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> My husband and I were thinking about checking into enzymes to see if

> this would help him, but I have no idea where I should start my

> research. I've read that Kirkman and Houstan Labs sell them. Are

> their information good or bias?

All commercial information is biased. Actually, ALL information is

biased. But those companies have good information also, just remember

that it is biased.

>> I do have a DAN doctor, but have yet

> to discuss it with him. Thought I would check it out and had a

> little knowledge before I went to him.

Sounds good, the current DAN policy for most AS children is gfcf plus

enzymes for the other food intolerance issues. But some people are

finding that their child does not need to be gfcf with enzymes.

Depends on your personal philosophy and how your child tolerates the

enzymes you choose. I use HNI and they work very very very well for

my family.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Kim,

My son is a bit over 2 1/2 and I actually don't think he has 15-20 words

yet. Approximations, yes, but actual words, no. I write this just to say

that I really believe Wiley will speak and will speak well over time. I

know he's very bright and communicative and fun to be around -- his

happiness is contagious. And I feel that through therapy and various

supports that he will learn to speak -- it just isn't happening the typical

way and that's truly alright. After 6 months of intensive therapy, 2 times,

now 3 times a week, (along with oral motor and occupational therapy) he is

figuring out lots of sounds and saying mommy and daddy and jargoning away -

6 months ago none of this was happening. So with therapy and some

understanding, love, and play on your part, your little one will make

progress. The very best thing you can do for yourself and your own peace of

mind is do whatever it takes to secure a therapist you really trust and

respect - someone who genuinely appreciates your son's personality and

individual abilities and forgets about everything but him when they're in

session. The enthusiasm and faith my son's current therapist has for him

has changed my outlook on Wiley's future completely. After loving him, it's

the next best thing to make happen --

Wishing you lots of luck and patience!


>From: " jacksonsmom12000 " <kim.gill@...>


>Hi, my name is Kim and I am still in the " shock " phase of hearing

>that my son has apraxia. He is currently 2-1/2 years old and

>receiving speech therapy once a week, which we are in the paperwork

>process of having bumped up to twice a week. We will also add a

>session of OT.


>I guess that I need to hear some encouraging words from the mom's out

>there who have been through this and had success. My fear is that he

>will never speak...or will speak so differently that he will have a

>tough time in life with friends/school.



>He does have approx. 15-20 words that he says (some he needs to sign

>while speaking) and some words we understand, others we just know

>what he is saying. We also just started supplementing him with one

>capsule of Pro-EFA and are hoping for some successful progress.


>Thanks to anyone who responds....Kim

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Thanks for your reply and encourging words. I am not sure what

approximations exactly are, but of the 15-20 words that does have,

they are not all understandable.....we just know what he wants because we

live with him. And the day that he does say, Mommy/Daddy, you will see

me smiling through the computer!

Good luck to you and your son...and I am hoping that our increased therapy

will help . A recent therapist told me that as long as you see

progress........that our kids will inevitably be fine...just that it will

take some time.


Dear Kim,

My son is a bit over 2 1/2 and I actually don't think he has 15-20 words

yet.  Approximations, yes, but actual words, no.  I write this just to say

that I really believe Wiley will speak and will speak well over time.  I

know he's very bright and communicative and fun to be around -- his

happiness is contagious.  And I feel that through therapy and various

supports that he will learn to speak -- it just isn't happening the typical

way and that's truly alright.  After 6 months of intensive therapy, 2


now 3 times a week, (along with oral motor and occupational therapy) he is

figuring out lots of sounds and saying mommy and daddy and jargoning away -

6 months ago none of this was happening.  So with therapy and some

understanding, love, and play on your part, your little one will make

progress.  The very best thing you can do for yourself and your own peace


mind is do whatever it takes to secure a therapist you really trust and

respect - someone who genuinely appreciates your son's personality and

individual abilities and forgets about everything but him when they're in

session.  The enthusiasm and faith my son's current therapist has for him

has changed my outlook on Wiley's future completely.  After loving him,


the next best thing to make happen --

Wishing you lots of luck and patience!


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>>I am considering trying Houston enzymes, since I

> am hearing good things about it. I would appreciate some advice

on which ones to order and how to get my son to take them. He is

very aware of unusual tastes and smells and has refused other

supplements he could detect.

I would suggest looking at the Zyme Prime and AFP Peptizyde (the AFP

doesn't have the smell and taste issue that other products with

papain do, including the regular Peptizyde). Then start gradually

with the Zyme first, and then add the AFP. If you need help with

giving enzymes at school, there is a file on Mixing Suggestions, and

one on Enzymes at School that might be helpful. Just let me know if

you would like me to send them to you, or they are located at this




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  • 4 weeks later...


Your not stupid, just new to this as we all were at one time :)

Enzymes are a supplement to help digestion of foods. They come in a capsule

but can be emptied out - so swallow or eat - no injections!

Chelation as recommended ASD children is with ORAL DMSA and or ALA, So no

injections there either!

I agree about the vaccines, my son was affected by the DPT.

There is lots of good info about enzymes in the files section at this groups

web address - let us know if you need directions.

Also enzyme info at these sites




If you want to, tell us some more about your little girl and any symptoms or

behaviours that worry you. You have done well to find good resources while

your child is so young, you have a very good chance of finding something to

improve her health


Mandi in UK

> hi,


> i just joined this group & i have a few questions. i hope my

> questions don't sound stupid because i am new to stuff. first of all

> can someone tellme what enzymes are? do they have to be injected? i

> am scared to try secretin or chelation because i dont want to inject

> anything in to my duaghter. she got her autism from vacines and i

> dont want to hurt her more. she is only two and a half. is their a

> web sight that i can use that will help me to understandmore about

> them? are they to get mercury oiut?


> thanx




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>>>>i just joined this group & i have a few questions. i hope my

> questions don't sound stupid because i am new to stuff.

Welcome! No problem and no sincere question is stupid. Ask away.

>>first of all can someone tellme what enzymes are?

enzymes are proteins made up of the same amino acids as all other

proteins. They are a natural part of your body, animal's bodies, and

plants. There are digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. The oral

enzymes you take as supplements are different that metabolic

enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down food into smaller bits and

component parts.

>>>>do they have to be injected?

Noooooooo. Oral enzymes usually come as tablets or in capsules. You

can swallow these or open capsules and mix the enzymes with food or

drink. There is a file on mixing suggestions I will send you just to

give you ideas on what others have used.

>>>i am scared to try secretin or chelation because i dont want to

inject anything in to my duaghter. she got her autism from vacines

and i dont want to hurt her more. she is only two and a half. is

their a web sight that i can use that will help me to understandmore

about them?

There is lots of information here in the files section for starters.

I will send you other basic information. Here is the link:


>>>>are they to get mercury oiut?

I have not found any information that indicates oral enzymes can

remove mercury or any other metals. Metals can deactivate enzymes

which is one reason that so many people with heavy metals have

digestive problems. Enzymes help " fix " or heal the gut and allow you

to eat foods that may be a problem. They help you better absorb

nutrients to strengthen the body and immune system.


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> hi,


> i just joined this group & i have a few questions. i hope my

> questions don't sound stupid because i am new to stuff. first of all

> can someone tellme what enzymes are? do they have to be injected? i

> am scared to try secretin or chelation because i dont want to inject

> anything in to my duaghter. she got her autism from vacines and i

> dont want to hurt her more. she is only two and a half. is their a

> web sight that i can use that will help me to understandmore about

> them? are they to get mercury oiut?


> thanx



Hi ,

I see that answered your enzymes questions. I just wanted

to add that chelation can ALSO be done without injections. IMO

it is BETTER to do chelation orally. I have chelated myself

using pills. I think injections are dangerous, actually.

If you want you can read a general introduction about chelation




or here:


best wishes,


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thanx karen and everyone. you are all very helpful. are you a doctor?

i ordered a book called unravelling autismwhich i heard was good. it

is written by a mom named karen. is that you? you said enzymes are a

natural part of your bodys. why do we need more? can i send a check

for some or credit cards? i am glad to hear that they will get the

mercury out because that is form vaccines and i know it is bad! my

dughter has blonde hair and she loves tv. she is alergic to lasagna

and coconut [throws up]i know she has lots of alergys like all kids

and some vitamins[flinstone] make her run and scream i hope these

vitamins dont do that! when can i get them? should i send my address?

i have other children but they are normal. i am very busy


> >>>>i just joined this group & i have a few questions. i hope my

> > questions don't sound stupid because i am new to stuff.


> Welcome! No problem and no sincere question is stupid. Ask away.



> >>first of all can someone tellme what enzymes are?


> enzymes are proteins made up of the same amino acids as all other

> proteins. They are a natural part of your body, animal's bodies,


> plants. There are digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. The oral

> enzymes you take as supplements are different that metabolic

> enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down food into smaller bits and

> component parts.



> >>>>do they have to be injected?


> Noooooooo. Oral enzymes usually come as tablets or in capsules. You

> can swallow these or open capsules and mix the enzymes with food or

> drink. There is a file on mixing suggestions I will send you just


> give you ideas on what others have used.


> >>>i am scared to try secretin or chelation because i dont want to

> inject anything in to my duaghter. she got her autism from vacines

> and i dont want to hurt her more. she is only two and a half. is

> their a web sight that i can use that will help me to


> about them?


> There is lots of information here in the files section for


> I will send you other basic information. Here is the link:

> /files/


> >>>>are they to get mercury oiut?


> I have not found any information that indicates oral enzymes can

> remove mercury or any other metals. Metals can deactivate enzymes

> which is one reason that so many people with heavy metals have

> digestive problems. Enzymes help " fix " or heal the gut and allow


> to eat foods that may be a problem. They help you better absorb

> nutrients to strengthen the body and immune system.


> .

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>>are you a doctor? i ordered a book called unravelling autismwhich

i heard was good. it is written by a mom named karen. is that you?

No, neither I nor the author you are referring to are doctors. I do

have a masters in science, am a mom with two boys. All three of us

have spent a long time dealing with PDD/SID. This is a forum for

parents and individuals concerned with autism conditions. It is for

information and education and support. I would also suggest you may

want to run this by your medical practitioner if you have many

questions, especially if you have not done any medically based

therapies at all.

>>you said enzymes are a natural part of your bodys. why do we need


Because sometimes people have injured guts or digestive systems that

are not functioning well enough. So taking extra enzymes helps. Many

people with autistic conditions have problems with their natural

digestion. Taking enzyme supplements helps.

>>>can i send a check for some or credit cards?

There are several different types of enzyme products as well as

different brands. They are available online or in health food

stores, etc. So first you need to find out which type you are

interested in and then narrow it down to what you want to get.

>>>i am glad to hear that they will get the mercury out because that

is form vaccines and i know it is bad!

Red alert!! Sorry, digestive enzymes will NOT get mercury out. Moria

posted saying that there are other non-enzyme ways to get mercury

out, but that is completely different from the enzymes. I hope this

is not too confusing. The enzymes are for improved digestion, and

there are other measures you need to take for mercury removal.

Mercury can be removed without injections, but not with enzymes.

>>>my dughter has blonde hair and she loves tv. she is alergic to

lasagna and coconut [throws up]i know she has lots of alergys like

all kids and some vitamins[flinstone] make her run and scream i hope

these vitamins dont do that!

Enzymes are not vitamins exactly, but can help with nutrient

problems. I sent you some basic information on what to expect. It is

best to allow about 3 weeks for adjustments to enzymes....you may

not see anything negative at all. Just one thought...the Flintstones

have artificial coloring in them. Maybe your daughter is having a

reaction to the artificial colorings? Just post any questions. There

is alot going on and it can become confusing.


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glad your not a doctor karen. you sounded to nice to be one. i am not

going back to the doctor after the vaccineations. what is pdd/sid?

what kind of scientist are you? do you make enzymes? thank you for

sending all the emails. i will read them all carefuly. do you think i

can give her flinstones that are all one color? i dont think they

sell them that way. do you know any thing about yeast? a friend with

a autistic kid who is older said that they have yeast. i never use

yeast for cooking so i know my daughter doesnt have that.



> >>are you a doctor? i ordered a book called unravelling autismwhich

> i heard was good. it is written by a mom named karen. is that you?


> No, neither I nor the author you are referring to are doctors. I do

> have a masters in science, am a mom with two boys. All three of us

> have spent a long time dealing with PDD/SID. This is a forum for

> parents and individuals concerned with autism conditions. It is for

> information and education and support. I would also suggest you may

> want to run this by your medical practitioner if you have many

> questions, especially if you have not done any medically based

> therapies at all.



> >>you said enzymes are a natural part of your bodys. why do we need

> more?


> Because sometimes people have injured guts or digestive systems


> are not functioning well enough. So taking extra enzymes helps.


> people with autistic conditions have problems with their natural

> digestion. Taking enzyme supplements helps.


> >>>can i send a check for some or credit cards?


> There are several different types of enzyme products as well as

> different brands. They are available online or in health food

> stores, etc. So first you need to find out which type you are

> interested in and then narrow it down to what you want to get.


> >>>i am glad to hear that they will get the mercury out because


> is form vaccines and i know it is bad!


> Red alert!! Sorry, digestive enzymes will NOT get mercury out.


> posted saying that there are other non-enzyme ways to get mercury

> out, but that is completely different from the enzymes. I hope this

> is not too confusing. The enzymes are for improved digestion, and

> there are other measures you need to take for mercury removal.

> Mercury can be removed without injections, but not with enzymes.


> >>>my dughter has blonde hair and she loves tv. she is alergic to

> lasagna and coconut [throws up]i know she has lots of alergys like

> all kids and some vitamins[flinstone] make her run and scream i


> these vitamins dont do that!


> Enzymes are not vitamins exactly, but can help with nutrient

> problems. I sent you some basic information on what to expect. It


> best to allow about 3 weeks for adjustments to enzymes....you may

> not see anything negative at all. Just one thought...the


> have artificial coloring in them. Maybe your daughter is having a

> reaction to the artificial colorings? Just post any questions.


> is alot going on and it can become confusing.


> .

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karen. thankyou for all the email about the enzymes. i read all of it

and i i understand half of it but i know this is how to cure my

daughter. you never told me the kind of scientist you are. i know you

dont make enzymes becaiuse they come from plants. can i grow the

plans at home? i am very good at growing flowers and vines. do you

know were i can by the seeds or live plants? maybe i can mix the

plants in soup or on asandwich.this is cheaper for me to grow them in

side my house. sorry i9 didnt understand about mercury. i hope you

arent mad at me. has any one tryed to grow the plants. please let me

know the best way to plant them.



> >>are you a doctor? i ordered a book called unravelling autismwhich

> i heard was good. it is written by a mom named karen. is that you?


> No, neither I nor the author you are referring to are doctors. I do

> have a masters in science, am a mom with two boys. All three of us

> have spent a long time dealing with PDD/SID. This is a forum for

> parents and individuals concerned with autism conditions. It is for

> information and education and support. I would also suggest you may

> want to run this by your medical practitioner if you have many

> questions, especially if you have not done any medically based

> therapies at all.



> >>you said enzymes are a natural part of your bodys. why do we need

> more?


> Because sometimes people have injured guts or digestive systems


> are not functioning well enough. So taking extra enzymes helps.


> people with autistic conditions have problems with their natural

> digestion. Taking enzyme supplements helps.


> >>>can i send a check for some or credit cards?


> There are several different types of enzyme products as well as

> different brands. They are available online or in health food

> stores, etc. So first you need to find out which type you are

> interested in and then narrow it down to what you want to get.


> >>>i am glad to hear that they will get the mercury out because


> is form vaccines and i know it is bad!


> Red alert!! Sorry, digestive enzymes will NOT get mercury out.


> posted saying that there are other non-enzyme ways to get mercury

> out, but that is completely different from the enzymes. I hope this

> is not too confusing. The enzymes are for improved digestion, and

> there are other measures you need to take for mercury removal.

> Mercury can be removed without injections, but not with enzymes.


> >>>my dughter has blonde hair and she loves tv. she is alergic to

> lasagna and coconut [throws up]i know she has lots of alergys like

> all kids and some vitamins[flinstone] make her run and scream i


> these vitamins dont do that!


> Enzymes are not vitamins exactly, but can help with nutrient

> problems. I sent you some basic information on what to expect. It


> best to allow about 3 weeks for adjustments to enzymes....you may

> not see anything negative at all. Just one thought...the


> have artificial coloring in them. Maybe your daughter is having a

> reaction to the artificial colorings? Just post any questions.


> is alot going on and it can become confusing.


> .

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/5/2002 8:17:25 PM Central Daylight Time, jacklavin@... writes:

His attitude was, "alot of kids in his generation will have flat"


way to go Jack that is good for you because this is a load of crap. You can see a ped neuro or cranial facial specialist or even a plastic surgeon but here is a great link that might help you find a plagio friendly dr. Find a Preferred Physician: Search by Location

Click here: Questions for the Doctor

Click here: FAQ

Click here: Types of Treatment

Click here: Insurance Issues

Click here: Compare cranial molding orthosis (CMO)

I hope these links are helpful we are so glad you are here.


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Hi Jack,

Welcome to the board! I took my daughter to a pediatric neurosurgeon.

I'm sure there are other types of doctors you can go to also. I'm

sure someone else will chime in here and let you know. But it is also

very possible for you to see a specialist that is anti-band. And you

will be told not to worry about it, it'll round out on it's own.

Where are you located?

> Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> specialist.

> His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> heads.

> I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind


> doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> Any information would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks

> jack

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I am located in San Mateo, Ca. I also have blue cross insurance, ppo.

Have you heard anything about insurance covering this.



> > Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> > specialist.

> > His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> > heads.

> > I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind

> of

> > doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> > Any information would be greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Thanks

> > jack

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Hi Jack,

I don't know if these doctors are near you or not, but they

are " plagio friendly " See below.

I'm not too sure about the insurance that you have, but I'm sure

someone else will be able to tell you! Some insurance companies cover

without a problem, some don't. Hopefully yours will pay. There are

over 1400 members here so I'm sure one of them will have the same as

you!! Also there are 2 Cranial Tech clinics in CA too. One is in Los

Angeles and one is in San Diego. Cranial Tech is the company that

makes the DOCband.

Preferred Physician: Clarence Greene Jr., MD


address: UCI Medical Center

101 The City Drive South

City: Orange

State: CA

Province, Territory

or Non-US State:

Zip/postal code: 92688

Country: USA

Telephone number: 714-771-5079

Preferred Physician: Hal S. Meltzer, MD


address: Children's Hospital and Health Center

Pediatric Neurosurgery

City: San Diego

State: CA

Province, Territory

or Non-US State:

Zip/postal code: 92123

Country: USA

Telephone number: 858-495-8574

Preferred Physician: , MD

specialty: Neurosurgery

address: Pediatric Neurosurgery

7930 Frost Street, Suite 103

City: San Diego

State: CA

Province, Territory

or Non-US State:

Zip/postal code: 92123

Country: USA

Telephone number: 858-560-4791

Preferred Physician: J. Gordon McComb, MD


address: Children's Hospital Los Angeles

1300 N. Vermont Avenue, #906

City: Los Angeles

State: CA

Province, Territory

or Non-US State:

Zip/postal code: 90027

Country: USA

Telephone number: 213-663-8128

> > Hi Jack,

> > Welcome to the board! I took my daughter to a pediatric

> neurosurgeon.

> > I'm sure there are other types of doctors you can go to also. I'm

> > sure someone else will chime in here and let you know. But it is

> also

> > very possible for you to see a specialist that is anti-band. And

> you

> > will be told not to worry about it, it'll round out on it's own.

> > Where are you located?

> >

> > --- In Plagiocephaly@y..., " jacklavin35000 " <jacklavin@e...>


> > > Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to


> > > specialist.

> > > His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have

flat "

> > > heads.

> > > I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which


> > of

> > > doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> > > Any information would be greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > jack

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I took my twins to a craniofacial clinic and the doc prescribed DOC bands for both of them. I found out about a month ago that my pediatrician is now prescribing bands herself without referring babies to a specialist. You might be able to find a ped in your area that is knowledgeable about plagio and could be more helpful than your current ped. It's great that you recognize that your doctor's response is unacceptable. So many doctors have this attitude and many parents trust and believe the docs and their babies go without treatment. Your son will soon be on the road to a rounder head. Good work!

Gail, Sam and Sara's mom, DOC grads

P.S. I see that you are from San Mateo. I grew up in the Bay Area (Mtn. View) and I miss it a lot. Also, my brother's name is Jack. Welcome aboard.

new to group

Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a specialist.His attitude was, "alot of kids in his generation will have flat" heads.I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind of doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.Any information would be greatly appreciated.ThanksjackFor more plagio info

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Thank you for the information

> > Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> > specialist.

> > His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> > heads.

> > I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind

> of

> > doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> > Any information would be greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Thanks

> > jack

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Hi Jack & welcome to our group:)

Sorry to read of yet another ignorant pediatrician...grrrr,

unfortunately, many peds now a days have that same, wrong attitude

regarding plagio..

Glad to hear that you are persistant and trying to get your son

looked at by someone a bit more qualified.

My daughter was referred to a pediatric neurosurgeon. Check out

www.plagiocephaly.org/support then " questions for the Dr " ....that

might help you some.

How old is your son?

Welcome again.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGaad


> Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> specialist.

> His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> heads.

> I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind


> doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> Any information would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks

> jack

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> I am located in San Mateo, Ca. I also have blue cross insurance,


> Have you heard anything about insurance covering this.




We've had many BC insurance holders in our group, it all depends on

your individual policy. Hopefully, they would cover it.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad


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Hi Jack,

If you are in San Mateo, I would call the Cranial Facial Anomolies

clinic at Lucille Packard Children's hospital on Monday. The woman

there will tell you that you need to see the " Crani team " and tranfer

you to scheduling. They will give you an appointment in about 6

weeks. THAT is too long. So make the appointment with the Crani team,

but tell them you want an earlier appointment with a Pediatric

Plastic Surgeon a Neurosurgeon or any Dr. (or even nurse) in the

Clinic. They should be able to see you sooner.

I honestly don't know if having a flat back of the head is like

having a flat side, but I wouldn't take any risks since correction is

so time sensitve.

Ori- Gus' Mom (6 months in a STAR band since 9/18)

> Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> specialist.

> His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> heads.

> I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind


> doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> Any information would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks

> jack

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Thanks for the excellent information.


-----Original Message-----From: orissiro [mailto:orissiro@...]Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 7:51 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: Re: new to groupHi Jack,If you are in San Mateo, I would call the Cranial Facial Anomolies clinic at Lucille Packard Children's hospital on Monday. The woman there will tell you that you need to see the "Crani team" and tranfer you to scheduling. They will give you an appointment in about 6 weeks. THAT is too long. So make the appointment with the Crani team, but tell them you want an earlier appointment with a Pediatric Plastic Surgeon a Neurosurgeon or any Dr. (or even nurse) in the Clinic. They should be able to see you sooner. I honestly don't know if having a flat back of the head is like having a flat side, but I wouldn't take any risks since correction is so time sensitve.Ori- Gus' Mom (6 months in a STAR band since 9/18)> Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a > specialist.> His attitude was, "alot of kids in his generation will have flat" > heads.> I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind of > doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.> Any information would be greatly appreciated.> > Thanks> jackFor more plagio info

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we took tucker to a pediatric specialist/neurosurgen...

good luck..that dr wasn't very nice saying that alot of kids will be that way..it shouldn't be that way!!


new to group

Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a specialist.His attitude was, "alot of kids in his generation will have flat" heads.I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind of doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.Any information would be greatly appreciated.ThanksjackFor more plagio info

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sorry..i am not familiar with that area or the insurance. i'm sure someone on here can guide you in the right direction tho..good luck


Re: new to group

I am located in San Mateo, Ca. I also have blue cross insurance, ppo.Have you heard anything about insurance covering this.Thanksjack> > Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a > > specialist.> > His attitude was, "alot of kids in his generation will have flat" > > heads.> > I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind > of > > doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.> > Any information would be greatly appreciated.> > > > Thanks> > jackFor more plagio info

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Hi Jack, and welcome to the group! Your ped sounds a lot like my

pediatric neurosurgeon! But through persistence and a bit of

stubborness, the neuro wrote the script for the bands. You could see

a neurologist, neurosurgeon or a craniofacial plastic surgeon. You

can find a good list of questions to ask your doctor herre:


Our insurance company is BCBS Personal Choice, which I believe is

PPO. They asked for a letter of medical necessity for the bands, and

then covered both bands (twins) at 100%. Which covers the casting,

the bands, and all subsequent appointments with an orthotist who was

in network. I hope the same holds true for you!

Good luck toyou, and again, welcome to the group!


Kaylie & Danny (STAR grads)

Phila., PA

> Through our insistance, our pediatrician is sending our son to a

> specialist.

> His attitude was, " alot of kids in his generation will have flat "

> heads.

> I found this an unacceptable answer. Does anyone know which kind


> doctor we should see. My son's head is flat in the back.

> Any information would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks

> jack

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear ,

Hi and welcome to our group. You will find that our

members are very compassionate and helpful.

There are many alternative therapies that could help

relieve your symptoms, but in the meantime permanent

damage could be occurring in your joints. Please try

to see a rheumatologist.

I find massage and water exercise to be extremely

helpful to me. I also take the supplement to build


I do know that a while back my GP was doing a trial.

He has quite a few that he does. His name is Walter

Gaman and he is in Irving. Other than that, I am sure

that you could check the internet for RA support

groups and call them or perhaps find a group of

Rheumatologists that could provide you with some

information. I'm sure that our other members will have

some helful advice for you

You should not have to live in pain. Is there a clinic

where you go to school?

I wish you luck in your search. Iris in Irving

--- Bohannon <queenoforb@...> wrote:

> My name is and I am a 29 year old who has

> recently been

> diagnosed with RA. I have had on going and various

> levels of pain

> for 2 years now. I was repeatedly told that I did

> not have RA and I

> became more and more frustrated with drs. After a

> year of foot and

> leg pain...the pain disappeared for almost a year to

> return these

> past 6 months in my hands and arms.


> The pain is excruciating and to top it off I am a

> full-time student

> with no health insurance. I am graduating college

> this December and

> I am managing my classes while trying to manage the

> pain of everyday

> activities.


> I am looking for information that anyone may be able

> to offer on non-

> traditional treatments or on RA studies in the

> Dallas/Fort Worth

> area. Thank you in advance for the support and help

> that I know you

> are going to be able to offer.


> My thoughts are with everyone.


> : )




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