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We saw the neurosurgeon today to follow up regarding the brain MRI and tethered cord.

The MRI was clear of chiari and hydrocephalus. (yay!) Our next step is surgery for the tethered cord which will be November 9th. They told me will only need to be in the hospital one night, which seems super fast....is that typical for this operation?

I'm trying to get things moving along for casting now that we have this date set and this is our last step before we can cast. I asked the pediatrician if we could do another x-ray to see how much 's curve has progressed, he declined my request stating that we already know 's need is urgent and he didn't feel another x-ray right now is worthy of radiation exposure. I trust his opinion and with the recent discussions about x-rays on here, I'm even more cautious...but I find myself still wanting to know what's happening with his spine and how quickly he is progressing...our last (and only) x-ray was August 29th and he was 54 degrees with a seemingly instantantaneous onset....Thoughts? (side note: has had his fair share of x-rays for his GI issues, so even though we have not had numerous exposures for his spine, he has defintely has his share of exposure to radiation) Opinions? Should I push for the x-ray? Or am I being to numerically driven?

Mama to

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