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Have fun with this one! Haley, Engley and Ayoub are awesome, this one aired last night. They keep getting better and better. has done the most thorough investigation I have seen into anything. Yesterday was her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you! Perfect day to start her investigation. www.KOMU.com


COLUMBIA - One doctor's passionate belief in his research supports one of many theories of what causes of autism, but no theory gets people arguing more than linking the disorder to vaccines.

KOMU's Reynolds delved deep into what some parents think is the only reason their children have autism. The root of the debate stems from something invisible to the eye, but for some its possible effects are devastating to see.

You cant see it, but it's in there. One of the most toxic elements on earth is in vaccines. Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound used in some vaccines as a preservative. Eli Lilly started selling thimerosal in the 1930s and the pharmaceutical company will reportedly profit from this compound until 2010.

According to Dr. Haley there were no cases of autism before 1941. He also says thimerosal was invented in 1928, put into biologicals in 1932, and increased exposure to organic material.

"This is a modern man disease and when people say, 'Oh we had it before," yeah there was mercury around before a lot of the snake oils. Mercury isn't rare, but we didn't have the level of autism as we had after we introduced thimerosal as a biological material," he explained.

A generation of children born in the 1990s is at the heart of the current debate. From the early 80s to today, the number of vaccines given to American children has more than tripled, tripling mercury intake at the same time. The amount of mercury an American child like Adam from Kansas received in the 90s from vaccines is around 237 micrograms. Just like any child, Adam didn't receive all those vaccines at once, but he did get multiple shots at each appointment amounting to about 50 micrograms per visit.

We all encounter mercury in our environment and our bodies work to get rid of, or excrete, it. The larger you are, the easier it is to excrete mercury. In fact, EPA standards say a person large enough to be able to excrete the 50 micrograms from a single office visit would have to weigh 1100 pounds. The reason size matters is a naturally occurring compound in our bodies called gluthione. Generally, larger people have more of it. But researchers who study possible biochemical causes for autism say children with the disorder have far less glutathione than normal, even for their small size. According to them, this explains the correlation between increased vaccines and increase autism rates.

In the 1970s when children received a third of the vaccines they do now, doctors diagnosed one out of 10,000 kids with autism. Today that number is around one in 150.

For those who don't see the link to vaccines, they say the spike in autism cases comes from better diagnoses and the fact that the autism spectrum has grown to include aspergers and other disorders marked by communication problems and repetitive behaviors.

"It's probably better diagnosing. I think what has also happened is we are diagnosing many, many children with autism now that weren't diagnosed in the past, because we used a much more rigid diagnostic criteria. Fifteen years ago to get an autism diagnosis, you really had to have what we call autistic disorder-severe classical autistic disorder. Now we are using instruments that have a lot more wiggle room," he said.

The CDC says it removed thimerosal from the manufacture of vaccines in 1999, but the compound was still in vaccines sold in 2003, meaning drug companies continued to sell thimerosal in vaccines until they were out of stock.

"They didn't take it out for any other reason to be nice, give me a break. You would say you would cause the vaccine manufacturers much more expense to make to appease a few parents...for something that you didn't believe in? No, they are liars. People have got to understand that they just lie to you. They are covering their rear end. It is what we call damage control," explained Dr. Haley.

"As a pediatrician I think one of the most important things we can do right after providing clean drinking water is childhood vaccines. I think the data, looking at the data, dispassionately says vaccines is not where the problem is," argued Dr. Miles.

We traveled to Springfield, Illinois to interview Dr. Ayoub, a physician and autism researcher. He says just because vaccines don't officially contain thimerosal, trace amounts of mercury still remain. He says that trace amount is no less a problem.

"In 2004, the amount of mercury that the population has gotten has increased steadily and is still increasing. Today by the time a child turns 4, he will receive 53 percent of the peak amount of mercury he got before 1999. A 50 percent reduction is hardly an elimination. We are still getting plenty of mercury in vaccines," he explained.

Most flu vaccines, for instance, still contain 25 mcg of mercury. According to the EPA, that much mercury can only be safely processed by someone weighing 550 pounds. Babies in pregnant women receive 12.5 mcg, the EPA says that baby would have to weigh 275 pounds to process the mercury safely.

Dr. Engley is a retired chairman and professor of Microbiology at the University of Missouri. He served on various committees and panels and has consulted for the CDC, NASA, the FDA, and EPA. He did some of the first research on the toxicity of thimerosal.

"We found thimerosal is toxic down to a level that is almost unbelievable. Down to 1.10, maybe 100 nanograms...a millionth of a gram and that is about as toxic as you can get," he said.

"So you can dilute it a lot and still have enough to suppress the immune system, especially if you got 2-3 vax at one time. So it is an immune system depressor. Which makes it stupid to put in vaccines," argued Dr. Haley.

Earlier in this story, we heard from Dr. Judith Miles of MU's Center. She disagrees with Dr. Haley about the dangers of thimerosal.

In our next installment we talk more with Dr. Miles about her take on the compound. Be sure to watch Wednesday at 10 for Part Two.

Reported by: ReynoldsPosted by: Farrell

Published: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 9:15 PMLast Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 12:50 AM


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If you read Dr. Miles' paper, they make a blanket statement in the discussion that their study confirms no link between thimerosal and autism. ?Problem is they never stratify or control for all the other potential thimerosal doses received subsequently by children who's mothers got thimerosal-free Rhogam. ?If you keep selecting the right subsets you will never find statistically significant data in this issue, just keep finding larger heterogenous populations with only one vaccine exposure controlled for and you will never find statistical significance. ?Its all the vaccines as little hits along the way with and?without thimerosal in the wrong envrionmentally challenged populace (aluminum and other toxins will still be slowly removed) that is causing the problem and thimerosal is adding a additional fire to the situation. ?You can't look at one insult at one point in time on this spectrum of repeated insults along the way and then conclude there is no relationship.

But for clarity, let me model her approach in a similar way in which I could convince people that radiation is not associated with cancer by analogy (follow the parenthetical relations)

Some of you may know there is a recent publication indicating that medical diagnostic radiation is potentially going to be linked to or causative in 2% of US cancers in the next several decades. ?Thats a very disturbing thing and as a radiologist, I will not do as a so many pediatrics colleagues and tell you that radiation (vaccination) is without harm, in fact its is over used just like vaccines in a myopic world of convenient medicine rather than a thoughtful judicious way in many cases.

But lets say I published this research to prove radiation in medical imaging is safe would you believe me?

"We studied kids with childhood leukemia (autism) {who also had 36 x-rays of various body parts (vaccines) in their first 3 years of life} who were in utero during an abdominal X-ray (Rhogam with Hg) and compared them to another group of children {who also had 36 x-rays in the first ?36 months} who had an in utero exposure to a maternal abdominal gamma-scintigram (rhogam without thimerosal). We find there is no difference in the rates of leukemia, therefore we conclude that X-ray radiation is not associated with childhood leukemia." ? Yeah, right what about the percent insult difference of 36 similar insults versus 35 plus one sightly different insult. ?The degree of insult change or index is not significantly different therefore we conclude that you were not insulted.

Medical radiation is similar to vaccines, it has a risk and should not be pursued unless there is a clinical need. ?Boosters are never proven to be needed before being given in individual cases, simplest point to keep making; there is no clinical evidence on individual basis that any of my kids ever needed more than one dose of a vaccine, the labs were never checked. ?There clearly never needed hepatitis B at birth, mumps could have waited etc.?

That whole hep B thing really burns me up, its like me telling you to have your daughter get a mammogram at 3 (want to get a good baseline now don't we?)!!!! ?OH and by the way if you are a BRCA carrier who has a genetic impairment of DNA repair enzymes that affect the breast increasing the risk of cancer, there is NO way radiation to your breast at a critical development period would ever increase your risk of cancer (just like there is no way a vaccine or heavy metal at the right time in development would be linked to adverse outcomes). ?MEDICINE IS LITTERED with analogies where protective action were made for much fewer people to avoid continued iatrogenesis, the recent gadolinium (heavy metal) toxicities in MRI in THOSE WHO CAN'T DETOXIFY HEAVY METALS is the same damn issue.

I wish I had time to debate the ninnies that keep denying the need to protect the vulnerable by screening them simply because it would appear to be an admission of guilt.

From Dr. Miles paper:

On Dec 18, 2007, at 8:45 PM, Anne Dachel wrote:



Judith Miles said this about Boyd Haley's research:

"There are two kinds of science in the world. It is very easy to put together should, plausible, sounds like a good story [but] that doesn't make it true."




This is the same woman who says that scores of "thoughtful, well-controlled studies" ....on the "small amount of mercury in childhood vaccines"

don't show a connection.


She even got her own study, funded by J & J..........Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that she, as a pediatrician, has a lot at stake in disproving a link?


What exactly doesn't she accept about Dr. Haley's research?? Has she discovered some new law of science?? And what exactly?is?a "small amount" of the second deadliest element on Earth?


After her J & J funded study, would anyone consider that she'd suddenly read Boyd Haley's research and just announce that she was wrong?





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