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I take 2 1mg xanax twwwwice a day along with others. I am housebound and

would hate to see me off them


In a message dated 9/12/2010 12:04:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

svican@... writes:

xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.

I know this because a doc prescribed it to my son for daily use, so then

I researched it and got him off of it fairly quickly before he

potentially developed problems with it, his last experience with this

class of drugs was taking a dose for a medical procedure, he crashed off

the drug afterwards and felt very agitated and depressed coming off of

it as in " I feel there is a dark wet cloud hanging over me, call the

doctor and have him give me an " antibenzo " of which there is no such

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xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.

I know this because a doc prescribed it to my son for daily use, so then

I researched it and got him off of it fairly quickly before he

potentially developed problems with it, his last experience with this

class of drugs was taking a dose for a medical procedure, he crashed off

the drug afterwards and felt very agitated and depressed coming off of

it as in " I feel there is a dark wet cloud hanging over me, call the

doctor and have him give me an " antibenzo " of which there is no such

thing, the doc said to eat, go up to the park and move around, but he

didn't feel like doing any of that, so I just hung out with him until he

came down from these awful feelings, he won't go near that drug again,

which I feel is a good thing...

I'm sure these drugs have their place, I have only taken them for a

medical procedure and they do give you kind of a wonderful feeling of " I

don't give a damn about anything " , just use with caution and save for

the worst situations is my nonmedical advice. sue

>I've used St. 's Wort tea successfully. Calmed me down a little.

>I've also used Xanax, I have to admit, because lately I've become more

>desperate and tired of always being afraid of exposures. \

>I've also used an Ayurvedic medicine-ashwaghanda-which also worked for a

>while. Nothing works forever.


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a european and perhaps soon usa food code with new standards that some

say will limit access to supplements, dr rima (google) is highly opposed

and there are youtubes etc of her speaking on this subject, google and

you will find, I haven't had the time to listen, but it is more

standardizing of all food production to factory farm standards, the

worst of the worst, at least that is my very limited and not very

informed or researched understanding... sue v

>Does anyone know what is  Codex Alimentarius , and what they say it may

do to

>our supplements??


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I take 1 mg klonopin as well as others have for five years

In a message dated 9/12/2010 4:11:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tug_slug@... writes:

I took .05 mgs of klonopin for about 6 months when I stopped taking it I

had the worst rebound anxiety you can possibly imagine which lasted for about

a year.

There's several forums for people that are dealing with prolonged benzo

w/d. There _http://www.benzobuddies.org/_ (http://www.benzobuddies.org/) and

_http://www.benzoexodus.com/forum/_ (http://www.benzoexodus.com/forum/)

just to name a couple


> xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

> you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

> does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

> and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

> were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

> can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.


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I have belonged to the National Health Federation that is mentioned in this

article. They are the watchdog organization that is monitoring what Codex is

doing. My good friend is Vice President.

I would strongly urge anyone that can, to support this group. It is money well

invested. They work for us here in the United States too. If you care to learn

more, go to NationalHealthFederation.org.







> CODEX AGENDA: Only low-potency, " me too " supplements available

> that will do nothing for your health

> All or most foods genetically-modified

> Beneficial supplements unavailable or sold by prescription only

> All Coming to You in the Future, if Codex Has its Way

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I took .05 mgs of klonopin for about 6 months when I stopped taking it I had the

worst rebound anxiety you can possibly imagine which lasted for about a year.

There's several forums for people that are dealing with prolonged benzo w/d.

There http://www.benzobuddies.org/ and http://www.benzoexodus.com/forum/ just to

name a couple


> xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

> you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

> does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

> and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

> were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

> can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.


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be careful with st johns wort when taking other herbs or meds esp. it effects

enzymes on one or several CPY450 pathways where drugs are metabolized. genelex

has a software database that you cn use on a limited basis for free.. plug in

drugs, herbs, some foods.. dont have to know if you have a cp450 polymorphism

for the st john wort



> I've used St. 's Wort tea successfully. Calmed me down a little. I've also

used Xanax, I have to admit, because lately I've become more desperate and tired

of always being afraid of exposures. \

> I've also used an Ayurvedic medicine-ashwaghanda-which also worked for a

while. Nothing works forever.


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It just went into effect in June , it was signed by the president.  While no


was looking apparently during oil spill. 


God Bless !!




From: Kathleen <kpmanganaro@...>

Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 2:41:37 AM

Subject: [] Re: Anxiety




CODEX AGENDA: Only low-potency, " me too " supplements available

that will do nothing for your health

All or most foods genetically-modified

Beneficial supplements unavailable or sold by prescription only

All Coming to You in the Future, if Codex Has its Way




Codex Alimentarius is Latin for " Food Code. " The Codex Alimentarius Commission,


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What are the symtoms of EMS ?



God Bless !!




From: sue <svican@...>

Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 11:05:59 AM

Subject: Re: [] Re: Anxiety


xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.

I know this because a doc prescribed it to my son for daily use, so then

I researched it and got him off of it fairly quickly before he

potentially developed problems with it, his last experience with this

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It was signed into legislature in June.



God Bless !!




From: sue <svican@...>

Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 11:21:16 AM

Subject: Re: [] Re: Anxiety


a european and perhaps soon usa food code with new standards that some

say will limit access to supplements, dr rima (google) is highly opposed

and there are youtubes etc of her speaking on this subject, google and

you will find, I haven't had the time to listen, but it is more

standardizing of all food production to factory farm standards, the

worst of the worst, at least that is my very limited and not very

informed or researched understanding... sue v

>Does anyone know what is  Codex Alimentarius , and what they say it may

do to

>our supplements??


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many or most drugs are toxic, for a long time I had adverse reactions to just

about everything I was prescriped. this told me that regular use of these things

would not help me get well. as much as I wanted to get relief, I was not getting

it by takeing any drugs, it's tooken several years of advoidance and only now am

I able to take some of those drugs that I couldn't tolerate at all before.

for a short time I took clonzapan, I didn't take it like prescribed, just at

night to help me sleep, really it also was affecting me adversedly, it knocked

me out, not calmed my nerves, knocked me out.

once I got in a good place to practice advoidance I slowing got to where I good

sleep better and dont take them anymore.

> >

> > xanax and all the drugs in the benzos family are highly addictive and if

> > you start using them every day you develop tolerance and need higher

> > does to get the same effect, also they can then be hard to get off of,

> > and some users develop side effects that include some of the things they

> > were taking the drug for in the first place and for some these effects

> > can be permanent, these comments don't apply to occasional use.

> >






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and I'm talking about 1 5mg clonsapanz<whatever.

a 10 mg, really knocked me out for about 13 hours.

it's not supposed to affect you that way.


> many or most drugs are toxic, for a long time I had adverse reactions to just

about everything I was prescriped. this told me that regular use of these things

would not help me get well. as much as I wanted to get relief, I was not getting

it by takeing any drugs, it's tooken several years of advoidance and only now am

I able to take some of those drugs that I couldn't tolerate at all before.

> for a short time I took clonzapan, I didn't take it like prescribed, just at

night to help me sleep, really it also was affecting me adversedly, it knocked

me out, not calmed my nerves, knocked me out.

> once I got in a good place to practice advoidance I slowing got to where I

good sleep better and dont take them anymore.


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Some drugs are, but a small dose is okay to help get through hard things in

life. Everyone's different.

No one should feel bad for needing it,  if it helps.

I was housebound years ago. I understand what you're going though.   It wasn't

easy. I needed the meds. & the right counselor to overcome it in time. Don't

worry about leaving until you're ready.  It's done when you're cofindent enough

& in baby steps w an understanding family member or friend.

Most likely I will always be a person w some anxiety, I don't know.

Blessings, Kathy

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let me get this straight, it's not ok to smoke a cigerette or have a cup of

coffee, but ok to keep your pets and take prescribed drugs that could keep you

chronic condition, chronic ?


Dose – Response Effects

" All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose

differentiates a poison from a remedy "

Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim

Paracelsus, 1493-1541


> Gingersnap


> Some drugs are, but a small dose is okay to help get through hard things in

life. Everyone's different.


> No one should feel bad for needing it,  if it helps.


> I was housebound years ago. I understand what you're going though.   It wasn't

easy. I needed the meds. & the right counselor to overcome it in time. Don't

worry about leaving until you're ready.  It's done when you're cofindent enough

& in baby steps w an understanding family member or friend.


> Most likely I will always be a person w some anxiety, I don't know.


> Blessings, Kathy





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I have heard that using water titration to slowly step down the dosage is the

best way to prvent this effect



> I took .05 mgs of klonopin for about 6 months when I stopped taking it I had

the worst rebound anxiety you can possibly imagine which lasted for about a



> There's several forums for people that are dealing with prolonged benzo w/d.

There http://www.benzobuddies.org/ and http://www.benzoexodus.com/forum/ just to

name a couple


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, do you know how to do that. I'm ashamed to admit this but I've been on

them practically my whole adult life. I went off of them for about a year using

a taper method, that was so hard to follow but did it and felt so very good,

calmer than usual, clearer headed, but a tragedy put me back on them. (I have a

dysfunctional family. Thinking of them keeps it up at night.)> The benzos do

give you rebound anxiety and that's why you need them again. For me, I could

handle the anxiety but not the loss of sleep that went with it. I take only

small dose at bedtime. They are wonderful for occasional insomnia. They cause

amnesia, so you can really do forget your troubles but they creat their own

anxiety cycle as they start to leave your body which is then highest right at

bedtime, if you take them at bedtime. I was shocked by how *calm* I felt off of

them. A calmness I hadn't experienced for so long along with increased

alertness, bec of course the sedative never completely leaves your body, during

the 24 hour period. I have had no bad side effects except the rebound anxiety

which is what you take them for anyway. I really think they are wonderful drug

but doctors should help you to get off of them if you get stuck. I talk to my

doctor about helping me with this but he says I'm on too small a dose to worry

about tapering. I even think I felt healthier and wonder if its because they

SUPPRESS your immune system. Think about it, a sedative might sedate your whole

body. I had a skin condition that cleared up when I went off of them. However

I was up at night doing all this measuring and had to suffer through some

sleepless nights that I'm not up to right now. Is there a better way? ...and

before anyone says it, melatonin doesn't work for me, not if I've been on benzo.

You have to get off the benzo medicine first. It has it's own anxiety cycle.

Incidentally, I can switch off of benzo and onto ambien but ambien gives me

horrible side affects.


> I have heard that using water titration to slowly step down the dosage is the

best way to prvent this effect

> karen> >

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LOL. As for me, I do drink a cup of coffe, did keep my pets but wash them and I

do take prescription medicine but I don't think it is good for me. I like the

saying though.


> let me get this straight, it's not ok to smoke a cigerette or have a cup of

coffee, but ok to keep your pets and take prescribed drugs that could keep you

chronic condition, chronic ?




> Dose – Response Effects



> " All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right

dose differentiates a poison from a remedy "


> Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim


> Paracelsus, 1493-1541


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Beyond avoiding gluten b/c of mold. I have true intolerance to it. Research your

med ingredients at rxlist.com & glutenfreedrugs.com  I reacted to this hidden

ing.  pregelantinzed starch. Anything w malt is sugar.  Kathy



very few medications are labeled as gluten-free. Inactive ingredients

may be listed on the box or the package insert, but it is difficult if

not impossible (even for pharmacists) to tell if these are derived from


In particular, any starch ingredient (including " pregelatinized

starch " and " sodium starch glycolate " ) not labeled specifically as

coming from a gluten-free source -- for example, corn, potato, tapioca

-- should be a cause for alarm. In addition to starch, other inactive

ingredients that might come from wheat or barley include -- but are not

limited to -- dextrates, dextrins, dextri-maltose, and maltodextrin.

Sometimes even the pharmaceutical company itself does not know

for sure whether its medications are gluten-free, because they do not

know the gluten-free status of the raw materials they buy from outside

suppliers. Cross-contamination during the manufacturing process is another

potential problem.

Several organizations have published lists of gluten-free

medications and directories of pharmaceutical company contact

information. Use these lists as starting points to investigate the gluten-free

status of your medicines.

Steps for Protecting Yourself from Gluten in Medicines Tell all the

pharmacists at your drugstore that your medications must be gluten-free.

Remember that

although pharmacists have expert knowledge of medicines and how they

work, they are not experts either in celiac disease or in the source of

the inactive ingredients in the various pharmaceutical products.

Ask your doctor for first-choice and second-choice prescriptions.

When your doctor is prescribing a medication for you, remind her that

you are going to need to check the gluten-free status of the medication.

Ask to be given a second-choice prescription in case the first-choice

medicine turns out to be unsafe.

Call the drug company yourself. You are ultimately

responsible for your (or your child's) health. Get the drug company's

phone number and call it yourself. If you're trying to confirm the

gluten-free status of a generic prescription medicine, ask your

pharmacist for the name and phone number of their generic brand


Prepare to argue with your insurance company. When

generic medications are available, your insurance company will probably

not approve the brand-name drug. Generic medications, however, are not

required to contain the same fillers as the brand name formulation. Just

because you've confirmed that a brand-name medicine is gluten-free

doesn't mean the generic form is safe. If you need a brand-name medicine

because no safe generic alternative is available, call your insurance

company to learn what you'll need to do to get approval for the more

expensive form.

Give an advance call before any outpatient tests. If

you'll be having any radiological (x-ray) procedures for which you'll

need to drink some type of contrast material, call ahead to make sure

the radiologists verify the gluten-free status of whatever they're going

to give you.

Finally, if you require an unusual medicine for which no

gluten-free formulation is commercially available, ask your pharmacist

to put you in touch with a pharmacy that does customized compounding.


Plogsted S. Medications and celiac disease -- tips from a pharmacist. Practical

Gastroenterology, January 2007.

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How do you do water titration ?


> >

> > I took .05 mgs of klonopin for about 6 months when I stopped taking it I had

the worst rebound anxiety you can possibly imagine which lasted for about a


> >

> > There's several forums for people that are dealing with prolonged benzo w/d.

There http://www.benzobuddies.org/ and http://www.benzoexodus.com/forum/ just to

name a couple

> >


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My own two cents, for someone already on them it's different, but I

think the docs shouldn't be so quick to put people on them for long-term

use, especially young people, my son quickly worked up to 4 mg (as I

recall) per day of klonopin as he quickly developed tolerance, and this

was only over a month or two, if it hadn't been for me objecting and

getting him tapered off before some kind of permanent damage were to

occur, he might still be on them, it surely wasn't the right drug for

him as he developed tolerance to a high dose so quickly. Google the

drug and you will see that some portion of people develop some of the

same symptoms, as a result of using the drug, as the drug is meant to

treat and others too and this can be after only a few months of regular


And Barb, you should never be ashamed about any drug or therapy you are

using, we are all just trying to cope with the stuff coming at us....


>, do you know how to do that. I'm ashamed to admit this but I've

>been on them practically my whole adult life. I went off of them for

>about a year using a taper method, that was so hard to follow but did it

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I drink coffee, kept our killer toy poodle, drink wine, eat chocolate

(our 5th food group!), DO NOT take prescription drugs or OTC drugs and

feel blessed not to need the latter....try to do yoga, take nature walks

for stress/anxiety, am in pretty good health and believe me no longer

take that for granted!

Sue V

>LOL. As for me, I do drink a cup of coffe, did keep my pets but wash

>them and I do take prescription medicine but I don't think it is good

>for me. I like the saying though.




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Barb, I empathize!!! I'm on Ativan, too, a nightly dose, and am frightened of

going off it, but want to, badly. Because it's hard to get a correct dose when

you're dealing with tiny pills like 1mg of Ativan--even mixing with liquid can

be inexact--the Ashton Manual details a process where you substitute the small

dose benzo with an equivalent of Valium (because something like 1mg Ativan is

equivalent to 10mg Valium--something like that, anyway). Then you can more

easily titrate down from the Valium dose.

For myself, though, I think I would try the liquid method anyway. I hate Valium

(I was put on that first and made me very loopy). At one point I was on a daily

*and* nightly dose of Ativan, and was able to get off the daily dose .25mg at a

time. So though I am really frightened of the final reduction (I've heard that's

the worst--that last .5 or .25 mg), I will eventually do it. I just want my

doc's go ahead so that, if I should have a seizure or something, there's no

waving of a finger and a quick move to put me right back on the stuff.

From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Subject: [] Re: Anxiety

Date: Monday, September 13, 2010, 2:15 AM

, do you know how to do that. I'm ashamed to admit this but I've

been on them practically my whole adult life. I went off of them for about a

year using a taper method, that was so hard to follow but did it and felt so

very good, calmer than usual, clearer headed, but a tragedy put me back on them.

(I have a dysfunctional family. Thinking of them keeps it up at night.)> The

benzos do give you rebound anxiety and that's why you need them again. For me,

I could handle the anxiety but not the loss of sleep that went with it. I take

only small dose at bedtime. They are wonderful for occasional insomnia. They

cause amnesia, so you can really do forget your troubles but they creat their

own anxiety cycle as they start to leave your body which is then highest right

at bedtime, if you take them at bedtime. I was shocked by how *calm* I felt off

of them. A calmness I hadn't experienced for so long along with increased

alertness, bec of course

the sedative never completely leaves your body, during the 24 hour period. I

have had no bad side effects except the rebound anxiety which is what you take

them for anyway. I really think they are wonderful drug but doctors should help

you to get off of them if you get stuck. I talk to my doctor about helping me

with this but he says I'm on too small a dose to worry about tapering. I even

think I felt healthier and wonder if its because they SUPPRESS your immune

system. Think about it, a sedative might sedate your whole body. I had a skin

condition that cleared up when I went off of them. However I was up at night

doing all this measuring and had to suffer

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Janet, not everyone who takes benzo's has the type of reaction that I

experienced just like not everyone has a reaction to mold. Personally I think

that klonopin is the greatest thing since sliced bread in terms of controlling

anxiety attacks but my genetics just cant handle taking the drug long term.


> I take 1 mg klonopin as well as others have for five years

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I take five a day as well as two xanax geodon and Cymbalta When I

got sick and lost my job I went crazy needed to calm down now I go

crazy being housebound and still take all the pills. It evens me out it

doesn't knpoock me out or anything

In a message dated 9/13/2010 8:35:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tug_slug@... writes:

Janet, not everyone who takes benzo's has the type of reaction that I

experienced just like not everyone has a reaction to mold. Personally I think

that klonopin is the greatest thing since sliced bread in terms of

controlling anxiety attacks but my genetics just cant handle taking the drug




> I take 1 mg klonopin as well as others have for five years

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Robin when I stopped taking klonopin i used the water titration method but

because klonopin has such a short half life my Dr switched me over to Valium.

The purpose of water titrating is it allows you to make smaller cuts so you

experience a gradual decline in blood levels.


> How do you do water titration ?


> Robin

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