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- 3 Month Bikini Rotation

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Hi again, !I think I'm going to do it too - I like that it is 3 months/ b/c if I get tired of it I can quit and not feel like a quitter! :) Also, the structure is a bit diffeent than what I'm used to 4 days on/one day off/3 days on/one day off. It would mean I would end up doing some tougher workouts than I'm used to on the weekends - but I'm game for trying! The good thing is, if we miss a day we can just pick up where we left off and keep going. I'm not sure if I have all the workouts or not, but I know I will probably do some substituting but will keep it in the same category. For instance, I really don't want to do Lower BOdy Split which is a VERY long lower body workout - I think it would bother my back to do such a long weighted lower body routine, so I will probably substitute something there.

Hope you have a good day - I think I'm going to start on Sunday! :)

Donna (p.s. I don't do bikinis either! I like tankinis though...and I reallly like the "boy" shorts or the skirts instead of the traditional bikini bottom. But, we don't get to the beach very often and we don't ahve a neighborhood pool or pool membership anywhere - DD just goes to the Y for swim lessons) But, I would like my capri pants and sleeveless tops to fit well this summer!)

From: <nancydewolf@...>Subject: Re: The FIRM Aerobic Body Shaping Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 9:40 PM

 Hi Donna!

Thank you!

Okay, I have Ultimate Calorie Blaster (I had to look it up to know for sure what it is called too) and remember liking it a lot the once or twice I did it. I'll have to do that one again soon too.

I saw the Bikini Bootcamp rotation you posted and I have all but 9 of the workouts but can sub them for ones I do have (or look for them on the swap boards!). I'm thinking about doing all or some of it. I want to keep going with the FIRM for right now because I really get fast, great results doing their workouts and that really is what I want right now. I'm tired of playing around and tank top season (I don't do bikinis) is coming soon (I think, we just got a few more inches of snow today though). Anyway, I haven't looked at that rotation in any detail but I might follow it. I've got some workouts I've acquired recently too though that I want to do that are not FIRM so I might see if I can sub any of them in (two of them are Jillian's NMTZ and BFBM, also Dozois' Ultimate Workout and Spreen's kickboxing one that I can't remember the name of) or just go off rotation from time to time.

Okay, now it is later (I kept getting interrupted while writing this) and I'm looking at the rotation a little more and had a bunch of questions that suddenly became crystal clear as I looked at it yet again more closely. I love it when the light bulb finally comes on. Anyway, this is looking better and better as I look at it more. I think I could do this... I see some workouts I've been purposely avoiding (because they scare me), like Super Cardio and Express Cardio... maybe if they are part of the rotation I'll feel more like I have to do them... that's more of a reason to do this... yeah, count me in, probably, why not? I'll decide for sure in the next couple of days and will start either Sunday or Monday if I do it. Thanks for the idea, Donna!

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