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Re: febrile seizures and Apraxia?

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Hi laceyjo35959

You asked if there was a correlation between febrile seizures and Apraxia.

I think I'm right that febrile seizures are from a high fever and that's

what made me respond. When my son was 11 months old, he was babbling and

saying mama and then at 11 1/2 months, he got pnemonia with a fever of 105.3

and wound up in the hospital for a few days. His fever was that high on and

off for about 3 days and after he got out of the hospital, he was a

different kid. He was very quiet and didn't say mama again until he was 3.4

years old. So although he didn't have a febrile seizure, he did have the

high fever and I believe that had a lot to do with whatever " triggered " his

Apraxia. Of course it's nothing I could ever prove, but I feel that his

fever caused some type of neurological damage which gave him Apraxia. Just

my thoughts....

in NJ


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The only thing is that there are lots of kids with febrile seizures

that don't have speech problems.

Febrile seizure do not cause permanent damage. Other types of

seizures are a result of damage to the brain.

My daughter has brain damage and had seizures.

--- In @y..., " D. Rothweiler " <Kdr-1@h...>


> Hi laceyjo35959


> You asked if there was a correlation between febrile seizures and


> I think I'm right that febrile seizures are from a high fever and


> what made me respond. When my son was 11 months old, he was

babbling and

> saying mama and then at 11 1/2 months, he got pnemonia with a

fever of 105.3

> and wound up in the hospital for a few days. His fever was that

high on and

> off for about 3 days and after he got out of the hospital, he was a

> different kid. He was very quiet and didn't say mama again until

he was 3.4

> years old. So although he didn't have a febrile seizure, he did

have the

> high fever and I believe that had a lot to do with

whatever " triggered " his

> Apraxia. Of course it's nothing I could ever prove, but I feel

that his

> fever caused some type of neurological damage which gave him

Apraxia. Just

> my thoughts....


> in NJ

> KDR-1@h...

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Hi,my son was talking at 1 1/2 as well. He was saying the usual -

mama,dada,no, oo-ie (Louis , his brother) and then it stopped. With

Charlie it was his MMR but what you say now has me wondering if the

temperature after the immunisation wasn't part of that..he didn't

have any kind of convulsions though. What interested me in your story

too was that my Doctor also refused to accept that Charlie had been

talking, he seemed to think I had imagined it but I hadn't - we have

bits of it on video. What was worse now I think about it was that he

had also gone through all the correct stages of babbling ( how I miss

that now!)...when he lost his speech he didn't just lose his " words "

he also lost those building blocks of speech. I've always said he

lost his speech but now to think that EVERYTHING just stopped to be

replaced with just whineing and occasional screaming seems somehow

more sad. He is trying to put words together now as our various

therapies start to help him but he is clearly in a different

developmental place from that where the damage was done.



> Do you know of any relationship between febrile seizures and


> My almost 3 yr old was saying words like light, kitty, moon(instead

> of oon she says now) at 1 1/2. She then had a febrile seizure and


> haven't heard any of these words since. By age two I started


> concerned about her speech and discussed it with her pediatrician.

> Speech delay was his diagnosis. I time after time couldn't make


> understand her speech had regressed. Finally I got in touch with

> Early Intervention in my state and my daughter has been in speech

> therapy now for a month. Today the possiblity of apraxia was

> discussed with me by her therapist.

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Your letter sure did set me in motion. Our children's scenrios should so much

alike that I pulled Lacey's shot record. I knew

she had had some immunizations not too long before her seizure because I

remembered asking the e.r. doctor if they could

have cause it (of course he said no). Well she did have several vaccinations

two weeks before, DTP, HIB, IPV and

PREVNAR. I learned today that one of the side affects of prevnar is seizures.

Then I thought two weeks is a long time for

side affects to show up, but they could never find ANY reason for the fever and

believe me they ran my baby through the

wringer that night. It really makes me angry that my pediatrician recommended

this vaccine after everything I've read today on

it. Parents please before you give this vaccine to your child read what it is

made of and it's side affects. Coincidence, I don't

think so.

>Hi,my son was talking at 1 1/2 as well. He was saying the usual -

>mama,dada,no, oo-ie (Louis , his brother) and then it stopped. With

>Charlie it was his MMR but what you say now has me wondering if the

>temperature after the immunisation wasn't part of that..he didn't

>have any kind of convulsions though. What interested me in your story

>too was that my Doctor also refused to accept that Charlie had been

>talking, he seemed to think I had imagined it but I hadn't - we have

>bits of it on video. What was worse now I think about it was that he

>had also gone through all the correct stages of babbling ( how I miss

>that now!)...when he lost his speech he didn't just lose his " words "

>he also lost those building blocks of speech. I've always said he

>lost his speech but now to think that EVERYTHING just stopped to be

>replaced with just whineing and occasional screaming seems somehow

>more sad. He is trying to put words together now as our various

>therapies start to help him but he is clearly in a different

>developmental place from that where the damage was done.



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hi i just had to jump in and add us to the list - my son (now 2 yrs 10

mths - SID, speech delay) had a febrile seizure 3 weeks after vaccines

when he was 13 mths old. He also went thru the wringer at the

hospital. He had another febrile seizure about one month ago (nearly 2

yrs after the first) and today he is having an eeg done. Any one

else's child have an eeg under similiar circumstances? I sort of feel

like it's unnecessary since both seizures seem clearly fever related

but maybe that's denial and fear talking. think good thoughts for my

baby boy.


(mom to 2,10mths and Aimee 13 yrs)

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Good Luck' Let us know how it came out

[ ] Re: febrile seizures and apraxia?

hi i just had to jump in and add us to the list - my son (now 2 yrs 10

mths - SID, speech delay) had a febrile seizure 3 weeks after vaccines

when he was 13 mths old. He also went thru the wringer at the

hospital. He had another febrile seizure about one month ago (nearly 2

yrs after the first) and today he is having an eeg done. Any one

else's child have an eeg under similiar circumstances? I sort of feel

like it's unnecessary since both seizures seem clearly fever related

but maybe that's denial and fear talking. think good thoughts for my

baby boy.


(mom to 2,10mths and Aimee 13 yrs)

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When I was an infant I had 2 febrile seizures. My brother had one. My

daughter has had one. When we had to go to the ER they told me at that time

that once they have one they are more suseptible to having another. So,

when my daughters fever spiked again two days later we got real worried, and

made another trip to the ER. They told me there is nothing to worry about

concerning brain damage. Hope this makes you feel better.

Thank you

>From: " Finley " <nancfin@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] Re: febrile seizures and apraxia?

>Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 20:32:11 -0500




>Good Luck' Let us know how it came out




> [ ] Re: febrile seizures and apraxia?



> hi i just had to jump in and add us to the list - my son (now 2 yrs 10

> mths - SID, speech delay) had a febrile seizure 3 weeks after vaccines

> when he was 13 mths old. He also went thru the wringer at the

> hospital. He had another febrile seizure about one month ago (nearly 2

> yrs after the first) and today he is having an eeg done. Any one

> else's child have an eeg under similiar circumstances? I sort of feel

> like it's unnecessary since both seizures seem clearly fever related

> but maybe that's denial and fear talking. think good thoughts for my

> baby boy.

> na

> (mom to 2,10mths and Aimee 13 yrs)



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This is an interesting line of discussion. In any of these cases,

was there any suspicion that your children had meningitis or

encephalitis as part of the febrile illness? Were they followed up

by specialists or case management staff from the hospital?

What you are describing is similar to what post-encephalitic children

can sometimes show. This reenforces the need for close surveillance

of children after serious febrile illness, where a noticable change

in mood, personality, or developmental skills is evident.

Larry Laveman, MD

Consultant, CHERAB


--- In @y..., " D. Rothweiler " <Kdr-1@h...>


> Hi laceyjo35959


> You asked if there was a correlation between febrile seizures and


> I think I'm right that febrile seizures are from a high fever and


> what made me respond. When my son was 11 months old, he was

babbling and

> saying mama and then at 11 1/2 months, he got pnemonia with a fever

of 105.3

> and wound up in the hospital for a few days. His fever was that

high on and

> off for about 3 days and after he got out of the hospital, he was a

> different kid. He was very quiet and didn't say mama again until

he was 3.4

> years old. So although he didn't have a febrile seizure, he did

have the

> high fever and I believe that had a lot to do with

whatever " triggered " his

> Apraxia. Of course it's nothing I could ever prove, but I feel

that his

> fever caused some type of neurological damage which gave him

Apraxia. Just

> my thoughts....


> in NJ

> KDR-1@h...

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in my child's case they never found the source of the fever. After taking

blood, urine, chest x-rays and a cat scan, they then wanted to admit her into

pediaitrics ward to do a spinal tap. I told them not until they talked to her

doctor. He told me to take her home and bring her in the following day for a

follow up. When he first came in the room with us he said " i have good news,

the spot they saw on the cat scan was just a shadow " . I told him no one had

said anything to me about a spot on her brain during the cat scan. It was never

mentioned again. She did have the Prevnar vaccine 2 weeks prior to the episode

but no other know illness.

[ ] Re: febrile seizures and Apraxia?

This is an interesting line of discussion. In any of these cases,

was there any suspicion that your children had meningitis or

encephalitis as part of the febrile illness? Were they followed up

by specialists or case management staff from the hospital?

What you are describing is similar to what post-encephalitic children

can sometimes show. This reenforces the need for close surveillance

of children after serious febrile illness, where a noticable change

in mood, personality, or developmental skills is evident.

Larry Laveman, MD

Consultant, CHERAB


> Hi laceyjo35959


> You asked if there was a correlation between febrile seizures and


> I think I'm right that febrile seizures are from a high fever and


> what made me respond. When my son was 11 months old, he was

babbling and

> saying mama and then at 11 1/2 months, he got pnemonia with a fever

of 105.3

> and wound up in the hospital for a few days. His fever was that

high on and

> off for about 3 days and after he got out of the hospital, he was a

> different kid. He was very quiet and didn't say mama again until

he was 3.4

> years old. So although he didn't have a febrile seizure, he did

have the

> high fever and I believe that had a lot to do with

whatever " triggered " his

> Apraxia. Of course it's nothing I could ever prove, but I feel

that his

> fever caused some type of neurological damage which gave him

Apraxia. Just

> my thoughts....


> in NJ

> KDR-1@h...

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My son did backslide on his language and developmental skills post

fenrile seizure #1 (at 13mths) and was later diagnosed with possible

apraxia and expressive/receptive delays. Since seizure #2 (about a

month ago, at age 2 years 10mths) which also happen in conjunction

with a fever and illness, we have had an eeg which came back with

diffuse abnormalities and we are awaiting an mri. With both seizures,

we went into see the doctor and on the first we even went to the

hospital - no one mentioned encephalitis or meningitis and I don't

believe he was tested for either. I think they decided he had a virus

of some sort and that was it.


> This is an interesting line of discussion. In any of these cases,

> was there any suspicion that your children had meningitis or

> encephalitis as part of the febrile illness? Were they followed up

> by specialists or case management staff from the hospital?


> What you are describing is similar to what post-encephalitic


> can sometimes show. This reenforces the need for close surveillance

> of children after serious febrile illness, where a noticable change

> in mood, personality, or developmental skills is evident.


> Larry Laveman, MD

> Consultant, CHERAB

> http://www.apraxia.cc

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I just want to say that my daughter has been to 2 neurologists. She

definitely does have brain damager, but they both think that her

speech problems are not related to brain damage.

She is an identical twin, and her sister does not have brain

damage. Her sister has some speech problems, but she can talk!

My personal opinion is that the brain damage has magnified any other

conditions that may have existed.

When do you get the MRI results? I hated waiting for them.


> My son did backslide on his language and developmental skills post

> fenrile seizure #1 (at 13mths) and was later diagnosed with


> apraxia and expressive/receptive delays. Since seizure #2 (about a

> month ago, at age 2 years 10mths) which also happen in conjunction

> with a fever and illness, we have had an eeg which came back with

> diffuse abnormalities and we are awaiting an mri. With both


> we went into see the doctor and on the first we even went to the

> hospital - no one mentioned encephalitis or meningitis and I don't

> believe he was tested for either. I think they decided he had a


> of some sort and that was it.

> na



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Hi Suzi,

we haven't even had the mri yet! still waiting to get the appointment.

we just found out the eeg was abnormal 2 days ago. i'm just trying to

hold on to my sanity here and not imagine the worst case scenario.

if he's having seizures aside from the 2 febrile seizures, we can't

see them. if he is having absence seizures that small, then how

can they know if those are contributing to his delays? one more

question (sorry - i'm losing it) is; does an abnormal eeg always mean

seizure activity or could it mean brain damage without seizure

activity or something else?

how old are your daughters? and how is your speech delayed daughter


thanks for responding and good luck!!


> I just want to say that my daughter has been to 2 neurologists. She

> definitely does have brain damager, but they both think that her

> speech problems are not related to brain damage.


> She is an identical twin, and her sister does not have brain

> damage. Her sister has some speech problems, but she can talk!


> My personal opinion is that the brain damage has magnified any other

> conditions that may have existed.


> When do you get the MRI results? I hated waiting for them.


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The only time that had adnormal EEGs was when she was actively

seizing at 6 weeks old. She had a normal one at 6 months old. We

haven't had another EEG since.

I know that an adnormal EEG can mean that the brain waves are

immature, but no seizure activity. I'm not sure how all of this


I also know that you can have a normal MRI and still have brain


has quite a lot of brain damage. I think she shocked the

doctors. They thought she would have a normal MRI because she was

doing everything developmentally on time except for talking. Of

course, I've also thought she is different. The OT finally said

she has sensory integration problems, and she definitely fits the

bill on that one.

As far as talking, she's made a lot of progress this year. A year

ago, she was only saying a few words. Now, she can say lots of

single words. She also says sentences. Her latest sentence is " I

want to stay up late " . Of course, we practiced that sentence a lot

before she finally said it. Everything takes lots of work, but

she's doing it.

Unfortunately, I don't think our neurologists have been too helpful.

I need to take her for another check-up. It will be interesting to

see what they have to say about her this time.

Good luck! Please let me know what the MRI results are. You can e-

mail me if you like.

> Hi Suzi,

> we haven't even had the mri yet! still waiting to get the


> we just found out the eeg was abnormal 2 days ago. i'm just trying


> hold on to my sanity here and not imagine the worst case scenario.

> if he's having seizures aside from the 2 febrile seizures, we


> see them. if he is having absence seizures that small, then how

> can they know if those are contributing to his delays? one more

> question (sorry - i'm losing it) is; does an abnormal eeg always


> seizure activity or could it mean brain damage without seizure

> activity or something else?

> how old are your daughters? and how is your speech delayed


> progressing?

> thanks for responding and good luck!!

> na




> > I just want to say that my daughter has been to 2 neurologists.


> > definitely does have brain damager, but they both think that her

> > speech problems are not related to brain damage.

> >

> > She is an identical twin, and her sister does not have brain

> > damage. Her sister has some speech problems, but she can talk!

> >

> > My personal opinion is that the brain damage has magnified any


> > conditions that may have existed.

> >

> > When do you get the MRI results? I hated waiting for them.

> >

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