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Ferri's new novel has been praised by Obie Award Winner Drake as HEARTFELT and HILARIOUS is now ready! Get your copy today on Amazon.com or and Noble Nook!

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 Wounded Healers is finally here and

available on Amazon Kindle, and and Noble Nook!  It is the long-awaited sequel to the

best-selling, award-winning novel Confessions of a Male Nurse.  You do not have to be a male or a nurse

to enjoy my new book, but you should be ready to laugh, cry, ponder, and be

shocked.  It is also simply a damn

good read.  But don’t take my word

for it.  Just read what the

comedian Kate Clinton said in her

review: With its gritty story lines,

gutsy characters and dark humor, Wounded Healers is the AIDS plot line missing

from every hospital drama series since the 1980s. Someone call Nurse Ratchet! “ 

WoUnded Healers continues the story

of Steele and Storm as they face a new life together and a new disease.  Both men live, love, and heal with daring

at the dawn of the strange virus that started to attack gay men during the

early ‘80s.  They fight HIV/AIDS

with power, passion, and bravery.  As Strub the Founder of POZ Magazine

said:  " Rick Ferri's latest work is a fast-paced, engaging read with the

circumstance, nuance and emotion so authentic that it could be recreated in

words only by one who was there on the frontlines.  Ferri's book is well-written and entertaining, to be sure,

but it is also a profoundly truthful witness to a horrific time that is

under-documented and too-often forgotten. "  Wonded Healers

is the real story of the beginning of the AIDS crisis that could only be told

by someone that was there.  Obie Award Winner (The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me) and actor (Law & Order) Drake noted that :  “In times of crisis,

anxiety mounts for someone to step up and tell us a story teaming with passion,

laughter, tears and by-the-seat-of-your-pants plot twists. A story to lift our

spirits and see us through to that place called hope. With this heartfelt and

hilarious new novel, Ferri has done just that -- rushing forward with a

heroically human story that absolutely lives up to its title.” This is a book for everyone, ever passion.  Get your copy today…it is just a few

clicks away….And, don’t forget to pick up the first title in the series—Confessions

of a Male Nurse—which is NOW available as an eBook finally!!!!For Kindle owners: http://www.amazon.com/Wounded-Healers-Confessions-Nurse-ebook/dp/B006YCZMMY/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8 & qid=1327269569 & sr=8-15

 For Nook owners: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/wounded-healers-richard-s-ferri/1108285499?ean=2940013749726 & itm=3 & usri=wounded+healers

-- Regards, VergelBook link

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