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Re: More 1RM

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Darcy you crack me up! Wow, 7AM, you are such a slacker ;-) I sleep till 11AM on

my off days. If I had to choose between chocolate and sleep, I would choose





> Well, I didn't wake up this morning until nearly 7:00! I couldn't believe

> it..ugh.. I'm going to have a heck of a time getting back in the groove when

> the boys are back at school. It was after 10:00 that we went to sleep last

> night, so not THAT late. Jeeze. I'm normally up by 4:00 or 5, and the

> latest. Anyway, the boys were still amazingly sleeping when I headed

> downstairs about 7:45. I did some more one-rep maxes. I enjoy doing these,

> I really do. Makes me think I should do my own thing for working out

> sometimes.. But, I plan enough workout routines, and don't want to plan my

> own! LOL.. Anyway, I worked pretty hard, but was more tired than when I

> did these on Monday. I quit at the 1-hour mark. I burned 370 calories with

> my average 107. I still have a little muscle soreness from when I did these

> on Monday! aye..aye..aye..


> Anyway, a quiet day and night at home. I am thinking I'd love to get in a

> short workout this afternoon. I went over ten days straight getting a

> second-workout in, and now I've had a few off... I'm very anxious to start

> STS again, and get serious with my eating!


> Darcy


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