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Re: AS Related Topics Anyone?

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Well, this is just me so I will say for me how these things are:

1. Sometimes if I have been around people a lot then I need some quiet time on my own. Other people demand a lot and start to demand more if you are 'available' a lot. I need some time to just read, write, enjoy my garden or other things without being on my 'social behavior'. I am likely to start getting too short and abrupt with people if I have been around them too much because I use up my store of being patient about all the social rules that don't make sense or waste time.

2. I think if I am enjoying my alone time and feel invaded by someone coming or calling then it probably cannot be depression even if the person coming to see me thinks that I 'should' want company. If a person is depressed would they want to be alone? or would they want someone to notice that they are depressed and pay attention? When I have felt depressed, I will use my stress breakers to help out. If the depression is over how I mishandled something, I try to work out a postmortem for myself of what went wrong, what went right, and how I can learn from it. Then I usually can move on, unless I need to make some kind of reparation first, then I do that and move on. Also, I use walking, or poetry writing to work through depression.

3. All my relationships have been with Aspies because I was too 'blind' to the social cues from the others to know they were interested. I found out about the other interested persons too late from friends or my sister, or their parent saying so-and-so

had such a crush on you. It probably wouldn't have worked out because I hate having to guess what people want or are interested in. It is too hard and so easy to guess wrong.

Kathy J.

Re: Re: AS related topics anyone?

One of many of my doubts:

1-Why in some people they become more socialized with time...and some people become less?

2-when an As who liked being around people more, all of sudden starts to prefer being alone, could it be because this personn became truer to himself...or maybe it also has something to do with depression, either caused by depression or leading to depression? When to know the difference?

3- Aspies usually relate better with other aspies, for romance and such, or the opposite? In my case my partner is another aspie...but have doubt on how can be the relation with non aspies.


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Hello, Kathy,

1. Sometimes if I have been around people a lot then I need some quiet time on my own. Other people demand a lot and start to demand more if you are 'available' a lot.

Haha. Same here. Last year I was invited to an old friends birthday party, and he was so happy we went, he invited agin to dine with him. Well, then I invited back. Gosh, atfer a few months I realized the only whay to quit this was to never ever accept any of his invitations anymore...as I had other stuff to do, or simply wanted to be lefted alone. I feel sorry he must be upset with me;us, or wondering if he did anything wrong. I said I was busy those days, but did not feel confortable to say I was sick of too much togetherness.

2. I think if I am enjoying my alone time and feel invaded by someone coming or calling then it probably cannot be depression even if the person coming to see me thinks that I 'should' want company. If a person is depressed would they want to be alone? or would they want someone to notice that they are depressed and pay attention? When I have felt depressed, I will use my stress breakers to help out. If the depression is over how I mishandled something, I try to work out a postmortem for myself of what went wrong, what went right, and how I can learn from it. Then I usually can move on, unless I need to make some kind of reparation first, then I do that and move on. Also, I use walking, or poetry writing to work through depression.


I have just got an email from a father of a aspie boy who wrote in the asperger comunity in orkut-does anyone here know orkut?-that he had improved after medication. I was curious on why on earth he was saying that with good psychotherapy and meds the child would get fine...and then he said that the kids was given Risperdal because he did not have good self steem and would get too nervous around people, sometimes. He said that after Risperdal the child becamse a bit more playful, took things less seriously.

Is for you-or any of you-a temptation, sometimes, to try stuff like this for yourself or a dear one in the family?

I would not do it for me as I see myself fine, but it is not so easy to think my son is fine being soo lonely. It seems to me he is wasting his best youth years. Like, some of his friends invited him for a trip and he said to me he would not go unless he was sure he would have a room for him alone...but then gave up imagfining if he didn´t like the stuff he would have already payed such days in the hotel, etc...and maybe he would want to come home earlier. He also gave up going to visit a cousing who invited him as he wondered if he would be kind of obliged to have meals with them, participate somehow in the home routine...and he thought he would maybe prefer to stay at his room all day, or maybe return home before the date he imagine he would.

Sometimes I do end up ejoying people...and I think that sometimes, if given it a try, this can happen.

(I remember a fried of mine, who has not notions of limits and boundaries, once rang my bell and it was late evening and I was in bed...but as she was going to a disco close to my house, she thought it would be nice to stop by. I was angry...and told her she had only ten minutes and then she shoudl leave. It ended up that I loved her conversation...and she stayed about an hour. Well, it was nice she accepted me the way I was)

3. All my relationships have been with Aspies

I think the same. Either all the people, or most of the people I related with are aspies, or I kind of ended up finding supposed aspie traits in them.

Thank you Kathy, for your sharing.

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Hi, Jano!

Nice to hear this topic brought you memories.

To tell you the truth, a paradox happens the more I think of astrology: as some certain "knowing" grows, some doubts and skepticism grow as well.

Like, whoever studies astrology KNOWS that one body, like a planet, affects another body when it is related to it at certain distances, +/- 6 degrees.

So, if a slower planet is at, lets say 10 degrees of a sign, another faster planet will affect it from 4 to 16, and even more if the relation between them is a conjunction, both being at the same place, or an opposition, 180 degrees apart. For some reason I do not know how to explain, if the angle is 90 the relation is rather tense, and if 120 is rather easy, etc.

While astronomer try to answer to the question "what is that", astrologers try to answer another one, which is,"what does it mean"?

Mars have been associated with assertiveness, agressiveness, impulsiveness, etc-traits of personality here.

Uranus is revolution, changing the way things are. Isnt it incredible that the first time a very nice and polite person had a terrible meltdown when mars uranus had exact conjunction, 10th degree both, squaring(90 degrees) natal uranus-both EXACTLY at the cusp of third house-10 degree, which among other things relates to nervous system?

Some acuracies are AMAZING! No way to doubt it after you really study it...as anyone who knows probability will agree it is something special the ocurrence of this placement.

But, still some hard questons: how can be that so different schools and theories, have all same good results? And how can we explain twins? Their lives, personalities, year of death, marriages, deseases, etc, are so different!...

Well, am glad at least one person had something to say about this fascinating topic.

Thank you,


Unlike what people usually think, astrology IS a pretty accurate science when applied properly since even computers can do it perfectly, what means it is ruled by mathematics and variables. Even more: some scientist are thinking the true basis of astrology is on an "empirical" version of things like the "Caos Theory" or the "Cycle Theory" which are entering only recently in the study of the fisics. Yes: it brings back a lot of memories from my mother's expositions at the institute... *sigh*

JanoMarilia Tavares <marilia.trp@...> escribió:

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just wanted to give an opinion on this too :-) In the " real world " I

give an opinion on something and I am looked upon as a freak - even

if the person has asked for the opinion. I suppose sometimes I can

have controversial - or different ways of thinking than the majority

and this inevitably shocks them. There are reasons and logic to my

opinions when I do have them and they are thought out - this doesn't

go down well in the " real world " .

In the " real world " people do not usually think to ask how I have

formulated my opinion - they are too busy usually staring at me in

horror - or something and because my opinion doesn't agree with

theirs - it is usually discounted.

Here on FAM there seems to be a wealth of opinions and people do not

always agree and these differences of opinions are allowed - which I

for one find great :-)

We are all different and FAM seems to reflect this even with our

common differences - whereas in the " real world " differences do not

seem to go down well - are very little tolerated and sometimes those

who are different are shunned to some extent.

In short - in my usual rambling style :-) I love it here and all the

various posts and opinion - makes for a fascinating life and

discussions :-)

> Marilia, I know you wrote to Tom, but not private so I speak out


> myself;


> We talk much from time to time on AS subjects here, but sometimes


> enjoy talking about other things as well. But remember it is to AS-

> people and it's also nice to do this if you want an opinion from


> us.


> Out in the " real world " we can often talk to other people about


> subjects but in here WE are... and for me, who love talking to AS-

> people, this is great! (Like talking to a special family of mine)


> /Helen

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I think when I originally started posting here I used to sign off

with 'Kind Regards' or 'Best Regards' - or something like that. To be

honest I felt it a bit over formalized and also I did not used to use

my real name to sign out. I think both these things were done because

I was a little wary and kept to being formal in some ways - but now I

am used to this place - I suppose I have done away with formalities

to some extent and instead just get right to the point - of course in

my own ramling way :-)

I will sometimes use sentiments - if I deem them appropriate and when

I use them they will be sincere.

Just out of interest what does " Puss " mean? Is it kiss? In UK Puss =

cat. :-)

- Should I say 'Kind Regards' :-)

> *hihi* You are right Marilia! I for one don't write to often

> something nice in the end.


> Sometimes I write " Puss " (kiss) " Love, Helen " but not always.. I

> have learned to do this: /Helen

> and it is only because many asked if my name was Astrid or Helen or

> both.


> In Sweden I always finish with /Mvh Helen

> and that means " With friendly regards " . Do we have a good short way

> to write that in english I can copy?


> /Mvh Helen


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I agree totally ,

I even try to introduce subjects I find interesting and it goes over like a lead balloon.

I'd be lucky to get a two sentence response before we go to talking about their mundane life.

Oh well, such is life.

Shaun.greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> wrote:

Hi,just wanted to give an opinion on this too :-) In the "real world" I give an opinion on something and I am looked upon as a freak - evenif the person has asked for the opinion. I suppose sometimes I can have controversial - or different ways of thinking than the majority and this inevitably shocks them. There are reasons and logic to myopinions when I do have them and they are thought out - this doesn't go down well in the "real world".In the "real world" people do not usually think to ask how I have formulated my opinion - they are too busy usually staring at me in horror - or something and because my opinion doesn't agree withtheirs - it is usually discounted.Here on FAM there seems to be a wealth of opinions and people do not always agree and these differences of opinions are allowed - which I for one find

great :-)We are all different and FAM seems to reflect this even with ourcommon differences - whereas in the "real world" differences do not seem to go down well - are very little tolerated and sometimes those who are different are shunned to some extent.In short - in my usual rambling style :-) I love it here and all the various posts and opinion - makes for a fascinating life and discussions :-)> Marilia, I know you wrote to Tom, but not private so I speak outfor > myself;> > We talk much from time to time on AS subjects here, but sometimeswe > enjoy talking about other things as well. But remember it is to AS-> people and it's also nice to do this if you want an opinion fromjust > us. > > Out in the "real world" we can often talk to other people

aboutthese > subjects but in here WE are... and for me, who love talking to AS-> people, this is great! (Like talking to a special family of mine)> > /Helen

Start your day with - make it your home page

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I can relate to wanting to be left alone with my anger - or any other

overwhelming emotion - I need to process it first - understand what I

am feeling and why before I can really discuss it.

I sometimes do like talking things through - from a distance though -

I like to be able to figure things out and sometimes I need help to

do that - but when I am overwhelmed with emotion/s I sometimes just

need to be left alone to get it out of my system - so to speak.

When I am really down - I do not want to interact with anyone and

really shut down.

The social stuff is and can be difficult - I invited a friend back to

my house the other day - she had not been to my house before -

although I had met her a few times at another persons house. I

suppose even though I like this person and can relate a lot to her

(she is dx AS) there was one point I just zoned out - I had music

with lyrics on and I had attended a party prior to her coming to my

house (kid's party I needed to attend due to my son being invited);

but for some reason I just zoned out - I do not know for how long and

when I became aware that I had kind of gone for a bit I did apologise

and asked her if she ever zoned out - fortunately she does and so did

not take offence :-)

> If I am under more stress than normal or have had a day with lots


> sensory overload (I am an HSP/highly sensitvie person, expecially

> with regaurd to background noise) I often feel I need to be by

> myself for a while. My theory is that normal human interaction is

> mildly stressful for me, but if I am not experiencing too much


> stress I can handle it. If I have other stresses as well, it is


> much for me.


> I think that may be a difference between aspies and non-aspies. I

> think non-aspies in a bad mood like to have friends or family come

> to cheer them up. People have tried to do this for me, till I was

> able to explain that I like to be left alone when I am feeling bad.


> I read a Doonsebury cartoon recently that I think summed it up very

> nicely. One character was going through some diffcult times.

> Another character approached him and said something like: " If you

> want to talk about it I am here for you. If you don't want to talk

> about it that's okay too. Just let me know. " It was nice to see

> that some people understand that sometimes you don't want to talk

> about it.


> It is often a struggle to get my words to all come out correctly.

> When I am upset it is even harder, so sometmes I don't trust myself

> to try and communicate with other people.


> It also seems to me that my aspie traits come out much stronger


> I am under stress. It could be that when he got there, he felt

> stressed and his aspieness became more pronounced.


> I also feel more comfortable being in a room with some people than

> others. For example, it generally feels okay to be in the same


> as my husband, my daughter and my daughter's boyfriend. However,

> with most other people, it can be a little stressful to be with. I

> think the key for me is if the person accepts that sometimes I can

> act a little bit strange, then I feel okay with them. If I feel I

> have to behave " properly " around them that is a bit of a stress.


> Ilah



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As I said, astrology proves to be more precise than it seems on a hasty overlook. Now, regarding your questions and assuming this has to do with the "Caos Theories", every single bit of matter on a determined moment change the whole chain of events of all, so is no wonder that even when twins can be born the same day and even if their Astral Charts show similar ways, the express dramatically different fates. That's simply because each of them is just in the right position to express different aspects of the same aspectation, which is in fact different from each one of them by minutes and seconds. I am kinda related to the topic because my mother conducted many historical research on ancient sciences origins. Our basic deduction is that they all came from a common trunk and that the matter about the hermetic schools is always a tool for encovering the same things under different names and procedures. A way to preserve very important knowledges from the past and from the

destruction of fanatics.

PD: As we always say here on the institute, this is JUST A THEORY and is object to be refutated with logic arguments. It can be true or false, only time will assure the final decision regarding it.


Marilia Tavares <marilia.trp@...> escribió:

Hi, Jano!

Nice to hear this topic brought you memories.

To tell you the truth, a paradox happens the more I think of astrology: as some certain "knowing" grows, some doubts and skepticism grow as well.

Like, whoever studies astrology KNOWS that one body, like a planet, affects another body when it is related to it at certain distances, +/- 6 degrees.

So, if a slower planet is at, lets say 10 degrees of a sign, another faster planet will affect it from 4 to 16, and even more if the relation between them is a conjunction, both being at the same place, or an opposition, 180 degrees apart. For some reason I do not know how to explain, if the angle is 90 the relation is rather tense, and if 120 is rather easy, etc.

While astronomer try to answer to the question "what is that", astrologers try to answer another one, which is,"what does it mean"?

Mars have been associated with assertiveness, agressiveness, impulsiveness, etc-traits of personality here.

Uranus is revolution, changing the way things are. Isnt it incredible that the first time a very nice and polite person had a terrible meltdown when mars uranus had exact conjunction, 10th degree both, squaring(90 degrees) natal uranus-both EXACTLY at the cusp of third house-10 degree, which among other things relates to nervous system?

Some acuracies are AMAZING! No way to doubt it after you really study it...as anyone who knows probability will agree it is something special the ocurrence of this placement.

But, still some hard questons: how can be that so different schools and theories, have all same good results? And how can we explain twins? Their lives, personalities, year of death, marriages, deseases, etc, are so different!...

Well, am glad at least one person had something to say about this fascinating topic.

Thank you,


Unlike what people usually think, astrology IS a pretty accurate science when applied properly since even computers can do it perfectly, what means it is ruled by mathematics and variables. Even more: some scientist are thinking the true basis of astrology is on an "empirical" version of things like the "Caos Theory" or the "Cycle Theory" which are entering only recently in the study of the fisics. Yes: it brings back a lot of memories from my mother's expositions at the institute... *sigh*

JanoMarilia Tavares <marilia.trp@...> escribió:

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I've never really believed in the butterfly effect as such. Wind patterns are based on thermal patterns cause by the sun, heat island effects of cities and such. However, it does apply in other ways.

While the butterfly effect might now apply to weather, it fits perfectly with actions over time. Water can cut a deep channel through hard stone given enough time. A piece of metal stressed just so will fail in time. A serial killer starts with cruelty to animals and progresses to people.

All of these things and many more start with something simple and gentle. Over time the effect builds up to greater results.

Likewise it can apply to ecology. If a certain animal is reduced or removed from an area, other animals will move in to fill the void. This can cause migrations over large distances as the shift spreads out. Plants can behave in the same fashion. A disease that started in one part of the US spread unchecked and in a few years wiped out almost all the chestnut trees. Where there had been great forests of them now grow forests of other hardwoods and pines. Had that initial infection been recognized and stopped, there might still be chestnut trees.

It also applies to sociology. In this case the effect is usually an idea. That idea can catch on and spread throughout a populace causing changed in behavior. Like the spate of child molestation stories in the news lately. The rates are not actually higher, but it just seems that way because of news coverage. Parents therefore have changed their behavior toward their children and other people in society. I know that sometimes if a parent sees me look at a child, especially a daughter, they look at me like they are trying to guess if I am a threat. As such I don't look at anyone unless I have to, so it has even changed my behavior.

There is a term for this. Ideas like this are called mems. The literature refers to them like a virus in that they can easily infect others and spread rapidly and are hard to fight or "cure". There are plenty of mems out there, though not all are malign. Actually, commercials are probably a great example of this since they try to convince you to buy and tell your friends and show them what you bought.

Kind of rambled a bit and not sure I made myself clear. That's one aspie trait that we often think everyone knows what we know and will make the same connections. Rarely the case though.

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I've never really believed in the butterfly effect as such. Wind patterns are based on thermal patterns cause by the sun, heat island effects of cities and such. However, it does apply in other ways.

While the butterfly effect might now apply to weather, it fits perfectly with actions over time. Water can cut a deep channel through hard stone given enough time. A piece of metal stressed just so will fail in time. A serial killer starts with cruelty to animals and progresses to people.

All of these things and many more start with something simple and gentle. Over time the effect builds up to greater results.

Likewise it can apply to ecology. If a certain animal is reduced or removed from an area, other animals will move in to fill the void. This can cause migrations over large distances as the shift spreads out. Plants can behave in the same fashion. A disease that started in one part of the US spread unchecked and in a few years wiped out almost all the chestnut trees. Where there had been great forests of them now grow forests of other hardwoods and pines. Had that initial infection been recognized and stopped, there might still be chestnut trees.

It also applies to sociology. In this case the effect is usually an idea. That idea can catch on and spread throughout a populace causing changed in behavior. Like the spate of child molestation stories in the news lately. The rates are not actually higher, but it just seems that way because of news coverage. Parents therefore have changed their behavior toward their children and other people in society. I know that sometimes if a parent sees me look at a child, especially a daughter, they look at me like they are trying to guess if I am a threat. As such I don't look at anyone unless I have to, so it has even changed my behavior.

There is a term for this. Ideas like this are called mems. The literature refers to them like a virus in that they can easily infect others and spread rapidly and are hard to fight or "cure". There are plenty of mems out there, though not all are malign. Actually, commercials are probably a great example of this since they try to convince you to buy and tell your friends and show them what you bought.

Kind of rambled a bit and not sure I made myself clear. That's one aspie trait that we often think everyone knows what we know and will make the same connections. Rarely the case though.

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Thanks for the compliments.

I agree, I don't see children as sexy either. There are some young ladies around who are going to turn out to be very pretty around here, but since they are about 14 or so, there is no interest in them. In another 5 years or so that might be different.

I think the problem is that so many parent's let the little girls run around dressed like sluts and hookers. They will wear tight pants, short shorts, shirts that show a lot of belly and on and on. But it doesn't stop there. I've seen girls wearing shirts with "porn star" and "easy" and other things things on them. I've seen girls wearing sweat pants with "juicy" and "delicious" on the seat. Most of the time these teen age girls were right next to their mothers wearing these things! It makes me want to go over and slap the mother and ask her why she wants her daughter to be a whore.

The toys aren't any better. For the most part boy's toys haven't changed much. Its still mostly tanks, GI Joe, Star Wars and cars. Not so many toy guns anymore, but other than that little has changed.

The girls toys, however, are very different. You still see the old style baby doll and the things for them. You still see barbie and sometimes the family set of of dolls. But mostly what you see now are these horrible Bratz dolls. Those are the ones with enormous heads, unnaturally tartish lips and "have a passion for fashion". Not only are they all about fashion, they are about partying and their friends tend to be street class people. They did get into minor trouble when one of their dolls had on the packaging that she loved to get dressed up and meet strange older men on blind dates. This was hardly the thing you want little girls to be playing with.

Barbie has changed too. She used to be astronaut and doctor Barbie. Now she is fashion addict Barbie and partying with street trash Barbie. No more lofty ideals, just party party party.

Sorry, but of a rant there. But really, if the number of pedophile attacks are up, then the mothers have noone to blame but themselves. They let their children run around looking like cheap hookers rather than children so what do they expect? What could fire up a confirmed or borderline pedophile than a gaggle of unaccompanied young girls wearing scanty clothes with sexy slogan written all over them?

As for mems, it is an interesting concept. Are they dangerous? They can be. Just look at all the damage the mems of Marx have caused or the mems of the "Sexual revolution" of the 1960s (esp. very high STD rates especially amongst teens today). They can also be good, like the idea of individual liberty and respect for life.

Is that reading material dangerous? I can't say since I don't know the fellow. I've also never heard of the book either. I could just be that he is doing academic research. In the past I have read books on topics that worried other people, but it was mostly academic. I would maybe go to the library and find a copy and look read about the author, check the table of contents and read the acknowledgements and the forward or preface. That should give you and idea of what the book is about. If you have time, skim a few chapters too. Then you might be able to tell why he is so interested in the book.

I would not call him on it, however, if you did this and got worried. That could easily be seen as betrayal. Rather, I would wait and see just how he began to act and use what I knew of the book to handle it.

But of course, you know him far better than I and know better how to handle him. Maybe expressing an interest in the book might help? You said he doesn't want you or anyone else to read it. That would make me at least do what I suggested above to find out just what it is about. Forbidding him from reading it though probably would not stop him though, it never did with me. He'd probably just resent it and get even more into it.

Anyone else have ideas on this?

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Hi, Jano!

I do not remember what caos theory is, but the way you pur it kind of reminded me of "Butterfly Effect'-in short is a theory that posts that the mere movements of butterfly wings in Peru has to do with a storm in california, that everything in this planet is interelated.

Well, about twins I ve always read and heard and even ageeed on this type of explanation: that the difference sin minutes or seconds would do all the differences in their lives. well, but then, the point is: HOW on earth ANY astrologer, who know well all the techniques of interpreting a birth chat could tell which is which, when, for instance, one of the tiwns was killed and the other was kept alive, when one married at the age 23, and the other never married, when one is enginner and the other an actor?

Specially on the death case, if it is to be taken seriously, even if in one of them that planeta in that aspect meant death, and for the other meant a deep transofmration-another correlate for death- where is it clearly pointed in any of the charts?

I tend to agree with one of the teachers I ad...and he said astrology makes lots of sense, but it is, compared to chemistry, still in the state of alchemy...still with lots to be investigated, not only believed, till it can indeed emerge as a knowledge.

Thank you for your post.

Which is your sun, moon, ascendent, venus,mars, etc?


Re: Re: AS related topics anyone?


As I said, astrology proves to be more precise than it seems on a hasty overlook. Now, regarding your questions and assuming this has to do with the "Caos Theories", every single bit of matter on a determined moment change the whole chain of events of all, so is no wonder that even when twins can be born the same day and even if their Astral Charts show similar ways, the express dramatically different fates. That's simply because each of them is just in the right position to express different aspects of the same aspectation, which is in fact different from each one of them by minutes and seconds. I am kinda related to the topic because my mother conducted many historical research on ancient sciences origins. Our basic deduction is that they all came from a common trunk and that the matter about the hermetic schools is always a tool for encovering the same things under different names and procedures. A way to preserve very important knowledges from the past and from the destruction of fanatics.

PD: As we always say here on the institute, this is JUST A THEORY and is object to be refutated with logic arguments. It can be true or false, only time will assure the final decision regarding it.


Marilia Tavares <marilia.trp@...> escribió:

Hi, Jano!

Nice to hear this topic brought you memories.

To tell you the truth, a paradox happens the more I think of astrology: as some certain "knowing" grows, some doubts and skepticism grow as well.

Like, whoever studies astrology KNOWS that one body, like a planet, affects another body when it is related to it at certain distances, +/- 6 degrees.

So, if a slower planet is at, lets say 10 degrees of a sign, another faster planet will affect it from 4 to 16, and even more if the relation between them is a conjunction, both being at the same place, or an opposition, 180 degrees apart. For some reason I do not know how to explain, if the angle is 90 the relation is rather tense, and if 120 is rather easy, etc.

While astronomer try to answer to the question "what is that", astrologers try to answer another one, which is,"what does it mean"?

Mars have been associated with assertiveness, agressiveness, impulsiveness, etc-traits of personality here.

Uranus is revolution, changing the way things are. Isnt it incredible that the first time a very nice and polite person had a terrible meltdown when mars uranus had exact conjunction, 10th degree both, squaring(90 degrees) natal uranus-both EXACTLY at the cusp of third house-10 degree, which among other things relates to nervous system?

Some acuracies are AMAZING! No way to doubt it after you really study it...as anyone who knows probability will agree it is something special the ocurrence of this placement.

But, still some hard questons: how can be that so different schools and theories, have all same good results? And how can we explain twins? Their lives, personalities, year of death, marriages, deseases, etc, are so different!...

Well, am glad at least one person had something to say about this fascinating topic.

Thank you,


Unlike what people usually think, astrology IS a pretty accurate science when applied properly since even computers can do it perfectly, what means it is ruled by mathematics and variables. Even more: some scientist are thinking the true basis of astrology is on an "empirical" version of things like the "Caos Theory" or the "Cycle Theory" which are entering only recently in the study of the fisics. Yes: it brings back a lot of memories from my mother's expositions at the institute... *sigh*

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, So true many things you said. I was thrilled by reading your post because I think exactly like you do.

Gosh, and so true on what you said about the coverage in the press of people chasing kids having changed peoples behavior. I have never ever in my whole life ever found kids sexy or anyhting. But have read so much on this in the news lately that sometimes when I see a kid I try to guess why some one would be interested in them and try to imagine their sexiness.

There is another side of interpreting butterfly effect, and this one has to do with some religious beliefs, which is that anyhting you do or think, etc, will inevitably lead to its effect. Karma based religions are like that.

Well, have any of you seen the movie The Butterfly Effect? It is interesting.

I was specially thrilled when you mentioned on the thing of memes. My aspie boy who is giving me so many worries lately-on whether he is fine or going into depression or what, as he has been different than usual- is reading with such interest the book The Selfish Gene, and he doesn´t want us to read it or even read its title. He reads it everyday, writes things in his notebook on what he finds, takes a book about biology altogether to make his 'researches', come to internet to clarify some english words as the book is writen in english, and I was wondering what the book was about. So, I tried to find something about it and it was about the thing you said, memes...

Some people who read it and who created communities on orkut to discuss this book have said it was the worst thing they did because they became really skeptical, etc. Some others find this author great.

Well, I do not know much about it...and would like you to tell me if you find bad for someone to be reading ideas like these, lol. I know I may sound silly with this question...but would like to know your thoughts-or anyone´s-on why this book could appeal so much for an aspie boy who is finding so hard to fit into this world.



Re: Re: AS related topics anyone?

I've never really believed in the butterfly effect as such. Wind patterns are based on thermal patterns cause by the sun, heat island effects of cities and such. However, it does apply in other ways.

While the butterfly effect might now apply to weather, it fits perfectly with actions over time. Water can cut a deep channel through hard stone given enough time. A piece of metal stressed just so will fail in time. A serial killer starts with cruelty to animals and progresses to people.

All of these things and many more start with something simple and gentle. Over time the effect builds up to greater results.

Likewise it can apply to ecology. If a certain animal is reduced or removed from an area, other animals will move in to fill the void. This can cause migrations over large distances as the shift spreads out. Plants can behave in the same fashion. A disease that started in one part of the US spread unchecked and in a few years wiped out almost all the chestnut trees. Where there had been great forests of them now grow forests of other hardwoods and pines. Had that initial infection been recognized and stopped, there might still be chestnut trees.

It also applies to sociology. In this case the effect is usually an idea. That idea can catch on and spread throughout a populace causing changed in behavior. Like the spate of child molestation stories in the news lately. The rates are not actually higher, but it just seems that way because of news coverage. Parents therefore have changed their behavior toward their children and other people in society. I know that sometimes if a parent sees me look at a child, especially a daughter, they look at me like they are trying to guess if I am a threat. As such I don't look at anyone unless I have to, so it has even changed my behavior.

There is a term for this. Ideas like this are called mems. The literature refers to them like a virus in that they can easily infect others and spread rapidly and are hard to fight or "cure". There are plenty of mems out there, though not all are malign. Actually, commercials are probably a great example of this since they try to convince you to buy and tell your friends and show them what you bought.

Kind of rambled a bit and not sure I made myself clear. That's one aspie trait that we often think everyone knows what we know and will make the same connections. Rarely the case though.

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Hello, .

Well, I believe the age a woman starts to appel interesting to men depends on the culture they live.

Like, in my country a person could marry after being 18 but it was considered ok to date someone before that age. When I was a kid it was not common or accepted that someone would have sex before marriage. So, it was considered ok, natural and usual to flirt, to find atractive, even date someone under age of getting married, or even married them if parents allowed, as sex was not envolved. So, it is ok -and has never been considered pedophile-a guy get interested or finding a gilr pretty , or sexy, etc, at that age. I remember when I was 13 I started to atract looks from all guys, older and the ones a little bit older than me...and never found it offensive. Would find it offensive only if they showed strong sexual urge...but a light one is considered ok. On those days a girl would kiss someone around 13, 14 years old...nowaydays the age is decreasing as some starts their dating rituals around 11. Well, for a boy it was ok even in those old days, to do it at this age, as my husband kissed a girl for the first time in the mouth when he was 11.

I agree on you saying there is so much exploration on sensuality nowadays in the way young girls are dressed, etc.

(this reminds me of a book I read from a junguena perspective on tarot charts, on the social tendency to go too much one direction, like in those days the second chart, the Madonna, used to be the female strongest desired archetype-purity, chastity, shyness, etc( well, it is still in islam cultures)different than the actual fashion of the third chart, the Emperess, and its female archetype of adventure, wild sexuality, etc-)

But do not believe it is the reason, or only reason, pedophily has increased as it has increased towards boys as well and they do not wear provocative clothes, etc.

On memes, I did not forbid him to read the book, as I have not this power over him, since he is a grown up boy. I have entered some sites in internet about this book. Am just not so sure on how this is affecting him. Would need to talk about this to him but lately he has refused to talk about his private stuff, and the book is one of them...hehe.



Re: Re: AS related topics anyone?


Thanks for the compliments.

I agree, I don't see children as sexy either. There are some young ladies around who are going to turn out to be very pretty around here, but since they are about 14 or so, there is no interest in them. In another 5 years or so that might be different.

I think the problem is that so many parent's let the little girls run around dressed like sluts and hookers. They will wear tight pants, short shorts, shirts that show a lot of belly and on and on. But it doesn't stop there. I've seen girls wearing shirts with "porn star" and "easy" and other things things on them. I've seen girls wearing sweat pants with "juicy" and "delicious" on the seat. Most of the time these teen age girls were right next to their mothers wearing these things! It makes me want to go over and slap the mother and ask her why she wants her daughter to be a whore.

The toys aren't any better. For the most part boy's toys haven't changed much. Its still mostly tanks, GI Joe, Star Wars and cars. Not so many toy guns anymore, but other than that little has changed.

The girls toys, however, are very different. You still see the old style baby doll and the things for them. You still see barbie and sometimes the family set of of dolls. But mostly what you see now are these horrible Bratz dolls. Those are the ones with enormous heads, unnaturally tartish lips and "have a passion for fashion". Not only are they all about fashion, they are about partying and their friends tend to be street class people. They did get into minor trouble when one of their dolls had on the packaging that she loved to get dressed up and meet strange older men on blind dates. This was hardly the thing you want little girls to be playing with.

Barbie has changed too. She used to be astronaut and doctor Barbie. Now she is fashion addict Barbie and partying with street trash Barbie. No more lofty ideals, just party party party.

Sorry, but of a rant there. But really, if the number of pedophile attacks are up, then the mothers have noone to blame but themselves. They let their children run around looking like cheap hookers rather than children so what do they expect? What could fire up a confirmed or borderline pedophile than a gaggle of unaccompanied young girls wearing scanty clothes with sexy slogan written all over them?

As for mems, it is an interesting concept. Are they dangerous? They can be. Just look at all the damage the mems of Marx have caused or the mems of the "Sexual revolution" of the 1960s (esp. very high STD rates especially amongst teens today). They can also be good, like the idea of individual liberty and respect for life.

Is that reading material dangerous? I can't say since I don't know the fellow. I've also never heard of the book either. I could just be that he is doing academic research. In the past I have read books on topics that worried other people, but it was mostly academic. I would maybe go to the library and find a copy and look read about the author, check the table of contents and read the acknowledgements and the forward or preface. That should give you and idea of what the book is about. If you have time, skim a few chapters too. Then you might be able to tell why he is so interested in the book.

I would not call him on it, however, if you did this and got worried. That could easily be seen as betrayal. Rather, I would wait and see just how he began to act and use what I knew of the book to handle it.

But of course, you know him far better than I and know better how to handle him. Maybe expressing an interest in the book might help? You said he doesn't want you or anyone else to read it. That would make me at least do what I suggested above to find out just what it is about. Forbidding him from reading it though probably would not stop him though, it never did with me. He'd probably just resent it and get even more into it.

Anyone else have ideas on this?

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Fascinating, !

Another example is how we are now been made afraid of perfectly natural things like sunlight, butter and germs while sunscreens, margarine and antiseptic chemicals can be very harmful. I really dislike these false thought-forms being planted in our minds on a daily basis. Wish there were antiseptics for those. :-(


Re: Re: AS related topics anyone?

I've never really believed in the butterfly effect as such. Wind patterns are based on thermal patterns cause by the sun, heat island effects of cities and such. However, it does apply in other ways.

While the butterfly effect might now apply to weather, it fits perfectly with actions over time. Water can cut a deep channel through hard stone given enough time. A piece of metal stressed just so will fail in time. A serial killer starts with cruelty to animals and progresses to people.

All of these things and many more start with something simple and gentle. Over time the effect builds up to greater results.

Likewise it can apply to ecology. If a certain animal is reduced or removed from an area, other animals will move in to fill the void. This can cause migrations over large distances as the shift spreads out. Plants can behave in the same fashion. A disease that started in one part of the US spread unchecked and in a few years wiped out almost all the chestnut trees. Where there had been great forests of them now grow forests of other hardwoods and pines. Had that initial infection been recognized and stopped, there might still be chestnut trees.

It also applies to sociology. In this case the effect is usually an idea. That idea can catch on and spread throughout a populace causing changed in behavior. Like the spate of child molestation stories in the news lately. The rates are not actually higher, but it just seems that way because of news coverage. Parents therefore have changed their behavior toward their children and other people in society. I know that sometimes if a parent sees me look at a child, especially a daughter, they look at me like they are trying to guess if I am a threat. As such I don't look at anyone unless I have to, so it has even changed my behavior.

There is a term for this. Ideas like this are called mems. The literature refers to them like a virus in that they can easily infect others and spread rapidly and are hard to fight or "cure". There are plenty of mems out there, though not all are malign. Actually, commercials are probably a great example of this since they try to convince you to buy and tell your friends and show them what you bought.

Kind of rambled a bit and not sure I made myself clear. That's one aspie trait that we often think everyone knows what we know and will make the same connections. Rarely the case though.

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> Sorry, but of a rant there. But really, if the number of pedophile


> are up, then the mothers have noone to blame but themselves. They

let their

> children run around looking like cheap hookers rather than

children so what do

> they expect? What could fire up a confirmed or borderline

pedophile than a

> gaggle of unaccompanied young girls wearing scanty clothes with

sexy slogan

> written all over them?

Okay, so it's the victim's fault then? The fact that some individual

cannot control his urges makes it the victim's fault?

So because a young aspie is weird and bugs the bully, it's the

aspie's fault when s/he get's beat up?

Crimes of sexual assault are not crimes of sex. They are crimes of

control. The lack of control by the perpetrator and control of the

victim by the perpetrator.





" To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. "

ph Chilton Pierce

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> Sorry, but of a rant there. But really, if the number of pedophile


> are up, then the mothers have noone to blame but themselves. They

let their

> children run around looking like cheap hookers rather than

children so what do

> they expect? What could fire up a confirmed or borderline

pedophile than a

> gaggle of unaccompanied young girls wearing scanty clothes with

sexy slogan

> written all over them?

Okay, so it's the victim's fault then? The fact that some individual

cannot control his urges makes it the victim's fault?

So because a young aspie is weird and bugs the bully, it's the

aspie's fault when s/he get's beat up?

Crimes of sexual assault are not crimes of sex. They are crimes of

control. The lack of control by the perpetrator and control of the

victim by the perpetrator.





" To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. "

ph Chilton Pierce

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