these elementary questions.


>For the homemade " electrical device " with the spoons, when you say

>silver spoons, do you actually mean silver or will metal suffice?

Use gold or silver neckless instead of spoons.

>If I can manage to put this together, is this a suitable treatment along

>with the herb approach?

Oh yes, it is better together with herbs.


>Some of my teeth have a metal post inside because of root canal or crown

>support. Can this be a problem with the current?

No, that is not a problem.


>Also, I think I have sent you a post before regarding cleansing the

>liver when there is no gall bladder. In 1968, it was considered a good

>thing to remove the gall bladder. I had only one attack. Today, it

>would be different. Now, an ultrasound says that my liver looks


Read this:


Read the story on the bottom of this page.


>So, what do you think?


>Looking forward to your reply



Hello Sandy,

Use parasites killing herbs together with electronic devices.

It works better, and faster.

Here is simple device thet you can try using without fear:

Mouth and body sterilizer:


All you need is :

- One battery of 3V, or 4.5V or of 9V

- Two isolated cables, each long 60 cm (24 inch)

- something made of silver or Gold, small enough to put it in your mouth

(gold or silver chain, neckless will do.)

Take for example two neckelses.

Connect each one with one cable.

Put both neckleses in your mouth, one on the left side, one in the right side.

Hold in your hands free ends of the two cables that are connected to the


Touch with your " left hand cable " " plus + " on the 4.5V battery, and in the

same time with your right hand cable touch " minus - " .

You will feel Electro shock.

If it is too uncomfortable try with 3 V battery.

What you have is simple electronic pulser. You should produce one or two

pulses every second , and in less than a 2 hour your teeth will be totally

sterile, and not only teeth but the biggest part of your body.

If you switch your hands, once left on the " plus " , once right on the " plus "

you will get something like AC with 1 Hz frequency (That is Bob Beck

pulser.) .

That is even more powerful than only DC pulser.

If you are keeping one chain in your hand and one in your mouth, you

can use 9V battery and sterilize your whole body.

You can keep both chains in your hands, but then you may need to use 18V or

27 V.

Don't do it if you are pregnant or having really bad heart !

If you do it for many hours, you can even kill the biggest worms- tapeworms.

It is tested on children. It can cure sore trout or flu in less than 3

hours of treatment.

But, when child get sick, I think it is better to let them go through this

infection, because it helps cleansing body and it helps developing antibodies.

Use it only in a special emergency.

Forget antibiotics.

It is also killing Viruses , yeasts, bacterias and protozoa.

Antibiotics kill only bacterias, and not those one inside your teeth.

Antibiotics also cause yeast infections to spread.


Dusan Stojkovic


Read also this :

Letter from Chang posted to gallstonesonelist:

Thanks for inviting me to join the gallstone mailing list. Here is my


My name is Chang. I was born in Taiwan in 1942. I received my B.Sc.

degree in chemistry from the Taiwan National University. I then came to

Canada where I obtained my M.Sc. degree in chemistry from the University of

Waterloo. I had worked for more than 6 years in the medical laboratory of

the North York General Hospital in Toronto, Canada. I then started and ran

a health food store for 6 years (1987-1993). Since 1991 I have been

developing and manufacturing Chinese herbal products that address many

chronic health problems.

My health history:

Being born the fourth daughter by a mother who never wanted to have any

girl, my health problems started from as far as I can remember. The fact

that I was emotionally very sensitive only made my suffering in health


Other than being underweight all my life, I had bad acnes and was allergic

to many different plants and dust. Hives, rushes and unexplained swelling

on my lymph glands happened frequently. At the age of eleven, I passed out

first time in my life and was told by a medical doctor that I was born with

a weak heart. At the age of fourteen, I was diagnosed with juvenile

arthritis. There were days that I couldn't climb the staircase or hold a

pen to write notes. However, I was still blessed with a photographic

memory which I believe I was born with. Unfortunately, at 17 years old, I

lost my photographic memory. At 20 years old, I could not remember details

of textbook materials even after going through them. At 29 years old,

shortly after my second child's birth, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid


Around the same time, I started having severe cramps during my periods and

passed out many times during those years. Eventually, I was told I had

uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and endometriosis.

I always needed a lot of sleep, but never felt refreshed. Dozing off in the

class was my daily problems even after 10 hours of uninterupted night sleep.

In my late 30's, I started having problems falling asleep. Dark shadows

developed all over my facial skin and my skin also became very bumpy.

At 45 years old, I left my regular job because of constant fatigue and

sickness and started a health food store which provides opportunity to learn

about different approaches to my health problems. It was a real struggle

initially because I could pass out anytime and I had a couch in the basement

for me to lie down whenever I felt weak. At 47 years old, I decided to see

a traditional Chinese doctor for different opinions. He told me that I had

badly congested liver and tried to treat my liver problems. Unfortunately,

Chinese medicine does not understand hormones and he made my hormone

imbalance worse.

When I was growing up in Taiwan with regular use of Chinese herbs, I did not

want to believe them because of my rebellious nature. After I realized that

modern medicine could not help me because almost every drug is damaging to

the liver, I had to go back to Chinese medicine. I studied intensively

Chinese medicinal herbs (both ancient Chinese medical texts and more modern

books) and decided to treat myself combining my knowledge in clinical

chemistry, physiology and Chinese herbal medicine.

I thought I should start with treating my liver first because after all it

is the largest organ in our body and is the " general " or " chief of staff

" of all organs according to Chinese medicine. I planned to treat my other

problems one after another when my liver is fixed up. Unexpectedly, when

my liver became healthy, all my other problems including constant fatigue,

allergies, arthritis, heart palpitation, sleep disorders, fainting, frequent

infections and all woman's problems disappeared. What a pleasant surprise!

I restored my liver health by cleansing my liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

I watched my diet carefully and do morning execise called Y-Dan which is a

simple alternative to Tai-chi.

I have since helped many people who have chronic health problems often by

cleansing the liver and gallbladder. One of the most useful discoveries was

use of the Chinese herb " Gold Coin Grass " (Herba Lysimachiae) to crush and

soften the gallstones before flushing. Very often, relief from pain is

experienced even before gallbladder flush.

More details of my personal experience and my views on various chronic

health problems may be found in my website:




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At 20:43 24.03.99 EST, you wrote:

>I have a friend who has parasites under his skin-- you can even see them


>Does anyone have any information about this



Here are some possible causes:

Filarial Nematodes

Bancroft's Filarial Worm (Wuchereria bancroft)

Brugi Malayi

Visit the sites below, and have a nice trip to Africa :-)

Dusan Stojkovic

Biology and Epidemiology of Filarial Nematodes


Several species of filarial nematodes are known to infect humans. Not all

cause disease but they include the causative agents of river blindness and


Wuchereria bancrofti

Brugia malayi

Brugia timori

Onchocerca volvulus

Loa loa

Dracunculus medinensis

Mansonella streptocerca

Mansonella perstans

Mansonella ozzardi

Other filaria infecting humans (minor species)

Wuchereria lewisi

Brugia beaveri

Brugia guyanensis

Mansonella semiclarum

Dipetalonema arbuta

Dipetalonema sprenti

Microfilaria bolivarensis

Microfilaria (Mansonella) rodhaini




Biology and Epidemiology of Filarial Nematodes



Bancroft's Filarial Worm (Wuchereria bancroft)



W. bancrofti is distributed throughout the tropical regions of Asia,

Africa, China, the Pacific and isolated locations in the Americas. Current

estimates (WHO, 1994) suggest that 100 million people are infected with

lymphatic filariae of all types, and most of these cases are bancroftian

filariasis. Nocturnally periodic forms occur indigenously in almost every

tropical and subtropical country and are very widespread. However they show

focal and periodic distribution patterns which are dependent on their

vector of transmission. Culcicine (left) or anopheline (centre) mosquitoes

are the main vectors of the nocturnally periodic forms of W. bancrofti,

while day biting Aedes polynesiensis transmit the subperiodic form in

various pacific islands (right) (map and pictures taken from s and

Gilles 1991) (see HERE for some comments on periodicity)



Life Cycle:

The third-stage infective larvae (L3i) enter the blood through the wound

made by the mosquito. They then migrate to the nearest lymph gland where

they mature into the thread like adult worms about 3 months to 1 year

later. The average incubation time before patency is about 15 months. The

mature adults can survive for 5 to 10 years and the damage of the lymphatic

vessels they cause and the immune system's response to their presence (and

that of microfilaria and newly innoculated L3i) can result in the various

Once male (left) and female (right) nematodes mate the female viviparously

produces microfilariae (first stage larvae or L1) which then move through

the circulatory system and collect in arterioles of the lung during the day

and emerge at night (if nocturnally periodic) when night biting mosquitoes

are most active (see HERE for some comments on periodicity). Once the

microfilariae have entered an appropriate mosquito host through its blood

meal they penetrate the insect's gut wall and move to the thoracic muscles

where they mature (through two life stages) into third-stage infective

larvae (pictures taken from s and Gilles 1991).

The microfilariae of W. bancrofti can be identified in blood smears by

their sheath, size (280 x 7 micrometers), and the anterior V spot near the

head and posterior V spot near the tail (picture taken from s and

Gilles 1991).




Following infection with third stage larvae there is usually a period of

vigorous immune response to the invading larvae. If the larvae are not

cleared from the body during this period then the various pathologies

associated with filarial infection can develop. Most of these conditions do

not appear to arise from the effects of the nematodes themselves but from

immune reactions to their presence. The most pronounced of these is the

damage to the lymphatic vessels which is mediated by the immune system's

response to the adult worms living in them. These immune responses

(Lymphangitis) are characterized by inflammation of the affected area

(which are usually extremities) and fever. Repeated episodes of

lymphangitis lead to the formation of fibrous and calcified tissues (as

seen in the X-ray below, picture taken from s and Gilles 1991) in and

around the lymphatic vessels.


Brugia malayi



The endemic range of Brugia malayi is confined to South and South-East Asia

from India in the west to Korea in the east. LikeW. bancrofti its

distribution is dependent on its mosquito vectors. The nocturnally periodic

form is found in areas with rice fields and the nocturnally subperiodic

form is found in rural villages and plantations along the lower reaches of

major rivers in swamp forests (see HERE for some comments on periodicity).

Partono has proposed the subdivision of B. malayi into zoophilic and

anthropophilic strains. The former is transmissible to cats, monkeys, and

laboratory gerbils



Life Cycle:

The life cycle of B. malayi is almost identical to that of Wuchereria

bancrofti. However B. malayi is transmitted by different mosquito vectors

in the Mansoniodes and Anopheles families. The microfilaria of B. malayi

can be distinguished from those of W. bancrofti by the two isolated nuclei

at the tip of the tail and the absence of nuclei in the cephalic spaces

(picture taken from s and Gilles 1991) .




The clinical picture of B. malayi infection is somewhat different than that

of W. bancrofti. The symptoms of Brugian filariasis begin earlier than

those of Bancroftian filariasis, often within a month or less. Immune

responses to the worms quickly lead to lymphoedema and swelling of the legs

is a prominent early symptom. Bouts of fever and lymphangitis are common

and often more frequent than those found in patents infected with W.

bancrofti. Unlike bancroftian infection the lyphoedema in the legs is below

the knees and in the arms below the elbows. Gross elephantiasis is very

uncommon. However, when it does occur it generally develops more quickly in

Brugian (1 to 2 years) than the Bancroftian (3 or more years) filariasis.

The pictures below show both early (left) and late (right) stages of

Brugian elephantiasis.



Schistosoma hematobium

Schistosoma mansoni

Schistosoma japonicum









Schistosomiasis: Fact Sheet



What is schistosomiasis? (shis-to-so-mi'-uh-sis)

Schistosomiasis (also known as " bilharzia " ) is a disease caused by

parasitic worms. The major types that cause schistosomiasis in humans are

Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum. The body's reaction

to the eggs produced by these worms, and not the worms themselves, causes

the symptoms of schistosomiasis. The disease is treatable.

How is schistosomiasis spread?

Persons get schistosomiasis when their skin comes in contact with

contaminated fresh water in which certain types of snails are living.

Fresh water becomes contaminated by Schistosoma eggs when infected people

urinate or defecate in the water. The eggs hatch, and if certain types of

snails are present in the water, the parasites grow and develop within the

snails. When the parasites leave the snail, they can survive in water for

about 48 hours. The parasites penetrate the skin of persons who have

contact with this water, such as when they are wading, swimming, bathing,

or washing. The parasites penetrate the skin, and, within several weeks,

grow inside the blood vessels of the body and produce eggs. Some of these

eggs get into the urinary bladder or intestines and are passed into the

urine or feces.

What are the symptoms of schistosomiasis?

Within days after becoming infected, some people have a rash or itchy skin,

and within a month or two, they may have fever, chills, cough, and muscle

aches. Most people, however, have no symptoms at all in this early phase

after infection. Usually the eggs of the parasite go to the liver or pass

into the intestine or urinary bladder. Rarely, eggs are found in the brain

or spinal cord and cause seizures, paralysis, or spinal cord inflammation.

After many years of repeated infection, the parasite can damage the liver,

intestines, lungs, or urinary bladder. Even without treatment, damage to

these organs occurs only rarely in people such as travelers who have

relatively short periods of exposure and who avoid reinfection.

Who is at risk?

Persons who live in or travel to areas where schistosomiasis occurs and who

have skin contact with fresh water (rivers, streams, or lakes) are at risk

of getting schistosomiasis. Areas of the world with schistosomiasis include

Africa, some countries in Latin America (Brazil, Venezuela, and Surinam),

parts of the Caribbean (Saint Lucia, Antigua, Montserrat, ique,

Guadeloupe, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico), some countries in the

Middle East, southern China, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia. In the

last few years, CDC has received reports of schistosomiasis in U.S.

citizens who went on river rafting trips in Africa, tourists who swam in

contaminated waters, and Peace Corps volunteers and other persons who lived

and had fresh water contact in areas where schistosomiasis is a problem.

How can you prevent schistosomiasis?

Because there is no easy way to know if water is contaminated, avoid

swimming or wading in fresh water when you are in countries where

schistosomiasis is known to occur. Swimming in the ocean and in chlorinated

swimming pools is generally thought to be safe.

Research is under way to develop a vaccine for humans, but none is

available now.

What should you do if you suspect that you have schistosomiasis?

See your health care provider. Be sure to give a complete description of

the time, place, and length of your exposure to fresh water while in parts

of the world where schistosomiasis occurs. You might be asked to undergo

stool or urine tests to detect the eggs of the parasite. A blood test

developed at CDC is also available. This test may be useful for making the

diagnosis, particularly in U.S. travelers returning from areas where

schistosomiasis occurs.

What is the treatment for schistosomiasis?

Safe and effective drugs are available for treatment of schistosomiasis.

You will be given pills to take for 1-2 days.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I appreciate Dr. Biamonte's expertise and information, but I think he

needs to make it more available to help people rather than keep some of

the information exclusive to his practice in New York, etc. or am I

missing something? What is the spice he is talking about? The things

we get in the mail that hint at cures and stuff annoy me. If they're so

interested in our health, why don't they just tell us what will help?!

There are too many people out there dying for lack of information. Get

the information out! This baiting so you will buy things to get that

special item of information bug me. Sometimes I get the books from the

library they are advertising and look up the little tidbits they tout,

and I think well, what was so great about that? J.

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I would really like to knoe how to be diagnosed with parasites or worms. Can

anyone here tell me what type of Dr. or what type of test was run to

determine that they do indeed have worms or parasites. I would really like

to kow for sure myself.

Thank You..Julee

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Julee,just about any doctor can give your stool sample to a lab and have

it tested.The odds of finding anything in one sample are small,unless

you have a bad case.To be precise,you would need one every day for a

week and most doctors don't test but once in this country.

Also,there are many parasites, you cannot even test for.I think most

people just do a cleanse ,just like you clean the counter for germs.You

cannot see them,but just in case they are there,you clean with a

disinfectant. I'll

tell you a story,in three different countries I got new parasites that

my body was not use to, and I had real noticeable symptoms.By the way,I

got tested for parasites and I did have them.It was their doctors first

advice to test for them.Once I had a real high fever for days,another

time diarrhea that never stoped,and once just a real change in bowel

habits, but the people of the those countries had these parasites and

they didn't react as severe as I did .They basically were use to them or

just suffered with them.

Sincerely Vicki Now, that I

finally get my head together,I'going to get my body back.

mailto:Vickie_@... Hep-B & C


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest



> From: <jackson@...>


> I appreciate Dr. Biamonte's expertise and information, but I think he

> needs to make it more available to help people rather than keep some of

> the information exclusive to his practice in New York, etc. or am I

> missing something? What is the spice he is talking about? The things

> we get in the mail that hint at cures and stuff annoy me. If they're so

> interested in our health, why don't they just tell us what will help?!

> There are too many people out there dying for lack of information. Get

> the information out! This baiting so you will buy things to get that

> special item of information bug me. Sometimes I get the books from the

> library they are advertising and look up the little tidbits they tout,

> and I think well, what was so great about that? J.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Share the wealth!

> http://www.ONElist.com

> Tell a friend about ONElist's 130,000 free e-mail communities!

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Web Sites:

> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/bowel cleanse.html

> http://www.prostate90.com/

> http://www.geocities.com/~dusan_s/

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/



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Hi, Has anyone followed up a parasite cleans (the Dr. one) with

the recent recommendation to take a big dose of coQ10 and then ozonated

olive oil and l-cysteine???? I'm on my maintenance program, but

sometimes I think that I haven't got rid of all the parasites.

Ozonation makes me nervous plus I don't know where I can get any

ozonated olive oil. Like some other members of the list, I don't buy

things on line and I haven't come across anything ozonated in an actual




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

good lord!

could it be that we all have these " worms " inside of us?

i'am allergic to walnuts of any kind, what else can i use?

bev maloy




>From: Jomma@...


>HI all,

>Sorry it took so long for me to get back with many of you. I made the

>mistake of " overposting " on many different subjects and forums and I have

>been smothered by responses.

>A brief history ....

>For almost 2 1/2 years I became suddenly very ill. My immunity was lowered

>and I was plagued with every infection that was going around and had a

>difficult time recovering, I had constant bladder infections, nose and


>infections, chronic fatigue, constant constipation, bloating, weight gain,

>depression, and hormonal problems, loss of hair pigmentation, dry skin, and

>allergies. Twelve doctors later I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian

>Disease and suspected endometriosis.


>This disease has no real treatment (except fertility drugs and they were


>helping). Also, the polycystic ovary disease explained my hormonal


>but not the rest. After months of research, I discovered Candida. I


>myself successfully (no sugar, low carbs and antifungal herbal supplements)

>and felt great!

>I had decided to eliminate sugar forever, but needed to get off of the


>and try and get pregnant. However, immediately my symptoms rebounded. I

>discovered that many with reoccurring candida have an internal parasite

>problem. I was skeptical

>(I only drink bottled water and rarely eat meat). However, I went to the

>local health food store and purchased the needed herbs to cleanse myself of

>parasites. I did not use a prepackaged antiparasite cleanse. (though many

>will testify that they work).

>I purchased all herbs separately.


>Within a week and a half, things began to leave my body that were


>Be warned....the following is not for the light hearted.


>The first thing I noticed (and it is important to look at your stool.....as

>disgusting as they may seem initially, you get used to it. It is the only


>for you to discover if you are passing anything.) was a white spagetti

>looking worm. This was shocking and over the next few days I witnessed two

>more. A few days later I passed millions of small pinworms (barely visible

>to the human eye). A day or so later,

>I passed snail like parasites called flukes. These were the most tramatic

>for me.

>They look like snails and are 1 inch to 4 inches in length. The first one


>witnessed was clinging on to my stool for dear life and was close to 4


>in length.

>This occurred in the middle of the night and for many days to follow, I


>myself clenching my buttocks......afraid that they may crawl out. I was


>fearful of going to the bathroom, but eventually my fears subsided and I


>glad to be free of those beasts!!!


>Here is the routine I followed for alittle over one month.


>Each morning on an empty stomach


>*Squeeze the juice of one lemon and drink it down.

>*One tablespoon of minced garlic in olive oil.



> Herbs

>*Wormwood (liquid form) be careful, this is the most potent of herbs and


>the worst tasting ever!!! Please read directions and use accordingly! Do


>overtake this herb, it can be deadly in large doses. (Taken with small

>amount of water, once a day)

>*Black walnut hulls (One in morn/one at night)

>*Olive leaf extract (one in morn/ one at night)

>*Thyme (one in morn/ one at night)

>*Ginger (one in morn/one at night)

>*Grapefruit seed extract (liquid form, few drops in water twice daily)


>Eating pumpkin seeds and/or sunflower seeds first thing in the morning is


>I snacked on raw carrots, pumpkin and sunflower seeds all day long. Raw is


>Use cayenne pepper on everything. Pomegranates are also very antiparasitic

>in property. Eating as much garlic and onion as possible is good, too.


>It is important to go to the bathroom atleast once a day. If you don't,


>body has dieing parasites spreading their poison in your body. Also most


>the herbs paralyze the bugs and if you don't pass them, they will stay and

>recover in the bowels and then become really angry with you! I used a


>fiber pill I purchased from the health food store and dranks gallons of

>water! (Use fresh lemon in your water too!)


>I would suggest in the very beginning to do an enema twice the first week



>A simple warm enema is good or if you like, add one or two of the above


>to your enema to help speed up your elimination process.


>A word or two of CAUTION. Many individuals who have a heavy parasite

>infection have a tremendous die off reaction. I believe my initial

>elimination diet and candida supplements help ward off a serious dieoff

>reaction during my parasite cleanse. I felt tired, sleepy , had minor skin

>eruptions, felt queasy at times and noticed cramping. These are good signs

>that your body is killing ridding itself of parasites. Enemas will help


>out the dieing parasites and toxins, which help in turn to relieve alot of

>dieoff symptoms. However! If your dieoff reaction becomes intense.....it


>best to start slowly and eliminate some of the herbs from your diet for a



>I do not mean to scared anyone, but a few people I have talked to have had

>intense reactions. One actually coughed up a worm (Yickes!!) and another

>felt like they were biting and fighting back. I was fortunate NOT to have

>such severe reactions. In a case like that I would seek medical attention


>I am not a doctor and am only giving advice on what worked for me.

>Please use herbs with caution and common sense. Read directions and if you

>have any underlying disorder that require medication, seek advice from a

>doctor before beginning a this type of program. Herbs can affect other



>If you have any other questions....please email me privately.


>Five months later, I have NOT been sick again, I am exercising, feel


>than I have in years, and am free from all symptoms. I have given up




>A big misconception is that a parasite infection is rare, actually it is


>for you NOT to have some parasite (microscopic or otherwise) living inside

>you bowels.

>I plan on doing a parasite cleanse once a year and am much more cautious

>about handling and eating foods!!



>Good Reading...... " The Parasite Menace " Skye Weintraub

>Hope this helps!


>Jeanne Marie







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In a message dated 12/18/99 14:27:25, mui@... writes:


The herbal cleanse that I've been doing is more a colon cleanse rather than

a parasite cleanse. As of this morning, I have started a parasite cleanse

program which includes black walnut extract, wormwood, grapeseed extract,

pau d'arco and garlic>>.

What is the name of the cleanse you are using and where did you get it? Is

it grape seed or grapefruit seed extract? It appears to be missing cloves,

which are a fundamental component of most antiparasitic programs. According

to Dr. Hulda , freshly ground cloves (which can be bought as

" supplements " in gels) are the only thing that actually kill parasites within

the egg. (You are expelling eggs, she is talking about killing the unhatched

worms inside).

<<My main concern at the moment is this: OK, it's good that I'm passing the

eggs, but what about the adults? Will they eventually be expelled in the

stool alive, too? Or is the strategy to kill them by starvation of


Part of the strategy is to starve them, part of it is to kill them and part

of it is to expel them. There are actually TWO classes of antiparasitic

herbs--antihelminth and vermifuge. Antihelminth kills the worms inside the

body by producing substances toxic to their biochemistry. Vermifuge drive

the worms out of the body, they flush them out. Eventually the adults will

come out. Unless they are already coming out--you may think you are seeing

eggs when actually they are small worms themselves. I understand you said

they are perfectly round but frankly who knows? There are thousands of these

types of creatures.

<<I also don't understand how the herbs mentioned about actually help to

eliminate the parasites. Does anybody know by what mechanism these

herbs work?

I don't understand it either. But Hulda e explained how the three

components of her remedy worked at different stages of the life cycle.

Cloves for the eggs, then I believe it was green black walnut for the larva

and wormwood for the adults. These are the most popular antiparasitc

remedies, along with pumpkin seeds. Someone on this list said something

about wormwood being toxic to humans but did not respond to my inquiry about

why. There may be something to this as wormwood is NOT an ingredient ofof

the best antiparasitic programs, the AWARENESS CORPORATION's. However I and

others find wormwood extremely helpful. I am on Awareness products and they

are very beneficial. I was taking it with wormwood and then I stopped the

wormwood and noticed the Awareness products were less effective without it so

I resumed.

Then there are remedies as common as garlic and as exotic as neem and black

seed which I never even heard of before I got infected. As far as the actual

mechanism goes, I'm really just more concerned with what works. You seem to

have a good mind for this kind of thing and no doubt you will shortly

understand more about the mechanisms than I do. There is lots of information

available on web searches on the Net.

<<Presumably the worms are in my intestines? If so, does it

mean that these herbs are still viable by the time they reach the


Yes, of course. First of all, absorption and assimilation of food occurs

directly into the small intestine. Second of all, herbs are used widely to

reach all areas of the body. They travel through the blood like food does.

They are very powerful.

>I have already noticed a decrease in number of the eggs. There are still a

few specks around but definitely getting less now. I sure hope that this is

because by body is getting rid of most of them, rather than the creatures


built a resistance to it. Surely they couldn't have developed a resistance in

less than a week?

This is a sticky wicket. The decrease could be due to either reason. When I

first began treating my condition every product I took worked full blast for

a few days, then gradually decreased in effectiveness. (Only AWARENESS

products taken in very large doses seem to hold their own over time). On

the other hand, if you've been lucky and managed to get your infection in its

early stages, or if you are otherwise very healthy, you might just be getting

rid of them. My infection was very advanced by the time I diagnosed it plus

I had been neglecting my health previously due to emotional problems. So my

body was a mess, making it harder for me to treat.

Another factor you have to be aware of is the cyclical factor. The worms

have hatchings every couple of weeks or so. Even if you did absolutely

NOTHING you would have times of greater or lesser presence of the creatures

and/or eggs, both in the way you feel, in the amount of abdominal bloating,

and also in your stools.

Nevertheless in general you will be able to tell whether your products are

working for you by how you FEEL over time, your mood, your energy, your skin

tone, also the amount of bloating, your elimination, etc. Not by what is in

your stools.

<<Also, does anyone know how long I would have to be on the anti-parasites

program? I've heard that you need to stay on the program for a while even

after the disppearance of strange-looking stuff in your stool.

Anti-parasitic programs generally last two to three months. Then you go on a

maintenance program, which is a lesser dosage, for several months to make

sure there are no survivors. Remember, all it takes is ONE female, ONE

remaining surviving pregnant female hiding somewhere, and before you know it

you could have thousands of them again.

In my case because the infection was so advanced when I began treating it, I

have had to be on the actual program for longer than three months. And I

intend to stay on maintenance for a very long time. The reason my diagnosis

came so late was because, as I told you, I'd been neglecting (or rather

abusing) my health previously, including smoking. When I quit smoking I got

these symptoms and confused them with smoking withdrawal symptoms--weight

gain, anxiety, etc. It was an unfortunate coincidence.


It sounds like you too have had worms in the past. If what strategy did you

use successfully to get rid of them?

I use a combination of AWARENESS products with Hanna Kroeger Wormwood

combination and other products in rotation, along with a regular series of

colonic irrigations. Bob on this list is an expert on Awareness products.

He does not believe in mixing them with other products because of the

" synergy " between the Awareness products themselves, but I do mix them.

I have recently discovered a company called Planta Amica in New York City

that was formed by an MD, Dr. Bueno. He has a whole line of antiparastics.

He was known to be the foremost MD treating parasites in NYC before he

retired. The herbs are sold by Hickey Chemists in New York and no doubt

elsewhere. The problem is you have to know--loosely speaking--what type of

worm you have--roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm, before you can buy them because

they are narrow spectrum and type-specific (unlike say Clear or Kroeger which

kill pretty much anything--though tapeworm can be very resistant).

Ascertaining what type of worm you have can be difficult if you're only

seeing eggs or what you think are eggs, because lab tests are notoriously

unreliable. But the best lab test is by Great Smokies Lab. You can reach

them at cs@... and they will mail you (by " snail mail " ) a list of

doctors in your area using their facility. Unfortunately these doctors may

well be prohibitively expensive. And so are Bueno's herbs! $52 for 60

capsules! Actually Awareness products are very expensive too. Pumpkin

seeds are definitely cheaper. (And by the way so is Hanna Kroeger at $7 per

bottle of 90 wormwood combo). You have to see what works for you. I doubt

your case is as resistant as mine. You don't have nearly the same amount of

hellish symptoms I did.

Robin G.

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Thank you very much for your informative reply.

When I first saw the parasite eggs I was horrified. I felt invaded. But in


last two days I have calmed down and have come to accept that I have a

problem and I need to sort it out.

The herbal cleanse that I've been doing is more a colon cleanse rather than

a parasite cleanse. As of this morning, I have started a parasite cleanse

program which includes black walnut extract, wormwood, grapeseed extract,

pau d'arco and garlic.

My main concern at the moment is this: OK, it's good that I'm passing the

eggs, but what about the adults? Will they eventually be expelled in the

stool alive, too? Or is the strategy to kill them by starvation of


I also don't understand how the herbs mentioned about actually help to

eliminate the parasites. Does anybody know by what mechanism these

herbs work? Presumably the worms are in my intestines? If so, does it

mean that these herbs are still viable by the time they reach the


> Since your sighting of the (presumably) eggs occured four days after you

> began your cleanse, it sounds like you are doing the right thing and

> expelling them. The cleanse you are doing might be enough. However you

> should be aware that often a product kicks in very potently at first and


> the creatures develop a resistance to it. You have to prepare by


> yourself on the topic so you will be ready should you need a stronger,


> specific, rotation-based, or more multi-pronged approach. I recommend you

> begin with the parasites page at /home.sol.no/~dusan/ , and of course,


> this list.

I have already noticed a decrease in number of the eggs. There are still a


specks around but definitely getting less now. I sure hope that this is


by body is getting rid of most of them, rather than the creatures having


a resistance to it. Surely they couldn't have developed a resistance in


than a week?

Also, does anyone know how long I would have to be on the anti-parasites

program? I've heard that you need to stay on the program for a while even

after the disppearance of strange-looking stuff in your stool.

> Of course no one can make a diagnosis by e-mail and least of all me. I am

> hardly a doctor. But from my by this point somewhat extensive and

> unfortunately all too intimate knowledge of this topic, I have to risk


> this: I think you're right. It sounds like you have worms.

> Good luck.

You have been really helpful. It sounds like you too have had worms in the

past. If what strategy did you use successfully to get rid of them?

Thanks again for sharing.

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>From: " Mui Tsun " <mui@...>

>I also don't understand how the herbs mentioned about actually help to

>eliminate the parasites. Does anybody know by what mechanism these

>herbs work? Presumably the worms are in my intestines? If so, does it

>mean that these herbs are still viable by the time they reach the


The herbs create an environment that the parasites do not like. This

eventually weakens them and lowers their energy to the point where they

can't stay any longer and are expelled or forced out.

The herbs will be viable when they reach your intestines. There may also be

parasites in other parts of the body and the herbs may be effective in

reaching there also.

>Also, does anyone know how long I would have to be on the anti-parasites

>program? I've heard that you need to stay on the program for a while even

>after the disppearance of strange-looking stuff in your stool.

It can be a while. First you have to get them out, then you have to

consider how to avoid their introduction again. This could be a change in

eating habits, diet and a maintenance dose of herbs. If you are colon

cleansing there may be dormant eggs that are uncovered during the cleanse,

the eggs when exposed can (will) hatch.

I look at it as a longer term goal of inner body health.


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Hi all

Thanks to all those who have responded to my original post.

As I mentioned I started my anti-parasite herbs on Saturday. You are right

Robin, there does seem to be a natural pattern for the presence of the eggs.

There were a couple of days when I saw only very few specks, but the past

two days there have been a lot more. I have seen a few strange-looking

things but, aside from the eggs, I have not been able to positively

identified anything as 'worms'. To me that is the most frustrating aspect -

the inability to decide whether the herbs are working. I know I'm passing

out loads of eggs, but wouldn't they naturally be expelled anyway? I mean,

presumably this is the natural way the parasites spread themselves, by

passing their eggs outside of the host and infecting new individuals?

Robin, did you use to have abdominal bloating like I do? I just want to

know whether I'll see light at the end of the tunnel regarding my enormously

bloated stomach.

I realise that this is going to be a long battle and I'm determined to fight

till the end to be healthy.

Have a very happy Christmas.

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There are two robins, I'm robin 2,

Yes, I did and I still do. The only time it went down

was last christmas. It was wonderful because I stuck

to the diet for a week, and was taking herbs etc.

Within three days I saw a difference, by the end of 7

days it was flat. I have NEVER had a flat stomache

since I can remember. I am 5 feet 2 and weight 115

pounds, and at the time my bloating often made me look

like i was 5 months pregnant. i had a pot belly.



> Robin, did you use to have abdominal bloating like I

> do? I just want to

> know whether I'll see light at the end of the tunnel

> regarding my enormously

> bloated stomach.


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On 21 Dec 99, at 20:20, Mui Tsun wrote:

> As I mentioned I started my anti-parasite herbs on Saturday. You are

> right Robin, there does seem to be a natural pattern for the presence

> I realise that this is going to be a long battle and I'm determined to

> fight till the end to be healthy.

Unfortunately, it will be a neverending battle, if you do not learn

about how to prevent reinfection. (I´m not saying this to shock you

or anyone else on the list, I am just stating the facts, and this

fact is almost never mentioned on the list.) But IF you learn about

how to prevent reinfection, and of course then use the knowledge, the

battle will be over in some weeks! For instance, if you use the Hulda

parasite programs, ALL parasites will be gone in six weeks

maximum. There are no exceptions.

Best regards, Ulf


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On 20 Dec 99, at 15:16, SchefferO@... wrote:

> Hello, I am a new subscriber. I have a very bad infestation of

> parasites and candida that have been a battle for many years now. In

> trying everything from Drs to alternative healers and " killer "

> parasite herbs have achieved minumal success.

The crucial question here is, what measures did you take to prevent

reinfection. There is much talk here about which anti-parasite herbs

to use and such things but this is actually of secondary importance.

All the most popular anti-parasite programs probably work fine, but

only if the person takes the measures needed to prevent reinfection.

I can give some hints about how to prevent reinfection, if there is

interest in this. Last time I took up this question, there was

unfortunately no interest.

Best regards, Ulf


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At 07:42 AM 22/12/1999 +0200, you wrote:

>From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>

>I can give some hints about how to prevent reinfection, if there is

>interest in this. Last time I took up this question, there was

>unfortunately no interest.



>Best regards, Ulf


I would like to know more about preventing reinfection, please go on.



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In a message dated 12/22/99 06:42:34, ulftage@... writes:

<< I can give some hints about how to prevent reinfection, if there is

interest in this. Last time I took up this question, there was

unfortunately no interest. >>

Of course there is interest in preventing reinfection. I'm sure I speak for

the ten or twelve of us who are bouncing back and forth like yo yos trying to

figure out how to get through the final stages of parasitic infection once

and for all, having tried many different things. I'm sure the interest could

only be described as AVID. So please divulge. Thanks Ulf.

Robin G.

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On 22 Dec 99, at 0:02, Bob Stirling wrote:

> I would like to know more about preventing reinfection, please go on.

Nice to hear that. This is a large subject, plus it is Christmas :-),

so there will probably be a delay of some days before I get the time

to put together the information.

Best regards, Ulf


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In a message dated 12/20/99 20:17:42, SchefferO@... writes:

<< My next venture will be to try Hulda s " zapper " . Has anyone tried


Any sucess? >>

I have never tried the zapper. I had heard from one source that it's not

that effective. But I too would like to hear other people's opinions.

About your condition, you say that on one cleanse you produced two massive

" skeletal systems " of worms. Have you done that particular cleanse again?

It sounds like it works for you.

Robin G.

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Hi Robin:

I bought the zapper along with a zillion other things. It helps and I felt

I had more energy. It wasn't that effective. Maybe if I used it more it

would have worked. I was zapping twice a day.


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In a message dated 12/21/99 20:22:45, mui@... writes:

<< I have seen a few strange-looking

things but, aside from the eggs, I have not been able to positively

identified anything as 'worms'.>>

Do you use a stick to break up the feces to check what's inside? You can't

tell just from the outside.

<< To me that is the most frustrating aspect -

the inability to decide whether the herbs are working. I know I'm passing

out loads of eggs, but wouldn't they naturally be expelled anyway? I mean,

presumably this is the natural way the parasites spread themselves, by

passing their eggs outside of the host and infecting new individuals?>>

No, parasites mainly spread themselves by finding a single host and

colonizing it. Thousands and thousands of them take up residence deep

inside of you and they don't like to move outside. They can be spread

because some few of them happen to get expelled in your feces and then say

you don't wash well after " wiping " and you shake someone's hand, or

particularly if a food handler neglects to wash. But actually relatively few

parasites or eggs will come out in your feces until you start cleansing and

using anti-parasitic herbs. They like to burrow deep inside of you and

anyway normally can't take root in a colon that is eliminately properly in a

free-flowing way, there's too much flushing out. So they take root in a

stagnant colon and then they colonize the miles and miles of GI tract inside

of you, there is plenty of room for them, and sometimes move on to other

parts of your body. They like the dark and like to stay inside. That's why

you saw the eggs only after you started your cleanse, and that's why, for all

the human to human transmission that can and does exist, the main way of

transmitting worms remains eating infected and improperly cooked meat or

improperly washed vegetables (they burrow in the dark warm earth the way they

burrow in your dark warm colon).

The fact that they burrow so deep within a stagnant colon and do not like to

come out unless you push them through herbs and cleanses is one of the

reasons why testing is so difficult. They simply don't appear in the stool

samples, which consist of the most superficial layer of elimination while the

stagnant stuff deeper inside harbors the bulk of them. (The other reason the

tests are unreliable is because they just haven't identified all types and

don't know what to look for).

<<Robin, did you use to have abdominal bloating like I do? I just want to

know whether I'll see light at the end of the tunnel regarding my enormously

bloated stomach.>>

Most of the people on this list probably have suffered from intermittent

bloating, or we wouldn't have needed to go on the list. I went up two dress

sizes in a period of a few weeks with this infection, attributing it to

quitting smoking, which was a grievous error--it allowed the bugs to

proliferate without my tackling them. Getting bigger was really a shame

because I am a clotheshorse and couldn't wear my wardrobe. Finally I went

down a size and now I am ALMOST at a point where I can wear most of my

clothing again.

But this is really the least of it. You really shouldn't think so much

about what you look like, or about what your stools like like. This can be

very misleading. Some herbs will bloat you too, die-off can bloat you. You

could have a terrible infestation and your stools could be worm-free because

the worms just aren't leaving. Or you could have many many worms in your

stool because you're making a breakthrough. You should tune more into how

you feel. This is the main way you will be able to tell whether the herbs

are working. And even here it's very subtle, you have to be careful.

Die-off (healing crisis) can make you feel temporarily horrible. You have to

tune into the overall arc of how you feel over time.

<<I realise that this is going to be a long battle and I'm determined to fight

till the end to be healthy. >>

Let's wait and see what Ulf has to say about preventing reinfection. Maybe

it's shorter than we think.

Happy holidays.

Robin G.

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